Bari, 2nd September (Opening Ceremony)
3rd-5th September (Congress)
T6. Geodiversity for a sustainable planet
T7. Geosciences for Cultural Heritages
T8. Geosciences on display: the role of Natural History Museums in the future of our planet
T9. Raising awareness on geodiversity: a must for the geoscientist
T10. Vibrational spectroscopy studies of geomaterials: case studies and new perspectives
T11. Wandering to learn: Geotourism as a medium for the dissemination of Geodiversity
T31. Assessing and mitigating natural risks: the role of geology
T32. Citizen Science for risk reduction strategies and sustainable management
T35. Multihazard investigation, assessment and mapping techniques in urban areas
T37. Understanding the Campi Flegrei magmatic-hydrothermal system and its time changes
T40. Building with Nature: from river corridors to coastlines
T41. Caves, mines and other underground spaces as field laboratories in environmental geology
T43. Experiences of data sharing and use in the frame of Research Data Infrastructures
T45. Geosciences revamp and sustainable planning strategies: multidisciplinarity is the way
T56. Carbonate platform systems: records of palaeoenvironmental change
T57. Modern and Ancient River Deltas: processes, models and exceptions
T58. Frontiers in the regional geology of the Apennines: a multidisciplinary perspective
T60. Open session on Stratigraphy
T63. Stratigraphic and morphological markers of extreme events during the Quaternary
T65. Geological storage for energy transition: concepts, methods, modelling and applications
T66. Geophysics and Tectonics: experimental, theoretical and observational studies
T69. Innovation toward sustainable and regenerative farming
T70. New frontiers in georesources exploration, exploitation storage and monitoring
T71. New frontiers in sustainable engineering geology design
T72. Recent advances in karst research, with particular focus on underground waters
T75. Evolution of the Variscan crust
T79. Multidisciplinary approaches to the geometric and kinematic definition of seismogenic faults
T80. Unveiling earthquake mechanics, from field to laboratory based approach
T81. New challenges in reservoir and seal rocks characterization
T82. Unveiling the long-lasting evolution of active margins from field to micro-scale