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Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet

Bari, 2nd September (Opening Ceremony)

3rd-5th  September (Congress)


GeoSciences IR. A research infrastructure for geological sciences

Monday, September 2nd, 14.00 – 17.00

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali - Università di Bari "Aldo Moro"

GeoSciences IR is a project funded by PNRR recovery funds aiming at building a research infrastructure for the Italian Network of Regional Geological Surveys. The project is under implementation by a consortium composed by 3 research institutes and 13 universities lead by ISPRA, Geological Survey of Italy.
The infrastructure will provide for at least ten years open access to data, services, tools, and e-learning modules related to 12 themes in the domain of geological sciences, identified as prioritaire by Regional Geological Surveys, target users of the infrastructure. Among them: i) geological and geothematic mapping, 3D modelling and marine geology; ii) geohazard mapping, monitoring, and management; iii) georesources exploration, exploitation, and sustainability.
This workshop aims at pointing out the relevance of some GeoSciences IR products under development within the project dealing with the themes above, with a focus on the improvement of FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) principles as the best way to maximize and standardized the use of base geologic and geothematic data and to guarantee the access to cutting-edge technologies for data integration and analysis.
A Round Table at the end of the workshop aims at presenting the "vision statement" of the Geosciences IR project through an interdisciplinary interaction with final users that will benefit from the infrastructure.
The Geosciences research infrastructure will aggregate resources, facilities, services, and technologies necessary to support businesses, public administrations, professionals, universities, and research institutions on topics related to the Environment, Earth Sciences, and Engineering. In this sense, the project will contribute to the objectives of the EU's Green Deal, towards a new concept of "Climate Neutral" development, within which the role of digitalization of businesses is the main driver of the transition towards a fair and sustainable social, industrial, and economic organization.