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Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet

Bari, 2 settembre 2024 (Cerimonia di apertura)

3-5 settembre 2024 (Congresso)


before June 17, 2024
after June 17, 2023
FULL515 €565 €615 €
FULL Member SIMP-SGI-EAG265 €315 €365 €
FULL Member SOGEI-AIV-SPI-APPI-AIQUA460 €510 €560 €
REDUCED335 €365 €395 €
REDUCED Member SIMP-SGI-EAG175 €205 €235 €
DAILY260 €285 €310 €
DAILY Member SIMP-SGI-EAG135 €160 €185 €
DAILY Member SOGEI-AIV-SPI-APPI-AIQUA234 €259 €284 €

Only members regularly enrolled for 2024 can take advantage of fees reserved to members.
Please contact your Society's secretariat in case of any problem.
VAT and fiscal taxes heavy affect amounts of "non-member" fees: net amounts are only slightly different from member fees (c. 38 €).
It is possible join one of the organizing Society in everytime, with significant saving on congress registration fee.

All registration fees are inclusive of Icebreaker party, access to the coffee-point and light lunches.
The congress material (including bag, pen, notepad, sponsors material, etc.) is NOT guaranteed for members who will make the payment "on-site".

The volume of abstracts, edited by the Italian Geological Society, will be downloadable in PDF format from the user panel.

The FULL and REDUCED fees give the right to access for all three days of the congress.
The DAILY fee entitles you to access for one day.

Students, PhD students, Graduate Assistant, Research fellows are entitled to the REDUCED fee. This status must be certified by the scientific manager and sent to the secretariat or delivered to the registration desk. The REDUCED fee also applies to retirees. 
​Positions different from those in the list of REDUCED fee are included in the FULL fee.

To take advantage of the reduced "MEMBER" fee, it is necessary to register with one of the organizing companies. To proceed with the payment it is necessary to register and then access the user menu with the credentials chosen. Once the fields necessary for billing have been filled in, the available payment methods (bank transfer or credit card) will be displayed.

The amounts of the registration fees are net and exempt from VAT. For the registration of the members, the secretariats issue receipts, not invoices, even when the payment is made through the relevant Public Body.

The registration fees for "non-members" include VAT. Invoices made out to private individuals do not allow exemption; on the contrary, if the fee is paid by the relevant Public Body through an Order Form, based on Art. 10 DPR 633/1972 and art. 14.10 L. 537/1993, the Entity must request the exemption from the tax for professional updating of the employee. The amount invoiced to the Entity, therefore, will be equal to the amount less VAT. Administrations that need to indicate, on the invoice, the CIG, CUP codes and the number of the relative order form are requested to communicate them by e-mail to the relevant secretariat. The message must clearly indicate the tax details of the paying agency and the name of the participant for whom the fee is paid.

Payments online and by bank transfer can be made until August 26, 2024. Registrations will also close on the same day to allow the Secretariat to arrange for the printing of the material to be delivered to members. Those who will not be able to meet this deadline and will make the transfer after the deadline are invited to present themselves at the registration desk with the bank receipt and any Order Voucher, if the payment has been made by their administrative office. We invite participants to check the registration status through the user panel on and to contact the Secretariat to immediately resolve any problems relating to payments.

The registration fees for "non-members" includes VAT. Personal invoices, made out to private individuals, do not allow exemption; on the contrary, if the fee is paid by the relevant Public Body through an Order Form, based on Art. 10 DPR 633/1972 and art. 14.10 L. 537/1993, the Entity MUST request the exemption from the tax for professional updating of the employee. The amount invoiced to the Entity, therefore, will be equal to the amount less VAT.

If the payment is made with an order form, it is mandatory to send a copy of the same to the relevant secretariat.
The payment methods of the fee will be indicated in the summary of the data that will be displayed after sending the duly completed registration form (User Panel).

The social dinner will take place at a restaurant in Bari, that will be specified as soon as possible.

For refunds requested by June 3, 2024, 75% of the amount paid will be recognized.
For refunds requested by July 3, 2024, 50% of the amount paid will be recognized.
After July 3, 2024, no reimbursement can be made, but the congressman will have the possibility to turn the registration to a colleague (with the same status) who will be able to participate in the congress.

For administrative / accounting information, contact the SGI secretariat: or SIMP secretariat:
Administrations that need to indicate the CIG, CUP codes and the number of the relative order form on the invoice / receipt are requested to communicate them by e-mail to the relevant secretariat. The message must clearly indicate the tax details of the paying agency and the name of the participant for whom the fee is paid.

For general information, contact: