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SGI-SIMP Joint Congress.

The Italian Geological Society (SGI) and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP) invite you to the joint Congress titled Geology for sustainable management of our Planet which will be held at the Bari University Campus from 3 to 5 September 2024.

The Congress activity will open with a public event on 2nd September 2024 dedicated to the dissemination of the Geosciences with the participation of four international guests.

The three days of Congress, from 3rd to 5th September 2024, will be organized into parallel scientific sessions, plenary lectures by leading national and international researchers, roundtables and workshops on key aspects of Geosciences as well as their impact on the society. The thematic sessions will also give room to the discussion on the role of dissemination in Geosciences as a mean for training responsible citizens toward a sustainable future for our planet.

Are also planned: a pre-Congress excursion around the city of Bari, on the morning of 2nd September 2024, right before the Congress opening ceremony, and seven post-Congress one to three days excursions.

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Congress venue



"Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet" is the title of the joint Congress of the Italian Geological Society (SGI) and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP), which returns to Bari after 30 years. The title highlights the fundamental role played by Geosciences in achieving the sustainability goals set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. On the afternoon of 2nd of September 2024 the Congress will open with an Opening Ceremony, a public event dedicated to the dissemination of Geosciences as a tool to raise awareness in the civil society about the limits of the planet's natural resources and natural risks, possibly amplified or induced by anthropic factors. Four internationally renowned speakers will dialogue with the audience, sharing their experience in the field.

On the morning of the 2nd of September 2024, the doctoral students will host the PhD Day. This event will promote scientific dialogue amongst young researchers, the exchange of work and life experiences across the different Italian institutions.

The pre-Congress city excursion is scheduled for the morning of 2nd of September 2024.

From 3rd to 5th September 2024 the three Congress days will be organized into parallel scientific sessions spanning across disciplinary, inter- and trans-disciplinary research areas in the broad field of Geoscience, plenary lectures by leading national and international researchers, roundtables and workshops focusing on high social impact themes in the Geosciences.

The Congress will be an opportunity to promote interactions amongst researchers, presenting their scientific and academic achievements, and professionals, having the chance for updating their skill sets. The Congress will promote the discussion amongst teachers on the contents of their taught courses and on the teaching methods in order to efficiently convey Geoscience concepts. The participants will have the opportunity for discussing new methods of communication with the younger generations, the main actors of futures actions aimed toward a sustainable growth. The aim is to try to create synergies across the broad spectrum of expertise involved in Geoscience and boost the private and public partnerships operating in the field of Geosciences.

A series of one to three days field trips  will be organized after the Congress. Numerous locations in Puglia, between Gargano, Murge and Salento, and various locations in Basilicata and Calabria will be visited during the field trips.

Ultime News

Congressi SGI-SIMP

We would like to remind you that the deadline for online payments and registrations is August 26. After that date, you will only be able to pay onsite! Fees: ...

Congressi SGI-SIMP

Special thanks to our Platinum sponsor Zeiss ✨

Organized by


Presidents of the Congress:

Prof.ssa Luisa Sabato (SGI) e Prof.ssa Emanuela Schingaro (SIMP)

Vice-Presidents of the Congress:

Prof. Marcello Tropeano (SGI)

Scientific Committee:

Sandro Conticelli (Università di Firenze)

Lucia Angiolini* (Università di Milano); Giuseppina Balassone** (Università di Napoli); Domenico Calcaterra* (Università di Napoli); Angelo Camerlenghi* (OGS); Serafina Carbone* (Università di Catania); Chiara Cardaci* (Protezione Civile); Domenico Chiarella* (Royal Holloway, London); Angelo Cipriani* (ISPRA); Paolo Conti* (Università di Siena); Giovanni De Giudici** (Università di Cagliari); Patrizia Fiannacca** (Università di Catania); Diego Gatta** (Università di Milano); Guido Giordano* (Università di Roma Tre); Lara Maritan** (Università di Padova); Annalisa Martucci** (Università di Ferrara); Ilaria Mazzini* (CNR-IGAG); Stefano Mazzoli* (Università di Camerino); Barbara Nisi* (CNR-IGG); Stefano Poli**(Università di Milano); Giovanna Rizzo** (Università della Basilicata); Laura Scognamiglio* (INGV); Mauro Soldati* (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia); Mario Tribaudino** (Università di Torino); Chiara Varone* (CNR-IGAG).

* nominato da consiglio direttivo SGI.
** nominato da consiglio direttivo SIMP.

Organizing Committee:

Donato Belmonte (SIMP); Bernardo Carmina (Università di Pisa); Fabio Dioguardi (Università di Bari); Giacomo Eramo (Università di Bari);  Lorenza Fascio (SIMP); Vincenzo Festa (Università di Bari); Marilena Filippucci (Università di Bari); Fulvio Franchi (Università di Bari); Salvatore Gallicchio (Università di Bari); Giulia Innamorati (SGI); Maria Lacalamita (Università di Bari); Isabella Serena Liso (Università di Bari); Stefania Lisco (Università di Bari); Piernicola Lollino (Università di Bari); Daniela Mele (Università di Bari); Patrizia Maiorano (Università di Bari); Nadia Malaspina (SIMP); Virginia Marchionni (SIMP); Giuseppe Mastronuzzi (Università di Bari); Ernesto Mesto (Università di Bari); Francesca Micheletti (Università di Bari); Mario Parise (Università di Bari); Fabio Massimo Petti (SGI); Angela Rizzo (Università di Bari); Giovanni Scardino (Università di Bari); Giovanni Scicchitano (Università di Bari); Luigi Spalluto (Università di Bari); Simona Tripaldi (Università di Bari); Alessandro Zuccari (SGI).

Communication and Social Media Committee

Giovanna Agrosì (Università di Bari); Giulia Innamorati (SGI); Christian Leo (Università di Bari); Stefania Lisco (Università di Bari); Fabio Massimo Petti (SGI); Virginia Marchionni (SIMP); Nicola Venisti (Museo di Scienze della Terra, Università di Bari); Martina Zucchi (Università di Bari).