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The Geosciences and the Challenges of the 21st Century

Padua, 16-18 September 2025

Submission guidelines

The submission of abstracts will take place through access to the User Panel; to access the User Panel it will be necessary to fill in the registration form. Each author can submit two papers, one oral and one poster. In the event of a double submission, the second submission will be considered a poster.

To submit the abstract, after choosing the type of presentation required, the following fields must be filled in:
The submitter's e-mail address is considered to be the corresponding author e-mail. The address can be changed by the user.

The title of the abstract must be herein indicated.

The authors of the abstract must be indicated in this field as "Surname and only the initial of the first name". Authors must be separated by a comma and marked with a number to identify the structure they belong to. In case of multiple authors, the character "&" must be inserted before the last one (Eg. Rossi S.1, Bianchi F.2 & Verdi G.3)

In this field, the institution to which the authors belong (without postal address) must be indicated. (Ex. 1. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa. 2. IGG-GNR Pisa.)

The abstract must be inserted in this field, written in ENGLISH, and with a maximum of 3000 characters (spaces included and references excluded). The abstracts must be composed of text only, without tables or figures.

Bibliographic citations (maximum 4) in the text should be indicated in round brackets, as follows: author's surname, comma, year of edition. Multiple works cited in series must be in chronological order and separated by semicolon (Ramsay & Huber, 1987; Hobbs et al., 1990). More citations of the same Author(s) published in the same year should be indicated with lower case letters after the date (a, b,...n).
The list of cited literature must be in alphabetical order and must include all, and only, bibliographical references mentioned in the text. Manuscripts accepted and actually in press in journals, whose name and volume are mentioned, as well as bachelor, master and doctoral theses may be cited.
Citations of articles in preparation or still not accepted are not allowed.

References list must be compiled in alphabetical order on the name of the first (or only) Author, second Author, third, etc. For papers with three or more authors, include the surname and the bulleted name of only the first author and the abbreviation "et al".
ATTENTION - Bibliographic citations exceeding the permitted 4 and incorrectly reported bibliographic references will be DELETED by the Secretariats during editing.

Reference to a journal article:
Morley C. & Chantraprasert S. (2022) - Plume-related, syn-rift, Neogene volcanism, the interplay with structure in Thailand and comparison with the East African Rift. Ital. J. Geosci., 141(3), 295-333,

Reference to a journal article with an article number:
Boutoux A. et al. (2021) - Slab folding and surface deformation of the Iran mobile belt. Tectonics, 40(6), e2020TC006300,

Reference to a book:
Masotta M. et al. (2021) - Crustal Magmatic System Evolution: Anatomy, Architecture, and Physico-Chemical Processes. American Geophysical Union (AGU), 239 pp.,

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
Brenna M. et al. (2021) - Anatomy of Intraplate Monogenetic Alkaline Basaltic Magmatism: Clues From Magma, Crystals, and Glass. In: Masotta M., Beier C., Mollo S. (Eds), Crustal Magmatic System Evolution: Anatomy, Architecture, and Physico-Chemical Processes. American Geophysical Union (AGU), 79-103,

Reference to a sheet of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000 (Geological Survey of Italy and CARG Project):
Servizio Geologico d'Italia (2011) - Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.0000, F. 99 Iseo. ISPRA, Roma.

Reference to explanatory notes of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000 (Geological Survey of Italy and CARG Project):
Pantaloni M. et al. (2016) - Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000, F. 280 Fossombrone. 96 pp., S.EL.CA. Firenze.

The chosen session must be herein selected. If there is an alternative session, it must be selected in the "Alternative Session" field. In the event that the chosen session is not activated, the Scientific Committee will consider the second option indicated by the author to move the work.

A maximum of 3 keywords separated by a comma must be entered in the field, with lower case initials, except for proper names and toponyms.

Use this field for any further communication to the Secretariat or to indicate whether the work is a Keynote or an Invited.

Once the "Send" button has been clicked, the abstract will be sent to the congress secretariat for subsequent evaluation by the conveners of the relevant session. At the same time, an email will be sent to the author with a summary of the data entered and a job code necessary to make any changes. In case of problems with sending the confirmation email, the list of abstracts entered by the user will still be available in the user panel.

As usual, the volume of abstracts will be published by the Società Geologica Italiana. For technical information on submitting abstracts, contact: