A meeting to evaluate the lights and shadows of the various initiatives that the geological community proposes to raise public awareness of the role of the geologist, fundamental in a phase of energy transition and in a time of climate change: a comparison between highly qualified experts, directly involved in the organization of activities to promote geosciences and initiatives aimed at explaining the strategic importance of the geologist profession for the community. The aim of the initiative is to create, through the sharing of different experiences, a moment of discussion that can develop even after the end of the conference, with desirable positive effects on the attractiveness of our degrees.
A meeting open to all those who want to contribute with their experiences, bring proposals and suggestions or simply reflect on what is being achieved to explain to the general public the importance of the figure of the geologist in society and the charm of a fundamental profession for management of the territory and environmental protection.
Fabrizio Berra (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale) e Michele Lustrino (Università di Roma, La Sapienza)
Ruggiero Quarto (già Senatore della Repubblica, geologo UNIBA)
Giovanna Amedei (Presidente Ordine dei geologi di Puglia)
Mario Parise (Presidente Corso di Laurea in Scienze Geologiche UNIBA)
Giovanni B. de Giudici (Presidente Coll.Geo)
Marcello Tropeano (Referente PLS geologia UNIBA)
Roberto Braga (Coordinatore nazionale PLS)
Chiara D'Ambrogi (Gruppo di lavoro "Le Scienze della Terra oggi in Italia", SGI)
Germana Barone (Commissione Musei SIMP)
Claudia Lupi (convener sessione "Geoscienze a scuola")
Susanna Occhipinti (IUGS - Commission on Geoscience Education - COGE)
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