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Geosciences for a sustainable future

Torino, September 19-21, 2022

Session program

S1. Biominerals and environmental mineralogy

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabio Bellatreccia [Università di Roma Tre], Giovanni De Giudici [Università di Cagliari], Francesco Di Benedetto [Università di Ferrara], Paola Di Leo [IMAA-CNR], Valerio Funari [ISMAR-CNR Bologna]


Wednesday 21 September 2022 [15.30-17.30] - Blue Room

1-1 15.30-15.45: [KEYNOTE] Alisi C.*, Paganin P., Isca C., Tasso F., Medas D. & Birarda G. : Microbially induced calcite precipitation for environmental applications.

1-2 15.45-16.00: Bordiga M.*, Gianoncelli A., Birarda G., Pollastri S., Bonanni V., Bedolla D.E., Vaccari L., Gariani G., Cerino F., Cabrini M., Beran A., Zuccotti M., Fiorentino G., Cobianchi M. & Lupi C.: X-ray Fluorescence and Infrared Spectroscopy analyses on fossil and cultured Helicosphaera carteri reveal silica presence within coccoliths.

1-3 16.00-16.15: Buosi C.*, De Giudici G., Meneghini C., Medas D., Zuddas P., Iadecola A., Mathon O., Cherchi A. & Kuncser A.C. : Effects of Zn contamination on biomineralization processes of benthic foraminiferal tests.

1-4 16.15-16.30: Dore E.*, Fancello D., Marras P.A., Medas D., Rigonat N., Vacca S., Alisi C., Paganin P. & Tasso F. : Effect of bioprecipitation of secondary minerals mediated by sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) on metal mobility in mine impacted environment: preliminary data.

1-5 16.30-16.45: Guido A.*, Alifano P., Talà A., Miriello D. & Belmonte G. : Unusual biomineralizaztions in an anchialine environment (Zinzulùsa cave, Castro, Italy).

1-6 16.4 -17.00: Medas D.*, Lattanzi P., Meneghini C. & Podda F. : Hemimorphite-like phase bioprecipitation by Leptolyngbya frigida in a metal extreme environment.

1-7 17.0 -17.15: Montegrossi G.*, Venturi S., Crognale S., Casentini B., Amalfitano S., Baroni T., Rossetti S., Tassi F., Capecchiacci F., Vaselli O. & Fazi S. : Interplay between abiotic and biotic processes for travertine formation in a thermal spring system Interplay between abiotic and biotic processes for travertine formation in a thermal spring system.

1-8 17.15-17.30: Pellegrini M.*, Farda B., Djebaili R., Vaccarelli I., Bernardini S., Ercole C., Bellatreccia F. & Del Gallo M. : Manganese oxides of caves: a multi-tool geomicrobiological approach to identify their origin and traits.

1-9 17.30-17.45: [KEYNOTE] Vigliaturo R.*, Dražić G. & Gieré R. : Aberration-corrected electron microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy applied to the characterization of Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria-produced organo-mineral stalks.

1-10 17.45-18.00: Bardelli F.*, Pacella A., Borelli V., Di Benedetto F. & Ballirano P. : The composition of asbestos bodies in human lungs.

1-11 18.0 -18.15: Capella S.*, Bellis D., Belluso E., Bullone M., Costa G., Ardit M. & Di Benedetto F. : Respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and feldpars: an unconventional harmful exposure scenario.

1-12 18.15-18.30: Fornasaro S.*, Ciani F., Morelli G., Rimondi V., Lattanzi P., Cocozza C., Fioravanti M. & Costagliola P. : Mercury in chestnut tree-rings of the Monte Amiata area (Central Italy): impact of past mining activity and present-day geothermal power plants.

1-13 18.30-18.45: Izzo F.*, Langella A., Gatta G.D., Germinario C., Grifa C., D'Antonio M., Di Meo M.C., Di Renzo V., Varricchio E., Salzano L., Lotrecchiano G., Saldutto P. & Mercurio M. : Pathological biomineralization: compositional and morphological classification of human urinary stones from the Campania region (southern Italy).

1-14 18.45-19.00: Perri E.*: Biomineralization processes in microbial communities: role of bacteria, extracellular polymeric substance and viruses.

1-15 19.00-19.15: Ghani J.*, Dinelli E., Toller S. & Funari V. : Understanding the environmental impact and recoverability of untapped element from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) ashes.

1-16 19.15-19.30: Linhares D.*, Pimentel A., Garcia P. & Rodrigues A. : Essential elements in the volcanic soils of São Miguel (Azores): linking geology to human and animal health.


Wednesday 21 September 2022 - Pavilion 3

1-17 Pannello 1: Caridi F.*, Negri A., Birarda G., Medas D., Buosi C. & Sabbatini A. : Emerging pollutants enhances decalcification in marine shelled microbes

1-18 Pannello 2: Deias C.*, Sanfilippo R., Censi P., Vescogni A., Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Dominici R., Cipriani M., Miriello D. & Guido A. : Organic biocement in polychaete bioconstructions from the Mediterranean: perspectives and new challenge in the geobiological research.

1-19 Pannello 3: Fancello D., Scalco J., Medas D., Rodeghero E., Martucci A., Meneghini C. & Dore E.* : Potential recovery of metal from plants: a combined XRD-Thermal study on Juncus acuts  .

1-20 Pannello 4: Kostova I.*, Apostolova D., Kuncheva J. & Karakolev A. : Se in feed coals and fly ashes from coal fired thermoelectric power plants in Bulgaria.

1-21 Pannello 5: Kostova I.*, Sabeva R., Isaeva E. & Pehlivanova R. : Cd in feed coals and fly ashes from coal fired thermoelectric power plants in Bulgaria.

1-22 Pannello 6: Medas D.*, Buosi C., Carlomagno I., Lattanzi P., Meneghini C. & Podda F. : Geo-bio-interactions in metal contaminated environments.

1-23 Pannello 7: Sedda L.*, Podda F. & Naitza S. : Environmental mineralogy in the mining area of Montevecchio Ponente (SW Sardinia).

1-24 Pannello 8: Brugnone F.*, D'Alessandro W., Parello F., Saiano F., Bellomo S., Brusca L., Abita A.M., Li Vigni L. & Calabrese S. : Impact of Etna's volcanic emission on major ions and trace elements composition of the atmospheric deposition.

1-25 Pannello 9: Carbone C.*, Balestra V., Belmonte D., Audra P., Columbu A., D'Angeli I.M., Chiesa R. & De Waele J. : New mineralogical record of guano-associated phosphates in Colombo Cave (Toirano, Liguria, Italy).

1-26 Pannello 10: Apostolova D., Kostova I., Bechtel A. & Stefanova M.* : Occurrence and distribution of PAHs in different rank Bulgarian coals.

1-27 Pannello 11: Marrocchino E.*, Telloli C., Salvi S., Rizzo A., Taddei F., De Maria A. & Vaccaro C. : Natural Radioactivity concentration in natural stones used as building materials.

1-28 Pannello 12: Punturo R.*, Ricchiuti C., Pereira D. & Bloise A. : Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) related to asbestos fibres of chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite in the Calabria and Basilicata regions (Italy).

1-29 Pannello 13: Romano J.* & Funari V. : Metal removal from metalliferous sediments collected in Thyrrenian seafloor through chemical leaching.

S2. Learning from the past for a sustainable future: geosciences in/for cultural heritage

Conveners and Chairpersons: Concetta Rispoli [Università di Napoli Federico II], Maria Cristina Caggiani [Università di Catania], Alessia Coccato [Università di Oxford]


Wednesday 21 September 2022 [08.30-10.30] - Yellow Room

2-1 08.30-09.00: [KEYNOTE] Balassone G.* : Archaeometry and geosciences: the mission of the Center for Research on Archaeometry and Conservation Science (CRACS).

2-2 09.00-09.15: Fugazzotto M.*, Stroscio A., Mazzoleni P., Panella C., Russo A., Raneri S. & Barone G. : Ceramic technology and painting investigation of archaic architectural remains from the Palatine Hill in Rome.

2-3 09.15-09.30: Paghi D.*, Manca R., Casalini M., Chiarantini L., Bragagni A., Tommasini S. & Benvenuti M. : Lead isotopic composition of maiolica made in the Florentine area between the 15th and 19th century.

2-4 09.30-09.45: Verde M.*, De Bonis A., D'Antonio M., Renson V., Czujko S., Tomeo A. & Morra V. : Provenance study on ceramics from Cales (South Italy) using Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes.

2-5 09.45-10.00: D'Uva F.*, De Bonis A., D'Antonio M., Manzo A. & Morra V. : The archaeometric study of pottery production from Southern Atbai Plain (Eastern Sudan).

2-6 10.00-10.15: Grima M.*, Cagno S. & Vella D. : A first archaeometric investigation of ancient glass found in Malta: glass groups, materials and degradation.

2-7 10.15-10.30: Bertino A.*, Caggiani M.C., Fugazzotto M., de Ferri L., Baldan M., Tomaini B., Pojana G., Mangone A. & Barone G. : An innovative analytical approach to the study of pigments and minerals through the use of Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) for cultural heritage applications.

2-8 11.00-11.15: Belluso E.*, Capella S. & Siviero F. : Asbestos in cultural heritage: presence in antique and vintage objects and protocols for restauration and preservation.

2-9 11.15-11.30: Vola G.*, Ardit M., Frijia G., Cavallo A., Natali C., Balma Mion C., Lugli F. & Primavori P. : Characterization and provenance of historical-contemporaneous marbles from the Waldensian valleys of Piedmont (Cottian Alps, Italy).

2-10 11.30-11.45: Medeghini L.*, De Vito C., Calzolari L., Capriotti S. & Mignardi S. : ON-Tech – Old New Technology in hydraulic mortars.

2-11 11.45-12.00: Anfosso M.*, Gaggero L., Matteini M., Piquè F. & Vicini S. : The 2-step procedure with Di-ammonium phosphate to consolidate carbonate stones used in cultural heritage.

2-12 12.00-12.15: Motta A.*, Occhipinti R., Finocchiaro C., Nucatolo G., Starinieri S. & Lazzara G. : Restoration works in a green perspective: the pavement of the "Palazzo Centrale dell'Università" (Catania, Sicily).

2-13 12.15-12.30: Di Luzio E.*, Carfora P. & Barberis W. : The MagicwHand and Audiobyke projects: following historical routes across the central Apennines for scientific research and development of sustainable tourism.

2-22 12.30-12.45: Mirkovic N., Di Fazio M.*, De Vito C., Ciccola A., Capuani S., Stagno V. & Medeghini L. : A multi-analytical study of architectural fragments from the Marzamemi II "Church Wreck".

2-15 12.45-13.00: Ciriotti M.E.* : Sustainable mineralogical research - A new frontier.


Wednesday 21 September 2022 - Pavilion 3

2-14 Pannello 20Withdrawn - Hindi N.*, Tejado J.J. & Pereira D. : How to sustainably rehabilitate a heritage site after an anthropogenic crisis. The case of Beirut.

2-16 Pannello 14: Coccato A.*, Gradante I., Barone G., Mazzoleni P. & Prag J. : The contribution of archaeometry to the study of inscriptions from the Siracusa catacombs.

2-17 Pannello 15: d'Aniello F.* & De Bonis A. : Study on the compatibility criteria for the formulation of conservation mortars.

2-18 Pannello 16: Di Benedetto C., Colella A., d'Aniello F.*, De Bonis A., Graziano S.F., Montesano G., Morra V., Rispoli C., Verde M. & Cappelletti P. : Petrophysical features of Pietra di Centola: a colourful decorative stone from southern Cilento (Italy).

2-19 Pannello 17: Germinario C., Covolan M., Mercurio M., Musmeci D., Pagano S.*, Santoriello A. & Grifa C. : Archaeometric characterization of painted plasters from the domus of M. Vipsanus Primigenius at Abellinum (Campania region): study of a multilayer technology.

2-20 Pannello 18: Izzo F., Guarino V., Ciotola A., Verde M.*, De Bonis A., Capaldi C. & Morra V. : Archaeometry in consumption contexts: data from the Forum of Cumae.

2-21 Pannello 19: Melada J.*, Bertolaja E., Bonini R., Bonizzoni L., Gargano M., Grifoni E. & Ludwig N. : Automatic classification of pigments in artworks through FORS and Deep Siamese Network.

2-23 Pannello 21: Rispoli C., Montesano G.*, Russo V. & Cappelletti P. : Preliminary minero-petrographic investigations of different geomaterials from the Temple of Venus in Baia (Phlegraean Fields, Campania region).

S3. Geosciences for Cultural Heritage

Conveners and Chairpersons: Pierluigi Pieruccini [Università di Torino], Evdokia Tema [Università di Torino]


Tuesday 20 September 2022 [08.30-10.30] - Yellow Room

3-1 08.30-09.00: [KEYNOTE] Angelucci D.E.* : Geoscience + Archaeology = Geoarchaeology.

3-2 09.00-09.15: Amadio M.* & Bombardieri L. : Geoarchaeology of prehistoric Cypriot architecture. Integrated analyses of mudbricks from Middle Bronze Age Erimi.

3-3 09.15-09.30: Bisciotti A.*, Comodi P., Fastelli M., Zucchini A. & Fiorini L. : Toward mediterranean inside transport amphoras. Manufactory, provenance and trades reconstruction from VII-VI B.C.

3-4 09.30-09.45: Calzolari L.*, Medeghini L. & Mignardi S. : Still functioning ancient Roman aqueducts: characterization of the mortars of Aqua Traiana and Aqua Virgo.

3-5 09.45-10.00: Maritan L.*, Gravagna  E., Cavazzini G., Mazzoli C., Usai D. & Salvatori S. : Strontium isotope analysis for pottery provenance studies along the Nile: does it work?

3-6 10.00-10.15: Leite Santos Y.*, Tema E., Gulmini M., Davit P., Elia D., Meirano V. & Fantino F.   : A Roman kiln excavated at Costigliole Saluzzo connects archaeological, archaeometric and archaeomagnetic investigations.

3-7 10.15-10.30: Pieruccini P.*, Sardella R., Mecozzi B., Forti L., Lanci L., Tema E., Lembo G., Muttillo B., Iannucci A., Bona F., Russo Ermolli E., Sadori L., Sigari D. & Mazzini I. : Geoarchaeology and old paradigms: revising Grotta Romanelli's significance for Mediterranean Palaeolithic.

3-8 11.00-11.15: Morsilli M.* & Gianolla P. : Gargano Promontory (Apulia, Italy): a natural aspiring candidate for the UNESCO Global Geoparks network.

3-9 11.15-11.30: Chimento F., Tusberti F., Brandano M., Breda A., Massironi M., Perissinotto M.L., Tomassetti L. & Preto N.* : Assessing geodiversity and the potential for a new geopark – The case study of Lumignano and Costozza (Berici Hills, northeastern Italy).

3-10 11.30-11.45: Zampieri D.*, Roghi G. & Dalconi M.C. : Borcola pass geosite proposal (Italian Pre-Alps).

3-11 11.45-12.00: Masseroli A.*, Fracasetti L. & Trombino L. : Soil trail as tool to promote geo- and cultural- heritage.

3-12 12.00-12.15: Morino C.*, Coratza P. & Soldati M. : The importance of landslides in the global geological heritage.

3-13 12.15-12.30: Mariani G.S.*, Brandolini F. & Melis R.T. : Using landscape features to understand Bronze Age spatial occupation strategies (Sardinia, Italy).

3-14 12.30-12.45: Forti L.*, Brandolini F., Oselini V., Peyronel L., Pezzotta A., Vacca A. & Zerboni A. : Geomorphological tools to assess the preservation of the archaeological record of tell-sites in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

3-32 12.45-13.00: Tema E.*, Ferrara E., Hatakeyama T., Matsumoto N. & Mitsumoto J.: The contribution of Geosciences on the determination of the Equivalent Heating Temperatures of ancient baked clays through magnetic measurements: The case of the Sada Nishizuka Kofun, Japan.

3-16 17.30-17.45: Mattia M.*, Barone P.M., Facchin G., Narducci R., Portaro M., Rustico L., Soligo M., Tuccimei P., Wueste E. & Bellatreccia F. : The use of innovative, non-invasive and non-destructive methodologies for the survey of buried archaeological structures: the case study of S. Balbina in Roma (Italy).

3-15 17.45-18.00: Melada J.*, Arrigoni F., Conforto A., Pigazzi E., Apuani T., Giudici M. & Ludwig N. : Multi-analytical survey for the conservation and valorization of geoheritage: the case study of the Parco Archeologico-Botanico del Paradiso in Chiavenna (SO)

3-18 18.00-18.15: Randazzo V.*, Todaro S., Provenzale S., Di Dio V. & Di Stefano P. : Geoconservation in Sicily (Italy): the example of the Isola delle Femmine (Palermo).

3-19 18.15-18.30: Garuti L.*, Corrado S., Cifelli F. & Trippanera D. : Widespread Science Museums for the development of a sustainable life strategy in urban areas:  an application to the city of Rome.

3-20 18.30-18.45: Falcone F.*, Stoppa F., Guglielmelli F., Belfiore V. & Rosatelli G. : Assessment of mitigation measures and risk scenario of the museum collections: an application to the National Archaeological Museum Villa Frigerj in Chieti (Central Italy).

3-21 18.45-19.00: Pasquaré Mariotto F.*, Bonali F.L. & Venturini C. : Iceland, an Open-Air Museum for Geoheritage and Earth Science Communication Purposes.

3-22 19.00-19.15: Sánchez Fabián J.A.* & Salman Monte K. : Geoparks as tools for communicating geoscience: A local approach to understand the importance of geology in cultural heritage and human activities.

3-23 19.15-19.30: Bajni G.*, Apuani T. & Sterlacchini S. : The contribution of Geosciences in teaching of Civic Education in secondary schools: experiences of Citizen Science & Engagement in the context of the National Strategies for Sustainable Development (Strategie Aree Interne Valchiavenna).


Tuesday 20 September 2022 - Pavilion 3

3-17 Pannello 9: Tufano R.*, Guerriero L., Annibali Corona M., Cianflone G., Di Martire D., Ietto F., Novellino A., Rispoli C., Zito C. & Calcaterra D. : Multi-scenario approach for flood hazard assessment of Sybaris archaeological site (Calabria region, Italy).

3-24 Pannello 1: Khoso R.B.*, Guerini M., Gentilini S., Tognetto F., Viani C. & Giardino M. : Geosites recognition and geosystem services assessment in Alagna Valsesia (Monte Rosa, W-Alps, Italy): a sustainable development perspective for an Alpine Geopark.

3-25 Pannello 2: Gianotti F.*, Forno M.G., Gattiglio M. & Dolce S. : Geoheritage in the Fallère Lake area, Aosta Valley.

3-26 Pannello 3: Bellini F.*, Cicala M., Festa V., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Linking water with rupestrian towns to suggest a geotouristic itinerary around Murge and Premurge areas (MurGEopark, aUGGp, Southern Italy).

3-27 Pannello 4: Bollati I.M., Cezar L., Fassoulas C., Forzese M., Tronti G.*, Ticozzi N., Zucali M., Pelfini M., Aldighieri B., Goyanes G., Loureiro F., Castro E., Nikolakakis E., Fazio E., Maniscalco R. & Maglitto D. : 3D modeling of geosites in Unesco global geoparks as a tool for geosciences dissemination: examples from the IGCP 741 project "3GEO".

3-28 Pannello 5: Giordano L., Buonocunto F.P.*, Ferraro L. & Milia A.:  The coastal zone conservation and potential: a new perspective from Environmental Function Analysis.

3-29 Pannello 6: Iaccarino S.* & Petroccia A. : Deformed metaconglomerate of Pinerolo Unit along the Val Germanasca: a twofold geosite.

3-30 Pannello 7: Pigazzi E.*, Achille C., Apuani T., Bersezio R., Castelletti S. & Marotta F. : Collaborative geoscience investigations in natural and archaeological heritage sites: the Palazzo Belfort area of Piuro (SO, Italy) case study.

3-31 Pannello 8: Senese A.*, Bollati I.M., Maragno D., Fugazza D., La Rocca L., Cavanna D., Belotti P., Lauri P., Grimaldi L., Pelfini M. & Diolaiuti G. : The role of e-bike in promoting the discover of geodiversity and geoheritage.

3-33 Pannello 10: Ostorero E., Coïsson M., Iacomussi P., Olivetti E.S.*, Giustetto R., Cavaleri T., Piccirillo A. & Ferrara E. : Thermal stability of colour and magnetic properties of iron based pigments.

3-34 Pannello 11: Mammoliti E.*, Cupido M., Teloni R., Malavolta M., Santini S., Farabollini P., Morici M. & Leoni G. : A Multidisciplinary approach for monitoring the conservation state of the sandstones of the Palazzo Ducale in Camerino (MC).

3-35 Pannello 12: Giannetti F., Avanzinelli R., Braschi E., Cantisani E., Casalini M.*, Langone A., Vettori S. & Virili C. : Chemical and isotopic provenance study of Final Bronze Age glass artefacts from Central Italy.

3-36 Pannello 13: Curuzzi M.*, Renzulli A., Quagliarini E. & Bordini D. : Treatments by titanium dioxide nanoparticle coatings on the surface of the "Arabescato" marble (Carrara variety): a comparison between natural outdoor and accelerated laboratory aging conditions.

3-37 Pannello 14: Coïsson M., Olivetti E.S.*, Ansalone P., Martino L. & Ferrara E. : A machine learning approach for obsidian provenance studies based on SEM images.

3-38 Pannello 15: Calzolari L.*, Baiocchi I., Medeghini L. & Mignardi S. : Aqua Alexandrina and Fragole tank at Tor Tre Teste (Rome): archaeometric characterization of hydraulic mortars.

3-39 Pannello 16: Brandano M.*, Ronca S., Cardello L., Rinaldi T., Mura F., Innocenzi F. & Tomassetti L. : The stratigraphic architecture of Macco (middle Pliocene) in the Tarquinia Basin as controlling factor in the Monterozzi Necropoli placement.

S4. Minerals, rock and museum: from collection to research in a post-pandemic world

Conveners and Chairpersons: Conveners: Giovanni Pratesi [Università di Firenze], Sabrina Nazzareni [Università di Perugia], Cristina Carbone [Università di Genova], Marco Merlini [Università di Milano], Germana Barone [Università di Catania]


Monday 19 September 2022 [17.30-19.30] - Yellow Room

4-1 17.30-17.45: [KEYNOTE] Ferraris C.* : Mineralogy, minerals and collections at the National Museum of Natural History of Paris.

4-2 17.4 -18.00: (Invited) Welch M.D.* : Mineralogical crystallography at the Natural History Museum, London: a personal perspective on past, present and future directions of geoscience research at museums.

4-3 18.00-18.15: (Invited) Skogby H.* : Museum collections as a facility for geological research and outreach – Some examples from the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

4-4 18.15-18.30: Macrì M.* : University Earth Sciences Museums: a SWOT analysis.

4-5 18.30-18.45: Franza A.*, Mattes J. & Pratesi G. : Collectio Mineralium (1765): recovering a lost mineralogical catalog.

4-6 18.45-19.00: Senesi M.* & Costa E. : Mineralogical and Petrographic collections preserved in Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin.

4-7 19.00-19.15: Fioretti G.*, Eramo G., Monno A. & Muntoni I.M. : Strategies for enhancement and promotion of SiLiBA, the lithotheque of the University of Bari (Italy).

4-8 19.15-19.30: Barone G.*, Mazzoleni P., Fugazzotto M., Lanzafame G., Sinitò D., Stanco F., Tricomi A., Santagati C., Galizia M., Treffiletti A., Lombardo C., Rizzo C. & Coccato A. : DREAMIN, an HUB for the Digital REmote Access of Museum and INfrastructures.


Monday 19 September 2022 - Pavilion 3

4-9 Pannello 1: Belmonte D.*, Carbone C. & Schiaparelli S. : Minerals of Liguria in the historical and modern collections at DISTAV (University of Genova): a masterpiece of geochemical diversity.

4-10 Pannello 2: Nazzareni S.* & Marchetti V. : The mineralogical collection of the Department of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia: a forgotten collection.

4-11 Pannello 3: Cuppone T., Gardiol D., Morelli M., Serra R., Franza A. & Pratesi G.* : Freshly-fallen meteorite's field research methodology: a citizen science example involving mineralogical museums.

4-12 Pannello 4: Benedetti F., Guercio A., Nappi F. & Rimoldi B.* : INAIL hidden collection from Villa Giovio (Como, Italy): how quartz, gypsum and hematite rosettes tell the story of silicotics healthcare.

4-13 Pannello 5: Franza A.*, Scali F., Fantoni L., Moggi Cecchi V., Garofano L. & Pratesi G. : Trust God but lock your door. Thefts and recoveries of minerals at the Florentine Natural History Museum between the 18th and 19th centuries.

4-14 Pannello 6: Fantini R.*, Scacchetti M., Malferrari D., Bartoli O., Bertacchini M. & Ciriotti M.E. : Minerals of Modena Province (Northern Apennines, Italy): from museums and private treasures to scientific research and public engagement.

4-15 Pannello 7: Mauro D.* & Biagioni C. : Holotype materials in the mineralogical collections of the Pisa University: a journey into the History and Science and new discovery of 'old' minerals.

4-16 Pannello 8: Cappelletti P.*, Amiranda V., Atzori G., Cascella E., Cascini L., D'Acunzo M., Lorusso M., Menna F., Pellino A., Perna G., Petti C., Saracino M., Scarpati S., Sposato M. & Tavani S. : Royal Mineralogical Museum of Naples asset digital reproduction and sharing via close-range photogrammetry.

4-17 Pannello 9: Moggi Cecchi V.*, Fedeli L., Doria S., Cupparo I., Fabrizi L. & Gori C.: The estimate of radioactivity in collections of uraniferous minerals: a methodological approach.

4-18 Pannello 10: Mauro D.* : The importance of the correct labelling in mineralogical collections: a case study.

4-19 Pannello 11: Morelli M., Faggi D., Malesani F., Ciampinelli F., Franza A. & Pratesi G.*: From the underground to the stars. The project for a new planetary and mineralogical museum in Prato.

4-20 Pannello 12: Faggi D. & Morelli M.*: In search of lost Italian meteorites. The role of the Museum of Planetary Sciences.

S5. Sustainability in dimension and ornamental stones industry (from exploitation to application)

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giovanna Antonella Dino [Università di Torino], Rossana Bellopede [Politecnico di Torino], Nike Luodes [GTK, Finland], Nereo Preto [Università di Padova], Piero Primavori [Freelance consultant, PSC - Primavori Stone Consulting]


Wednesday 21 September 2022 [15.30-17.30] - Yellow Room

5-1 15.30-15.45: [KEYNOTE] Careddu N.* : Marble quarries sustainability: from scraps to high value-added products.

5-2 15.45-16.00: (Invited) Pereira D.* : Heritage Stones: the cultural value of natural stones that needs to regain recognition.

5-3 16.00-16.15: Sena do Nascimento J.A., Castro F.F. & Castro N.* : Assessment of SDG indicators applied to the natural stones cluster in the state of Espírito Santo in Brazil: a step towards sustainable development.

5-4 16.15-16.30: Duarte J.*, Gomes A., Costa F. & Barbosa R. : The use of geotechnologies in the sustainable exploitation of geological resources applied to conservation, restoration and structural reinforcement works.

5-5 16.30-16.45: Primavori P.* : Stone splitting: the oldest sustainable processing technology.

5-6 16.45-17.00: Milizia E.*, Brandano M., Cornale P., Mazzoli C., Perissinotto M.L., Preto N. & Tomassetti L. : Vicenza Stone: nomination as Global Heritage Stone Resource.

5-7 17.00-17.15: Cavallo A.* : Soapstones from Valmalenco (Sondrio, central Alps): from archeology to modern uses.

5-8 17.15-17.30: Signori G.* & Angheben A. : Urban stone paving: identity, durability and sustainability. Some cutting-edge cases studies and experiences.


Wednesday 21 September 2022 - Pavilion 3

5-9 Pannello 22: Borghi A.*, Gallo L.M. & Senesi M. : The collection of ornamental stones at the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin.

5-10 Pannello 23: Storta E.*, Barale L., Borghi A., d'Atri A., Dino G.A., Gambino F., Mallen L., Martire L., Morelli M., Nicolò G., Perotti L. & Piana F. : Ornamental stones of Piemonte (NW Italy): a geodatabase for the promotion, conservation and dissemination of a scientific, economic and cultural heritage.

5-11 Pannello 24: Mazzoli C.*, Salvini S., Coletti C., Germinario L., Maritan L., Massironi M. & Pozzobon R. : Stone recession in cultural heritage investigated by laboratory ageing tests.

5-12 Pannello 25: Vianello D.*, Caselle C., Bonetto S. & Mosca P. : The key role of geostructural characterization for a sustainable exploitation of the resource: the case of the dimensional stone of Botticino.

5-13 Pannello 26: Castro N.*, Cunha J.B., Campos A.P.R. , Mozer A.G.S. & Mansur K.L. : The Valongo Wharf, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a comprehensive history told by its stones.

5-14 Pannello 27: Preto N.*, Brandano M., Cornale P., Mazzoli C., Milizia E., Perissinotto M.L. & Tomassetti L. : Vicenza Stone and the legacy of Andrea Palladio: an appeal for in-depth geological studies.

5-15 Pannello 28: Signori G.* : Communicating dimension stone durability, a case-study: a georama in the centre of Bergamo.

5-16 Pannello 29: Punturo R.*, Indelicato V., Fazio E., Lanzafame G., Maniscalco R., Muschella L., Bloise A. & Cirrincione R. : The asphaltic limestone of the Hyblean Plateau (SE Sicily): from mines to the Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto UNESCO site and to European cities.

5-17 Pannello 30: Azzalini A.*, Faria P., Lopes L., Martins R., Mourão P. & Pires V. : Mortar based on sludge from carbonate dimension stone processing industry - An experimental and feasibility approach.

5-18 Pannello 31: Mancini S.* & Dino G.A. : Mortars characterisation as a diagnostic element of the variations in the exploitation of Piemonte region georesources during different ages.

5-19 Pannello 32: Zichella L., Bellopede R.*, Marini P., Robledo P. & Vosman L. : Sustainability in the mining industry: a contribution to achieving social acceptance.

5-20 Pannello 33: Dino G.A.*, Mancini S., Cavallo C. & Chiappino C. : Towards a 4.0 extractive industry, more sustainable and responsible: best practices connected to dimension and ornamental stones exploitation.

S6. Palaeomagnetism, Rock Magnetism and Magnetostratigraphy

Conveners and Chairpersons: Evdokia Tema [Università di Torino], Anita di Chiara [INGV, Roma], Francesca Cifelli [Università di Roma 3], Massimiliano Porreca [Università di Perugia]


Wednesday 21 September 2022 [17.30-19.30] - TE9 Room

6-1 17.30-17.45: (Invited) Pavón-Carrasco F.J.*: Reconstructing the past Earth's magnetic field through rocks.

6-2 17.45-18.00: Tarduno J.*, Cottrell R. & Bono R.: A Late Cretaceous true polar oscillation artifact: further evidence for Earth's long-term rotational stability.

6-3 18.00-18.15: Perini S.*, Muttoni G., Monesi E., Melis R.T. & Mussi M.: Magnetochronology and age-depth depositional models of the Melka Kunture archeological area (Upper Awash, Ethiopia).

6-4 18.15-18.30: Maron M.*, Onoue T., Satolli S., Soda K., Sato H., Muttoni G. & Rigo M. : Increased weathering and anoxic conditions in the late Norian-early Rhaetian interval from rock magnetism and geochemistry of Pignola-Abriola (Italy) and Kiritihere (New Zealand) sections.

6-5 18.30-18.45: Srivastava P.*, Sangode S.J., Torrent J., Florindo F. & Jovane L.: Iron oxide characterization of a deeply weathered high-land lateritic profile from the Deccan Traps: Implications to autochthonous alteration and allochthonous input.

6-6 18.45-19.00: Chadima M.*, Hrouda F. & Ježek J. : Anisotropy of out-of-phase magnetic susceptibility of rocks and environmental materials.

6-7 19.00-19.15: Robustelli Test C.*, Biedermann A.R., Zanella E. & Festa A.: Lithology-dependent magnetic fabric in intraplate shear zones in the Northern Apennines, Italy: Constraints from para- and ferromagnetic fabrics.

6-8 19.15-19.30: Siravo G.*, Speranza F., Mulas M. & Costanzo-Alvarez V.: Paleomagnetism of volcanics from the Ecuadorian Andes constrains the significance of Tertiary northern Andean Block extrusion and genesis of the Interandean Valley.


Wednesday 21 September 2022 - Pavilion 3

6-9 Pannello 34: Pavón-Carrasco F.J.* : Archaeo_dating v8.0: a new release of the archeomagnetic dating tool

6-10 Pannello 35: Tema E.*, Camps P. & Muntoni I.M. : Enriching our knowledge on the Early Neolithic geomagnetic field in Italy: new data from prehistoric backed clays

6-11 Pannello 36: Secchi F., Casini L., Cifelli F.*, Naitza S., Carta E. & Oggiano G. : Syntectonic magmatism and reactivation of collisional structures during late-variscan shearing (SW sardinia, Italy): a contirbution from an integrated structural and AMS study

6-12 Pannello 37: Porreca M.*, Trippanera D., Urbani S., Kissel C., Winkler A., Sagnotti L., Nazzareni S. & Acocella V. : Interpreting the enigmatic inverse magnetic fabric in Miocene dikes from Eastern Iceland

6-13 Pannello 38: Di Chiara A.* & Cangemi B. : Reconstructing eruptive canters of large pyroclastic density currents using the Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility

6-14 Pannello 39: Marini M., Patacci M., Cifelli F.*, Mattei M. & Muttoni G. : Magnetochronology of late Eocene turbidites (Ventimiglia Flysch Fm) from the western Alps foreland basin

6-15 Pannello 40: Maron M.*, Marini M., Petrizzo M.R., Felletti F. & Muttoni G. : Magnetobiochronology of ponded turbidites (Castagnola Fm., Aquitanian) from the Tertiary Piedmont Basin of NW Italy: implications for turbidite deposition

6-16 Pannello 41: Chadima M.*, Žatecká M. & Kadlec J.(✝) : Rock magnetic study of the Dejvice loess/paleosol sequence (Prague, Czech Republic)

6-17 Pannello 42: Polashenski M.*, Pazzaglia F. & Kodama K. : Late Cenozoic Dynamic Uplift & Subsidence of Central Appalachians & Atlantic Coastal Plain in Eastern North America

S7. Quantitative geology and modeling: an excursion through analogue and numerical modeling and the digital reproduction of outcrops

Conveners and Chairpersons: Daniele Maestrelli [CNR], Amerigo Corradetti [Università degli Studi di Trieste], Silvia Mittempergher [Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia], Pietro Sternai [Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca], Giovanni Toscani [Università degli studi di Pavia], Chiara Del Ventisette [Università degli studi di Firenze]


Wednesday 21 September [08.30-10.30] - Grey Room

7-1 08.30-08.45: [KEYNOTE] Ortolano G.*: The quantitative microstructural analysis of mylonitic rocks: the numerical computation of the Earth moving view.

7-2 08.45-09.00: Massaro L.*, Adam J. & Yamada Y.: Analogue modelling of fault and fracture processes at the outcrop scale: insights from the application of new granular materials in dynamically scaled experiments.

7-3 09.00-09.15: Gambino S.*, Barreca G, Gross F., Monaco C. & Gutscher M.-A.: Coexistence of brittle and ductile deformation in the Western Ionian Basin as highlighted by seismic data analysis and sequential restoration methods.

7-4 09.15-09.30: Manna L.*, Maino M., Casini L., Dabrowski M. & Reali A.: On the relation between the frictional strength of a fault and the presence of structural voids and weak phyllosilicates in the host rock: a numerical approach.

7-5 09.30-09.45: Gayrin P.*, Maestrelli D., Corti G. & Del Ventisette C.: Reactivation of inherited faults in rift settings: insight from analogue study.

7-6 09.45-10.00: Muller V.A.P.*, Sternai P., Sue C., Valla P. & Simon-Labric T.: Climatic control on the location of magmatic arcs.

7-7 10.00-10.15: Vessia G.*, Faraone C., Caravaggio S., Rainone M.L., Conoscenti C., Mixco L. & Ramos Castillo A.L.: 2D numerical simulations of local seismic response at San Salvador (El Salvador) urban center.

7-8 10.15-10.30: Primofiore I.*, Baron J., Klin P., Vessia G. & Laurenzano G.: From the costruction of the 3D model to local seismic response analysis.

Wednesday 21 September [11.00-13.00] - Grey Room

7-9 11.00 - 11.15: Casiraghi S.*, Bistacchi A., Arienti G., Cannella C., Dal Piaz G. & Monopoli B.: Assessing the accuracy and density of photogrammetric point clouds reconstructed by different open-source and commercial software.

7-10 11.15 - 11.30: Volatili T.*, Di Celma C., Pitts A., Pierantoni P.P. & Mazzoli S.: UAV-based digital outcrop modelling in adverse conditions: the case study of the Canyon Gramonal (Ica desert, Peru).

7-11 11.30 - 11.45: Mullins J.R.*, van der vegt H. & Howell J.A.: Fuelling the transition from Oil to Greener Pastures using Virtual Outcrops and Integrated Reservoir Modelling.

7-12 11.45 - 12.00: Fazio E.*, Druguet E. & Carreras J.: A useful method for a quick terrestrial digital acquisition of rock outcrops: an example from the Cap de Creus area (Spain).

7-13 12.00 - 12.15: Mercuri M.*, Tavani S., Aldega L., Trippetta F., Bigi S. & Carminati E.: Multiscale characterization of a fracture network using NetworkGT and open-source aerial images: the Kuh-e-Asmari anticline case study in Zagros Mts., Iran.

7-14 12.15 - 12.30: Torre D.* & Menichetti M.: AFATA (Active FAult Tectonic Analysis): a semi-automatic tool on ArcGIS® for estimating fault offsets on superficial ruptures.

7-15 12.30 - 12.45: Sleath P.R.*, Butler R.W.H. & Bond C.E.: Thrust Fault Localisation in Multilayers – outcrop tests of idealised models.

7-16 12.45 - 13.00: Fazio E.*, Forzese M., Maniscalco R. & Punturo R.: 3D virtual models for geo-educational purposes.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

7-17 Pannello 43: Ambrosino M.*, Albanese S., Ciarcia S., Guagliardi I., Guarino A. & Cicchella D.: A machine learning based approach to identify natural background concentrations of potentially toxic elements in soils.

7-18 Pannello 44: De Matteo A.*, Massa B., Castaldo R., D'Auria L., James M., Lane S., Pepe S. & Tizzani P.: Deformation of Somma-Vesuvius: an analogue/numerical approach.

7-19 Pannello 45: Facincani P., Maestrelli D.*, Sani F., Bonini M., Montanari M., Del Ventisette C. & Corti G.: Collapsed calderas as a proxy for stress and strain in extensional settings: what analogue models suggest.

7-20 Pannello 46: Maestrelli D.*, Corti G., Brune S., Keir D. & Sani F.: Rift-Rift-Rift triple junctions: insights from analogue and numerical models.

7-21 Pannello 47: Montanari D.*, Del Ventisette C. & Bonini M.: Analogue modelling of magma migration.

7-22 Pannello 48: Perrini M.*, Gola G., Brogi A. & Caggianelli A.: Thermo-rheological model of a thinned continental crustal section during magma emplacement and exhumation: an updated numerical model for the western Elba Island.

7-23 Pannello 49: Marras P.A.*, Zhou L., De Giudici G.B., Medas D. & Dore E.: Modeling the fate and the transport of heavy metals in a mine-polluted river watershed.

7-24 Pannello 50: Occhipinti M.*, Amorini S. & Porreca M.: Remote Sensing Analysis for Detection of Ground Deformation induced by Large Earthquakes: A First Approach using Copernicus Opensource Dataset.

S8. Perspectives on fluid- and melt-rock interactions by advanced thermodynamics and geochemistry: applications in petrology and geothermy

Conveners and Chairpersons: Martina Casalini [Università di Firenze], Enrico Cannaò [Università di Milano, La Statale], Fabrizio Tursi [Università di Bari Aldo Moro], Francesca Piccoli [University of Bern, Switzerland]


Wednesday 21 September [08.30-10.30] - Orange Room

8-1 08.30-08.45: Piccoli F.* & Rubatto D.: Petrochronology of chlorite-schists reveals the timing of serpentinites dehydration and metasomatism: new insights from the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite.

8-2 08.45-09.00: Tursi F.*: Investigating chemical potential gradients to decipher microstructures and mineral assemblages in mylonites.

8-3 09.00-09.30: [KEYNOTE] Schorn S.*: Using the "other" variables in phase equilibrium modelling - enthalpy, activity and chemical potentials as controlling agents in metamorphism.

8-4 09.30-09.45: Siron G.*, Vitale Brovarone A. & Matthews S.M.: Development of a Python GUI application to automate EQ3/6 thermodynamic computations.

8-5 09.45-10.00: Nerone S.*, Groppo C. & Rolfo F.: Forward thermodynamic modelling of the uncommon chloritoid + biotite + garnet assemblage: interplay between equilibrium and kinetics.

8-6 10.00-10.15: Mazzucchelli M.L.*, Moulas E., Kaus B. & Speck T.: The influence of non-hydrostatic stress on mineral equilibria: insights from molecular dynamics.

8-7 10.15-10.30: Agostini S.*, Braschi E., Conticelli S., Di Giuseppe P., Francalanci L., Innocenzi F., Lustrino M. & Manetti P.: Deciphering Active Arc vs. post-collisional calc-alkaline magmatism through B and radiogenic isotope data in Aegean-Anatolian Region.

Wednesday 21 September [11.00-13.00] - Orange Room

8-8 11.00-11.15: Borghini A.*, Borghini G. & Ferrero S.: Melt-rock reaction experiments constrain the nature of crust-mantle interaction during the subduction of the continental crust at mantle depth.

8-9 11.15-11.30: Malaspina N.*, Borghini G., Zanchetta S., Corti M. & Tumiati S.: Melt-peridotite interaction at high pressure during subduction: the case study of Borgo (Mt. Duria, Central Alps, Italy).

8-10 11.30-11.45: [KEYNOTE] Tamblyn R.*, Hand M., Morrissey L., Anczkiewicz R., Zack T., Phillips G. & Och D.: The petrological record of eclogite cycling in an oceanic subduction channel from eastern Australia.

8-11 11.45-12.00: Tumiati S.*, Tiraboschi C., Sverjensky D.A., Manning C.E., Vitale Brovarone A., Boutier A. & Poli S.: Oxidation of subducted organic matter buffered by marine carbonate rules the carbon isotopic signature of arc emissions.

8-12 12.00-12.15: D'Orazio M.*, Fulignati P., Gioncada A. & Cavalcante F.: Evidence of Na-metasomatism of phyllite rocks from the Verrucano of Monti Pisani (Tuscany, Italy).

8-13 12.15-12.30: Feng W.*, Yao L., Gomila R., Ma S. & Di Toro G.: Healing of gabbro and basalt experimental faults under hydrothermal conditions.

8-14 12.30-12.45: Lima A.*: Multiple immiscible liquids formation at shallow Somma-Vesuvius volcanic system.

8-15 12.45-13.00: Marchesini B.*, Tavani S., Mercuri M., Aldega L., Mondillo N., Pizzati M., Balsamo F. & Carminati E.: Structural and permeability evolution in the lithocap of a fossil geothermal system (Allumiere quarry, northern Latium, Italy).


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

8-16 Pannello 51: Farina F.* & Dini A.: Insight into the evolution of the Larderello-Travale granites (Italy) by zircon trace element geochemistry.

8-17 Pannello 52: Ferrari M.*, Natali C., Bragagni A. & Bianchini G.: Isotopic tracers for provenance analysis of Holocene sediments from the Venetian Polesine area (NE Italy).

8-18 Pannello 53: Ferrero S.*, Nicoli G. & Gresky K.: Fluid-melt immiscibility during anatexis in Mesoarchean migmatites, Kangerlussuaq basement (Southeast Greenland).

8-19 Pannello 54: Ghiotto M.*, Natali C., Bragagni A., Braschi E., Ghafari Bijar S., Avanzinelli R., Casalini M., Arvin M. & Conticelli S.: Petrogenesis and geochemical features of the Lar alkaline igneous complex (SE Iran).

8-20 Pannello 55: Micheletti F.*, Caggianelli A. & Brogi A.: Zircon inclusion study as a guide to magmatic processes in a granitic environment: inferences from Gavorrano pluton (Tuscany).

8-21 Pannello 56: Montanari D.*, Ruggieri G., Bonini M. & Balestrieri M.L.: Low temperature thermochronology for geothermal exploration: useful hints from the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field.

8-22 Pannello 57: Principi M.*, Giuli G., Pierantoni P.P., Spagnoli F. & Zambrano M.: Geophysical and geochemical investigations of mud volcanoes in the peri-Adriatic area of the central Marche region.

8-23 Pannello 58: Ballabio N.*, Vinciguerra S., Comina C. & Vagnon F.: Assessing Alzo's Granite alteration by integration of physical properties.

S9. Ground deformation measurements and Geosciences: applications and outlooks

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giuseppe Pezzo [INGV Roma], Silvia Bianchini [Università Degli Studi di Firenze], Federico Di Traglia [OGS Trieste], Claudia Meisina [Università degli Studi di Pavia]


Tuesday 20 September [08.30-10.30] - Grey Room

9-1 08.30-08.45: Festa D.*, Confuorto D., Del Soldato M., Raspini F. & Casagli N.: Automated assessment of InSAR-based ground displacements at large scale.

9-2 08.45-09.00: Khalili A.M.*, Guerriero L., Pouralizadeh M., Calcaterra D. & Di Martire D.: Monitoring and Prediction of deformation caused by Landslides Based on Graph Convolutional Network and SAR Imagery.

9-3 09.00-09.15: Medici C.*, Confuorto P., Del Soldato M., Rosi A., Segoni S. & Casagli N.: Machine Learning for assessing the spatial probability of trend variations of InSAR-based ground deformations.

9-4 09.15-09.30: (Invited) Solari L.* & Crosetto M.: Copernicus and ground motion: the European Ground Motion Service.

9-5 09.30-09.45: Trasatti E.*: Volcanic and Seismic source Modelling (VSM) - An open tool for geodetic data modelling.

9-6 09.45-10.00: Linsalata F.*, Melini D. & Spada G.: Ongoing sea-level rise and vertical land movements in the Venetian Lagoon: the contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment.

9-7 10.00-10.15: Castaldo R., Solaro G.* & Tizzani P.: Inflating Source Imaging of the 2009–2013 Unrest Episode at Campi Flegrei Caldera revealed through GPS and DInSAR measurements.

9-8 10.15-10.30: De Stefano R.*, Calcaterra D., Di Martire D., Fiorino A., De Marco S. & Russo G.: Comparing DInSAR and ground-based monitoring measurements of a rockfill dam during its first impoundment.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

9-9 Pannello 17: Palano M.*, Sparacino F., Gambino P., D'Agostino N. & Calcaterra S.: Slow slip events at Mt. Etna volcano.

9-10 Pannello 18: Iannarelli M.*, Galvani A., Pezzo G., Sepe V. & Ventura G.: Contraction of Ischia Island revealed by long term geodetic data.

9-11 Pannello 19: Guardato S.*, Donnarumma GP., Riccio R. & Iannaccone G.: Seafloor geodesy in shallow water. A practical case: the Campi Flegrei submerged area.

9-12 Pannello 20: Silverii F.*, Montgomery-Brown E.K., Pulvirenti F.S., Borsa A.A., Barbour A.J. & Neely W.R.: Tectonic and non-tectonic transient deformation in Long Valley Caldera, California, at multiple temporal and spatial scales.

9-13 Pannello 21: Riguzzi F., Berrino G., Greco F., Amantia A., Iannarelli M.*, Massucci A. & Ricciardi G.: GNSS and absolute gravity measurements for a multi-disciplinary study of natural risks in Central Italy.

9-14 Pannello 22: Areggi G.*, Merryman Boncori J.P., Anderlini L., Rossi G., Serpelloni E., Zuliani D. & Bonini L.: Ground deformation in Northeastern Italy by using PS-InSAR and GNSS data.

9-15 Pannello 23: Sparacino F., Galuzzi B.G., Palano M.*, Segou M. & Chiarabba C.: A recent seismic coupling estimation for the Aegean - Anatolian region.

9-16 Pannello 24: Rotella G.*, De Ritis R., Argentieri A., Calderoni G., Fabiani M., Marra F., Stefanelli P., Tolomei C., Vitali P., Chiappini M. & Doglioni C.: Risk evaluation in critical sites of the metropolitan area of Rome: geophysical-geotechnical characterization of deformation phenomena.

9-17 Pannello 25: Polcari M.*, Secreti V., Anderlini L., Albano M., Palano M., Serpelloni E., Stramondo S., Trasatti E. & Pezzo G.: Synergistic use of InSAR, GNSS and Leveling data to assess 20 years of onshore and offshore subsidence along the Upper Adriatic coastal areas.

9-18 Pannello 26: --- Withdrawn --- Orlandi D.*, Pagli C., Galatolo F., Cimino M.G.C.A. & Perilli N.: Enhancing land subsidence awareness with InSAR data and Deep Transformers.

9-19 Pannello 27: Albano M.*, Trasatti E., Secreti V., Polcari M., Anderlini L., Serpelloni E., Palano M., Pezzo G. & Stramondo S.: Assessment of the natural and anthropogenic land subsidence along the Upper Adriatic Sea coast.

9-20 Pannello 28: Sparacino F.* & Pezzo G.: A useful tool for the statistical analysis of InSAR datasets.

9-21 Pannello 29: Pedretti L.*, Bordoni M., Vivaldi V., Figini S., Parnigoni M., Grossi A., Lanteri L., Tararbra M., Negro N. & Meisina C.: A methodology to detect ground deformation events through A-DInSAR Time Series statistical analysis.

9-22 Pannello 30: Iervolino L.*, Peduto D., Fedele A., Somma R., Limongiello M. & Barba S.: Assessment of the fire effects on sloping areas via multitemporal satellite images and UAV surveys.

S10. Evolution of collisional orogens in space and time: the Alpine- Himalayan system in 4 dimensions

Conveners and Chairpersons: Chiara Montomoli [Università di Torino], Salvatore Iaccarino [Università di Torino], Jean-Luc Epard [Università di Lausanne (Switzerland)], Paola Manzotti [Stockholm University (Sweden)]


Monday 19 September [11.00-13.00] - Grey Room

10-1 11.00-11.30: [KEYNOTE] Ballèvre M.*: HP/UHP rocks in the Western Alps: acquiring new (robust) data, constraining old (fashionable) models.

10-2 11.30-11.45: Nosenzo F.*, Manzotti P. & Robyr M.: Rehydration of Variscan upper crust prior to its Alpine reworking as revealed by polycyclic garnet (Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps).

10-3 11.45-12.00: Maino M.*, Schenker F.L., Casini L., Corvò S., Perozzo M., Langone A. & Seno S.: Challenges in the interpretation of the metamorphic record in compositionally heterogeneous shear zones - insights from the Central Alps.

10-4 12.00-12.15: Sanità E.*, Di Rosa M., Lardeaux J.M., Marroni M. & Pandolfi L.: Structural evolution and Pressure-Temperature-path of the Moglio-Testico Unit (Western Ligurian Alps): a re-appraisal.

10-5 12.15-12.30: Tagliaferri A.*, Schenker F.L., Schmalholz S.M., Ulianov A. & Seno S.: Investigating the time of deformation and heat transfer in the Lepontine Dome (Central European Alps).

10-6 12.30-12.45: Malusà M.G.*, Guillot S., Zhao L., Paul A., Solarino S. & CIFALPS Working Group: The deep structure of the Western Alps revealed by the CIFALPS seismic experiments.

10-7 12.45-13.00: Schmid S.M.*: Imaging crust and mantle structure of the Western Alps by geophysical methods: controversies regarding the geological interpretation of the deep structure of the Western Alps.

Monday 19 September [15.30-17.30] - Grey Room

10-8 15.30 - 16.00: (Invited) Imayama T.*, Hoshino R., Yi K. & Kawabata R.: Eocene to Miocene metamorphic evolution and tectonic implication of the Ilam Nappe in Nepal Himalaya: Constraints from P–T conditions and monazite petrochronology.

10-9 16.00 - 16.15: Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F. & Girault F.: Aluminous metapelites as a key to constraining the P-T evolution of the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequence (Central Nepal).

10-10 16.15 - 16.30: Carano G.*, Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Carosi R.: Assembly and exhumation of GHS driven by the in-sequence shearing in the Annapurna Range, central-western Nepal.

10-11 16.30 - 17.00: (Invited) Todrani A.*, Speranza F., D'Agostino N. & Zhang B.: From Greater India indentation to Eastward Tibet flow: a comparison between paleomagnetic and GPS data.

10-14 17.00 - 17.15: Festa V., Fornelli A., Micheletti F., Spiess R. & Tursi F.* : Records of high-P (eo-)Alpine tectono-metamorphic events in the Variscan lower crust of the Serre Massif (Calabria, southern Italy).

10-19 17.15 - 17.30: Frasca G.* & Manatschal G. : A kinematic reconstruction of the Western Tethys based on the tight fit restoration of the southern N-Atlantic and the "building-block" approach.

Monday 19 September [17.30-19.30] - Grey Room

10-13 17.30 - 18.00: (Invited) Simonetti M.* : Low-temperature deformation in the Argentera Massif: distinction between Alpine and Variscan tectonics.

10-15 18.00 - 18.15: Arienti G.*, Bistacchi A., Dal Piaz G.V., Dal Piaz G., Monopoli B. & Bertolo D.: A new 3D structural model of the North-Western Alps: the Aosta Valley case study (Italy).

10-16 18.15 - 18.30: Bistacchi A.*, Dal Piaz G.V., Arienti G., Dal Piaz G., Monopoli B. & Bertolo D.: Topological analysis reveals 1st order kinematics and relative chronology of major tectonic boundaries in the NW Alps.

10-17 118.30 - 18.45: Pantet A., Epard J.-L.*, Baumgartner-Mora C., Baumgartner P., Baumgartner L. & Masson H.: The "Schistes Lustrés" in the Mont Fort and Tsaté nappes (Middle and Upper Penninic, Western Swiss Alps).

10-18 18.45 - 19.00: Maffeis A.*, Nerone S., Corno A., Caso F. & Petroccia A.: The Western Alps exhumation history detailed through the eyes of glaucophane-bearing eclogitic rocks: preliminary metamorphic data from the Internal Piedmont Zone.

10-20 19.00 - 19.15: Menichelli I.*, De Gori P., Improta L., Lucente F.P. & Chiarabba C.: 3D Vp and Vp/ Vs tomographic models of the central Mediterranean area: new insights into the deep structure of the Alpine-Apennine system.

10-21 19.15 - 19.30: Gusmeo T.*, Schito A., Cavazza W., Corrado S., Zattin M., Alania V., Enukidze O. & Pace P.: Contrasting subsidence-exhumation patterns in the hinterland of the Africa-Eurasia collision zone: the eastern Adjara-Trialeti, western Kura and central Greater Caucasus inverted sedimentary basins (Georgia).


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

10-22 Pannello 13: Benetti B., Montomoli C.*, Carosi R. & Iaccarino S.: Tracking a tectono-metamorphic discontinuity within the Greater Himalaya Sequence, NW Himalaya: implications for the orogen metamorphic core assembly and exhumation.

10-23 Pannello 14: Calorio M.*, Capurso N., Toso A., Botti E., Ceretto A., Garattoni A., Del Grosso F., Marcelli I., Tira M., Paire U., Serrano B. & Sénémaud J.: New geological evidence of the Houiller Briançonnaise Zone from the exploratory tunnel of Saint Martin La Porte (Tunnel Euroalpin Lyon Turin).

10-24 Pannello 15: Carosi R.*, Chen J. & Cao H.: Shearing migration in the North Himalayan Gneiss Domes (SE Tibet): a progressive shift of extension from the Cuonadong to the Yalaxiangbo domes.

10-25 Pannello 16: Dana D.*, Iaccarino S. & Michard A.: Structural and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Briançonnais units in Aiguille de Chambeyron – Denti di Maniglia Massifs (France, Italy).

10-26 Pannello 17: Fiorini A.*, Tavani S., Corradetti A., Mercuri M. & Carminati E.: Pre-Orogenic Tectonics in Central Apennines: new insights in the Simbruini Mts. (Central Apennines, Latium).

10-27 Pannello 18: Jakobsson V.* & Ring U.: Early top-W thrusting in Upper Pennine Bündnerschiefer in the eastern Central Alps.

10-28 Pannello 19: Jossevel C.* & Epard J.-L.: Glacier retreat revealing new details on a complex nappe stack in the Mattmark region (Valais, Switzerland).

10-29 Pannello 20: Lavosi G.*, Mercuri M., Tavani S. & Carminati E.: Double inversion (compressional and extensional) of a rift related extensional fault system in the Apennines wedge.

10-30 Pannello 21: Montemagni C.* & Zanchetta S.: Prolonged extension in the middle and upper continental crust: insights into the Simplon Shear Zone (Western Alps).

10-31 Pannello 22: Nania L.*: An innovative point of view on a classic Himalayan transect: Multistage evolution of the South Tibetan Detachment System along the Kali Gandaki Valley.

10-32 Pannello 23: Petroccia A., Nerone S.*, Dana D., Caso F. & Maffeis A.: Constraining P-T conditions of non-coaxial deformation between subducted continental units: a case study from the Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps.

10-33 Pannello 24: Purrone S.* & Carosi R.: The basement exposed in the southern Calabria: a network of shear zones?

10-34 Pannello 25: Sanità E.*, Di Rosa M., Lardeaux J.M., Marroni M. & Pandolfi L.: Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Briançonnais Units along the southwesternmost sectors of the Alps: Insights from the Marguareis Massif (Western Ligurian Alps).

10-35 Pannello 26: Stellino L.* & Carosi R.: Dating the High Himalayan Discontinuity (HHD) in Sikkim (Eastern India).

10-36 Pannello 27: Buchs N., Epard J.-L.* & Müntener O.: The Nidar Ophiolite (Ladakh Himalayas, India): construction of fore-arc crust and incipient arc magmatism in the Neo-Tethys.

10-37 Pannello 28: Lahfid A.*, Michard A., Chopin C., Schmid S.M., Dana D. & Ballèvre M.: Peak metamorphic temperatures in the Alpine tectonic wedge, south Cottian Alps, Italy.

S11. Composition and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere: a petrological, geochemical and geodynamic perspective

Conveners and Chairpersons: Carlotta Ferrando [Università di Pavia], Valentin Basch [Università di Pavia], Arianna Secchiari [Università di Parma], Manon Bickert [Università di Modena], Zeudia Pastore [Norwegian University of Science and Technology]


Tuesday 20 September [11.00-13.00] - Grey Room

11-1 11.00-11.30: [KEYNOTE] Cannat M.*, Chen J. & Olive J.A.: Crustal construction in magmatically robust slow spreading ridge settings.

11-2 11.30-11.45: Grammatica M.*, Fumagalli P., Borghini G. & Capitani G.: The role of melt/olivine ratio in dissolution and reactive crystallization: an experimental and microstructural study (Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction-EBSD) at 0.5 GPa.

11-3 11.45-12.00: Maia M.*, Briais A., Petracchini L., Cuffaro M., Ligi M., Brunelli D., Grenet L. & Hamelin C.: Tectonic deformation and variable magma supply along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis south of the Romanche transform fault.

11-4 12.00-12.15: Ficini E.*, Cuffaro M., Ligi M. & Miglio E.: Numerical modelling of a curved Mid-oceanic ridge with oblique kinematics along the Knipovich-Mohns segment (Arctic Ocean).

11-5 12.15-12.30: (Invited) Boschi C.*: Serpentinization of Oceanic Peridotites: implication for geochemical cycles and carbon sequestration.

11-6 12.30-12.45: Montanini A.*, Tribuzio R., Rumbolo T. & Bosch D.: Chemical and Nd-Hf isotope heterogeneity in depleted mantle domains from the Alpine-Apennine ophiolites.

11-7 12.45-13.00: De Togni M.*, Gattiglio M. & Balestro G.: Pre-Alpine oceanic tectonostratigraphy of the high-pressure Lanzo Valleys Ophiolites (Viù Valley, Western Alps).


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

11-8 Pannello 31: Sanfilippo A.*, Dick H.J.B., Klein F., Edgcomb V., Canales J.P., Xu M. & Tivey M.: An international project to test the 'orphan crust' model through scientific drilling: insights from the Kane Megamullion Oceanic Core Complex (23°N, Mid Atlantic Ridge).

11-9 Pannello 32: Basch V.*, Skolotnev S., Sanfilippo A., Ligi M., Peyve A. & the A.N. Strakhov Expedition S50 and A.N. Vavilov Expedition V53 Science Parties: Seafloor spreading modes across the Charlie Gibbs transform system (52° - 53° N, Mid Atlantic Ridge).

11-10 Pannello 33: Tribuzio R., Ferrando C.*, Mariani D. & France L.: Late-stage melt injections in the lower oceanic crust: the amphibole-rich granoblastic dikes within Atlantis Bank (Southwest Indian Ridge).

11-11 Pannello 34: Battifora C.*, Basch V., Crispini L. & Rampone E.: Melt-rock interactions and evolution of the upper mantle at an Oman paleo-spreading centre (OmanDP, Wadi Tayin).

11-12 Pannello 35: Pastore Z.*, Church N., Uehara M., Gattacceca J., Zanella E. & Vitale Brovarone A.: A geophysical study of the Monte Maggiore ultramafic massif.

11-13 Pannello 36: Tribuzio R.*, Ferrando C., Sanfilippo A. & Zanetti A.: Onset of hydration in the lower oceanic crust from the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex (Southwest Indian Ridge).

11-14 Pannello 37: Secchiari A.*, Godard M., Montanini A. & Luguet A.: Mantle rocks exhumed along an ocean-continent transition: revisiting the Iberian margin peridotites (ODP Leg 149 and 173).

11-15 Pannello 38: Ferrari E., Montanini A.* & Tribuzio R.: Evolution of the subcontinental lithosphere during Mesozoic Tethyan rifting: constraints from the External Ligurian mantle section (Northern Apennine, Italy).

11-16 Pannello 39: Corno A.*, Mosca P., Groppo C., Borghi A. & Gattiglio M.: Alpine metamorphism in the far-west: new petrological constraints from the upper Chisone valley (Italian Western Alps).

S12. Growth, recycling and differentiation of the continental crust

Conveners and Chairpersons: Michele Zucali [Università di Milano], Simona Ferrando [Università di Torino], Patrizia Fiannacca [Università di Catania], Sergio Rocchi [Università di Pisa]


Tuesday 20 September [17.30-19.30] - Grey Room

12-1 17.30-17.45: (Invited) Caricchi L.*: Quantifying crustal magma fluxes to unveil their role on volcanic activity, growth of differentiation of the crust and the formation of ore deposits.

12-2 17.45-18.00: Mosconi A.*, Tiepolo M., Farina F. & Cannaò E.: Geochemistry and geochronology of the Corno Alto complex (Adamello batholith): evidence for a multi-stage and multi-component process.

12-3 18.00-18.15: Groppo C.*, Rolfo F. & Frezzotti M.L.: The contribution of calcareous pelites in shaping the continental crust: prograde metamorphism, fluid production and melt (un)fertility.

12-4 18.15-18.30: Caso F.*: Permian evolution of the lower continental crust: the example of the Valpelline Unit in the Austroalpine Domain (Western Alps, Italy).

12-5 18.30-18.45: Gianola O., Costa B., Alvaro M., Gilio M., Ferri F. & Cesare B.*: Origin of felsic melts by anatexis of arclogites in arc roots: an example from Mercaderes, Colombia.

12-6 18.45-19.00: Ferrero S.*, Nicoli G., Darling R., Yakymchuk C., Wunder B. & Tollan P.E.: Melting the mafic crust: multiple anatectic events at Hooper mine, Adirondacks (New York State US).

12-7 19.00-19.15: Carvalho B.B.*, Cesare B., Bartoli O., Satish-Kumar M., Petrelli M., Kawakami T., Hokada T. & Gilio M.: Probing the hottest melts from Earth's continental crust.

12-8 19.15-19.30: Bartoli O.*: Use and misuse of geochemical records to decipher fluid regime during crustal melting.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

12-9 Pannello 40: Ágreda López M.*, Petrelli M., Šala M., Perugini D. & Jorgenson C.: Unravelling the tanscrustal magmatic system in the Colli Albani volcanic complex through trace element mapping.

12-10 Pannello 41: Fiannacca P.*, Basei M.A.S., Cirrincione R. & Russo D.: Inferring melting conditions from composition of granitoid rocks: the controversial case of S-type trondhjemites.

12-11 Pannello 42: Ibe C.*, Langone A., Caggianelli A., Tursi F. & Brogi A.: The xenoliths of the Giglio Monzogranite: types and genetical implications.

12-12 Pannello 43: Mantovani F.*: Ordovician thermometamorphic events: correlation between the External Zone (Mt Filau-Settiballas area) and the High Grade Metamorphic Complex (Tamarispa area) in Sardinia (Italy).

12-13 Pannello 44: Mariani D.*, Renna M.R., Zanetti A. & Tribuzio R.: Polyphase pyroxenitization of dunites in the lower continental crust: evidence from the Ivrea Mafic Complex (Italian Alps).

12-14 Pannello 45: Moschetti L.*, Ferrando S., Compagnoni R. & Radulesco N.: The Cima Ghiliè metadacite and its xenoliths (Argentera Massif, Western Alps, Italy): petrography and mineral-chemistry.

12-15 Pannello 46: Ortolano G.*, Pagano M., Visalli R., Fazio E., Godard G. & Cirrincione R.: Crustal growth of the upper crust of the Serre Massif: an overview on the late-Variscan evolution of the southern European Hercynian chain.

12-16 Pannello 47: Rocchi S.*, Jacobs J. & Masotta M.: Alpine Oligocene zircons recycled into Pseudomacigno/ Acquadolce units, north-eastern Elba Island.

12-17 Pannello 48: Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Mamtani M.A., Fazio E. & Cirrincione R.: Cittanova pluton and Serre Batholith: answers to unsettled questions on the southernmost sector of the Serre Massif (Southern Italy) from field and AMS data.

12-18 Pannello 49: Zucali M.*, Moroni M., Tiepolo M., Masoch J., Romanelli G. & Ferrari E.S.: Structural and geochemical revaluation of appinite dikes along the Cossato-Mergozzo-Brissago Lineament, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, NW Italy.

S13. Earth dynamics to dynamic landscape: feedback between tectonics and landscape evolution

Conveners and Chairpersons: Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesco Pavano [Lehigh University], Ciro Cerrone [Università di Napoli Federico II], Mauro Bonasera [Università di Torino], Michele Delchiaro [Sapienza Università di Roma], Paola Molin [Università degli Studi Roma Tre], Frank J. Pazzaglia [Lehigh University]


Wednesday 21 September [15.30-17.30] - TE9 Room

13-1 15.30-15.45: [KEYNOTE] Siravo G.*, Becker T.W., Faccenna C., Fellin M.G., Gérault M., Herman F., Molin P. & Sembroni A.: Tectonically driven drainage reorganization in the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia.

13-2 15.45-16.00: Crosetto S.*, de Montserrat A. & Oncken O.: Marine terraces response to subduction earthquake dynamics: a forward modelling approach.

13-3 16.00-16.15: Ascione A.*, Cerrone C., Di Donato V., Valente E., Di Maio G., Soligo M. & Tuccimei P.: Late Quaternary morphotectonic evolution of the Sele River Plain peri-Tyrrhenian graben (southern Italy): new data and constraints from U-series analyses.

13-4 16.15-16.30: Reitano R.*, Faccenna C., Funiciello F., Corbi F., Lanari R. & Clementucci R.: Erosional laws in analogue models.

13-5 16.30-16.45: Lanari R.*, Reitano R., Faccenna C., Piana Agostinetti N. & Ballato P.: Surface response to deep subduction dynamics: insight from the Apennines, Italy.

13-6 16.45-17.00: Sorrentino A.*, Mondillo N. & Valente E.: Long-term relief evolution of the Andean chain in the Bongará region (northern Peru): implications for the genesis of supergene ore deposits.

13-7 17.00-17.15: Cocco F.*, Casini L. & Funedda A.: The lithospheric structure of the Corsica-Sardinia Massif: a hint for geomorphic features, neotectonics and current geodynamics of the Western Mediterranean.

13-8 17.15-17.30: Muller V.A.P.*, Sue C., Valla P., Sternai P., Simon-Labric T., Martinod J., Ghiglione M., Baumgartner L., Herman F., Reiners P., Gautheron C., Grujic D., Shuster D., Braun J. & Bernett M.: Exhumation response to climate and tectonic forcing in the southern Patagonian Andes (Torres del Paine and Fitz Roy plutonic complexes).


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

13-9 Pannello 59: Bufalini M.*, Ferrando A., Silvani F. & Bosino A.: Geomorphological remarks in the eastern part of Monte Primo, Central Apennines, Marche, (Italy).

13-10 Pannello 60: Buleo Tebar V.*, Bonasera M., Fubelli G. & Racano S.: Assessment of Quaternary variations of the drainage pattern through morphotectonic investigations in Southern Piedmont (North-western Italy).

13-11 Pannello 61: Fioraso M.*, Olivetti V., Balestrieri M.L. & Cornamusini G.: A GIS-thermochronology integrated approach to reconstruct the paleo-topography of the Southern Victoria Land (Transantarctic Mountains).

13-12 Pannello 62: Fisher J.*, Pazzaglia F., Anastasio D. & Gallen S.: Linear inversion of fluvial topography in the northern Apennines: comparison of base-level fall to crustal shortening.

13-13 Pannello 63: Omidiji J.*, Stephenson W., Dickson M. & Norton K.: Tectonics and shore platform development: Rates and patterns of erosion on recently uplifted mudstone and limestone rocks at Kaikōura Peninsula, New Zealand.

13-14 Pannello 64: Peng H.*, Wang J., Liu C., Zhang T. & Zattin M.: Long-term exhumation of the western North China Craton: insights from seismic, borehole and geochronological data.

13-15 Pannello 65: Scaccia D.*, Sembroni A. & Molin P.: The topographic growth of a mountain chain revealed by hydrography and topography: the case of the Central Apennines.

13-16 Pannello 66: Sechi D.*, Andreucci S. & Pascucci V.: The Pleistocene Sardinian composite unconformity surface. Insight on climate and tectonic interplay to reconstruct Western Mediterranean geodynamic evolution.

S14. Ore deposits for a green future

Conveners and Chairpersons: Nicola Mondillo [Università di Napoli], Licia Santoro [Università di Torino], Marilena Moroni [Università di Milano], Stefano Naitza [Università di Cagliari], Francesco Putzolu [Natural History Museum of London]


Monday 19 September [11.00-13.00] - Orange Room

14-1 11.00-11.30: [KEYNOTE] Herrington R.J.*: Mining a green future.

14-2 11.30-11.45: Fumanti F.*, Dacquino C., Siclari M., Verdura M.G., Vigna G., Negri M. & Mining W.G.: Reassessment and sustainable management of national mineral resources, essential raw materials to achieve ecological and digital transition.

14-3 11.45-12.00: Dini A., Lattanzi P.*, Ruggieri G. & Trumpy E.: Lithium resources of Italy: an overview.

14-4 12.00-12.15: Zanin S.*: Altamin, Italian base and battery metals exploration and production.

14-5 12.15-12.30: Domenighini G.*, Santoro L., Moroni M. & Zanin S.: Co-Ni mineralization in the Punta Corna hydrothermal vein system (Piemonte, Italy): preliminary results.

14-6 12.30-12.45: Chirico R.*, Mondillo N., Laukamp C. & Zanin S.: Hyperspectral remote and proximal sensing for mineral exploration: the Punta Corna Co-Ni vein system (Piedmont, Italy).

14-7 12.45-13.00: Grieco G.*, Naitza S., Cocomazzi G., Deidda M.L., Bussolesi M., Cazzaniga A. & Zanetta G.: Recycling feldspar wastes as buffer for AMD remediation: preliminary tests on sulfide-rich materials from Sardinia abandoned mines.

Monday 19 September [15.30-17.30] - Orange Room

14-8 15.30-16.00: [KEYNOTE] Pirajno F.* & Yu H.-C.: Carbonatites and associated REE mineralisation.

14-9 16.00-16.15: Villanova-de-Benavent C.*, Proenza J.A., Torró L., Aiglsperger T., Domènech C., Domínguez-Carretero D., Ramírez A. & Rodríguez J.: REE-bearing mineralogy in the karst bauxites of the Pedernales peninsula, Dominican Republic.

14-10 16.15-16.30: Carrillo-Marrodan L.G.* & Castro-Mora J.: The Neoproterozoic high grade metamorphic complex as potencial REE hosted rocks in Oaxaca, southern Mexico.

14-11 16.30-16.45: Boni M.*: Vanadium in circular economy and vanadium deposits in the African continent.

14-12 16.45-17.00: Bouabdellah M., Boukirou W., Caracausi A.*, Italiano L. & Zemri O.: Noble gases as powerful geochemical tools to investigate ore deposits: a case study of Mississippi Valley Type deposits, Jbel Bou Dahar Pb-Zn district, Eastern High Atlas, Morocco.

14-13 17.00-17.15: Giorno M.*, Barale L., Bertok C., Burisch M., Frenzel M., Looser N., Bernasconi S.M. & Martire L.: New insight into ore formation at the Gorno MVT district (Northern Italy).

14-14 17.15-17.30: Summino L.*, Bertok C., Martire L. & Piana F.: Structural and stratigraphical characterization of the Vedra Valley sulphides deposit (Oltre il Colle, BG, Italy).

Monday 19 September [17.30-19.30] - Orange Room

14-15 17.30-18.00: [KEYNOTE] Fiorentini M.*: Dynamics of metal and volatile flux across the lithosphere.

14-16 18.00-18.15: Cherdantseva M.* & Fiorentini M.: Isotopic and trace element signatures of calcite, apatite and zircon from carbonatite liquid associated with Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization.

14-17 18.15-18.30: Bongiovanni M.*, Fusswinkel T., Marks M. & Kocher S.: Chlorine-bromine-iodine systematics as tracer of fluid and metal sources in Sn-W mineralized magmatic-hydrothermal systems.

14-18 18.30-18.45: Deidda M.L.*, De Giudici G.B., Fancello D., Idini A., Tavazzani L. & Kouzmanov K.: Towards the definition of a Sn-W-Mo late Variscan skarn-system in Southwestern Sardinia: evidence from key-areas in the Sulcis-Iglesiente district.

14-19 18.45-19.00: Idini A.*, Colonna T., Carmignani L. & Conti P.: Coltan-bearing LCT pegmatites from Nuflo de Chavez Province, Eastern Bolivia.

14-20 19.00-19.15: Vezzoni S.*, Pieruccioni D., Molli G., Biagioni C. & Dini A.: Origin and metamorphic reworking of the Buca della Vena Tl-rich orebody (Alpi Apuane).

14-21 19.15-19.30: Sorrentino A.*, Chirico R., Corrado F., Laukamp C. & Mondillo N.: District-scale mapping of hydrothermal and supergene alteration zones from PRISMA satellite hyperspectral data in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

14-22 Pannello 29: Bussolesi M.*, Grieco G., Cocomazzi G., Hyseni Q., Cavallo A. & Destefanis E.: Critical and other trace metals fractioning within the flotation plant at the Stan Terg Pb-Zn mine, Kosovo: implications on recovery and environmental hazard.

14-23 Pannello 30: Bussolesi M.*, Grieco G., Cocomazzi G. & Cavallo A.: Overview of CRM-bearing minerals in the Co-Ni-As mineralisation of the Punta Corna mining complex, Northern Italy.

14-24 Pannello 31: Scano I.*, Deidda M.L., Fancello D., Frau F., Moroni M. & Naitza S.: Spatial and compositional effects of intersection zones in the five-element (Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag) vein system of the Southern Arburèse district (SW Sardinia).

14-25 Pannello 32: Moroni M.*, Naitza S., Deidda M.L., Cantaluppi R., Mondragon Mallqi J., Stucchi M., Risplendente A. & Sessa G.: Critical metal enrichments in the Fe-Zn skarns of the historical Perda Niedda-Arenas mining areas, Iglesiente, SW Sardinia.

14-26 Pannello 33: Cocomazzi G.*, Bussolesi M., Grieco G., Cavallo A., Tzamos E. & Lazetera D.: The effect of texture and mineralogy on the possible recovery of Sb as a flotation by-product from the Stratoni Pb-Zn-Au skarn deposit (Chalkidiki, Northern Greece).

14-27 Pannello 34: López de Azarevich V., Fulignati P., Gioncada A.*, Ortega Pérez M. & Azarevich M.: First insights into fluid evolution in the Taca Taca Bajo porphyry copper system (NW Argentina).

14-28 Pannello 35: Mendoza P., Menoscal M., Villalta M., Fornasaro S., Fulignati P., Gioncada A.*, Mulas M., Jimenez Oyola S. & Romero Crespo P.: Geochemical and petrographic characterization of the Bella Rica hydrothermal gold mineralization (Ponce Enriquez, Ecuador).

14-29 Pannello 36: Corrado F.*, Chirico R. & Mondillo N.: Application of the PRISMA satellite hyperspectral sensor to the exploration of Cu-Mo porphyry deposits of the Miocene to Early Pliocene Belt of Central Chile.

14-30 Pannello 37: Filippi M.*, Roda M., Zucali M. & Spalla M.I.: Deformation control on lithium distribution during metamorphism: the eclogitized pegmatites of Koralpe complex.

14-31 Pannello 38: Ferrari E.S.*, Moroni M., Naitza S., Deidda M.L., Mondragon Mallqi J. & Stucchi M.: Recovering critical and economic metals (In, Sn, Zn, Cu) from mine waste debris and weathered outcrops in the Zn-Fe skarn belt of the Iglesiente-Sulcis region (SW Sardinia): the case of the historical Perda Niedda mining area.

14-32 Pannello 39: Scano I.*, Sedda L., Fancello D., Deidda M.L., Moroni M., Podda F., De Giudici G.B. & Naitza S.: From mining wastes to mineral sources - investigating the REE-bearing occurrences in the Arburèse District (SW Sardinia).

14-33 Pannello 40: Mancini S., Dino G.A.*, Pereira D., Holden Baptista E., de Ferro Miranda Miguel I.L., Nuvunga F., Silva Victória S., Lasagna M., Bonetto S., De Luca D.A. & Rodrigues N.: Cooperation projects between EU and Africa towards a more effective sustainable mining. Some case studies: SUGERE and IGCP-746.

S15. Mineralogy and waste: circular economy for a sustainable future

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giancarlo Capitani [Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca], Sonia Conte [Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Ceramici-CNR Faenza], Linda Pastero [Università degli Studi di Torino], Cecilia Viti [Università degli Studi di Siena]


Tuesday 20 September [08.30-10.30] - Orange Room

15-1 08.30-09.00: [KEYNOTE] Tribaudino M.*: Earth materials and waste: similarities and differences.

15-2 09.00-09.15: [KEYNOTE] Tarantino S.C.*: From waste to secondary raw materials: new paths to enable a sustainable use of resources.

15-3 09.15-09.30: Volpintesta F.*, Ossoli E., Reggiani A., Stabile P., Santulli C. & Paris E.: Potential upcycling application of Construction and Demolition Waste from the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes.

15-4 09.30-09.45: Radica F.*, Iezzi G., Trotta O., Bonifazi G. & Serranti S.: Discriminating the petrography of CDW via rapid spectroscopic tool.

15-5 09.45-10.00: Marian N.M.*, Perotti M., Indelicato C., Magrini C., Giorgetti G., Capitani G.C. & Viti C.: Circular economy approach in the management of large volume inorganic wastes: the case of red gypsum from the TiO2 industry.

15-6 10.00-10.15: Arletti R.*, Conte S. , Zanelli C. , De Iuliis M., Di Giuseppe D., Scognamiglio V., Malferrari D., Dondi M. & Gualtieri A.F.: Secondary raw materials for innovative and sustainable ceramic production: recycling the product of thermal inertization of vitreous fibers.

15-7 10.15-10.30: Taddei A.*, Lepore G.O., Bindi L. & Bonazzi P.: Structural and ion-exchange properties of hydropyrochlore: Towards a potential waste form to immobilize thallium in polluted environments.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

15-8 Pannello 50: Belviso C.*, Guerra G., Abdolrahimi M., Peddis D., Maraschi F., Cavalcante F., Ferretti M., Martucci A. & Sturini M.: Magnetic zeolites formed from pure sources and wastes: Efficiency in ofloxacin antibiotic water remediation.

15-9 Pannello 51: Bisciotti A.*, Ardit M. & Cruciani G.: 8-bit image analysis as a preliminary method to evaluate residual mortar paste attached on recycle concrete aggregate.

15-10 Pannello 52: Calista M., Novembre D., Pasqualini R., Reale M. & Rainone M.L.*: On the possible use of F.O.S. / clay mixtures in environmental recovery activities. Preliminary results of chemical-mineralogical and physical-mechanical analyses.

15-11 Pannello 53: Calista M.*, Novembre D., Rainone M.L. & Sciarra N.: First experimental results on the use of georesources in waterproofing systems.

15-12 Pannello 54: Campanale F.*, Pellegrino L., Bernasconi A., Galimberti L., Vergani F., Marian N.M., Viti C. & Capitani G.C.: Recycling detoxified cement asbestos in ceramic and cement mortar.

15-13 Pannello 55: Cardinale A.M., Parodi N.*, Zotti M. & Carbone C.: Is it waste or urban mine?

15-14 Pannello 56: De Matteis C.*, Toller S., Mantovani L., Funari V., Dinelli E. & Tribaudino M.: Application and changing of a Sequential Extraction Procedure (SEP) to analysed chemical- mineralogical composition of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ashes (MSWI BA).

15-15 Pannello 57: De Matteis C.*, Toller S. & Tribaudino M.: In situ and ex situ Bottom Ashes (BA) from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator (MSWI) heating: mineralogical application for solid waste stabilization.

15-16 Pannello 58: Fornari G.*, Pinto D., El Chami D. & Clausi M.: Investigations on industrial wastes for the valorization of their mineral content in the fertilizer industry: preliminary results.

15-17 Pannello 59: Galderisi A., Bravo M., Iezzi G.*, Cruciani G., Paris E. & de Brito J.: Mortars with recycled aggregates from CDW rubbles of the 2016/2017 earthquakes in central Italy: Petrography and mechanical performance.

15-18 Pannello 60: Lancellotti I.*, Altimari F., Andreola F., Barbieri L. & Maggi B.: Use of volcanic minerals for a sustainable future.

15-19 Pannello 61: Novembre D.*, Gimeno D., Calista M., Mancinelli V. & Miccadei E.: On the suitability of phillipsite-chabazite zeolitite rock for ammonia uptake in water: a case study from the Pescara river (Italy).

15-20 Pannello 62: Perchiazzi N.*, Mugnaioli E., Pollastri S., Franceschini F., Licitra G., Ghezzi L. & Petrini R.: Solid-state characterization of high-temperature processed chromium-bearing tannery sludges.

15-21 Pannello 63: Perotti M.*, Marian N.M., Indelicato C., Capitani G., Iacoviello F., Salvini R. & Viti C.: Flotation muds as secondary raw materials in ceramic production: a preliminary study.

15-22 Pannello 64: Stabile P.*, Abudurehman A., Carroll M.R. & Paris E.: Mineralogy and thermal behavior of treated vitrified solid wastes for recycling.

15-23 Pannello 65: Vergani F.*, Campanale F., Perotti M., Marian N.M., Viti C. & Capitani G.C.: Recycling detoxified cement asbestos in organic compounds.

S16. The challenge of alkali-activated materials: new chance for a sustainable world

Conveners and Chairpersons: Claudio Finocchiaro [Università di Catania], Roberta Occhipinti [Università di Catania], Giuseppe Sabatino [Università di Messina]


Tuesday 20 September [11.00-13.00] - Orange Room

16-1 11.00-11.30: [KEYNOTE] Lancellotti I., Dal Poggetto G., Kamseu E., Andreola F., Barbieri L., Romagnoli M. & Leonelli C.*: Alkali activated materials: the experience in Modena.

16-2 11.30-11.45: Lancellotti I.*, Altimari F., Barbieri L. & Maggi B.: Volcanic scraps as mineral resources for the design of sustainable alkali activates materials.

16-3 11.45-12.00: Clausi M.* & Pinto D.: Design and characterization of alkali-activated binders from water potabilization sludges.

16-4 12.00-12.15: Ossoli E.*, Volpintesta F., Stabile P., Santulli C. & Paris E.: Upcycling of stone composite waste into geopolymer-based mortars for applications in the building sector.

16-5 12.15-12.30: Stroscio A.* & Mazzoleni P.: Production of geopolymer binders using Sicilian clay sediments.

16-6 12.30-12.45: Belhamdi H.*, Visco A., Salomone R. & Plutino M.R.: Economic and environmental impact assessments of Advanced Geopolymeric materials.

16-7 12.45-13.00: (Invited) Gatta G.D.*, Battiston T. & Comboni D.: Sorel cement: properties and utilization.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

16-8 Pannello 66: Belhamdi H.*, Sabatino G. & Plutino M.R.: Development of functional and eco-sustainable sol-gel based geopolymers for cultural heritage and buildings applications.

16-9 Pannello 67: Cofano V.*, Clausi M., Santoro O. & Pinto D.: Preliminary studies on porous geopolymers for municipal wastewater treatment.

16-10 Pannello 68: Finocchiaro C.*, Caggiani M.C., Coccato A., Fugazzotto M., Lanzafame G., Nucatolo G., Occhipinti R., Portale S., Stranieri S. & Stroscio A.: Restoration tests with alkali activated mortars based on Mt. Etna volcanic ash: the mosaics of Monreale Cathedral (Palermo, Italy).

16-11 Pannello 69: Occhipinti R.*, Bertino A., Finocchiaro C., Fugazzotto M., Motta A., Portale S., Stroscio A., Baudo S., Nucatolo G. & Starinieri S.: The ancient Odéon from Teatro Romano (Catania Sicily): a pilot site for the application of Alkali Activated Materials in Cultural Heritage conservation.

16-12 Pannello 70: Parisi F.*, Giacobello F., Marcianò G., Mottese A., Nania G., Italiano F., Tripodo A., Sabatino G., Caccamo M., Magazù S. & Di Bella M.: Alkali-activated cements (AAC) as virtuous solution for waste treatment.

16-13 Pannello 71: Parisi F.*, Giacobello F., Marcianò G., Mottese A., Nania G., Italiano F., Tripodo A., Sabatino G., Caccamo M.T., Magazù S. & Di Bella M.: Life cycle assessment of alkali- activated cements realized with ceramic and sewer sludge waste.

16-14 Pannello 72: Portale S.*, Occhipinti R., Lanzafame G., Gimeno D. & Barone G.: The potentiality of volcanic ash from 2021 Cumbre Vieja Eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain) as starting material for the alkali activation process.

16-15 Pannello 73: Romano D.*, Italiano F., Di Bella M., Mottese A.F., Parisi F., Nania G. & Sabatino G.: Radon release from geomaterials used in the synthesis of alkali-activated materials for building purposes.

16-16 Pannello 74: Portale S.*, Finocchiaro C. & Barone G.: Preliminary studies on the cutting wastes from Sicilian stone industries: a resource for Alkali-Activated Materials.

16-17 Pannello 75: Zafarana S.E.*, Occhipinti R. & Mazzoleni P.: The effect of natural fibres on geopolymers made using Mt. Etna volcanic ash as precursor.

S17. Microporous and layered minerals: properties and applications for a sustainable future

Conveners and Chairpersons: Paolo Lotti [Università di Milano], Giorgia Confalonieri [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France], Davide Comboni [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France]


Wednesday 21 September [17.30-19.30] - Orange Room

17-1 17.30-17.45: Lepore G.O.*, Schingaro E., Mesto E., Lacalamita M., Cristiani C., Gallo Stampino P., Dotelli G., Finocchio E., d'Acapito F. & Giuli G.: The role of layered silicates in REE recovery: La uptake and release processes in natural and modified montmorillonites.

17-2 17.45-18.00: Vola G.*, Massa M., Ardit M., Bresciani P., Sarandrea L. & Cruciani G.: Process optimization and characterization of dolomitic hydrated limes with high BET specific surface area for "green applications".

17-3 18.00-18.15: Belviso C.*, Orlando S., Lettino A., Medici L., Mollica D. & Guarnaccio A.: Synthetic zeolite as targets of fs pulsed laser ablation: effects.

17-8 18.15-18.30: Mancinelli M.*, Ahrens L., Bonnet B. & Martucci A.: Adsorption of PFAS to different zeolites: characterization using LC/MS-MS, X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis for industrial application and real environmental conditions.

17-5 18.30-18.45: Montesano G.*, Cappelletti P., Caputo D., Liguori B., Campanile A. & Rispoli C.: Mineralogical and technological characterization of zeolites from Basin and Range as pozzolanic addition of cement.

17-6 18.45-19.00: Battiston T.*, Comboni D., Pagliaro F., Lotti P. & Gatta G.D.: P-induced crystal fluid interaction: the case of ERI and OFF topology.

17-7 19.00-19.15: Fantini R.*, Vezzalini G., Confalonieri G., Di Renzo F., Mino L., Cavalli R., Argenziano M., Fischer M. & Arletti R.: Microporous Minerals Catching Sun: UV filters encapsulation in Zeolites.

17-4 19.15-19.30: Izzo F.*, Mercurio M., Germinario C., Grifa C. & Langella A.: Comparing technological performance of natural zeolite-rich composites for the sorption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

17-9 Pannello 67: Battiston T.*, Comboni D., Pagliaro F., Lotti P., Gatta G.D.: The role of temperature in P-induced crystal fluid interaction: the case of LAU and HEU topology.

17-10 Pannello 68: Colombo F.*, Confalonieri G., Vezzalini G., Di Renzo F. & Arletti R.: Rare Earth recovery from different leaching-like solutions using NH4-exchanged 13X and LTL zeolite.

17-11 Pannello 69: Gatta G.D.*, Battiston T., Comboni D., Pagliaro F., Lotti P., Migliori M., Giordano G. & Ferrarelli G.: P-induced crystal-fluid interactions in 6-membered ring zeolites with EAB topology.

17-12 Pannello 70: Indelicato C.*, Perotti M., Iacoviello F. & Moreschi R.: Correlative microscopy of calcareous rocks and related derivative quicklimes applying innovative nano-CT scanning.

17-13 Pannello 71: Montesano G.*, Petrosino P., Rispoli C. & Cappelletti P.: Preliminary investigations on secondary mineralization processes in pyroclastic rocks from Surtsey (Iceland).

17-14 Pannello 72: Pagliaro F.*, Comboni D., Battiston T., Gatta G.D. & Lotti P.: Pressure-driven methanol intrusion in MFI-zeolites and its effects on the structural deformation in silicalite-1.

S18. Celebrating the International Year of Mineralogy: two centuries of progress and discoveries

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giovanni Orazio Lepore [Università di Firenze], Daniela Mauro [Università di Pisa], Alessandra Altieri [Sapienza Università di Roma]


Tuesday 20 September [17.30-19.30] - Orange Room

18-1 17.30-18.00: [KEYNOTE] Ferraris G.*: Crystal structure of minerals: from Haüy's hypothesis to Braggs' experimental evidence.

18-2 18.00-18.15: Pereti C., Bernot K., Bindi L.*, Fanelli D., Guizouarn T., Laufek A., Sessoli R. & Vymazalova A.: When mineral sciences meet artificial intelligence: an outstanding example about how Mineralogy can continue to surprise us and have a strong impact on other disciplines.

18-3 18.15-18.30: Pasero M.* & Chukanov N.V.: Systematics of M:O = 1:2 oxide minerals, and adjustments needed in some of their chemical formulae.

18-4 18.30-18.45: Biagioni C.* & Sejkora J.: Tetrahedrite-group minerals: a new life for one of the oldest sulfosalt groups.

18-5 18.45-19.00: Comboni D.*, Battiston T., Pagliaro F., Lotti P., Hanfland M. & Gatta G.D.: Phase stability of hydrated borates at high pressure.

18-6 19.00-19.15: Della Ventura G.*, Redhammer G.J., Ventruti G., Oberti R., Radica F., Bernardini S. & Mihailova B.: The thermal stability of riebeckite under different oxidation conditions.

18-7 19.15-19.30: Conconi R.*, Fumagalli P., Lucotti A. & Capitani G.: A multi-methodological study of syntactic intergrowths and polysomatism in Ca-REE fluorcarbonate minerals from Mount Malosa (Malawi).


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

18-8 Pannello 76: Altieri A.*, Pezzotta F., Skogby H., Hålenius U. & Bosi F.: Characterization of the blue-growth sectors in elbaite crystals from the San Piero in Campo pegmatites, Elba Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy).

18-9 Pannello 77: Altieri A.*, Pezzotta F., Skogby H., Hålenius U. & Bosi F.: Dark colored Mn-rich terminations in a tourmaline crystal from Elba Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy): memory of the late-stage opening of the geochemical system.

18-10 Pannello 78: Biagioni C.*, D'Orazio M. & Mauro D.: The Mn ore deposit of Scortico-Ravazzone: a Långban-type mineral assemblage from the Apuan Alps (northern Tuscany, Italy).

18-11 Pannello 79: Biagioni C., Hålenius U., Musetti S.* & Bonaccorsi E.: Melanostibite, Mn2Fe3+Sb5+O6: centric or acentric?

18-12 Pannello 80: Biagioni C., Musetti S.*, Holtstam D. & Zaccarini F.: Apuanite and versiliaite revisited.

18-13 Pannello 81: Comboni D.*, Hanfland M. & Garbarino G.: ID15b, crystallography and Earth sciences.

18-14 Pannello 82: Giai M.*, Ciriotti M.E. & Costa E.: Characterisation of mineralogical specimens from the abandoned Fe-Mn Montaldo Mine, Corsaglia Valley, Cuneo.

18-15 Pannello 83: Landi A.I.*, Lepore G.O., Di Benedetto F., Chelazzi L., Della Ventura G., Carretti E. & Bonazzi P.: Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of turquoise samples showing different colour.

18-16 Pannello 84: Margheri S.*, Holtstam D., Bonazzi P. & Bindi L.: Parahibbingite from Muonionalusta, the first occurrence of β-Fe2(OH)3Cl as terrestrial weathering product of an iron meteorite: Structural and spectroscopic characterization.

18-17 Pannello 85: Mesto E.*, Mongelli G., Sinisi R., Schingaro E. & Lacalamita M.: Piemontite from the Pollino Massif (southern Italy): crystal-chemistry and geochemical inferences.

18-18 Pannello 86: Mugnaioli E.*, Folco L., Masotta M., Biagioni C., Paoli G. & Capaccioli S.: The new CISUP facilities for Earth Science at the University of Pisa.

18-19 Pannello 87: Pellino A., Balassone G.*, Abad I., Altomare A., Bellatreccia F., Cappelletti C., Mondillo N., Herrington R.J., Isè C., Petti C. & Rumsey M.S.: Vanadates and associated minerals from the Vesuvian Collection of the Royal Mineralogical Museum of Naples (Italy).

18-20 Pannello 88: Perchiazzi N.*, Mauro D., Vignola P. & Zaccarini F.: Zoisite-(Pb), a new orthorhombic epidote-related mineral from Jakobsberg, Sweden, and its relationships with hancockite.

18-21 Pannello 89: Zema M.*, Ventruti G., Tarantino S.C. & Micelli C.: A new thermal and atmospheric conditioning device for in situ single-crystal diffraction is up and running.

S19. Slow rock slope deformations in different geodynamic and climatic settings: processes, activity, hazards

Conveners and Chairpersons: Federico Agliardi [Università di Milano-Bicocca], Chiara Crippa [Università di Milano-Bicocca], Emiliano Di Luzio [CNR Roma], Carlo Esposito [Sapienza Università di Roma]


Monday 19 September [11.00-13.00] - TE8 Room

19-1 11.00-11.15: [KEYNOTE] Manconi A.*: From slow to fast surface displacements in complex scenarios: spatial and temporal evolution of the Brienz/Brinzauls deep-seated landslide, Switzerland.

19-2 11.15-11.30: Cignetti M.*, Godone D., Notti D., Giordan D., Calò F., Reale D., Verde S. & Fornaro G.: Classification of the state of activity of Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation phenomena of the Aosta Valley Region exploiting Sentinel-1 data processed by SAR tomography.

19-3 11.30-11.45: Annibali Corona M.*, Guerriero L., Di Martire D., Ammirati L. & Calcaterra D.: From PS-driven identification to numerical modelling: DSGSDs of Mount Bulgheria in Southern Italy.

19-4 11.45-12.00: Donati D.*, Stead D., Rabus B., Engelbrecht J., Clague J.J., Francioni M. & Borgatti L.: Application of multi-sensor, multi-temporal, multi-scale remote sensing datasets for landslide analysis.

19-5 12.00-12.15: Ferrario M.F.*, Livio F., Zerboni A., Mariani G.S., Martinelli E. & Amit R.: Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in the Cavargna Valley (Central Southern Alps): triggering processes and slope evolution.

19-6 12.15-12.30: Crippa C.*, Agliardi F., Schibuola R. & Chen R.F.: Slow rock slope deformations in rapid tectonic uplift areas: the cases of Yienchi and Yakou (Taiwan).

19-7 12.30-12.45: Del Rio L.*, Moro M., Fondriest M., Saroli M., Masoch S., Doumaz F., Gori S., Falcucci E., Cavallo A., Lutterotti L., Artioli G., Borovin E. & Di Toro G.: Slip surfaces associated with seismic faults and gravitational slope deformations in carbonate rocks.

19-8 12.45-13.00: Delchiaro M.*, Marmoni G.M., Della Seta M. & Martino S.: Time-dependent rockmass deformations, geological aging and landscape evolution as predisposing factors for large rockslide triggering.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

19-9 Pannello 41: Crippa C.*, Frattini P., Crosta G.B., Valbuzzi E. & Agliardi F.: Regional scale classification of slow rock slope deformations style of activity.

19-10 Pannello 42: Delchiaro M.*, Discenza M.E., Di Luzio E., Minnillo M., Rouhi J., Di Martire D., Troiani F., Della Seta M. & Esposito C.: Regional inventory of DSGSDs in the Molise region (Central Apennines, Italy): influence of predisposing factors and river incision on the process onset.

19-11 Pannello 43: Calcaterra D., Di Martire D., Francioni M., Guerriero L., Scarascia Mugnozza G., Sciarra N.*: Integrating innovative and conventional survey and analysis techniques in the study of large landslides, some examples from the Abruzzo Apennines.

19-12 Pannello 44: Franzosi F.*, Crippa C., Manconi A. & Agliardi F.: Unraveling spatial and temporal heterogeneities of very slow rock-slope deformations with targeted DInSAR analyses.

19-13 Pannello 45: Faccini F.*, Allasia P., Ferrando A., Godone D., Notti D. & Poggi F.: Terrestrial data and remote sensing technologies for monitoring a large-scale and low-kinematic landslide in a DSGSD ophiolitic landscape (Ligurian Apennines, Italy).

19-14 Pannello 46: Agliardi F.*, Amitrano D., Riva F., Scuderi M.M. & Collettini C.: The lifecycle of large rock slope failures: tracking progressive failure from nucleation to collapse.

19-15 Pannello 47: Esposito C.*, Di Luzio E., Baleani M., Troiani F., Della Seta M., Bozzano F. & Mazzanti P.: Fault-propagation folding, fluvial dynamics, gravitational deformation and rock slope failures: mutual relationships in the Poggio Baldi area (Northern Apennines).

19-16 Pannello 48: Discenza M.E., Di Luzio E.*, Di Martire D. & Esposito C.: Numerical modelling unravelling the development of a Basal Shear Zone in a tectonic-driven DSGSD (Luco Dei Marsi, Central Apennines).

19-17 Pannello 49: Esposito C.*, Martino S., Troiani F., Della Seta M., Cercato M., Hailemikael S. & Martini G.: Implications of rock slope deformations in local seismic response and land management: some hints from a case-study in central Apennines, Italy.

S20. Landslides from mountain to coastal environments and beyond

Conveners and Chairpersons: Costanza Morino [Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, Le Bourgetdu- Lac, France], Mauro Soldati [Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia], Philip Deline [Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France]


Tuesday 20 September [17.30-19.30] - TE8 Room

20-1 17.30-18.00: [KEYNOTE] Magnarini G.*: The geomorphological record of long runout landslides in the Solar System.

20-2 18.00-18.15: Scorpio V.*, Steger S., Comiti F. & Cavalli M.: Geomorphic impacts of connected debris flows on river corridor during an extreme storm: a case study in the Italian Alps.

20-3 18.15-18.30: Sepe C., Calcaterra D., Di Martire D., Fusco F., Tufano R.*, Vitale E. & Guerriero L.: Triggering conditions and propagation of the 2019 Palma Campania landslide: implication for residual hazard estimation.

20-4 18.30-18.45: Pittau S.*, Rossi M. & Brardinoni F.: Evaluation of historical landslide activity (1954- 2018) in relation to land-cover changes in the Sillaro River basin, Northern Apennines.

20-5 18.45-19.00: Guerini M.*, Giardino M., Paranunzio R., Nigrelli G., Turconi L., Luino F. & Chiarle M.: Conditioning factors of high mountain landslides: geological constrains and influences of permafrost degradation in the Italian Alps over the last two decades.

20-6 19.00-19.15: Fullin N.*, Duo E., Fabbri S., Ghirotti M. & Ciavola P.: Coastal cliff retreat and landslide processes: a preliminary quantitative characterization at Portonovo-Trave cliffs (Conero, Ancona, Italy).

20-7 19.15-19.30: Campilongo G.*, Ponte M., Catanzariti F., Muto F. & Critelli S.: Modelling of slopes in the Calabrian coastal area using FEM and LEM method.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

20-8 Pannello 90: Alverà G.*, Gianolla P., Ghirotti M. & Cruciani G.: Linking stratigraphy, mineralogy and geotechnical properties of claystones involved in the Lacedel landslide, Cortina d'Ampezzo (Dolomites, Italy).

20-9 Pannello 91: Annibali Corona M.*, Guerriero L., Di Martire D., Tufano R. & Calcaterra D.: Rockfall susceptibility assessment of the "San Michele Arcangelo" historic trail, Aurunci Regional Park, Italy.

20-10 Pannello 92: Bausilio G.*, Varsama C., Calcaterra D., Guerriero L. & Di Martire D.: Regional Landslide Susceptibility Assessment applying a Machine Learning algorithm to the coastal region of Attica (Greece).

20-11 Pannello 93: Bormioli D., Morelli M., Nicolò G. & Paro L.*: Geo-structural pattern and permafrost evolution for landslide risk analysis in high mountain area: preliminary results from the 2019-2020 Mt. Viso rockfall (Italian Westrn Alps).

20-12 Pannello 94: La Licata M.*, Bettoni M., Bernini A., Bosino A. & Maerker M.: Identification and characterization of landslide processes in a Mediterranean catchment: The Val d'Arda case study (Northern Apennines, Emilia-Romagna, Italy).

20-13 Pannello 95: Morino C.*, Conway S., Deline P., Magnin F., Noblet A., Svennevig K., Lucas A., Strom A., Dunning S. & Hermanns R.: Molards, a geomorphological marker of permafrost degradation and landslide dynamics in cold environments.

20-14 Pannello 96: Mureddu A.*: Extreme events and criticalities induced on provincial road n° 18 in November 2021 - Management of emergencies for landslides and gravitational phenomena - Assessment of hydrogeological risk and residual hydraulic functions of road crossings - Province of Southern Sardinia - Italy.

20-15 Pannello 97: Mureddu A.*: Geomorphological instability and maintenance management of road fronts along SSPP n° 83 and n° 108. Short and medium term planning and management of gravitational phenomena - Interventions on rockfall barriers and adherence containment networks - Province of Southern Sardinia - Italy.

20-16 Pannello 98: Torre D.*, Piacentini D. & Menichetti M.: Assessment of the relation between structural and morphological setting as condition for coastal slope stability.

20-17 Pannello 99: Traversa G.*, Fugazza D., Manara V., Stucchi L., Bocchiola D., Scaioni M., Maugeri M., Diolaiuti G.A. & Senese A.: A multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of a rockfall-affected river catchment.

20-18 Pannello 100: Vacha D., Mandrone G.* & Chicco J.M.: Hydrologic and erosion response in burned watersheds (Piedmont, western Italian Alps).

S21. Monitoring and sustainable management of natural and artificial cavities: a contribution toward mitigation of the risk from underground processes

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mario Parise [Università di Bari], Bartolomeo Vigna [Politecnico di Torino], Alberto Cina [Politecnico di Torino], Cristina Carbone [Università di Genova], Valentina Balestra [Politecnico di Torino]


Monday 19 September [15.30-17.30] - TE8 Room

21-1 15.30-15.45: Faccini F.*, Bixio R., Ferrando A., Montanari G., Piana P., Saj S., Terrone M. & Traverso M.: Survey and inventory of artificial cavities in the historical centre of Genoa (Italy): a contribution to the development of an experimental Underground Master Plan.

21-2 15.45-16.00: Ruberti D.*, Fabozzi M.A. & Vigliotti M.: The hidden world of artificial cavities in the northern Campania Plain: architectural variability and cataloging challenge.

21-3 16.00-16.15: Parise M.*, Castellanza R. & Lollino P.: A project addressed toward mitigation of the sinkhole risk.

21-4 16.15-16.30: Cozzolino M., Gentile V. & Mancini M.*: Joint use of historiographic, toponymic, topographical, speleological and geophysical data for the identification of the presumed entrance of the alabaster cave/quarry of Fontegreca (Caserta, Italy).

21-5 16.30-16.45: Garello A., Caselle C.*, Bonetto S. & Masciocco L.: Geo-environmental characterization of a gypsum underground quarry site for sustainable remediation strategies.

21-6 16.45-17.00: Vigna B. & Fiorucci A.*: Risk of sinkholes in underground mining activities: the importance of monitoring data.

21-7 17.00-17.15: Cardia S.*, Palma B. & Parise M.: New stability evaluation methods based on discontinuity sets recognition from 3D point clouds aimed at the protection of underground sites.

21-8 17.15-17.30: Zaragoza A.*, Teloni R. & Zambrano M.: Characterisation of shallow cavities and geological heterogeneities in urban environments: case study from the medieval village of Camporotondo di Fiastrone (MC).

Monday 19 September  [17.30-19.30] - TE8 Room

21-9 17.30-17.45: Addesso R.*, De Waele J. & Baldantoni D.: Sediment and water geochemistry shedding light on ecohydrology and anthropogenic impacts in Pertosa-Auletta Cave.

21-10 17.45-18.00: Di Cicco M.*, Fiasca B., Galassi D.M.P., Liso I.S., Parise M. & Vaccarelli I.: Potential factors driving the distribution of subterranean invertebrates in karst groundwaters of the Rotolo Cave (southern Italy).

21-11 18.00-18.15: Balestra V.* & Bellopede R.: Microplastic pollution in show cave sediments.

21-12 18.15-18.30: Menichetti M.*: The impact of visitors on the microclimate of Italian touristic show caves.

21-13 18.30-18.45: Vigna B.*, De Regibus C. & Balestra V.: Environmental parameters monitoring in show caves: some examples from NW Italian show caves.

21-14 18.45-19.00: Cossu Q.A., Cinus D.*, Isaia M., Piano E. & Duce P.: Environmental monitoring of Su Marmuri cave (Ulassai), a preliminary picture.

21-15 19.00-19.15: Piano E.*, Nicolosi G. & Isaia M.: Towards a sustainable touristic use of show caves: suggestions to control lampenflora proliferation.

21-16 19.15-19.30: Pellegrini M.*, Beatrice F., Djebaili R., Vaccarelli I., Ercole C., Spera D.M., D'Alessandro A.M. & Del Gallo M.: Microbial lampenflora composition: the case study of the "Stiffe" show cave.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

21-17 Pannello 50: Andriani G.F., D'Angeli I.M., De Leo D., Diprizio G., Liso I.S.*, Marsico A., Mastrangelo G., Quercia F., Rigamonti S., Romano G., Siniscalchi A. & Parise M.: Multi-disciplinary studies at an artificial cavity of historical value in the Massafra territory (Taranto province, Apulia).

21-18 Pannello 51: Lollino P.*, Fazio N.L., Mevoli F.A., Perrotti M. & Parise M.: Developing mechanically- based charts to address the assessment of underground cave stability.

21-19 Pannello 52: Giordani M.*, Taussi M., Meli M.A., Roselli C., Betti M. & Mattioli M.: 210Po in the Gessoso Solfifera Formation of Perticara Mine.

21-20 Pannello 53: Fiorillo F., Cafaro S., Pagnozzi M., Leone G.*, Liso I.S., Esposito L. & Parise M.: Karst geomorphology of the Alburni Massif (Campania, Italy).

21-21 Pannello 54: Minkevičius V., Taminskas J., Mikulėnas V.*, Satkūnas J. & Danielius S.: Karst development intensity - The case of the North Lithuania.

21-22 Pannello 55: Vigna B.*, De Regibus C. & Balestra V.: Environmental characterization of karst caves: evaluation and monitoring for a correct show caves management.

21-23 Pannello 56: D'Angeli I.M., Galliano Y., Heil O., Dostern I. & Carbone C.*: Phosphate crusts from Herbtslabyrinth-Adventhöhle system, Germany: preliminarily results.

21-24 Pannello 57: Balestra V.*, Carbone C. & De Waele J.: Secondary minerals in minothems at Fragnè Mine (Turin, Italy).

21-25 Pannello 58: Bellopede R.*, Balestra V., De Regibus C., Isaia M., Marini P., Nicolosi G., Piano E. & Vigna B.: Biocorrosion of speleothems driven by lampenflora: preliminary observations in Bossea show cave (NW-Italy).

S22. Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA): hazard identification, assessment and mitigation

Conveners and Chairpersons: Dario Di Giuseppe [Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia], Jasmine Rita Petriglieri [Università di Torino], Laura Fornasini [Università di Parma], Michele Mattioli [Università di Urbino Carlo Bo]


Tuesday 20 September [08.30-10.30] - TE8 Room

22-1 08.30-09.00: [KEYNOTE] Gaggero L.*, Sanguineti E., Yus Gonzales A., Militello G., Annis S. & La Maestra S.: Management and mitigation of asbestos related risk derived from natural occurrences and anthropogenic dispersion.

22-2 09.00-09.15: Pereira D.*, López A.J., Ramil A. & Bloise A.: Laboral safety. How Science can increase perception of asbestos-related disease risk.

22-3 09.15-09.30: Rabiee A., Della Ventura G.*, Mirzapour F., Paglietti F., Malinconico S. & Bellagamba S.: Design of a compact device for airborne asbestos measurement: challenges and solutions.

22-4 09.30-09.45: Gianoncelli A.*, Rizzardi C. & Pascolo L.: Synchrotron techniques for the study of asbestos interactions with lungs.

22-5 09.45-10.00: Raneri S.*, Fornasini L., Gianoncelli A., Villalobos E., Di Giuseppe D., Scognamiglio V., Mirata S., Almonti V., Bonanni V., Parisse P., Bersani D., Bassi A.M., Marengo B., Scarfì S. & Gualtieri A.F.: Release of metals and dissolution of mineral fibres in THP1 macrophagic cell-line systems exposed to chrysotile asbestos. A synchrotron-based study.

22-6 10.00-10.15: Mirata S.*, Di Giuseppe D., Almonti V., Vernazza S., Gualtieri A.F., Bassi A.M., Scarfì S., Fornasini L., Raneri S. & Bersani D.: The acute toxicity of mineral fibres: a systematic in vitro study using different THP-1 macrophage phenotypes.

22-7 10.15-10.30: Giordani M.*, Meli M.A., Roselli C., Betti M., Peruzzi F., Taussi M., Valentini L., Fagiolino I. & Mattioli M.: Natural 210Po-rich fibrous epsomite: a human health issue?

Tuesday 20 September [11.00-13.00] - TE8 Room

22-8 11.00-11.15: Rimoldi B.*: Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) fibers spreading: the INAIL approach.

22-9 11.15-11.30: Guercio A.*: Actions to prevent Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) fibers spreading: the INAIL approach.

22-10 11.30-11.45: Hyskaj A.*, Schimek É., Weiszburg T. & Harman-Tóth E.: Naturally Occurring Asbestos recognition and response actions in European environmental decision making.

22-11 11.45-12.00: Claire T., Misseri M. & De Salvo S.*: The problem of environmental asbestos (and EMP) in France.

22-12 12.00-12.15: Barale L.*, d'Atri A., Petriglieri J.R., Piana F. & Turci F.: Naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) in sedimentary rocks: a case study from the Tertiary Piemonte Basin.

22-13 12.15-12.30: Avataneo C.*, Capella S., Lasagna M., De Luca D.A. & Belluso E.: Extensive characterization of mineral fibres dispersed in the water system from a naturally occurring asbestos (NOA)-rich area.

22-14 12.30-12.45: Bruno M.R.*, Sinopoli F., Cannizzaro A., Olori A., Angelosanto F. & Campopiano A.: Asbestos fibers in drinking water in Monte Reventino area (Central Calabria).

22-15 12.45-13.00: Gualtieri A.F.*: Globalization and asbestos. The issue of the flow of asbestos-contaminated raw materials in the free world market.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

20-16 Pannello 101: Gianchiglia F.*, Petriglieri J.R., Ballirano P., Barale L., Pacella A., Piana F., Tomatis M., Viti C. & Turci F.: A fibrous occurrence of antigorite in Val Varenna, Italy: mineralogical characterization in view of hazard evaluation.

20-17 Pannello 102: Paglietti F., Bellagamba S., Malinconico S., Cecchetti G., Giordani M. & Mattioli M.*: First results on the erionite risk assessment in Central Italy.

20-18 Pannello 103: Mattioli M.*, Ballirano P., Pacella A., Cangiotti M., Di Lorenzo F. & Giordani M.: Potential toxicity of elongated mineral particles: fibrous ferrierite from Northern Italy.

20-19 Pannello 104: Gomiero C.*, Petriglieri J.R., Barale L., Giustetto R., Pacella A., Piana F., Campopiano A. & Turci F.: The Liberability factor: a new experimental protocol to predict the environmental dispersion of Elongated Mineral Particles.

20-20 Pannello 105: Olori A., Bruno M.R.*, Sinopoli F. & Burriesci G.: Opposite polarity static magnetic field system (CMSPC) used to isolate naturally occurring asbestos (NOA): first results.

20-21 Pannello 106: Baietto O.*, Marini P., Zanetti G., Patti G., Ferraro D., Tagni M. & Tarasi M.: Statistical approach to the construction of a representativeness sample from core drilling based on RQD.

20-22 Pannello 107: Osticioli I., Perotti M.*, Indelicato C., Marian N.M., Ciofini D., Mencaglia A.A., Bellagamba S., Malinconico S., Paglietti F., Viti C. & Siano S.: Exploring the potential of portable μRaman for in situ identification of asbestos fibers.

20-23 Pannello 108: Bloise A.* & Miriello D.: Distinguishing asbestos cement from fiber-reinforced cement through Portable μ-Raman spectroscopy and portable X-ray fluorescence.

20-24 Pannello 109: Fornasini L.*, Mirata S., Almonti V., Di Giuseppe D., Scognamiglio V., Bersani D., Bassi A.M., Marengo B., Scarfì S., Gualtieri A.F. & Raneri S.: Micro-Raman investigation of an in vitro THP-1 cellular model exposed to chrysotile fibres.

20-25 Pannello 110: Fornasini L., Di Giuseppe D., Salvioli-Mariani E., Andò S., Gualtieri A.F. & Bersani D.*: Micro-Raman characterization of fibrous glaucophane.

20-26 Pannello 111: Di Giuseppe D.*, Filaferro M., Scarfì S., Mirata S., Vitale G., Bailey M., Harper M. & Gualtieri A.F.: In vitro assessment of the potential toxicity of fibrous glaucophane.

20-27 Pannello 112: Vaiasicca S.*, Di Valerio S., Cianfruglia L., Armeni T., Marcheggiani F., Tiano L., Di Giuseppe D., Gualtieri A.F., Procopio A.D., Fazioli F. & Pugnaloni A.: Is there a toxic impact of Russian chrysotile on human health? An in vitro study on asbestos human inhalation target lung cells.

20-28 Pannello 113: Di Giuseppe D., Gualtieri A.F.*, Malferrari D. & Scognamiglio V.: Preliminary data on the recovery of asbestos containing materials for the synthesis of tobermorite.

20-29 Pannello 114: Bloise A.*: Synthesis of Ni-doped tremolite.

20-30 Pannello 115: Giovanardi T.*, Di Giuseppe D., Perchiazzi N., Brunelli D., Nodari L., Della Ventura G., Malferrari D., Maia M. & Gualtieri A.F.: Characterization of tremolite-asbestos from Mid Atlantic Ridge.

S23. Geology is coming home. A renewed interest in Italian geoscientific tradition

Conveners and Chairpersons: Alessio Argentieri [Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale], Marco Pantaloni [ISPRA, Roma], Pietro Mosca [CNR Torino], Luca Barale [CNR Torino]


Wednesday 21 September [17.30-19.30] - Yellow Room

23-1 17.30-17.45: [KEYNOTE] Dal Piaz G.V.*: Felice Giordano a great geoitalian.

23-2 17.45-18.00: Sella M.*: Quintino Sella mining engineer in Sardinia.

23-3 18.00-18.15: Borghi A.*, Giacobino E., Senesi M. & Gallo M.: The historical collections preserved at the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences: a multimedia recovery and enhancement action.

23-4 18.15-18.30: Roghi G.*: Upper Valsugana: a laboratory for nineteenth-century geological studies.

23-5 18.30-18.45: Lupi C.*, Console F. & Severino F.: Torquato Taramelli: the art of Science.

23-6 18.45-19.00: Macini P.*: Giovanni Capellini's Journey to Wallachia (1864): Travel Notes and Early Insights into Petroleum Geology.

23-7 19.00-19.15: Mazzini I.*, Talenti E., Innocenti G. & Cianfanelli S.: Marianna Paulucci: the "first lady" geologist of the Italian Geological Society.

23-8 19.15-19.30: Lippolis E.*, La Perna R. & Tropeano M.: Arcangelo Scacchi, an Apulian geoscientist in the 19th century.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

23-9 Pannello 73: Argentieri A., Schirolli P. & Musumeci D.*: Ragazzoni, Cacciamali and Cozzaglio: the 'Brescia geological trinity.

23-10 Pannello 74: Argentieri A.*, De Caterini G. & Rossetti F.: It's a Hard Life in Maremma: Luciano Bianciardi and history of geology.

23-11 Pannello 75: Barale L.*, Bicknell M. & Massardo E.: Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918): botanist, archaeologist, esperantist, and... citizen geologist.

23-12 Pannello 76: Barale L., Console F., Corno A., Frasca G., Mosca P.* & Pantaloni M.: The Alpine field notebooks of Secondo Franchi (1859-1932).

23-13 Pannello 77: Bonaccorsi E.*, Borghini A., Gioncada A. & Pieraccioni F.: Last century approach to the Wegener theory in the school textbooks.

23-14 Pannello 78: De Caterini G.*, Argentieri A., Bilotta A.M. & Della Ventura G.: "In hoc silex vinces": the success of the "sampietrino" in the paving of Roman roads.

23-15 Pannello 79: De Caterini G.*, Colasanto F., Della Ventura G. & Lucci F.: The History of geology for a sustainable future of the great Engineering achievements.

23-16 Pannello 80: Fabbi S.*, Console F., Pantaloni M. & Principe C.: The geological map of Phlegraean Fields by Bonaventura Montani: the Bagnoli-Agnano reclamation area.

23-17 Pannello 81: Musumeci D.*, Leone G., Branca S. & Ingaliso L.: The evolution of Chilean volcanology in the 20th century and the work of Lorenzo Casertano.

23-18 Pannello 82: Romano M.*: Fossils extraordinary objects: between myth, legend and folklore.

23-19 Pannello 83: Sardella R.*, Mecozzi B., Sigari D., Tarantini M. & Mazzini I.: Grotta Romanelli (Lecce, southern Italy): the beginning of the systematic and multidisciplinary approach in Quaternary research.

23-20 Pannello 84: Senesi M.* & Gallo L.M.: The Fréjus railway tunnel, the first geo-transversal of the Alps.

S24. Geosciences and museums: integrated approaches for a sustainable future

Conveners and Chairpersons: Maura Fugazzotto [Università di Catania], Rosarosa Manca [Università di Firenze], Luca Bellucci [Università di Firenze]


Monday 19 September [11.00-13.00] - Yellow Room

24-1 11.00-11.30: [KEYNOTE] Macrì M.* & Sardella R.: MUST 2.0.

24-2 11.30-11.45: Lupi C.*, Guaschi P. & Guioli S.: Terra Nascosta: an experiential exhibition to discovery Taramelli and the modern Geology.

24-3 11.45-12.00: Azevedo M.*: The resumption of the collection as a protagonist: the Geosciences Museum of IGc-USP.

24-4 12.00-12.15: Giudetti G.*, Simoni G., Lenzi A., Taccone R., Vecchieschi G. & Clementi R.: The Larderello Geothermal Museum: history of a renewable energy invention.

24-5 12.15-12.30: Curcuruto E.*: The sulphur crystals collection of Mining School "S.Mottura" in Caltanissetta: 160 years of sulphur mining history.

24-6 12.30-12.45: Paschetto A.*, Bonetto S., Gilli M. & Altomare P.: Enhancement of mining heritage of Piemonte, proposals for a didactics and touristic network.

24-7 12.45-13.00: D'Arpa C.*, Di Patti C. & Di Stefano P.: The Museo Gemmellaro: a dynamic tool for increasing research and dissemination.

Monday 19 September [15.30-17.30] - Yellow Room

24-8 15.30-15.45: Mazzoleni P.* & Cirrincione R.: The museum of Mineralogy, Petrography and Volcanology of the University of Catania: a multitasking museum.

24-9 15.45-16.00: Caggiani M.C.*, Coccato A., Cavarra M., Manenti A.M. & Barone G.: In situ Raman analyses of gems and decorative stones of museum collections.

24-10 16.00-16.15: Fabrizi L.*, Moggi Cecchi V., Bronconi C., Fantoni L. & Benvenuti M.: Unveiling the Medicean Collection of "Carved Stones".

24-11 16.15-16.30: Martiniello S.*, Sciuto C., Capitanio A., Lorenzetti G., Legnaioli S., Sala F., Torriti P. & Raneri S.: Synopsis of a treasure. A transdisciplinary study of medieval goldworking's biographies.

24-12 16.30-16.45: Fabrizi L., Leone I., Graziani V. & Ruggiero L.*: A dip in the Cretaceous reef . . . of Rocca di Cave.

24-13 16.45-17.00: Thun Hohenstein U.*, Muttillo B., Zunino M., Pavia M., Isaia M., Delpiano D., Parisi C., Arnetta G., Vaccaro C. & De Curtis O.: Digital enhancement of the paleontological heritage of the Valdemino show cave (Borgio Verezzi, Savona, Italy).

24-14 17.00-17.15: Bartolini-Lucenti S., Cioppi E., Bellucci L. & Rook L.*: Digitisation of the palaeontological collection of the Museum of Geology and Palaeontology of the University of Florence.

24-15 17.15-17.30: Bellucci L.*, Bartolozzi L., Biaggini M., Cecchi L., Innocenti G., Manca R., Mancinelli M.L., Moggi Cecchi V., Porena M., Presutti V., Rossi P.F., Rossi De Gasperis S., Veninata C. & Benvenuti M.: DiSSCo Prepare: towards an European Infrastructure for Scientific Collections.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

24-16 Pannello 59: Bartolini-Lucenti S., Cirilli O., Pandolfi L., Sami M., Dedola G.L. & Rook L.*: Virtual Palaeontology tools for conservation and valorization of geopalaeontological heritage: the case of Cava Monticino Late Miocene Vertebrates.

24-17 Pannello 60: Bonaccorsi E.*, Sorbi S. & Curzio P.: After the fire: Museum and citizenship at work.

24-18 Pannello 61: Ciani F.*, Gianni R., Rimondi V., Costagliola P. & Benvenuti M.: Indoor gaseous mercury pollution in the herbaria: risk assessment and potential solutions.

24-19 Pannello 62: Fabrizi L.*, Moggi Cecchi V. & Benvenuti M.: Born in the Age of Enlightenment – The case of the Targioni-Tozzetti naturalistic collection.

24-20 Pannello 63: Fugazzotto M.* & Coccato A.: North Eastern Italian decorative stones as museum objects: a non-invasive characterization.

24-21 Pannello 64: Maci O., Majorana S. & Treffiletti A.*: A preliminary activity for the valorization of cultural heritage: the cataloguing of the scientific heritage of the University of Catania.

24-22 Pannello 65: Manfriani C.*, Gualdani G., Roselli M.G., Benvenuti M. & Fioravanti M.: IoT for sustainability and efficiency in preventive conservation at the Anthropology and Ethnology Museum of Florence.

24-23 Pannello 66: --- Withdrawn --- Palmeri R., Sandroni S.*, Olmastroni S. & Cornamusini G.: Geoscience in Antarctica, a challenge for a sustainable environment: the example of the Earth Science section of the "Museo Nazionale dell'Antartide".

24-24 Pannello 67: Rosso A., Deias C., Sciuto F. & Sanfilippo R.*: Museum old collections for new science - The case of the Sicilian dwarf elephant housed at the Paleontological Museum of Catania.

24-25 Pannello 68: Stroscio A.*, Fugazzotto M., Sinitò D., Allegra D. & Coccato A.: I-PETER (Interactive Platform to Experience Tours and Education on the Rocks): a new app for the understanding and dissemination of petrographic and mineralogical collections.

24-26 Pannello 69: Conti J.*, Sacco E. , Sarra A., Macrì M. & Sardella R.: Behind-the-scenes of MUST (Museo Universitario di Scienze della Terra) between restoration and digitalization.

S25. Geosciences at School

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesca Cifelli [Università di Roma Tre], Anna Gioncada [Università di Pisa], Claudia Lupi [Università di Pavia], Eleonora Paris [Università di Camerino], Manuela Pelfini [Università di Milano]


Wednesday 21 September [08.30-10.30] - Blue Room

25-1 08.30-08.45: Berra F.*: Teaching geology, from books to Earth: the contribution of geological maps, a powerful but neglected educational tool.

25-2 08.45-09.00: Borghini A.*, Pieraccioni F., Bastiani L., Bonaccorsi E. & Gioncada A.: Alternative ideas of the Italian students about the geoscience: a survey.

25-3 09.00-09.15: Lozar F.*, Palomba M., Storta E., Borghi A., Stella I. & Franco F.: Geology and the city: how to introduce Geosciences to high school pupils.

25-4 09.15-09.30: Gastaldi M.*, Beccaceci A. & Paris E.: "A Network of Schools for Sustainable Development". The Role of Education in Mitigating Plastic Pollution.

25-5 09.30-09.45: Corti V.*, Macario M., Olmastroni S., Palmeri R., Sandroni S. & Cornamusini G.: "When Antarctica was a garden" - A multimodality workshop involving science teachers.

25-6 09.45-10.00: Piangiamore G.L.*, Maraffi S. & Sacerdoti F.M.: A board game meets an App . . . this is GeoRisk!

25-7 10.00-10.15: Giai M.*: Technominerals, technology under the microscope: design of lectures straddling science and social awareness in the context of secondary school classes.

25-8 10.15-10.30: Occhipinti S.*: The Data Mining Test: an unexpectedly effective tool to promote and recognize soft and hard skills in Earth sciences.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

25-9 Pannello 1001: Bollati I.M.*, Scandiuzzi C., Tronti G., Ticozzi N., Apuani T., Zucali M. & Pelfini M.: Tips for new educational experiences in the secondary school based on outdoor activities and 3D modeling of rocky outcrops equipped for climbing.

25-10 Pannello 1002: Diolaiuti G.*, Maugeri M., Pelfini M., Lazzati A., Traversa G., Fugazza D., Maragno D., D'agata C., Panizza M. & Senese A.: Geosciences in school-work alternation proposals: the projects of the Milan State University.

25-11 Pannello 1003: Franco F.*, Lozar F., d'Atri A. & Borghi A.: Sedimentary TourInStone: a journey through Italy's sedimentary heritage stones in Turin (Piedmont, Italy).

25-12 Pannello 1004: Meneghini F.*, Frassi C., Di Rosa M. & Sanità E.: "Reading" the rock record: what rocks can tell us of the evolution of our planet – an orientation activity for high school students.

25-13 Pannello 1005: Misiti V.*, Riposati D., Di Laura F., Battelli P. & Crescimbene M.: VULCANOPOLY: playing towards a better future.

25-14 Pannello 1006: Pasero F.*, Nerone S., Storta E., Brotto G., Borghi A., Carosi R., d'Atri A., Ferrando S., Groppo C., Iaccarino S., Lozar F., Montomoli C. & Natalicchio M.: Learning the Earth Sciences: implementing 3D models in distance education.

25-15 Pannello 1007: Pelfini M.*, Parravicini P., Bonaccorsi E., Cifelli F., Gioncada A., Lupi C. & Paris E.: Teacher training and geoeducation in Italy: some preliminary remarks.

25-16 Pannello 1008: Realdon G.*, Beccaceci A., Stacchiotti L., Invernizzi M.C. & Paris E.: Teachers' professional development across the COVID-19 pandemic: EGU Education Field Officer programme in Italy.

25-17 Pannello 1009: Realdon G.*: A Tribute to Chris King.

25-18 Pannello 1010: Ricca M., Albanese M.P., Donato A., Ruffolo S.A., Bruno F., Randazzo L.* & La Russa M.F.: "An ocean of science" project: a journey to the seabed.

25-19 Pannello 1011: Scacchetti M.*: Geosciences teaching experiences during Covid-19 emergency.

25-20 Pannello 1012: Senese A.*, Lombardo L., Manara V., Diolaiuti G. & Maugeri M.: An italian user-friendly tool to increase awareness about causes and impacts of climate change.

25-21 Pannello 1013: Senese A., Panizza M., Porta M., Maugeri M., Ambrosini R., Traversa G., Fugazza D., Azzoni R.S., Bollati I.M. & Diolaiuti G.A.*: Geoeducation and immersive experience: from researcher projects to student opinions.

25-22 Pannello 1014: Adanti B., Cifelli F.*, Corrado S., Grossi F. & Mattei M.: Urban geo-itineraries as an educational tool for the knowledge of the territory: the example of the city of Rome.

25-23 Pannello 1015: Alfama V.*, Pinto H., Navarro R., Tejado J.J, Mutemeri N., Punturo R. & Pereira D.: Challenges for the extration of raw materials: sustainability and education for transforming mining industry.

25-24 Pannello 1016: De Caterini G., Pasqua I., Argentieri A., Battisti C., Beltramme O., Bianchini G., Bilotta A.M.*, Canali P., Ceraudo S., Conte G. & Mingrone S.: Geology for Geography Program - From theory to practice: the teaching scientific collaboration between the "Goffredo Mameli" high school (Rome) and the regional Order of Geologists of Latium (Cambridge course IGCSE-0460).

25-25 Pannello 1017: Galliano Y.*, Boero M., Garbati P., Romeo F., Torella G., Vercelli V. & Cabella R.: Two approaches of Teaching Innovation in Mineralogy in Genova (Italy).

25-26 Pannello 1018: Gerbaudo A.*, Tonon M. & Caretto A.: T-Learning for geosciences education: a proposal for a sustainable pedagogy.

25-27 Pannello 1019: Lustrino M.*: Earth Sciences teaching experience with high-school students. Case studies from PLS activities.

25-28 Pannello 1020: Messere M.* & Volpintesta F.: An educational approach to the learn about Construction and Demolition Waste.

25-29 Pannello 1021: Occhioni M.*, Di Palma R. & Paris E.: Energy and carbon footprint. An education approach for middle school students.

S26. Climate change and the fossil record

Conveners and Chairpersons: Massimo Bernardi [MUSE - Science Museum, Trento], Daniele Scarponi [Università di Bologna]


Wednesday 21 September [08.30-10.30] - Violet Room

26-1 08.30-09.00: [KEYNOTE] Carnevale G.*: The Bolca Lagerstätten of northern Italy: A window into tropical marine life in early Eocene of Tethys.

26-2 09.00-09.15: Rigo M.*, Onoue T., Sato H., Tomimatsu Y., Soda K., Godfrey L., Katz M., Campbell H., Tackett L., Golding M., Lei J., Husson J., Maron M., Satolli S., Zaffani M., Concheri G., Bertinelli A., Chiari M. & Tanner L.: Biotic extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian boundary (Upper Triassic): geochemical and isotope evidence of a previously unrecognised global event.

26-3 09.15-09.30: Erba E.*, Faucher G., Visentin S. & Gambacorta G.: Schizosphaerella size and abundance variations across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Sogno Core (Lombardy Basin, Southern Alps).

26-4 09.30-09.45: Galeotti S., Mannucci A.*, Reghellin D., Coxall H., Monechi S., Petrizzo M.R., Raffi I. & Skinner L.: The Low-C27r event: a turning point in carbonate cycle dynamics following the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary disruption.

26-5 09.45-10.00: Papazzoni C.A.*, Benedetti A. & Bosellini F.R.: Biodiversity patterns of Neotethys shallow-water communities (larger foraminifera and scleractinian corals) during the climate fluctuations of Paleocene and Eocene.

26-6 10.00-10.15: D'Onofrio R.*, Zaky A.S., Frontalini F., Luciani V., Catanzariti R., Francescangeli F., Giorgioni M., Coccioni R., Özcan E. & Jovane L.: Paleoenvironmental changes and Biotic resilience across the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO): Foraminiferal and Calcareous Nannofossil record from the Neo-Tethyan Baskil Section (Eastern Turkey).

26-7 10.15-10.30: Scarponi D.*, Nawrot R., Azzarone M., Pellegrini C., Gamberi F., Trincardi F. & Kowalewski M.: Ecological resilience documented in the Adriatic fossil record.

Wednesday 21 September [11.00-13.00] - Violet Room

26-8 11.00-11.15: Pilade F.*, Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., VasilievI., Birgel D., Mancini A.M., Lozar F. & Gennari R.: What happened at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis? A high resolution multiproxy approach to the Miocene-Pliocene transition in the Northern Mediterranean.

26-9 11.15-11.30: Sanfilippo R.*, Reitano A., Insacco G., Rosso A. & Minniti G.: The Plio-Pleistocene section of Baia Massolivieri (Syracuse, South-Eastern Sicily): palaeclimatic and paleoenvironmental insights.

26-10 11.30-11.45: Trotta S.*, Marino M., Voelker A., Rodrigues T., Flores J., Maiorano P., Girone A., Addante M. & Balestra B.: Paleoceanographic dynamics in the "41 ka world" off Southern Iberia (IODP Site U1387) based on coccolithophore assemblages.

26-11 11.45-12.00: Argenio C.*, Flores J.A., Fuertes M.A., Balestra B. & Amore F.O.: Nannoplankton assemblages over the last 25 kyr: paleoproductivity and surface ocean dynamics from IODP sites U1385 and U1313.

26-12 12.00-12.15: Bracchi V.A.*, Sanfilippo S., Bazzicalupo P., Bertolino M., Bruno F., Costa G., Donato G., Fallati L., Gallo A., Guido A., Leonardi R., Muzzupappa M., Negri M.P., Rosso A., Savini A., Sciuto F., Serio D., Varzi A.G., Viola A. & Basso D.: Coralligenous build-ups of the CRESCIBLUREEF project: a Mediterranean geobiological archive.

26-13 12.15-12.30: Crippa G.*, Harper E.M., Leng M.J., Zanchi M. & Angiolini L.: A sclerochronological approach to test brachiopod shells as archives of seasonality.

26-14 12.30-12.45: Sardella R.*, Conti J., Iannucci A., Iurino D.A., Mecozzi B., Moscarella A. & Strani F.: Changes in terrestrial ecosystems and mammalian communities during the Pleistocene of Italy.

26-15 12.45-13.00: Pavia M.*, Delfino M., Govender R., Haarhoff P., Matthiews T. & Cohen B.: The Early Pliocene birds of prey from Langebaanweg, south-western Cape Province, South Africa.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

26-16 Pannello 85: Viaretti M.*, Crippa G. & Angiolini L.: Brachiopods from the Upper Permian of Central Iran: shell microstructure and isotopic signature as archives of global changes in the geological past.

26-17 Pannello 86: Branz R.*, Kustatscher E., Heynck M., Nowak H., Roghi G., Forte G. & Franz M.: Changes in floral composition and landscape setting during a Wuchiapingian sea-level shift in the tropics.

26-18 Pannello 87: Corti V.*, Spina A., Cornamusini G. & Gulbranson E.: Paleoenvironmental changes across Permo-Triassic Boundary: Palynology and Paleobotany of Beacon Supergroup (Antarctica).

26-19 Pannello 88: Mazaheri-Johari M.*, Roghi G., Caggiati M., Kustatscher E. & Gianolla P.: Evidence for the Carnian Pluvial Episode in Turan Domain, Iran: New insights into depositional and climate evolution of the Aghdarband Basin.

26-20 Pannello 89: Onoue T.*, Rigo M., Jadoul F., Michalík J., Yamashita K., Namiki K., Shirozu H., Yamashita M., Kusaka S. & Soda K.: Enhanced continental weathering in western Tethys during the end-Triassic mass extinction.

26-21 Pannello 90: Filippi G., Sigismondi S.*, D'Onofrio R., Westerhold T., Wade B.S., Dickens G.R. & Luciani V.: Stable-isotope paleoecology of dextrally and sinistrally coiled Morozovella and Acarinina at the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (ca 53-49 Ma) from the Pacific Ocean (Sites 1209-1210): evidence of resilience strategies to global warming?

26-22 Pannello 91: Freschi A. & Cau S.*: Chronostratigraphic distribution of great white shark teeth in the Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean Basin.

26-23 Pannello 92: Macaluso L.*, Carnevale G. & Delfino M.: High climatic suitability led to prolonged persistence of amphibians in the Italian biogeographic province.

26-24 Pannello 93: Scaccia D.*, Molin P., Soligo M., Cosentino D., Esu D. & Gliozzi E.: Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the late Middle-Late Pleistocene Marano Equo Basin (Latium, central Apennines).

26-25 Pannello 94: Bianco S.*, Bordiga M., Di Giulio A. & Lupi C.: Helicosphaera carteri during the Marine Isotope Stage 5: how its abundance and distribution can contribute to natural carbon capture and storage.

26-26 Pannello 95: Carrera L.*, Pavia M. & Varela S.: Cold-adapted birds show greater changes in range size than temperate birds during past climatic oscillations.

26-27 Pannello 96: Cheli A.*, Mancuso A., Falini G., Goffredo S. & Scarponi D.: Environmental influence on calcification of the bivalve Chamelea gallina on a millennial temporal scale, in the Northern Adriatic Sea.

26-28 Pannello 97: Piazza G.*, Paredes E., Bracchi V. A., Pena L. D., Hall-Spencer J., Ferrara C., Cacho I. & Basso D.: Mediterranean calcareous red algae as seawater pH recorders.

S27. Earth's carbon cycle in active magmatic-tectonic systems and in the mantle: from production to transport, fixation and outgassing

Conveners and Chairpersons: Rosario Esposito [Università di Milano Bicocca], Chiara Groppo [Università di Torino], Andrea Rizzo [INGV], Andres Sandoval-Velasquez [Università di Palermo], Azzurra Zucchini [Università di Perugia]


Wednesday 21 September [17.30-19.30] - Grey Room

27-1 17.30-18.00: [KEYNOTE] Frezzotti M.L.*: Carbon fluxes in the lithospheric mantle recorded by fluid inclusions.

27-2 18.00-18.15: Cerantola V.*, Sahle J.S., Petitgirard S., Wu M., Checchia S., Weis C., Di Michiel M., Vaughan G., Collings I., Arató R., Wilke M., Jones A.P., Hanfland M. & Tse J.: sp2 to sp3 transition in amorphous carbonate glass: Implications for the storage of primordial carbon in the deep Earth.

27-3 18.15-18.30: Poli S.*, Zhao S., Schmidt M.W., Rinaldi M. & Tumiati S.: An experimental determination of the liquidus and a thermodynamic melt model in the CaCO3-MgCO3 binary: modelling carbonated mantle melting.

27-4 18.30-18.45: Innocenzi F., Ronca S., Agostini S., Pistocchi L., Foley S. & Lustrino M.*: Three occurrences of kalsilite bearing-rocks in central Italy - a first comparison.

27-5 18.45-19.00: (Invited) Girault F.*, France-Lanord C., Adhikari L.B., Upreti B.N., Paudyal K.R., Gajurel A.P., Agrinier P., Losno R., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Thapa S., Tamang S. & Perrier F.: Crustal fluids in the Nepal Himalaya: spatial organization and sensitivity to the earthquake cycle.

27-6 19.00-19.15: Ariano A.*, Frondini F., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Ricci L., Vetuschi Zuccolini M. & Virgili G.: Emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and heat in the geothermal area of Monterotondo Marittimo (Italy).

27-7 19.15-19.30: Malusà M.G.*, Brandmayr E., Panza G.F., Romanelli F., Ferrando S. & Frezzotti M.L.: Implications of the December 2020 Milan earthquake for the carbon emission budget of non-volcanic collisional settings.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

27-8 Pannello 98: Zucchini A.*, Gavryushkin P.N., Golovin A.V., Bolotina N.D., Stabile P., Carroll M.R., Comodi P., Frondini F., Morgavi D., Perugini D., Arzilli F., Cherin M., Kazimoto E., Kokh K., Kuznetsov A. & Medrish I.V.: Nyerereite: a possible new guest in the deep C cycle.

27-9 Pannello 99: Casetta F.*, Faccini B., Ntaflos T., Abart R., Lanzafame G., Faccincani L., Mancini L., Giacomoni P.P. & Coltorti M.: CO2 storage and migration in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle: clues from Antarctica ultramafic xenoliths.

27-10 Pannello 100: Pingitore F.*, Frezzotti M.L. & Esposito R.: The dynamic of magmas associated to the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption: new insights from melt inclusions hosted in clinopiroxenes.

27-11 Pannello 101: Esposito R.*, Redi D., Danyushevsky L.V., Gurenko A., De Vivo B., Manning C.E., Bodnar R.J., Steele-MacInnis M. & Frezzotti M.L.: The volatile evolution of mafic melts associated with magmas of the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano.

27-12 Pannello 102: Capriolo M.*, Mills B.J.W., Newton R.J., Dal Corso J., Dunhill A.M., Wignall P.B. & Marzoli A.: Anthropogenic-scale CO2 emissions from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province behind the end-Triassic crisis.

27-13 Pannello 103: Toffolo L.*, Tumiati S., Amalfa A., Villa A. & Fumagalli P.: Experimental devolatilization of carbonaceous material at warm subduction conditions (550°C, 1 GPa): assessing the reactivity of carbon forms and their contribution to COH fluid production.

27-14 Pannello 104: Maffeis A.*, Connolly J.A.D., Frezzotti M.L., Castelli D. & Ferrando S.: Carbon and Sulphur speciation in subarc subduction-zone fluids calculated with electrolytic-fluid thermodynamic modelling of a UHP marble as a function of P-T-fO2.

27-15 Pannello 105: Frondini F.*, Donnini M., Cardellini D., Melelli L., Ricci L., Ariano A., Chiodini G. & Vetuschi Zuccolini M.: Towards the quantification of geological CO2 outgassing of the Alps.

27-16 Pannello 106: Li Vigni L.*, Cardellini C., Chiodini G., D'Alessandro W., Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S, Brugnone F. & Parello F.: Impact of geogenic degassing on C-isotopic composition of dissolved carbon in karst systems of Greece.

27-17 Pannello 107: Groppo C.*, Rolfo F. & Frezzotti M.L.: CO2 degassing in collisional orogenic settings is enhanced by fluid immiscibility at depth.

27-18 Pannello 108: Thapa S.*, Girault F., Deldicque D., France-Lanord C., Groppo G., Rolfo F., Adhikari L.B., Bhattarai M., Paudyal K.R., Losno R. & Perrier F.: Characterization of graphitic schist occurrences in the Nepal Himalaya.

27-19 Pannello 109: Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F., Girault F. & Perrier F.: Dolomite-and magnesite-bearing lithologies from the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequences: A petrological perspective in the framework of CO2 degassing during collisional orogeny.

27-20 Pannello 110: Marescotti P.*, Grieco G., Tzamos E., Comodi P., Zucchini A., Bussolesi M., Giordan V., Ghiorzo S. & Crispini L.: A structural and mineralogical study of the magnesite deposit in the ultramafic rocks of Gerakini (NE Greece).

S28. A journey into Earth's upper mantle: spotlights on its composition, structure and dynamics

Conveners and Chairpersons: Luca Faccincani [Università di Ferrara], Federico Casetta [University of Vienna], Barbara Faccini [Università di Ferrara], Cristina Perinelli [Sapienza Università di Roma], Luca Ziberna [Università di Trieste]


Wednesday 21 September [11.00-13.00] - TE9 Room

28-1 11.00-11.15: [KEYNOTE] Aulbach S.*, Lin A., Stagno V. & Caracausi A.: Formation of wehrlite in the shallow lithosphere beneath intra-continental rifts and basins, and its link to the volatile cycle.

28-2 11.15-11.30: Borghini G.*, Fumagalli P., Arrigoni F., Klemme S., Rampone E. & Tiepolo M.: Trace element re-distribution in clinopyroxene via reactive melt infiltration of mantle peridotite: an experimental study at 1-2 GPa.

28-3 11.30-11.45: Mariani D.*, Tribuzio R. & Zanetti A.: Origin of dunites adjacent to the mantle peridotite massif of Balmuccia (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italian Alps).

28-4 11.45-12.00: Notini L.*, Rampone E., Scambelluri M., Tommasi A., Zanetti A., Ferri F. & Rodríguez- Vargas A.: Petrology and textures of mantle-wedge xenoliths from the Northern Andes (Mercaderes area, Colombia).

28-5 12.00-12.15: Sani C.*, Sanfilippo A., Peyve A.A., Genske F. & Stracke A.: Variable depletion signatures in the oceanic upper mantle.

28-6 12.15-12.30: (Invited) Rizzo A.L.* & Coltorti M.: The composition of noble gas and CO2 in the European subcontinental lithospheric mantle.

28-7 12.30-12.45: Sandoval-Velasquez A.*, Rizzo A.L., Aiuppa A. & Coltorti M.: The radiogenic nature of the lithospheric mantle beneath Lanzarote (Canary Islands).

28-8 12.45-13.00: Ventura Bordenca C., Faccini B.*, Coltorti M., Di Muro A., Caracausi A., Rizzo A.L., Liuzzo M., Aiuppa A. & Pik R.: The nature of the mantle beneath La Grille volcano (Grande Comore Island, western Indian Ocean) as revealed by mineral chemistry, noble gas geochemistry and CO2 abundance in ultramafic mantle xenoliths.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

28-9 Pannello 111: Bragagni A.*, Mastroianni F., Münker C., Avanzinelli R. & Conticelli S.: Constraining the mantle sources of Italian magmatism through high field strength elements and 176Hf/177Hf.

28-10 Pannello 112: Braschi E.*, Tommasini S., Bragagni A., Corti G. & Orlando A.: Spatial and temporal variation of magmatism in the East Africa Rift System: implications for rates of extension and interaction between different mantle domains.

28-11 Pannello 113: Buian A.*, Tucker R.D., Francalanci L., Melluso L. & Conticelli S.: Petrology of ultramafic xenoliths and host lavas of Ngaoundéré (Adamawa Plateau, Cameroon Volcanic Line).

28-12 Pannello 114: Casetta F.*, Asenbaum R., Ashchepkov I., Ageeva O., Ntaflos T. & Abart R.: Mantle- derived cargo or phenocrystic phases? Linking the texture and composition of olivine and phlogopite to the liquid line of descent of the Udachnaya kimberlite and the sub-cratonic mantle structure.

28-13 Pannello 115: Da Val E.*, Faccini B., Faccincani L., Rizzo A.L. & Coltorti M.: Petrology of ultramafic xenoliths from the Massif d'Ambre (Madagascar) combined with volatiles measurements in fluid inclusions: implications for the metasomatizing agent.

28-14 Pannello 116: Faccincani L.*, Cerantola V., Nestola F., Nimis P., Ziberna L., Pasqualetto L., Chumakov A.I., Harris J.W. & Coltorti M.: First in-situ oxygen fugacity determination of an inclusion pair still trapped within its host diamond (Udachnaya kimberlite): implications for diamond formation and for the redox state evolution of the Siberian craton.

28-15 Pannello 117: Giacomoni P.P.*, Masotta M., Delpech G., Lanzafame G., Ferlito C., Villeneuve J. & Coltorti M.: Geochemistry and volatile contents of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Mt. Etna tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism.

28-16 Pannello 118: Liuzzo M.*, Di Muro A., Rizzo A.L., Caracausi A., Grassa F., Boudoire G. & Coltorti M.: Gas geochemistry at Gran Comore and Mayotte Islands, Indian ocean: first results.

28-17 Pannello 119: Mazzucchelli M.L.*, Angel R.J. & Alvaro M.: EntraPT: an online platform for host-inclusion elastic thermobarometry.

28-18 Pannello 120: Moutzouris D.*, Kostopoulos D., Pomonis P. & Moulas E.: Amphibole formation in ultramafic rocks: settings, processes and thermometry.

28-19 Pannello 121: Nardini N.*, Ntaflos T., Zanetti A. & Coltorti M.: The initial differentiation stages of the Middle Triassic magmas in the Southern Alps as recorded by clinopyroxenitic xenoliths from the Latemar area (Dolomites).

28-20 Pannello 122: Venier M.*, Ziberna L., Mancini L., Petrelli M., Velicogna M., Beltrame M., De Min A. & Lenaz D.: Textural and chemical characterization of glass-bearing mantle xenoliths from Fernando de Noronha, Brasil.

28-21 Pannello 123: Zanetti A.*, Decarlis A., Ogunyele A.C., Bonazzi M. & Sanfilippo A.: Reassessment of the geodynamic evolution of the mantle massifs of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Southern Alps) based on new petrochemical and geochronological data.

S29. Stressed minerals and microstructures: a link between grainscale processes and lithosphere dynamics

Conveners and Chairpersons: Nicola Campomenosi [University of Hamburg], Mattia Gilio [Università di Pavia], Mattia L. Mazzucchelli [University of Mainz], Alberto Ceccato [Università di Bologna], Francesco Giuntoli [Università di Bologna], Barbara Marchesini [Università di Roma La Sapienza]


Wednesday 21 September [15.30-17.30] - Grey Room

29-1 15.30-15.45: [KEYNOTE] Macente A.*, Fusseis F., Butler I.B., John T., Menegon L., Tudisco E., Hall S., Andò E. & Vanorio T.: Fluid-rock interactions in nature and in the laboratory: through time and space using X-ray Computed Tomography.

29-2 15.45-16.00: Tesei T.*, Pozzi G., Schorn S. & Holdsworth R.E.: Squishing and breaking amphibolites along a major thrust: the example of the Ben Hope Sill, Moine Supergroup, NW Scotland.

29-3 16.00-16.15: Griffiths A.T.*, Musu A., Habler G., Peres S., Petrelli M. & Caricchi L.: Crystal alignment and clustering during crystallisation of experimental basalt under strain.

29-4 16.15-16.30: Ferrando C.*, Basch V., Ildefonse B., Deans J., Sanfilippo A., Barou F. & France L.: Microstructures of olivine gabbros from the Atlantis Bank OCC (SWIR): Role of compaction in melt extraction and accumulation at a slow spreading center.

29-5 16.30-16.45: [KEYNOTE] Di Toro G.*, Aretusini S., Chinello M., Cornelio C., Del Rio L., Feng W., Gomila R., Masoch S., Nielsen S., Pennacchioni G., Spagnuolo E. & Tesei T.: Mineral reactions during earthquakes.

29-6 16.45-17.00: (Invited) Manzotti P.*, Schiavi F., Nosenzo F., Pitra P. & Ballèvre M.: A journey towards the forbidden zone: a new, cold, UHP unit in the Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps).

29-7 17.00-17.15: (Invited) Tacchetto T.*, Reddy S., Saxey D., Fougerouse D., Rickard W. & Clark C.: Disorientation control on trace element segregation in fluid-affected low-angle boundaries in olivine.

29-8 17.15-17.30: Baratelli L.*, Cámara F. & Mihailova B.: Raman spectroscopic study of omphacite at variable pressures.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

29-9 Pannello 124: Campomenosi N.*, Angel R.J., Alvaro M. & Mihailova B.: In-lab rheology of host-inclusion systems and implications for elastic geothermobarometry.

29-10 Pannello 125: Casini L.* & Maino M.: myflow2.0 – a practical Matlab toolbox for rheological modelling of mylonites.

29-11 Pannello 126: Meneghini F.*, Vezzoni S., Pandolfi L., Marroni M., Rocchi S. & Dini A.: Deformation and fabric evolution in carbonate rocks during pluton emplacement: a tool to decipher competing magmatic and tectonic processes.

29-12 Pannello 127: Maino M.*, Casini L., Sanfilippo A., Ildefonse B. & Dick H.J.B.: Subseismic strain rates at high-temperature (> 900°C) conditions driven by melt-enhanced grain-boundary sliding: inferences from 16.5° N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

29-13 Pannello 128: Pittarello L.*, Levi N., Wegner W. & Stehlik H.: The base of the Silvretta Nappe: a youngest generation of pseudotachylytes contributes to the understanding of the deformation at the base of the upper plate.

29-14 Pannello 129: Angel R.J.*: Garnet Equations of State for interpreting inclusion stress states.

29-15 Pannello 130: Puhan B.*, Mazzucchelli M.L., Reali A. & Alvaro M.: Investigation of microscale fracture opening in host inclusion systems.

29-16 Pannello 131: Mingardi G.*, Gilio M., Giuntoli F., Musiyachenko K. & Alvaro M.: Quartz and zircon in garnet elastic geobarometry of HP rocks from the Sesia Zone.

29-17 Pannello 132: Gomila R.*, Feng W. & Di Toro G.: Hydrothermal fault healing evolution of tonalite, granodiorite and their fault-related products.

29-18 Pannello 133: Morana M.*, Gonzalez J.P., Barbaro A., Mingardi G., Albarse F.G. & Angel R.J.: Measuring Strains and Stresses in minerals by spectroscopy.

29-19 Pannello 134: Gilio M.*, Cesare B., Gianola O., Ferri F., Murri M., Barbaro A. & Alvaro M.: Coupled elastic and intracrystalline geothermobarometers to constrain PT conditions of lower arc crust granulites.

29-20 Pannello 135: Gonzalez J.P.*, Morana M., Alabarse F.G. & Angel R.J.: Quartz-in-zircon elastic thermobarometry: methods and a first application.

S30. A petrographic and mineralogical journey through the extraterrestrial bodies: from differentiated to undifferentiated materials

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mara Murri [Università di Milano- Bicocca], Jacopo Nava [Università di Padova], Anna Barbaro [Università di Pavia]


Wednesday 21 September [08.30-10.30] - TE9 Room

30-1 08.30-09.00: [KEYNOTE] Pittarello L.*, Chernonozhkin S.M., Ferrière L., Roszjar J., Goderis S. & Rider-Stokes B.: Stony achondrite meteorites: just normal rocks!

30-2 09.00-09.15: (Invited) Stephant A.*, Anand M., Zhao X. & Franchi I.A.: Protosolar hydrogen source for water in the Moon and the Early Earth: insights from nominally anhydrous minerals.

30-3 09.15-09.30: Day J.M.D.*, Lustrino M. & the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks: IUGS classification of extra-terrestrial igneous rocks.

30-4 09.30-09.45: Mingardi G.*, Im S., Park J.W., Langone A. & Mari N.: Martian mantle heterogeneities inferred from in situ analyses of shergottites.

30-5 09.45-10.00: Bragagni A.*, Wombacher F., Kirchenbaur M., Braukmüller N. & Münker C.: Tin isotopes in chondrites and Earth: mass independent isotope fractionation and radiogenic 115Sn.

30-6 10.00-10.15: Fastelli M.*, Comodi P., Schmitt B., Beck P., Poch O. & Zucchini A.: The reflectance spectra of NH4+-bearing minerals: the effects of temperature, granulometry and viewing geometry.

30-7 10.15-10.30: La Fortezza M.*, Menescardi F. & Belmonte D.: Ab initio thermodynamics of Mg- SiO3 protoenstatite at high temperatures and implications for planetary processes.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

30-8 Pannello 136: Barbaro A.*, Nestola F. & Domeneghetti M.C.: Shock origin of diamond in ureilites: the important role of Fe-Ni compounds in diamond growth.

30-9 Pannello 137: Bonadiman C., Curetti N.*, Lugari C., Pavese A. & Vaccaro C.: Meteorite 6A: chemical, physical and petrological characterizations.

30-10 Pannello 138: Bruschini E., Carli C.*, Cuppone T. & Pratesi G.: Reflectance spectroscopy of ol-bearing ungrouped achondrite meteorites.

30-11 Pannello 139: Campanale F.*, Mugnaioli E., Folco L. & Gemmi M.: The formation of coesite in impact rocks.

30-12 Pannello 140: Carli C.*, Zambon F., Giacomini L., Bruschini E., Morlok A., Ferrari S., Mari N., Galiano A., Alvaro M., Pratesi G., Kleme S., Renglli C. & Capaccioni F.: Investigating VNIR spectral properties of Mercury, what we can learn about composition from remote sensing and laboratory analogues.

30-13 Pannello 141: Cuppone T.*, Casalini M., Carli C. & Pratesi G.: OlBODIEs: advancement on mineralogical and geochemical analysis on ungrouped achondrites.

30-14 Pannello 142: Murri M.*, Capitani G., Fasoli M., Monguzzi A., Calloni A., Bussetti G., Malaspina N. & Campione M.: Space weathering simulation of silicate surfaces in water.

30-15 Pannello 143: Nava J.*, Massironi M., Maturilli A., Pizzini S., Ferretti P., Alemanno G., Folco L., Perosa A., Genovesi S. & Helbert J.: Cryovolcanic laboratory experiments on carbonaceous chondrites - Formation of alkanes via outburst and sublimation.

30-16 Pannello 144: Shehaj X., Casalini M.*, Tommasini S., Avanzinelli R. & Pratesi G.: Preliminary data on the geochemical characterisation and Cr isotope composition of Libyan Desert Glasses and ordinary chondrites.

S31. Towards modern concepts in seismotectonic-model definition and imaging: multidisciplinary and multiscale approaches in different tectonic settings

Conveners and Chairpersons: Rita de Nardis [Università di Chieti, CRUST], Fabio Luca Bonali [Università di Milano Bicocca, CRUST], Federica Ferrarini [Università di Chieti, CRUST], Valeria Paoletti [Università di Napoli Federico II, CRUST], Debora Presti [Università di Messina, CRUST]


Wednesday 21 September [08.30-10.30] - TE8 Room

31-1 08.30-08.45: [KEYNOTE] Lavecchia G.*: Overtime tectonic, dynamic and rheological control on destructive MUltiple Seismic Events. Special faults & earthquakes in southern Italy: PRIN Project MUSE 4D.

31-2 08.45-09.00: Giuffrida S.*, Brighenti F., Cannavò F., Carnemolla F., De Guidi G., Barreca G. & Monaco C.: A multidisciplinary analysis for a 3D modelling application in seismotectonic: The case study of Quaternary Faults in southern Calabria.

31-3 09.00-09.15: Ercoli M.*, Carboni F., Akimbekova A., Carbonell R. & Barchi M.R: Enhancing fault patterns on the deep seismic reflection line CROP-04 through data pre-conditioning and seismic attributes.

31-4 09.15-09.30: Feriozzi F.*, Improta L., Maesano F.E., De Gori P. & Basili R.: 3D crustal structure of the Irpinia region (Southern Apennines): constraints from the integration of subsurface data and local earthquake tomography.

31-5 09.30-09.45: Diaferia G.*, Valoroso L., Improta L. & Piccinini D.: Earthquake catalogue enhancement through template matching: an application to the Southern Apennines (Italy).

31-6 09.45-10.00: Miccolis S.*, Carafa M.M.C., Filippucci M., Merryman Boncori J.P. & Tallarico A.: Seismic and geodetic monitoring of the Gargano promontory (Southern Italy).

31-7 10.00-10.15: Monaco C.*, Barreca G., Bruno V., De Guidi G., Ferlito C., Gambino S., Gutscher M.- A., Gross F., Mattia M. & Scarfì L.: Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of recent deformation along the Alfeo-Etna Fault System (western Ionian Sea).

31-8 10.15-10.30: Carducci A.*, Andrenacci C. & Lavecchia G.: A combined seismologic-kinematic approach for 3D b-value zonation in Southern California.

Wednesday 21 September [11.00-13.00] - TE8 Room

31-9 11.00-11.15: [KEYNOTE] Caputo R.* & NASA4SHA Working Group: Building a new generation of seismotectonic models (northern Apennines, Italy): the ongoing PRIN projects NASA4SHA.

31-10 11.15-11.30: Fonzetti R.*, Valoroso L., De Gori P. & Chiarabba C.: Faults and fluids interaction during the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence.

31-11 11.30-11.45: Carboni F., Porreca M.*, Cenci G., Valerio E., Manzo M., De Luca C., Ercoli M., Occhipinti M., Barchi M.R.: The role of lithology distribution and tectonic structures in controlling coseismic surface deformation inferred by geological and DInSAR data.

31-12 11.45-12.00: Paoletti V.*, Fedi M., Florio G., Bruno P.P.G., Nappi R. & Cella F.: Geophysical Modeling in Seismotectonic Analysis.

31-13 12.00-12.15: Zaccagnino D.*, Telesca L. & Doglioni C.: How details of faulting affect large scale properties of seismicity and tectonics.

31-14 12.15-12.30: Volpe G.*, Pozzi G., Carminati E., Barchi M.R., Scuderi M.M., Tinti E., Aldega L., Marone C. & Collettini C.: Frictional control on the base of the seismogenic zone: insights from the Apenninic basement, Central Italy.

31-15 12.30-12.45: Romano M.A.*, Carbone L., Cipressi G.M., de Nardis R., Vuan A., Lavecchia G., Peruzza L. & Priolo E.: Enhanced microseismicity catalogue in the Southern Abruzzi area (Central Apennine, Italy) and seismotectonic implications.

31-16 12.45-13.00: Lavecchia G., Bello S.*, Andrenacci C., Cirillo D., Ferrarini F., de Nardis R., Roberts G. & Brozzetti F.: QUaternary fault strain INdicators database - QUIN 1.0 - first release from the Apennines of central Italy.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

31-17 Pannello 145: Adinolfi G.M.*, De Matteis R., de Nardis R. & Zollo A.: A useful tool to estimate the uncertainty of micro-earthquake focal mechanism solutions.

31-18 Pannello 146: Adinolfi G.M.*, Bello S., Garofalo A. & Lavecchia G.: A recent, low-magnitude seismic sequence in the epicentral area of Ms 6.9, 1980 Irpinia earthquake.

31-19 Pannello 147: Cirillo D.*, Totaro C., Lavecchia G., Orecchio B., de Nardis R., Presti D., Ferrarini F., Bello S. & Brozzetti F.: 3D fault model building and seismic potential in the Pollino area (Calabria–Basilicata, southern Italy).

31-20 Pannello 148: Corradino M.*, Morelli D., Ceramicola S., Scarfì L., Barberi G., Monaco C. & Pepe F.: Multiscale approach to reconstruct the tectono-stratigraphic architecture of the Squillace Basin (Offshore Calabria, Italy) from Late Miocene to Recent time.

31-21 Pannello 149: Orecchio B., Presti D., Scolaro S.* & Totaro C.: Seismic deformation styles of the Calabrian subduction zone (South Italy) inferred from waveform inversion focal mechanism.

31-22 Pannello 150: Andrenacci C.*, Bello S., Barbano M.S., Carducci A., Pirrotta C., Pietrolungo F. & Lavecchia G.: A reappraisal of macroseismic data with statistical analysis for the strongest Calabrian earthquakes of the XVIII to XX centuries (southern Italy).

31-23 Pannello 151: Talone D.*, de Nardis R., Lavecchia G. & De Siena L.: New seismic tomographic images in eastern Abruzzi (central Italy): inferences on the structural style of the Outer Thrust System.

31-24 Pannello 152: Carbone L.*, Vuan A., Romano M.A. & Lavecchia G.: Seismicity clustering and tectonic structures: inferences from seismological and statistical indexes in central Italy's high seismic hazard area.

31-25 Pannello 153: Lavecchia G., Pandolfi C.*, Carducci C. & Akinci A.: Multi-scale conceptual database for 3D SEIsmic Source characterization in Compressional environment - SEISC 1.0 - first release from eastern Central Italy.

31-26 Pannello 154: Pandolfi C.*, Taroni M., de Nardis R., Lavecchia G. & Akinci A.: Earthquake Rate Model from a Spatially Smoothed Seismicity of a New High-Detailed Catalog for PSHA purposes in central Eastern Italy.

31-27 Pannello 155: Pedicini M.*, Tibaldi A., de Nardis R., Torrese P., Bressan S., Talone D., Bonali F.L., Corti N., Russo E. & Lavecchia G.: A multi-scale approach to the potential recent activity of the Stradella fault (Emilia Arc, northern Italy).

31-28 Pannello 156: Bressan S.*, Gounari O., Ntouskos V., Corti N., Bonali F.L., Karantzalos K. & Tibaldi A.: Atmo-stress cloud service: an open-source tool to reconstruct stress trajectories.

31-29 Pannello 157: Ferrarini F.*: Linking long-term- to seismogenic deformation in tectonically-active settings: methods and results coming across recent (1997-2016) Italian normal- fault seismic sequences.

S32. From Source to Sink - the history of sediments inferred from the geological record

Conveners and Chairpersons: Luigi Bruno [Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia], Bruno Campo [Università degli Studi di Bologna], Claudio Pellegrini [ISMAR-CNR Bologna], Cristina Stefani [Università degli Studi di Padova], Marcello Tropeano [Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro]


Monday 19 September [11.00-13.00] - Violet Room

32-1 11.00-11.30: [KEYNOTE] Amorosi A.*: Sediment routing systems and their stratigraphic record.

32-2 11.30-11.45: Usman M.*, Garzanti E. & Vezzoli G.: Tracing sediment provenance in the Shaotanghe River (southwest China).

32-3 11.45-12.00: Tentori D.*, Mancini M., Milli S., Stigliano F., Tancredi S. & Moscatelli M.: Compositional, micromorphological and geotechnical characterization of Holocene Tiber floodplain deposits (Rome, Italy) and stratigraphic implications.

32-4 12.00-12.15: Ruberti D.*, Buffardi C. & Vigliotti M.: The fate of the Volturno delta (northern Campania, Italy) among geological history and human influence.

32-5 12.15-12.30: Olivetti V.*, Balestrieri M.L., Zurli L., Perotti M., Pace D., Chew D., Cornamusini G. & Zattin M.: Oligocene-Miocene ice volume variations in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: insight from a provenance study on core DSDP270 empowered by U-Pb dating, apatite geochemical signature and fission-track data.

32-6 12.30-12.45: Bracchi V.A.*, Varzi A.G., Savini A., Bazzicalupo P., Fallati L., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Guido A., Leonardi R., Negri M.P. & Basso D.: Coralligenous carbonate production through a multiscale approach: the case study of the CRESCIBLUREEF project (Ionian Sea, Italy).

32-7 12.45-13.00: Corrado S.*, Vergara N.A., Schito A., Michel P. & Gasparrini M.: New integrated geochemical and petrographic constraints to paleo-thermal and paleo-environmental reconstructions from organic matter dispersed in the Early Toarcian organic- rich shales of the Paris Basin (France).


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

32-8 Pannello 70: Abballe M., Bortoluzzi D., Cavalazzi M., Dinelli E. & Marabini S.*: The evolution of the southern Po delta between the Roman period and Late Antiquity in light of new geoarchaeological data.

32-9 Pannello 71: Chizzini N.*, Artoni A., Torelli L., Basso J., Polonia A. & Gasperini L.: Tectono-stratigraphic evolution and traspressive tectonics of the Apulian foreland (Northern Ionian Sea) between two converging orogens.

32-10 Pannello 72: De Giorgio V.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M.: Sedimentary features of Quaternary gravelly beachface deposits in the Metaponto area (southern Italy).

32-11 Pannello 73: Demurtas L.*, Bruno L., Fontana D. & Lugli S.: Composition of core sands from the central Po Plain (northern Italy). Implication for sediment provenance.

32-12 Pannello 74: Dominici R., Donato P., Imbrogno G., Lirer S., Tenuta M.* & De Rosa R.: Multiparametric calibration of the Erosion Potential Method on petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical parameters.

32-13 Pannello 75: Dominici R., Donato P., Imbrogno G., Lirer S., Tenuta M.* & De Rosa R.: Time-scale implementation of the EPM model: Implications in the Ofanto basin and in the physiographic unit connected to it.

32-14 Pannello 76: Pellegrini C.*, Sammartino I., Schieber J., Rossi V., Tesi T., Paladini F., Chiggiato J., Schroeder K., Asioli A., Trincardi F. & Amorosi A.: On depositional processes governing fine-grained deposits: unlocking the Little Ice Age parasequence on the Adriatic shelf.

32-15 Pannello 77: Perri F.*, Cipriani M., Guido A., Cianflone G. & Dominici R.: Messinian mudrocks of the Calcare di Base Formation (Catanzaro Basin, Calabria): implications for source- area provenance and palaeoweathering conditions.

32-16 Pannello 78: Pierini M.*, Di Celma C., Pierantoni P.P., Negri A., Amorosi A., Di Martino A. & Leoni M.: Stratigraphic architecture of a late Quaternary incised-valley along the Adriatic coast (Chienti River, Marche Region, Italy).

32-17 Pannello 79: Pinardi R.*, Artoni A., Tinterri R., Petrella E. & Fornaciari A.: The Middle Pleistocene fluvio-deltaic systems preserved at the margin of the Northern Apennines between Parma and Enza rivers (Po Valley - Northern Italy): a tectonically-controlled sink zone.

32-18 Pannello 80: Sammartino I.*, Amorosi A., Tesi T., Langone L., Pambianco C., Asioli A., Trincardi F. & Pellegrini C.: Sediment provenance and environmental changes during the Last Deglaciation in the Adriatic Sea.

32-19 Pannello 81: Vergara N.A.*, Schito A., Corrado S., Michel P. & Gasparrini M.: Automatic organic facies identification using Raman spectra on dispersed organic matter by means of Unsupervised Learning techniques (Paris Basin - France).

S33. Taphonomy and diagenesis of marine biogenic sediments in ancient and modern depositional environments

Conveners and Chairpersons: Luca Pellegrino [Università di Torino], Alan Maria Mancini [Università di Torino], Karen Gariboldi [Università di Pisa], Giulia Bosio [Università di Milano-Bicocca], Manuela Bordiga [OGS Trieste]


Monday 19 September [15.30-17.30] - Violet Room

33-1 15.30-16.00: [KEYNOTE] Michalopoulos P.*: Reverse Weathering: Past, Present and Future.

33-2 16.00-16.15: Bojanowski M.J.*, Ciurej A., Dubicka Z., Minoletti F. & Olszewska-Nejbert D.: Il buono, il brutto, o il cattivo? The role of diagenetic alteration of coccolith-rich rocks in constraining the palaeoceanographic setting.

33-3 16.15-16.30: Cipriani M.*, Basso D., Bazzicalupo P., Bertolino M., Bracchi V.A., Bruno F., Costa G., Dominici R., Muzzupappa M., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Sciuto F. & Guido A.: Autochthonous vs allochthonous micrite in Mediterranean coralligenous: ecological and depositional implications.

33-4 16.30-16.45: Cornacchia I.*, Brandano M., Agostini S. & Munnecke A.: When was the Mediterranean water body born? What the Nd isotope record of Miocene phosphatic hardgrounds is telling us.

33-5 16.45-17.00: Geniram A.*, Colizza E., Melis R., Torricella F., Tesi T., Pambianco G., Miserocchi S., Gallerani A. & Colleoni F.: LGM – Holocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution by multidisciplinary analysis of five gravity cores collected in the Glomar Challenger (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica).

33-6 17.00-17.15: Mansour B.*, Bachiri N., Mennad S. & Saint Martin J.P.: Reconstructing paleoenvironment and taphonomic processes from Messinian diatomaceous sediments of the Lower Chelif basin (NW Algeria).

33-7 17.15-17.30: Nallino E.*, Gennari R., Mancini A.M., Pellegrino L., Pilade F. & Lozar F.: High-resolution investigation of a pre-evaporitic Messinian precessional cycle in the Pecetto di Valenza section (NW Italy): from sapropel to diatomite deposition as revealed by stable isotope and morphometric analyses on planktic and benthic foraminifera.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

33-8 Pannello 82: Bazzicalupo P.*, Malinverno E., Bracchi V. A., Varzi A. G., Savini A., Fallati L., Guido A., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Leonardi R., Negri M.P., Cipriani M. & Basso D.: Preliminary results on coccolith assemblages sedimented inside coralligenous build-ups (Marzamemi, Sicily).

33-9 Pannello 83: Guido A.* & Vescogni A.: A mud-mound like carbonate build-up from the messinian terminal carbonate complex of the Salento peninsula (Southern Italy).

33-10 Pannello 84: Isella E.*, Lozar F. & Mancini A.M.: Coccoliths acidification: an experimental approach to constrain the preservation degree of nannofossil assemblage in sediment samples.

33-11 Pannello 85: Malinverno E., Bosio G.*, Gioncada A., Cimò R., Andò S., Mariani L., Coletti G., Boschi C., Gariboldi K., Galimberti L., Bianucci G., Urbina M. & Di Celma C.: Dolomite layers in the Miocene diatomaceous sediments of the Pisco Formation (East Pisco Basin, Peru).

33-12 Pannello 86: Mariani L.*, Coletti G., Mateu-Vicens G., Bosio G., Collareta A., Khokhlova A., Di Cencio A., Casati S. & Malinverno E.: Tracers of the lost seagrass: the bias introduced by diagenesis on foraminiferal assemblages indicative of palaeo-seagrass meadows.

33-13 Pannello 87: Randazzo V.*, Berra F., Todaro S. & Di Stefano P.: Deciphering early and late diagenetic history in Triassic reef to slope facies (Southern Alps, Lombardy, and Southern Apennine, Sicily).

33-14 Pannello 88: Sanfilippo R.*, Basso D., Bazzicalupo P., Bertolino M., Bracchi V.A., Cipriani M., Costa G., Dominici R., Donato G., Rosso A., Sciuto F. & Guido A.: First taphonomic insight on a coralligenous build-up off Marzamemi (SE Sicily).

33-15 Pannello 89: Ruscitto V.*, Tomassetti L., Cornacchia I., Lirer F., Cascella A., Aldega L., Catanzariti R., Trapasso F. & Brandano M.: The stratigraphic expression of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in a mixed siliciclastic carbonate system: the Capo Mortola section (Ligurian Alps, Italy).

33-16 Pannello 90: Tolotti R.*, Donda F., Sauli C., de Santis L., Caburlotto A., Corradi N., Colizza E., Crosta X. & Leventer A.: Taphonomy and sedimentary context remarks from Cenozoic siliceous microfossils deposition: how paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic changes can affect sedimentary series preserved on Antarctic continental margins.

S34. The Sediment Routing System as a tool to the understanding of fossil depositional systems and the preservation of modern ones

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesca Micheletti [Università di Bari], Emilia Le Pera [Università di Calabria], Stefania Lisco [Università di Bari]


Monday 19 September [17.30-19.30] - Violet Room

34-1 17.30-17.45: [KEYNOTE] Critelli S.*: Interpreting provenance relations from detrital modes of Circum-Mediterranean sandstones in relation to tectonic setting.

34-2 17.45-18.00: Criniti S.*, Critelli S., Costamagna L.G., Di Stefano P. & Sulli A.: Composition and provenance of Late Carboniferous to Permian sandstones within the Circum-Mediterranean region.

34-3 18.00-18.15: [KEYNOTE] Gallicchio S.*, Cerone D., Fornelli A., Maiorano P. & Micheletti F.: Late Paleogene trench-slope syn-sedimentary volcaniclastic turbidites of the Candela Stream (Southern Italy). New constrains for the geodynamics of the Southern Apennine in the Central Mediterranean.

34-4 18.15-18.30: Civitelli M.*, Criniti S., Borrelli M. & Critelli S.: Sandstone diagenesis and petrophysics of San Mauro formation (Cilento group), Southern Apennines, Italy.

34-5 18.30-18.45: Micheletti F.*, Festa V., Fornelli A., Tursi F. & Spalluto L.: Petrography and Geochemistry of post-Cretaceous Bauxite from Murge Area (Apulia, southern Italy): A Provenance Tool.

34-6 18.45-19.00: Le Pera E.*, De Luca R., Miriello D., Pugliese E. & Tangari A.C.: Heavy minerals provenance in modern beach and fluvial sands of the Betic Cordillera (Spain).

34-7 19.00-19.15: Lapietra I.*, Lisco S., Milli S. & Moretti M.: Sand provenance of Le Dune and Torre Guaceto beach (Southern Italy).

34-8 19.15-19.30: Cossu G.*, Sechi D., Pascucci V. & Andreucci S.: A reliable geochronological method for Quaternary gravelly marine terraces covers: luminescence Rock Surface Dating performed on Cala Mosca and Cala Viola areas (Sardinia, Italy).


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

34-9 Pannello 91: Lisco S.*, Fornelli A., Micheletti F. & Moretti M.: Textural and compositional evolution analysis of coastal sands (Lazio, Italy) as fundamental tool to plan a sustainable nourishment.

34-10 Pannello 92: de Luca A.*, Lisco S., Corriero G. & Moretti M.: Sedimentological study of the worm reef along the Adriatic coasts.

34-11 Pannello 93: Fornelli A.* & Micheletti F.: Grain size control on mineralogy and geochemistry in quartz-rich sandstones.

34-12 Pannello 94: Kairouani H.*, Fornelli A., Micheletti F., Abbassi A., Zaghloul M.N., Critelli S. & EL Mourabet M.: Provenance of the Lower-Middle Jurassic successions of the Prerif foreland basin (Rif chain, Morocco).

34-13 Pannello 95: Kairouani H., Fornelli A., Micheletti F., Abbassi A., Zaghloul M.N. & Critelli S.*: A possible "green house" to "ice house" paleoclimate transition during Middle-Late Jurassic in the northern African margin (Prerif–Mesorif sub-domain, external Rif, Morocco): preliminary results from elemental geochemistry.

34-14 Pannello 96: Tangari A.C.*, Andò S., Marinangeli L.,Riber L. & Le Pera E.: Provenance of Modern Sands from Baja California Rivers (Mexico).

34-15 Pannello 97: Falsetta E.*, Criniti S., Civitelli M., Pugliese E. & Borrelli M.: Serravallian-Tortonian buried stratigraphy of Crotone basin: sedimentary and compositional evolution.

34-16 Pannello 98: Fiorenza E.*, Criniti S. & Le Pera E.: Provenance of repurposed building stones in the historical town of Rende (Cosenza, Italy).

S35. Field mapping and stratigraphy: significant insights from the geologic record

Conveners and Chairpersons: Angelo Cipriani [Servizio Geologico d'Italia (ISPRA)], Simone Fabbi [Servizio Geologico d'Italia (ISPRA)], Chiara Zuffetti [Università di Milano]


Tuesday 20 September [08.30-10.30] - Violet Room

35-1 08.30-08.45: Barale L., Bertok C., d'Atri A.,Martire L., Mosca P. & Piana F.*: Mapping sedimentary and low-grade metasedimentary rocks: the Geologic Event approach.

35-2 08.45-09.00: Irace A.*, Catanzariti R., Fioraso G., Da Prato S., Barbero E., Bonadeo L., Livio F., Ferrario F., Scaramuzzo E. & Zerboni A.: Geological map of Valenza-Montecastello area: new field constraints for the Oligocene-Quaternary tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the eastern Monferrato (NW Italy).

35-3 09.00-09.15: Barbero E.*, Festa A., Catanzariti R. & Fioraso G.: Early to middle Eocene tectono- sedimentary evolution of the External Ligurian accretionary wedge (Northern Apennines): constraints from the geological mapping of different types of chaotic rock units.

35-4 09.15-09.30: Caggiati M.*, Gianolla P. & Riva A.: The Sciliar formation and its subunits: a tricky matter for mapping geology.

35-5 09.30-09.45: Gianolla P.*, Caggiati M. & Riva A.: Anisian tectonics ruling sedimentation in the Eastern Southern Alps: evidence from CARG geological mapping.

35-6 09.45-10.00: Marcelli I.*, Irace A. & Fioraso G.: The New Subsurface Geological Map of the Torino metropolitan Area (Western Po Plain): from database and 3D model construction to the map graphic representation.

35-7 10.00-10.15: Pigazzi E.*, Apuani T. & Bersezio R.: Geological mapping as a tool for understanding the historical landscape evolution of an Alpine valley: the Piuro case study (Bregaglia Valley, SO).

35-8 10.15-10.30: Zuffetti C.*, Bersezio R., Lucchelli A., Stevenazzi S. & Masetti M.: From 2D geological maps to 3D models: A case-study in the Central Alps (Lombardy, Italy).

Tuesday 20 September [11.00-13.00] - Violet Room

35-9 11.00-11.15: Locatelli M.*, Morelli D., Crispini L., Corradi N., Federico L., Cianfarra P. & Brandolini P.: The tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the alpine Ligurian margin: new insights from the marine Quaternary deposits (Albenga and Genova sheets - CARG project).

35-10 11.15-11.30: Marino M.* & D'Ambrogi C.: 3D stratigraphic architecture of the Permian-to-Cenozoic succession of the Po Basin.

35-11 11.30-12.00: [KEYNOTE] Capotorti F.*, Marino M. & Muraro C.: Tectono-sedimentary evolution of Central-Northern Apennines in the geologic record of 348 "Antrodoco" and 337 "Norcia" Sheets.

35-12 12.00-12.15: Chiarini E.* & Papasodaro F.: The continental Quaternary of the 337 Norcia and 348 Antrodoco Geological Sheets: new insights and cartographic implications.

35-13 12.15-12.30: Muraro C.*, Vita L., Cipriani A., Consorti L., Battaglini L., Fiorentino A., Fiorenza D., Martarelli L., Orefice S., Pieruccioni D., Silvestri S. & Troccoli A.: The Glossary 3.0 of the CARG Project: An updated web-based controlled vocabulary of terms related to geological maps.

35-14 12.30-12.45: Cipollari P.*, Abbassi A. & Cosentino D.: Closing the "Monte delle Fate" and "il Casone" tectonic windows: new insights from the CARG project 364-Bracciano.

35-15 12.45-13.00: Artegiani F.* & Fagioli G.: Geological map of the Mt. Soratte ridge (central Apeninnes, Latium, Italy).

Tuesday 20 September [17.30-19.30] - Violet Room

35-16 17.30-17.45: Nirta G.*, Barbero E., Festa A. & Remitti F.: Processes of ophiolite incorporation at shallow structural levels of subduction complexes: field constraints from the External Ligurian Units (Northern Apennines, Italy).

35-17 17.45-18.00: Invernizzi D.*, Felletti F., Marini M., El Kati I., Pantopoulos G., Reguzzi S. & Zuffetti C.: The Tachrift Project: combining field mapping and detailed stratigraphic measurements to reconstruct the sedimentary architecture of channel-levée systems (late Tortonian, Tachrift Turbidite System, NE Morocco).

35-18 18.00-18.15: Innamorati G.*, Aldega L., Fabbi S. & Santantonio M.: From Jurassic rifting to early Miocene shortening: polyphase history of the Longobucco/Paludi welded basins (northern Calabria).

35-19 18.15-18.30: Tancredi S.*, Margiotta S., Grasso S., Tentori D. & Milli S.: The Cenozoic paleogeographic evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the Salento Peninsula (southern Apulia platform).

35-20 18.30-18.45: Sulli A.*, Gasparo Morticelli M., Agate M., Todaro S., Lo Presti V., Bonfardeci A. & Avellone G.: The geological map of the Sheet 628 "Sciacca" (CARG Project).

35-21 18.45-19.00: Foti A.*, Catalano S., Tortorici G. & Salerno A.: The origin and the significance of the extensive detrital production along the western margin of the Hyblean Plateau (SE Sicily).

35-22 19.00-19.15: Salerno A.*, Foti A., Tortorici G. & Catalano S.: Geological and structural lineaments of Chiaramonte Gulfi area (Hyblean Plateau).

35-23 19.15-19.30: Gambino S.*, Barreca G., Pagano M., Carbone. & Monaco C.: Tectonic evolution of the eastern coastal area of the Hyblean region.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

35-24 Pannello 116: Basilici M.*, Jablonská D., Pedini M., Spinaci A., Pierantoni P.P., Mazzoli S. & Capotorti F.: Balanced Cross-sections and 3D Geological Model of the Monte Fema area, Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy).

35-25 Pannello 117: Bova P., Contino A., Esposito G.* & Greco G.: A new record of Trubi Fm. from Trabia (North-western Sicily) and its significance.

35-26 Pannello 118: Cipriani A.* & Curzi M.: Geology of the high Tenna Valley (Sibillini Mts): Mesozoic paleotectonics and its control on the orogenic deformations.

35-27 Pannello 119: Di Celma C., Pierantoni P.P., Volatili T.*, Molli G., Mazzoli S., Sarti G., Ciattoni S., Bosio G., Malinverno E., Collareta A., Gariboldi K., Gioncada A., Jablonská D., Landini W. & Bianucci G.: Deciphering the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the East Pisco Basin (southern Peru): new insights from the geological mapping of its central portion.

35-28 Pannello 120: Fabbi S.*, Cipriani A. & Consorti L.: The Monti Ernici Miocene-Quaternary stratigraphy: An attempt for the definition of new stratigraphic units in the sheet 377 "Trasacco".

35-29 Pannello 121: Fioraso M.*, Bondesan A., Preto N. & Massironi M.: The Cansiglio South-Western Escarpment: an Alpine transfer zone developed on a Dinaric thrust.

35-30 Pannello 122: Foti A.*, Catalano S., Pavano F., Tortorici G. & Romagnoli G.: New geological data on the eastern termination of the Mt. Kumeta-Alcantara Line (NE Sicily).

35-31 Pannello 123: Galdenzi S.*, Jablonská D., Volatili T., Pierantoni P.P. & Capotorti F.: Traditional geological mapping with non-traditional 3D survey methods: A Case study from "Le Cute", Sibillini Mts., Central Italy.

35-32 Pannello 124: Jablonská D.*, Zambrano M., Volatili T., Pierantoni P.P., Mazzoli S. & Materazzi M.: Geological mapping and 3D geological Model of the Pieve Torina - Visso Synclinorium, Sibillini Mts. (Central Italy). Application for Geofluid reservoirs.

35-33 Pannello 125: Krobicki M.* & co-leaders and members of the IGCP 710: Introduction to the IGCP 710 Project: Western Tethys meets Eastern Tethys.

35-34 Pannello 126: Krobicki M.*, Di Capua A., Feldman-Olszewska A., Hnylko O. & Iwańczuk J.: Volcano- sedimentary sequences of the Western Tethys (Ukrainian Carpathians; Early Cretaceous and Italian Dolomites; Middle Triassic) - comparative sedimentological studies and their geodynamic significance.

35-35 Pannello 127: Montano D.*, Gasparrini M., Rohais S., Albert R. & Gerdes A.: Depositional age models in lacustrine systems from zircon and carbonate U-Pb geochronology.

35-36 Pannello 128: Nirta G.*: Geology of the Ligurian units in the Calvana and Morello mountains (Northern Apennines of Italy).

35-37 Pannello 129: Pasqualone L.*, Brozzetti F., Mirabella F., Patacchiola E. & Barchi M.R.: Geological map and stratigraphic subdivision of the Marnoso-Arencea Formation, biostratigraphic and petrographic constraints: Umbrian Apennines (Italy).

35-38 Pannello 130: Perozzo M.*, Tamburelli S., Mueller P., Menegoni N., Maino M., Crispini L. & Seno S.: Tectono-stratigraphic reconstruction of the Pietra di Finale (Ligurian Alps, Italy): new insights from the discovery of soft-sediment deformation structures.

35-39 Pannello 131: Riva A., Caggiati M.* & Caputo R.: Sedimentary evolution of the Quaternary cover and its relationships with buried structures: insights from subsurface 3D modelling of the CARG - 185 Ferrara Sheet.

35-40 Pannello 132: Riva A., Gianolla P.* & Caggiati M.: The eastern margin of the Trento Platform in the Dolomiti Bellunesi area (NE-Italy): evidence from CARG geological mapping.

35-41 Pannello 133: Salerno A.*, Foti A., Tortorici G. & Catalano S.: Subsurface geological data analysis of the Hyblean region (SE Sicily): implications in the tectonic evolution of the area.

35-42 Pannello 134: Santantonio M., Cipriani A.*, Fabbi S. & Meister C.: Constraining the slip rate of a Jurassic rift fault through the drowning history of a carbonate footwall and age of clinoforms draping its marginal escarpment.

S36. Open session on Stratigraphy

Conveners and Chairpersons: Piero Gianolla [Università di Ferrara], Cristina Muraro [ISPRA], Antonino Briguglio [Università di Genova], Luca Capraro [Università di Padova], Luca Giusberti [Università di Padova], Patrizia Maiorano [Università di Bari], Luigi Spalluto [Università di Bari], Francesco Dela Pierre (Università di Torino)


Wednesday 21 September [15.30-17.30] - Violet Room

36-1 15.30-16.00: [KEYNOTE] Lirer F.*: Neogene-Quaternary Global Stratotype Section and Points: state of the art, weakness and strength and what is it missing?

36-2 16.00-16.15: Columbu A.*, Spötl C., Fohlmeister J., Hu H.-M., Chiarini V., Hellstrom J., Cheng H., Shen C.-C. & De Waele J.: Speleothem δ18O-δ13C stratigraphy precisely constraining the Holocene inception in southern Italy (Sant'Angelo Cave, Apulia).

36-3 16.15-16.30: Zanola E.*, Di Stefano A., Fornaciari E., Ferretti P., Macrì P. & Capraro L.: A high-resolution record of δ18O and δ13C across the Piacenzian/Gelasian boundary at Monte San Nicola (Southern Sicily).

36-4 16.30-16.45: Brandano M.*, Cornacchia I., Ruscitto V. & Marianelli D.: Some issues on carbonate factory classification: insight from Upper Miocene Lithothamnion Limestone (Majella central Apennines, central Mediterranean).

36-5 16.45-17.00: Mannucci A.*, Gréteau L., Lanci L., Reghellin D. & Galeotti S.: Astrochronology of the C20n-C20r from the Contessa Quarry Billabong section (Gubbio, central Italy) and its implications for the geological time scale.

36-6 17.00-17.15: Costamagna L.G.*: Triassic successions of Sardinia, Corsica and Brianconnais domain: analogies and correlations.

36-7 17.15-17.30: Pecorari M.*, Gianolla P., Cruciani G., Tateo F. & Caggiati M.: Variations in mineral assemblages across the Carnian Pluvial Episode (Late Triassic): a composite section from the Dolomites.

Wednesday 21 September [17.30-19.30] - Violet Room

36-8 17.30-17.45: Sorci A.*, Cirilli S., Götz A.E., Servais T. & Spina A.: Understanding mechanisms of palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic trends across the Silurian-Devonian transition by palynofacies data from southern Tunisia.

36-9 17.45-18.00: Stelletti M.*, Sechi D., Andreucci S., Cossu G., De Luca M., Faedda G., Perazzotti F., Ruperti N., Santonastaso A. & Pascucci V.: High-frequency climate oscillations determined with OSL in Lanzarote (Canary Island).

36-10 18.00-18.15: Thomas C.*, Ariztegui D., Antler G., Ebert Y., Grossi V., Ionescu D. & Levy E.: Traces of life in evaporites: the case of the Dead Sea deep biosphere and its relation to paleoclimate fluctuations.

36-11 18.15-18.30: Sabino M.*, Birgel D., Natalicchio M., Dela Pierre F. & Peckmann J.: Perturbation of the carbon cycle in the late Miocene Mediterranean Sea at the advent of the Messinian salinity crisis revealed by lipids of marine Thaumarchaeota.

36-12 18.30-18.45: Gibert L.*, Corbí H., García-Veigas J., Lozar F., Pineda V., Pérez-Valera F., Gil M., Artiaga D., Lería M. & Soria J.: A new MSC record in the Tabernas basin (SE Spain).

36-13 18.45-19.00: Borrelli M.*, Critelli S. & Perri E.: The Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Central Mediterranean: Paleogeography and sedimentary evolution of two North Calabria basins (South Italy).

36-14 19.00-19.15: Pineda V.* & Gibert L.: The Latest Tortonian saline deposits of the Granada Basin: A marine to continental evaporite record of an ancient hypersaline lagoon.

36-15 19.15-19.30: Cipriani M.*, Dominici R., Costanzo A., Cianflone G., Miriello D., Perri F. & Guido A.: Organic matter remains in primary evaporitic minerals: new insights on paleoenvironmental conditions and mineral crystallization during the Messinian Salinity Crisis.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

36-16 Pannello 158: Andreetto F.*, Flecker R., Aloisi G., Mancini A.M., Guibourdenche L., de Villiers S. & Krijgsman W.: High-amplitude, precession-controlled oscillations in Mediterranean base-level triggered gypsum-marl cycles during the final Stage 3 of the Messinian Salinity Crisis.

36-17 Pannello 159: Borrelli M.*, Critelli S. & Perri E.: Paleogeography and sedimentary evolution of the Southern Adriatic province in the Permian-Triassic.

36-18 Pannello 160: Tamburelli S.*, Di Giulio A., Consonni A. & Ortenzi A.: Looking for the best thermal history of Illizi-Ghadames basin (North Africa) through diagenetic modelling.

36-19 Pannello 161: Tzevahirtzian A.*, Caruso A., Scopelliti G., Baudin F. & Blanc-Valleron M.M.: Onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Sedimentological, petrographical and geochemical characterization of the pre-salt sediments from a new core (Caltanissetta Basin, Sicily).

36-20 Pannello 162: Forno M.G.*, Gianotti F., Sartori G. & Storti U.: Geological setting of Turin shallow subsoil connected to Holocene deviation of the Po River.

36-21 Pannello 163: Fracchiolla T.*, De Giosa F., Festa V., Lisco S., Mastronuzzi G., Rizzo A., Scardino G., Valenzano E. & Moretti M.: New geophysical data from the marine sectors of the CARG Project - Sheet n. 493 Taranto.

36-22 Pannello 164: Liberatore M.*, Cosentino D., Gliozzi E. & Cipollari P.: New constraints on the Holocene uplift of the Crotone Peninsula (Ionian Calabria, southern Italy) as deduced by emerged sea-level markers.

36-23 Pannello 165: Zurli L.*, Cornamusini G., Liberato G.P. & Conti P.: The Late Paleozoic Ice Age in southern Gondwana: insights from glaciomarine sequences of Tasmania (Australia).

36-24 Pannello 166: Sabbatino M.*, Franceschi M., Dell'Anno J., Frijia G., Consorti L., Petranich E., Barago N., Corradetti A., Covelli S., Gonzo S., Landucci C., Melis R., Papazzoni C.A., Pavoni E. & Lorenzo B.: New constraints on the PETM record in shallow-marine carbonates from the Adriatic Carbonate Platform, NE Italy.

S37. Sustainability of groundwater resources

Sessione patrocinata da IAH – Italian Chapter

Conveners and Chairpersons: Manuela Lasagna [Università di Torino], Vincenzo Piscopo [Coordinatore Sezione di Idrogeologia, Società Geologica Italiana], Glenda Taddia [Politecnico di Torino]


Monday 19 September [15.30-17.30] - Blue Room

37-1 15.30-16.00: Miletto M.*: Groundwater, the invisible resource: findings from the UN World Water Development Report 2022.

37-2 16.00-16.15: Lorenzi V., Banzato F., Barberio M.D., Manetta M., Sbarbati C. & Petitta M.*: Distributed groundwater recharge of the Gran Sasso aquifer (Central Italy) for a sustainable management: analysis and changes during 2000-2021 period.

37-3 16.15-16.30: Cavallina C.*, Bergamasco A., Cosma M., Da Lio C., Donnici S., Tosi L. & Zaggia L.: Morpho-sedimentary constraints in the groundwater dynamics of low-lying coastal area: the southern margin of the Venice lagoon, Italy.

37-4 16.30-16.45: Di Giovanni A.*, Di Curzio D., Rusi S.: Hydrogeological characterization and assessment of groundwater resource potentialities for drinking purposes of minor high-altitude springs in Central Apennines (Southern Abruzzo region).

37-5 16.45-17.00: Egidio E.*, Stevenazzi S., Ducci D., De Luca D.A., Mancini S., Corniello A. & Lasagna M.: How Italian groundwater are experiencing climate change: two examples of groundwater temperature variation from North to South.

37-6 17.00-17.15: Fronzi D.*, Mammoliti E., Palpacelli S., Marcellini M., Ianni C., Tonelli M., Nanni T. & Tazioli A.: Characterization of aquifers and water balance calibration in the Laga Geological Formation (Marche Region, central Italy).

37-7 17.15-17.30: Lobina F.*, Da Pelo S., Biddau R., Cidu R., Coppola A. & Vacca A.: Effect of textural and hydrological properties of the soil on the residence time of infiltration water and in promoting denitrification processes in the unsaturated zone.

Monday 19 September [17.30-19.30] - Blue Room

37-8 17.30-17.45: Lana L., Lotti F., Petitta M., Piscopo V. & Sbarbati C.*: Sustainability indicators for groundwater withdrawals from the Acque Albule Basin (Rome).

37-9 17.45-18.00: Gizzi M.*, Mondani M. & Taddia G.: A Preliminary Analysis for Understanding Variations in Mountain Springs' Water Availability under Climate Change in Aosta Valley.

37-10 18.00-18.15: Mastrorillo L.*, Viaroli S., Bolzonella E., Mazza R., Ruisi M. & Taviani S.: Post-seismic update of the hydrogeological setting of Sibillini Mts. system: a detail on the marchean fractured carbonate aquifers (Central Italy).

37-11 18.15-18.30: Mazzon P.*, Piccioli S., Colombo P. & Alberti L.: Numerical modelling of the Milano metropolitan area (Italy) to assess the relevance of irrigation recharge in prediction of future groundwater levels.

37-12 18.30-18.45: Porru M.C.*, Da Pelo S., Davids T., Oude Essink G., Arras C. & Piscedda F.A.: Innovative methodological approach for the modeling of seawater intrusion in the coastal plain of Muravera (Sardinia, Italy).

37-13 18.45-19.00: Stevenazzi S.*, Lucchelli A., Del Gaudio E., Ducci D. & Masetti M.: Water availability evaluation for a sustainable management of groundwater resources in mountainous areas.

37-14 19.00-19.15: Vespasiano G.*, Cianflone G., Marini L., De Rosa R., Andiloro G., Walraevens K., Vaselli O., Tolomei C., Pizzino L., Cinti D., Polemio M., Capecchiacci F., Dominici R. & Apollaro C.: Preliminary hydrogeological and geochemical characterization of the Gioia Tauro coastal Plain (Calabria - South Italy).

37-15 19.15-19.30: Vetuschi Zuccolini M.*, Canepa M., Parodi U. & Schenone D.: Impact of the extremal climatic event Alex (2-3/10/2020) on the geochemically vulnerable peri-Alpine Roja's aquifer.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

37-16 Pannello 99: Avataneo C.*, Magherini L., Belluso E., Capella S., Bianco C., Lasagna M., Sethi R. & De Luca D.A.: A laboratory study to define tools for monitoring asbestos mobility in aquifers.

37-17 Pannello 100: Barberio M.D.*, Gori F., Barbieri M., Cardello G.L., Simeoni A. P., Petitta M. & Chiocci F. L.: Groundwater mixing assessment in the Pontina Plain (Central Italy): preliminary results of the CARG survey performed for the Terracina geological map.

37-18 Pannello 101: Briganti A.* & Voltaggio M.: Radon diffusion in Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs): experimental data and their impact on the modelization of Rn deficit technique.

37-19 Pannello 102: Cocca D.*, Moriondo M., Lasagna M. & De Luca D.A.: Recharge area determination of important deep groundwater aquifer (ValMaggiore, NW Italy): a hydrochemical and isotopic approach.

37-20 Pannello 103: D'Ettorre U.S.* & Parise M.: Protecting karst groundwater resources in Apulia, southern Italy.

37-21 Pannello 104: Di Renzo D.*, Nieto Yabar D., Marrocchino E. & Vaccaro C.: Geochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater in the NW Friuli Plain, Friuli‑Venezia Giulia (Italy).

37-22 Pannello 105: Di Renzo D., Rizzo A., Vaccaro C., Salvi S., Marrocchino E., Nieto Yabar D. & Telloli C.*: The tritium used to define anthropogenic influence on water resource management: the study case of Fiume Veneto (PN), Italy.

37-23 Pannello 106: Pasquetti F.*, Zanchetta G., Bini M., Vannière B., Desmet M., Magny M., Vaselli O., Petrini R., Baneschi I. & Fulignati P.: Lead anomalies in the Lake Accesa (Tuscany, Italy): evidence of human pollution from the Early Copper Age.

37-24 Pannello 107: Rompato M.*, Saroli M., Albano M., Moro M., Bozzano F. & Scarascia Mugnozza G.: 3D geological modelling in urban contexts for hydrogeological analysis: a case study of the city of Cassino (Central Italy).

37-25 Pannello 108: Stevenazzi S.*, Corniello A., Del Gaudio E. & Ducci D.: Base studies on seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers in the Volturno Plain (Campania region, Southern Italy).

37-26 Pannello 109: Valigi D.*, Cambi C. & Di Matteo L.: Exploitation of drinking waters in Central Italy: considerations about withdrawn techniques of groundwater in the framework of the ongoing climate changes.

37-27 Pannello 110: Vescovo G., Bolognini D., Lasagna M., Santillan L.* & De Luca D.A.: Hydrogeological study of the perrot spring (Aosta valley, Italy).

S38. Geosciences and shallow geothermics for the energy transition and sustainability

Conveners and Chairpersons: Marco Taussi (Università di Urbino], Alessandro Casasso [Politecnico di Torino], Alberto Renzulli [Università di Urbino], Chiara Boschi [CNR-IGG Pisa], Valentina Volpi [OGS-Trieste]


Tuesday 20 September [08.30-10.30] - Blue Room

38-1 08.30-08.45: Tinti F.*, Rapti D., Caputo R., Perez Garcia C.A., Ceccarelli M., Santolini E. & Benni S.: Investigations and modelling for a practical application of borehole thermal energy storage.

38-2 08.45-09.00: Belliardi M.*, Soma L., Perego R., Pera S., Di Sipio E., Zarrella A., Carnieletto L., Galgaro A., Badenes B., Pasquali R., Bertermann D. & Sanner B.: Recommendations for the planning and management of ground source heat pump systems in an urban environment, considering the effects of reciprocal thermal interference.

38-3 09.00-09.15: Antelmi M.*, Turrin F., Zille A. & Fedrizzi R.: Simulation of groundwater flow energy contribution in BHE systems by means of an adapted TRNSYS-type for HVAC systems design.

38-4 09.15-09.30: Barbieri S.*, Antelmi M. & Alberti L.: Numerical modeling and validation of a thermal response test through the MODFLOW-USG code for ground source heat pump design support.

38-5 09.30-09.45: Chicco J.M.*, Mandrone G., Vacha D., Tartaglino A. & Fonte L.: Shallow geothermal heating for plant phenotyping greenhouses: a case study in NW Italy.

38-6 09.45-10.00: (Invited) Perego R.*, Dalla Santa G., Galgaro A. & Pera S.: Intensive thermal exploitation from closed and open shallow geothermal systems at urban scale: unmanaged conflicts and potential synergies.

38-7 10.00-10.15: Massa M.*, Cruciani G., Vola G., Sarandrea L., Bresciani P. & Ardit M.: Carbonation of Ca-rich materials: thermal activation at ambient pressure.

38-8 10.15-10.30: Robledo F.*, Butler R. & Bond C.E.: Influence of fault interpretation methodologies on fault geometry and the accuracy of their statistics.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

38-9 Pannello 135: Galgaro A.*, Dalla Santa G., Di Sipio E., Contini S., Mezzasalma G., De Carli M., Carnieletto L., Zarrella A., Castelruiz A., Pockelè L. & Bernardi A.: Innovative Smart App to support GSHP preliminary feasibility and design.

38-10 Pannello 136: Casasso A.*, Ferrantello N., Pescarmona S. & Sethi R.: Borehole Heat Exchangers: A potential trigger for aquifer cross contamination?

38-11 Pannello 137: Di Pierdomenico M.*, Taussi M., Galgaro A., Dalla Santa G. & Renzulli A.: Evaluation of ground source heat exchangers system feasibility to contribute at the ecological transition of the Marche Region in the 2016 earthquakes reconstruction areas: numerical models and maps of the shallow geothermal energy potential.

38-12 Pannello 138: Taussi M.*, Vespasiano G., Gliaschera M., Brunori R., Cangiotti S. & Renzulli A.: Implementing a geochemical, hydrogeological and microbiological monitoring strategy for an open-loop low-temperature geothermal system in a shallow coastal aquifer.

38-13 Pannello 139: Tommasone M.A.*, Di Domenico G., Bortolotti V., Cruciani G., Chiarella D., Nagmutdinova A. & Frijia G.: Burrowed carbonates generating a dual porosity system: A case study of Cenomanian - Turonian platform carbonates from the southern Apennines (Italy).

38-14 Pannello 140: Chicco J.M.*, Mandrone G. & Vacha D.: Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES): an improvement for District Heating and Cooling networks using a geothermal technology.

S39. Innovative strategies for sustainable agriculture and restoration of degraded soils: novel approaches, technologies, and case studies

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giacomo Ferretti [Università di Ferrara], Paloma Campos Díaz de Mayorga [University of Seville, Spain], Rizki Maftukhah [Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia], Giulio Galamini [Università di Ferrara]


Monday 19 September [11.00-13.00] - Blue Room

39-1 11.00-11.15: Comodi P.*, Cambi C., Fastelli M., Sassi P., Pandolfi E.B., Pioppi L. & Zucchini A.: Use of biomass ashes for the treatment of expansive clayey soils for sustainable pavement construction.

39-2 11.15-11.30: Delgado J., Barba-Brioso C.*, Ayala D. & Romero-Baena A. J.: Metal retention in a controlled storage mine wastes system in Zaruma-Portovelo province (S Ecuador).

39-3 11.30-11.45: Barba-Brioso C.*, Jiménez J., Delgado J., Martín D., Romero-Baena A.J. & González I.: Recycled concrete aggregates as a component of technosols for acid mine drainage remediation. Laboratory leaching test.

39-4 11.45-12.00: Romero-Baena A.*, Delgado J., Barba-Brioso C., Miras A., Martín D., Campos P. & González I.: Geochemical characteristics of mine wastes reclaimed for agricultural purposes at the east of Seville Province (Southern Spain). Preliminary results.

39-5 12.00-12.15: Morrone L.*,Rotondi A., Faccini B., Medoro V. & Coltorti M.: Zeolite applications in olive growing: field experience in Emilia Romagna.

39-6 12.15-12.30: Galamini G.*, Ferretti G., Rosinger C., Huber S., Medoro V., Mentler A., Diaz-Pines E., Faccini B., Coltorti M. & Keiblinger K.M.: Soil amendments with slow-release fertilizer properties show distinct responses in short-term incubations in a sandy arable soil.

39-7 12.30-12.45: Deltedesco E.* & Haas F.: Soil organic carbon and soil microbial diversity in vineyard agroecosystems under cover crop management practices.

39-8 12.45-13.00: Stravisi A.*, Pasut D. & Santaliana D.: BeeDiversity: innovation and technology in apiculture for habitat management and conservation.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

39-9 Pannello 111: Galán-Pérez J.A.*, Gámiz B. & Celis R.: Dynamics of the chiral monoterpene pulegone in soil: addition of organoclay as a tool to increase its performance as an eco-friendly herbicide.

39-10 Pannello 112: Campos P.*, Miller A.Z., Knicker H. & De la Rosa J.M.: Is biochar an effective tool for the remediation of trace element polluted soils?

39-11 Pannello 113: Campos P.*, Miller A.Z., Díaz-Espejo A. & De la Rosa J.M.: Biochar and compost application for improving soil properties and plant physiology: the case of an intensive- olive orchard under deficit irrigation.

39-12 Pannello 114: Ferretti G.*, Galamini G., Medoro V., Faccini B. & Coltorti M.: N leached from a sandy soil amended with urea, liquid digestate, struvite and NH4-enriched chabazite zeolite-tuff.

39-13 Pannello 115: Ferretti G., Medoro V., Alberghini M.*, Galamini G., Faccini B. & Coltorti M.: N dynamics in a sandy soil amended with natural chabazite zeolite tuff and fertilized with different N sources.

39-14 Pannello 116: Galamini G.*, Ferretti G., Medoro V., Eftekhari N., Favero M., Faccini B. & Coltorti M.: Natural zeolitic tuff in combination with struvite precipitation technology improved nutrient recovery in anaerobically digested wastewater.

39-15 Pannello 117: Medoro V.*, Rotondi A., Morrone L., Faccini B. & Coltorti M.: N-fertilizer reduction in olive-growing through the use of natural chabazite-zeolitite.

S40. Environmental geology supporting the European Green Deal

Conveners and Chairpersons: Laura Sanna [CNR], Massimiliano Moscatelli [CNR], Mariano Mercurio [Università degli Studi del Sannio]


Tuesday 20 September [17.30-19.30] - Blue Room

40-1 17.30-17.45: Vagnon F.*, Umili G., Bianco I., Blengini G.A., Costanzo D., Dino G.A., Ferrero A.M., Migliazza M., Taboni B. & Vinciguerra S.C.: Rapid landslide risk mitigation: design for sustainability criteria in mountain areas.

40-2 17.45-18.00: Argentieri A.*, Cristofalo G.C., Fabiani M., Marchetti M., Piacenza M., Rotella G. & Taliana D.M.R.: Risk evaluation and management in lacustrine environment: bathymetric and morphologic survey of Martignano and Bracciano lakes (metropolitan area of Rome, Italy).

40-3 18.00-18.15: Danala D.S.*, Ekengele N.L., Vorster C., Bitom D.L. & Kramer J.D.: Petrology of gold rich soil and impact of gold mining on soils in Meiganga area (Adamaoua Plateau, Cameroun).

40-4 18.15-18.30: Maccelli C.*, Natali C., Nisi B., Casalini M., Vaselli O., Venturi S. & Avanzinelli R.: Geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes of total suspended solids (TSS) from the Nievole River Valley (Tuscany, Central Italy).

40-5 18.30-18.45: Montefinese S.*, Benvenuti M., Buccianti A., Costagliola P., Fornasaro S., Lattanzi P., Morelli G. & Rimondi V.: Mercury in Quaternary sediments of the Paglia-Pagliola River system (Monte Amiata).

40-6 18.45-19.00: Mattia M., Tuccimei P.*, Soligo M., Briganti A., Voltaggio M., Carusi C. & Rainaldi E.: Limits and applications of the radon deficit technique for the study of two sites contaminated by NAPLs (Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids).

40-7 19.00-19.15: Portaro M.*, Tuccimei P., Galli G., Soligo M., Longoni C. & Vasquez D.: Testing Waterproofing products used in the construction industry to retain radon released from building materials and soil.

40-8 19.15-19.30: Invernizzi C.*, Gambini R., Mazzoli S., Memmo V., Pasquini G., Pierantoni P.P., Sansone F., Teloni R., Tondi E. & Zambrano M.: Geothermal reservoir characterization and exploitation scenarios for the Acquasanta Terme area (Laga foredeep basin, Marche region).


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

40-9 Pannello 141: Invernizzi C.*, Maponi P., Zitti G., Bello M., Bisci C., Gedela S. & Brocchini M.: Blue energy converter & coastal protection: some solutions for the Central Adriatic sea.

40-10 Pannello 142: Mali M., Milia A.*, Buonocunto F.P., Di Leo A., Ferraro L., Giandomenico S. & Giordano L.: Natural vs anthropogenic sources and distribution of grain size, nutrients and heavy metals in the sea environment (Naples Bay, Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea).

40-11 Pannello 143: Mancini A.M.*, Negri A. & Lozar F.: Geoscience disclosure as the key to face climate change impacts: toward achieving a sustainable world.

40-12 Pannello 144: Mandrone G.*, Chicco J.M., Ferraris S., Giammanco S., Pollo R., Sortino F. & Trane M.: Integrated spatial mapping of natural and anthropogenic pollutants in the atmosphere for a save and health territory.

40-13 Pannello 145: Paschetto A.*, Leso C., Manfroni F. & Bonetto S.: Territorial analysis for energy supply of western Turin area from hydroelectric energy: impact and potential.

40-14 Pannello 146: Tavecchio W.*: Protect anche heat.

S41. Evolution of the Variscan crust

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabrizio Cocco [Università di Cagliari], Giovanni Luca Cardello [Università di Sassari], Camille Rossignol [Università di Cagliari], Matteo Maino [Università di Pavia], Leonardo Casini [Università di Sassari]


Tuesday 20 September [17.30-19.30] - TE9 Room

41-1 17.30-18.00: Oggiano G.*: Sardinia a key area for the Variscan geology: main achievements in half-century of research.

41-2 18.00-18.15: Cruciani G.*, Franceschelli M. & Fancello D.: Trace-element zoning in garnet from mylonitic micaschist of NE Sardinia.

41-3 18.15-18.30: Petroccia A.*, Lanari P., Forshaw J., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Vitale Brovarone A.: Constraining P-T conditions in low-grade metapelites: a case study from the hinterland-foreland transition zone of the Variscan belt, Sardinia.

41-4 18.30-18.45: Stori L.*, Ros Franch S., Márquez-Aliaga A., Goy A., Marquez-Sanz L., López-Gómez J., Martín-Chivelet J. & Ronchi A.: Ladinian biostratigraphic data from Sardinia (Italy) as a tool to reconstruct the Tethys transgression in Western Paleoeurope.

41-5 18.45-19.00: Accotto C.*, Martínez Poyatos D. J., Azor A., Simancas F., González Lodeiro F. & Pedrera A.: Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician transcurrent displacement of the Ossa-Morena Zone along the northern Gondwanan margin revealed by U/Pb detrital zircon systematics.

41-6 19.00-19.15: Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Mamtani M.A., Fazio E. & Cirrincione R.: A combined field, microscopic and magnetic approach to infer structural evolution mechanisms of the upper crust: an example from Serre Massif (southern Italy).

41-7 19.15-19.30: Roda M.*, Spalla M.I., Filippi M., Rebay G., Regorda A., Zanoni D., Zucali M., Lardeaux J.M. & Gosso G.: Remnants of the Variscan chain across the Alps: metamorphic vs. tectonic evolution.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

41-8 Pannello 147: Oggiano G.*, Gaggero L., Casini L. & Maino M.: Intramontane basins, magmatism and strike-slip tectonics in the the late-Variscan geodynamics: evidence from North Sardinia (Italy).

41-9 Pannello 148: Pagano V.*, Iaccarino S., Montomoli C. & Carosi R.: A reappraisal of the tectono-metamorphic setting of the Variscan belt in the Baronie Region (Sardinia).

41-10 Pannello 149: Meloni M.A., Loi A., Cocco F., Pistis M., Funedda A.*, Naitza S. & Oggiano G.: Mapping heavy mineral placers bearing Ti-Zr-REE using in situ U-Th-K spectrometry: two case studies from the Variscan basement of Sardinia.

41-11 Pannello 150: Cocco F.*, Loi A., Funedda A., Casini L., Ghienne J-F., Pillola G.L., Vidal M., Meloni M.A. & Oggiano G.: Ordovician tectonics in the South European Variscan Belt: correlation between Sardinia and surrounding areas.

41-12 Pannello 151: Secchi F., Naitza S.*, Oggiano G., Casalini M., Conte A.M., Ferrero S. & Giovanardi T.: High-temperature albitites from late-Variscan Sàrrabus pluton (SE Sardinia, Italy).

41-13 Pannello 152: Langone A.*, Corvò S., Maino M. & Casini L.: Incremental growth of a shallow S-type megacrystic pluton (Asinara Isl., NW Sardinia, Italy).

41-14 Pannello 153: Naitza S.*, Casini L., Cocco F., Funedda A., Loi A., Oggiano G., Rossignol C. & Secchi F.: Post-collisional tectono-magmatic evolution, crustal fertilization, and ore genesis: the late Variscan metallogenic stages in Sardinia.

41-15 Pannello 154: Cardello G.L.* & Longo V.: Exploring the Variscan syn- to post-orogenic tectonics at the Einstein Telescope site of Sardinia (Italy).

41-16 Pannello 155: Pin C., Recourt P., Guillot F.* & Gerdes A.: Late Precambrian U-Pb zircon (LA-ICPQMS) ages from W-Alps External Crystalline Massifs and Mendic granite (Montagne Noire).

41-17 Pannello 156: Bonazzi M.* & Langone A.: Petrology and geochemistry of marbles and calc-silicate rocks across a continental crustal section (Valle Strona di Omegna; Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Alps, Italy).

41-18 Pannello 157: Loi A., Pavanetto P., Meloni M.A. & Funedda A.*: Constraints from U/Pb detrital zircon and Sm–Nd isotope data from Brittany from Cadomian and Variscan evolution.

41-19 Pannello 158: Mercuzot M., Rossignol C.*, Bourquin S., Ramezani J., Ducassou C., Poujol M., Pellenard P. & Beccaletto L.: U-Pb age constraints on Carboniferous-Permian French continental basins - implications for their depositional history and correlations with European basins.

41-20 Pannello 159: Dulcetta L.*, Cruciani G. & Franceschelli M.: Preliminary field and structural features of the Zicavo metamorphic septum, central Corsica (France).

41-21 Pannello 160: Seffari A.*, Abdallah N., Bruguier O., Bosch D., Afalfiz A., Yelles-Chaouchea A., Lekouia A. & Ouabadi A.: "S" type syncollisional granite of Kasimovian age (Upper Carboniferous) from the Cap Bougaroun basement (Collo, Northeastern Algeria): Evidences from petrogeochemistry and U-Pb geochronology.

S42. Faults and shear zones: the pathways for fluids

Conveners and Chairpersons: Laura Federico [Università di Genova], Matteo Maino [Università di Pavia], Nadia Malaspina [Università di Milano-Bicocca]


Monday 19 September [15.30-17.30] - TE9 Room

42-1 15.30-15.45: Zullo E.*, Albano M., Saroli M., Moro M., Testa G., Bonora N., Petitta M. & Doglioni C.: Numerical analysis of the post-seismic effects on groundwater flow after the Amatrice-Visso-Norcia 2016 seismic sequence.

42-2 15.45-16.00: Ferrandino V.*, Camanni G., Vinci F., Tavani S., Mazzoli S., Corradetti A., Parente M. & Iannace A.: Controls of fault zone architecture on fault-related fracture density: a case study from shallow-water carbonates of southern Italy.

42-3 16.00-16.15: Remitti F.*, Mittempergher S., Festa A., Cipriani A. & Lugli F.: Mechanical behavior of the shallow part of megathrusts: hints from the Sestola Vidiciatico tectonic Unit (Northern Apennines, Italy).

42-4 16.15-16.30: [KEYNOTE] Menegon L.*, Michalchuk S., Renard F., Chogani A. & Plumper O.: Fluid flow in deep seismogenic faults.

42-5 16.30-16.45: Casini L.*, Langone A., Oggiano G., Estrada J.R. & Liesa M.: Seismically-induced fluid- fluxed melting of continental crust (N Sardinia, Italy).

42-6 16.45-17.00: Scambelluri M.*, Pennacchioni G. & Cannaò E.: Eclogitization of the oceanic lithosphere by hydration of brittle structures.

42-7 17.00-17.15: Corvò S.*, Piazolo S., Seno S. & Langone A.: Role of fluids and inherited compositional and structural heterogeneities in shear zone development at mid-low crustal levels: from meso- to micro-scale structural and petrological investigations.

42-8 17.15-17.30: Bickert M.*, Kaczmarek M.A., Maia M. & Brunelli D.: Fluid-assisted deformation processes at the roots of oceanic transform faults: a case study.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

42-9 Pannello 118: Camanni G.*, Roche V., Childs C., Manzocchi T., Walsh J., Conneally J., Saqab M.M. & Delogkos E.: The structure of segmented normal fault surfaces and its impact on fluid flow.

42-10 Pannello 119: Cianfarra P.*, Locatelli M., Federico L., Morelli D., Salvini F., Läufer A. & Crispini L.: Fault-related fractures of the Rennick-Aviator shear zone (north Victoria Land, Antarctica): insight to infer the paleo fluid circulation.

42-11 Pannello 120: Ciattoni S.*, Di Celma C., Mazzoli S., Megna A., Pierantoni P.P., Santini S. & Volatili T.: Syn-tectonic gypsum veins in the Eocene-Miocene eastern Pisco forearc basin, Peru margin.

42-12 Pannello 121: Diamanti R.*, Camanni G. & Vitale S.: Structural evolution of fault zones developed in dolostones in the SW Matese Mts.

42-13 Pannello 122: Filipponi L.*, Ferrando S. & Decarlis A.: Fluid circulation during the early stage of the Pangea break-up: preliminary minero-petrographic and fluid inclusion evidence from the Calizzano Massif (Pre-Piedemont Domain, Ligurian Alps).

42-14 Pannello 123: Giuntoli F.*, Vitale Brovarone A., Menegon L., Siron G. & Cognigni F.: Hydrocarbon- bearing fluid migration produces brecciation at high pressure condition in subduction.

42-15 Pannello 124: Iaccarino S.* & Dana D.: Exhumation-related mylonite, cataclasite and pseudotachylyte in the Brossasco-Isasca Unit (Dora Maira Massif, Western Alps): from field mapping to microstructures.

42-16 Pannello 125: Locatelli M.*, Federico L., Cianfarra P., Morelli D. & Crispini L.: Tectonic mélanges in orogenic setting (Western Alps): insights into fluid-assisted deformation and metamorphism.

42-17 Pannello 126: Massaro L.*, De Matteis M., Tavani S., Corradetti A., Parente M., Iannace A., Zambrano M. & Mazzoli S.: Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) modelling of Triassic–Eocene Carbonates in the Ionian zone of the Hellenides, Western Greece.

42-18 Pannello 127: Napoleoni S.*, Del Sole L. & Antonellini M.: From outcrop-mapped structural and diagenetic heterogeneities to a 3D numerical flow model: a workflow for a sandstone aquifer.

42-19 Pannello 128: Siron G.*, Bonamici C. & Roig C.I.: Meteoritic fluid infiltration along a detachment fault triggering exhumation: A case study from the Buckskin-Rawhide metamorphic core complex.

42-20 Pannello 129: Tamburelli S.*, Mueller P., Perozzo M. & Menegoni N.: Unraveling the origin and impact of fluid intrusion on soft sediment deformation in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic coastal wedge: a multi-proxy study of the Pietra di Finale.

S43. Transversal Tectonic Lines in the Apennines: un updated review on their role for seismicity, magmatism and fluid flow

Conveners and Chairpersons: Andrea Brogi [Università di Bari], Domenico Liotta [Università di Bari], Francesco Mirabella [Università di Perugia], PietroPaolo Pierantoni [Università di Camerino]


Monday 19 September [11.00-13.00] - TE9 Room

43-1 11.00-11.15: Molli G.*: "Stretching Faults" in the inner northern Apennines: a new way to look the problem of LTT's.

43-2 11.15-11.30: Milia A.* & Torrente M.M.: The 'transverse faults' of the eastern Tyrrhenian margin: places, times and their meanings.

43-3 11.30-11.45: Pizzi A.*, Puliti I., Schettino D., Bonini M. & Calamita F.: The issue of the Olevano-Antrodoco- Sibillini thrust and the Mt.Vettore active normal fault system: barrier or cross-cutting fault? Insights after the 2016 seismic sequence.

43-4 11.45-12.00: Pierantoni P.P.*, Costa M., Teloni S. & Invernizzi C.: Transversal structures on the Outer Marche Apennines: structural characteristics and seismic evidence.

43-5 12.00-12.15: Penza G.*, Pierantoni P.P. & Turco E.: Genesis of the longitudinal extension of the chain and Miocene intra-Apennine basins formation.

43-6 12.15-12.30: Fracassi U.*, Vannoli P., Burrato P. & Valensise G.: What is the origin and the seismogenic potential of the major transverse lineaments that cross the Italian foldand- thrust belt?

43-7 12.30-12.45: Taussi M.*, Brogi A., Liotta D., Nisi B., Perrini M., Vaselli O., Zambrano M. & Zucchi M.: CO2 and steam emissions controlled by enhanced fracture permeability in the Monterotondo Marittimo-Sasso Pisano crustal transfer fault system (Larderello Geothermal Field, Italy).

43-14 12.45-13.00: Teloni S.*, Valente E., Ascione A., Mazzoli S., Pierantoni P.P., Invernizzi C.: Morphostructural and seismotectonics analysis of the Umbria-Marche Apennines (central Italy): new insight of active tectonics setting using GIS-based morphotectonic investigation.


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

43-8 Pannello 130: Poneti G.*, Scarselli N., Benvenuti M., Craig J. & Marsh B.: Evidence of tectonic inversion in the Northern Apennines hinterland basins: examples from the Valdelsa and Valdera (Central Tuscany).

43-9 Pannello 131: Fulignati P. & Molli G.*: Fluid flow and faulting history in the Iano area (Southern Tuscany, Italy).

43-10 Pannello 132: Mirabella F.*, Brogi A., Capezzuoli E. & Braun T.: Pliocene-Quaternary transversal seismogenic faults in the Valdelsa Basin (Southern Tuscany, Italy).

43-11 Pannello 133: Piana Agostinetti N., Buttinelli M.* & Chiarabba C.: How ancient lithospheric-scale faulting drives the segmentation of the Apennines fault system: a receiver function analysis in the area of the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence.

43-12 Pannello 134: Brogi A.*, Caggianelli A., Liotta D., Zucchi M., Perrini M. & Ibe C.: Releasing step-over along transfer zone controlling magma emplacement: the Gavorrano monzogranite.

43-13 Pannello 135: Brogi A., Liotta D.*, Dini A. & Rielli A.: Geology of Montecastelli Pisano (Inner Northern Apennines, Italy): normal and transfer fault zones affecting a dismantled orogenic wedge.

S44. Faults and shear zones from near the surface to the deep crust: clues from micro-structural analyses, geochronology and geochemistry

Conveners and Chairpersons: Chiara Montemagni [Università di Milano Bicocca], Manuel Curzi [Università di Bologna], Stefania Corvò [Università di Pavia], Alessio Lucca [Università di Parma]


Tuesday 20 September [08.30-10.30] - TE9 Room

44-1 08.30-09.00: [KEYNOTE] Mittempergher S.*, Di Toro G., Bistacchi A., Zanchetta S., Aretusini S., Villa I.M. & Giovanardi T.: Relative and absolute ages of deformative processes at the base of the seismogenic crust from geochronological, microstructural and geochemical studies of the Gole Larghe Fault (Adamello, Italy).

44-2 09.00-09.15: Langone A.*, Simonetti M., Piazolo S., Bonazzi M., Corvò S. & Maino M.: Dating the shear zone activity at mid to lower continental crustal levels (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy): the power of monazite and titanite.

44-3 09.15-09.30: Zanchetta S.*, Montemagni C., Rocca M., Villa I.M., Morelli C., Mair V. & Zanchi A.: Kinematics and geochronological evolution of the Vinschgau Shear Zone (N Italy): large-scale thrusting within the Austroalpine domain of the central-eastern Alps.

44-4 09.30-09.45: Ceccato A.*, Zappone A.S. & Behr W.M.: Field and remote sensing investigations of deformation structures within the Rotondo granite around the Bedretto Underground Laboratory (Gotthard massif, Central Alps).

44-5 09.45-10.00: Zuccari C.*, Vignaroli G., Giuntoli F., Novella D., Nestola F., Callegari I., Guillong M. & Viola G.: First documentation of aragonite-bearing HP-LT assemblages within the Precambrian Hajir Fm., Jabal Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains.

44-6 10.00-10.15: Giuntoli F.*, Viola G. & Eske Sørensen B.: Insights into deep episodic tremors and slip events from High-Pressure continental metasedimentary successions of the Northern Apennines.

44-7 10.15-10.30: Stendardi F.*, Vignaroli G., HsunMing H., Chuan-Chou S. & Viola G.: Multidisciplinary study of the wedge-top Epiligurian Basins as source of inputs to the reconstruction of the deformation history of the Northern Apennines (Italy).

Tuesday 20 September [11.00-13.00] - TE9 Room

44-8 11.00-11.15: (Invited) Viola G.*, Musumeci G., Mazzarini F., Tavazzani L., Torgersen E., van der Lelij R. & Aldega L.: Structural characterization and K-Ar illite dating of reactivated, complex and heterogeneous fault zones: Lessons from the Zuccale Fault, Northern Apennines.

44-9 11.15-11.30: Villa I.M.*: Dating deformation: the role of atomic-scale processes.

44-10 11.30-11.45: Zanchi A.*, Locchi S. & Zanchetta S.: Key features for the reconnaissance of synsedimentary extensional faults in the Early Permian Orobic Basin, central Southern Alps (N Italy).

44-11 11.45-12.00: Locchi S.*, Trumbull R.B., Moroni M., Zanchi A. & Zanchetta S.: Early Permian extensional structures of the central Southern Alps (N Italy), characterized by Boron-rich hydrothermalism.

44-12 12.00-12.15: Rocca M.*, Gasparrini M., Zanchetta S., Berra F. & Zanchi A.: The Jurassic rift-related fault system and its Alpine re-activation history (central Southern Alps, N Italy): clues from structural analysis and paleo-fluid characterization.

44-13 12.15-12.30: Schirripa Spagnolo G.*, Aldega L., Bernasconi S., Billi A., Carminati E. & Smeraglia L.: Reconstruction of paleo-fluid flow along the Val d'Agri extensional faults systems (Southern Apennines, Italy).

44-14 12.30-12.45: Vignaroli G.*, Rossetti F., Petracchini L., Argante V., Bernasconi S.M., Brilli M., Giustini F., Yu T.L., Shen C.-C. & Soligo M.: Tectonic pattern, age, and fluid circulation of the extensional faulting along the active Mount Morrone Fault System (central Apennines, Italy).

44-15 12.45-13.00: Puliti I.*, Benedetti L., Pizzi A., Fleury J., Guillou V. & Aster Team1: Slip rates of the Mt.Morrone active normal fault system (Central Apennines) constrained by cosmogenic dating of morphotectonic markers.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

44-16 Pannello 161: Arriga G.*, Brilli M., Cosentino D., Rossetti F., Hu H.-M., Shen C.-C. & Soligo M.: The long-term evolution of the Monte Pettino seismogenic fault.

44-17 Pannello 162: Berio L.R.*, Mittempergher S., Storti F., Bernasconi S.M., Cipriani A., Lugli F. & Balsamo F.: Open-closed-open paleofluid system conditions recorded in the tectonic vein networks of the Parmelan anticline (Bornes Massif, France).

44-18 Pannello 163: Cardello G.L.*, Alessandri L., Attema P.A.J., Baiocchi V., De Angelis F., Del Pizzo S., Di Ciaccio F., Fiorillo A., Gatta M., Monti F., Onori M., Rolfo M.F., Romboni M., Sottili G. & Troisi S.: The Late Pleistocene and Anthropocene neotectonic evidence of the La Sassa cave (Volsci Range, Italy).

44-19 Pannello 164: Carosi R., Montomoli C.*, Iaccarino S., Benetti B., Petroccia A. & Simonetti M.: Constraining the timing of evolution of shear zones in collisional orogens: an interplay between structural geology and geochronology.

44-20 Pannello 165: Curzi M.*, Viola G., Aldega L., Billi A., Carminati E., Zuccari C., van der Lelij R., Kylander- Clark A.R.C. & Vignaroli G.: Tectonics of the Eastern Southern Alps: a perspective from new structural and radiometric constraints.

44-21 Pannello 166: Salvatore N.*, Puliti I., Francescone M., Boncio P., Iezzi F., Morelli F., Piacentini T. & Pizzi A.: Is the fault scarp analysis a reliable method for fault activity quantification in anthropized areas? A case study from the active Mt. Marine normal fault system (Central Apennines).

44-22 Pannello 167: Viola G.*, Balsamo F. & the FAST Team: Fault Architecture in Space and Time - "FAST".

44-23 Pannello 168: Zanchi A., Zanchetta S.*, Montemagni C. & Mascandola C.: The Meran-Mauls segment of the Periadriatic Fault System, Italy: pure thrusting across the brittle-plastic transition.

44-24 Pannello 169: Zuccari C*, Viola G., Curzi M., Simpson G., Aldega L. & Vignaroli G.: New perspectives on the folding to faulting transition in carbonate multilayer successions. Insights from the fold-and-thrust belt of the Italian Eastern Southern Alps.

S45. Mapping crystalline basements: traditional and innovative approaches

Conveners and Chairpersons: Matteo Simonetti [ISPRA], Martina Zucchi [Università di Bari], Diego Pieruccioni [ISPRA]


Monday 19 September [17.30-19.30] - TE9 Room

45-1 17.30-17.45: [KEYNOTE] Spalla M.I.*, Zucali M., Filippi M., Rebay G., Roda M., Zanoni D. & Gosso G.: Integrated structural mapping of crystalline basements: a fundamental tool to unravel mountain building processes.

45-2 17.45-18.00: Carosi R.*, Montomoli C. & Iaccarino S.: Geological and structural mapping 2.0 in metamorphic and basement rocks.

45-3 18.00-18.15: (Invited) Tartarotti P.*, Apuani T., Arrigoni F., Conforto A., Pigazzi E., Tantardini D. & Toffolon G.: Ground-based geological mapping integrated by UASs in the Chiavenna area (Central Alps): examples of application in the frame of the CARG project.

45-4 18.15-18.30: Brogi A.*, Bagnoli G., Capezzuoli E., Liotta D., Lucci F., Molli G., Regoli R., Spina A. & Zucchi M.: The Carboniferous-Permian metamorphic units of Risanguigno Stream (southern Tuscany, Italy).

45-5 18.30-18.45: Dana D.*, Iaccarino S. & Michard A.: Geological-structural map of the Briançonnais units along the Aiguilles de Chambeyron - Denti di Maniglia Massifs (France, Italy).

45-6 18.45-19.00: Zanoni D.*, Luoni P., Rebay G. & Spalla M.I.: Tectono-metamorphic map of the Zermatt- Saas Zone ophiolite, Valtournanche, Western Alps.

45-7 19.00-19.15: Musso Piantelli F.*, Truttmann S. & Herwegh M.: Structural-controlled glacial erosion in high erosion-resistance crystalline bedrock.

45-8 19.15-19.30: Vezzoni S.*, Pieruccioni D., Galanti Y., Biagioni C. & Dini A.: A petrographic and geochemical approach to map hydrothermal alteration in polymetamorphic basement (Alpi Apuane).


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

45-9 Pannello 136: Carano G.*, Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Carosi R.: An updated map for the Modi Khola and Mardi Himal areas (Annapurna Range, central-western Nepal): new cartographic and structural constraints.

45-10 Pannello 137: Gosio F.* & Modesti A.: The metamorphic basement of the new Borgo Valsugana sheet (n. 61, CARG project).

45-11 Pannello 138: Hodge M.*, Venvik G., Knies J. & Viola G.: 3D structural characterisation of onshore Caledonian basement rocks: a key to unravel unconventional hydrocarbon plays hosted by basement highs of the offshore domain off Central Norway.

45-12 Pannello 139: Montomoli C.*, Capponi G., Simonetti M., Salvatore M.C., Casale S., Musumeci G., Cox S., Smith Lyttle B. & Pertusati P.C.: A comprehensive 1:250000 scale geological map of the Convoy Range and Franklin Island quadrangles (Victoria Land, Antarctica).

45-13 Pannello 140: Petroccia A.*, Carosi R., Montomoli C. & Iaccarino S.: Mapping polyphase deformation linked to the nappe stacking in a collisional framework: a case study from the Nappe Zone of the Variscan Belt.

45-14 Pannello 141: Pieruccioni D.* & Tufarolo E.: Remote sensing technologies and GIS 3D: a new method for crystalline basement mapping.

45-15 Pannello 142: Pieruccioni D.*, Spina A., Brogi A., Capezzuoli E., Liotta D., Zucchi M., Sorci A. & Molli G.: Dataset integration for the reconstruction of the pre-Alpine history of Fornovolasco area (Alpi Apuane, Italy).

45-16 Pannello 143: Simonetti M.* & Pieruccioni D.: Mapping metamorphic basements in the CARG project: the example of the Sheet n. 425 "Isola Asinara" (northern Sardinia).

S46. From Micro to Macro - How to unravel the nature of the Large Magmatic Events

Conveners and Chairpersons: Massimo Coltorti [Università di Ferrara], Anna Cipriani [Università di Modena], Vincenza Guarino [Università di Napoli], Lorella Francalanci, [Università di Firenze], Alberto Zanetti [CNR - IGG], Manfredo Capriolo [University of Oslo]


Wednesday 21 September [15.30-17.30] - TE8 Room

46-1 15.30-15.45: [KEYNOTE] Callegaro S.*, Svensen H.H., Deegan F.M., Jerram D.A., Planke S. & Polozov A.G.: Magma-host rock interaction in basaltic sills from the Siberian Traps (Tunguska basin, Russia): mineral scale and whole-rock perspectives.

46-2 15.45-16.00: Capriolo M.*, Callegaro S., Dal Corso J., Newton R.J., Baker D.R., Renne P.R., Storm M. & Marzoli A.: Synchrotron Light X-ray microtomography data constrain the magma plumbing system of mass extinction-related Large Igneous Provinces.

46-17 16.00-16.15: Guarino V.*, Srivastava R.K. & Melluso L.: Large Igneous Provinces and alkaline magmatism: a review of Early Cretaceous ultramafic-alkaline-carbonatite magmatism intruded in the Shillong Plateau-Mikir Hills massif, NE India.

46-25 16.15-16.30: Velicogna M.*, Boscaini A., Ogunyele A.C., De Min A., Zanetti A., Chiaradia M. & Marzoli A.: Permian post-Variscan mafic dykes of Gallura Region (North Sardinia), a first look.

46-13 16.30-16.45: Cariddi B.*, Costamagna L.G., D'Antonio M., Guarino V., Morra V. & Melluso L.: Adakitic dacites near Siliqua (Southwestern Sardinia): slab melting or arc rock re-melting?

46-6 16.45-17.00: Mazzucchelli M.*, Bertotto G.W., Conceiçao R.V., Zanetti A., Schilling M.E., Bernardi M.I., Ponce A.D., Jalowitzki T., Gervasoni F. & Ciprian A.: A Poorly Depleted Mantle Source under Southern Payenia as revealed by the Mantle Xenoliths from Huanul Volcano (Central-West Argentina).

46-7 17.00-17.15: Faccincani L.*, Criniti G., Kurnosov A., Boffa Ballaran T., Withers A.C., Mazzucchelli M. & Nestola F.: Sound velocities and single-crystal elasticity of hydrous Fo90 olivine to 12 GPa.

46-8 17.15-17.30: Minissale S.*, Casalini M., Cucciniello C., Balagizi C., Tedesco D., Boudoire G., Morra V. & Melluso L.: The geochemistry of recent Nyamulagira and Nyiragongo potassic lavas, Virunga Volcanic Province, and implications on the enrichment processes in the mantle lithosphere of the Tanzania-Congo craton.

Wednesday 21 September [17.30-19.30] - TE8 Room

46-9 17.30-17.45: Nardini N.*, Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Zanetti A. & Coltorti M.: Evidence of mafic magma replenishment in the feeding systems of the Middle Triassic volcanoes in the Southern Alps.

46-10 17.45-18.00: Mastroianni F.*, Fantozzi I., Petrone C.M., Vougioukalakis G.E., Braschi E., Bragagni A. & Francalanci L.: Unveiling plumbing system dynamics and magmatic processes at the Kolumbo submarine volcano prior to the 1650 C.E. explosive eruption.

46-11 18.00-18.15: Paternostro S.*, Valeriani L., Casalini M., Orlando A., Braschi E., Esposito R., Petrelli M., Avanzinelli R. & Conticelli S.: Sanidine megacrysts from Monte Amiata: elemental, Sr-isotope and melt inclusions studies.

46-12 18.15-18.30: Boscaini A.*, Davies J.H.F.L., Sassi R., Mazzoli C., Callegaro S., De Min A. & Marzoli A.: Lifetime of the Early Permian giant caldera-system of Bolzano/Bozen (North-eastern Italy).

46-4 18.30-18.45: Giovanardi T., da Costa P.C.C., Girardi V.A.V., Weska R.K., Vasconcelos P.M., Thiede D.S., Mazzucchelli M.* & Cipriani A.: The NW Paraná Magmatic Province: Age, geochemistry and mantle source of the Alto Diamantino basalts.

46-14 18.45-19.00: Corvò S.*, Maino M., Piazolo S., Kylander-Clark A.R.C., Seno S.& Langone A.: Dating Triassic-Jurassic rift-related deformation through microstructural and petrochronological analyses: insights on the evolution of a middle continental crustal shear zone (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italian Southern Alps).

46-15 19.00-19.15: Ogunyele A.C.*, Giovanardi T., Bonazzi M., Mazzucchelli M., De Carlis A., Cipriani A. & Zanetti A.: Geochemical changes in parental melt sources and metasomatic overprinting of alkali-rich dykes from Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps: further evidence from petrography, mineral chemistry and U-Pb zircon geochronology.

46-16 19.15-19.30: Ogunyele A.C.* & Bonazzi M.: Geochemistry and origin of albite-dominated anorthositic dykes from Ivrea–Verbano Zone, Southern Alps: evidence for ultra-alkaline magmatism at the Gondwana-Laurasia boundary during Late Triassic-Early Jurassic times.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

46-5 Pannello 167: Srivastava R.K.*, Samal A.K. & Ernst R.E.: Precambrian large igneous province records of the Indian Shield - an overview: constraints from precise dating and geochemistry of distinct mafic magmatic units.

46-18 Pannello 168: Beltrame M.*, Spizzamiglio M., Yondon M., Venier M., Velicogna M., Milani S., Chiaradia M., Ziberna L. & De Min A.: Petrogenesis of a Cenozoic magmatic province in the Mandak-Mandal-Gobi zone, Central Mongolia.

46-19 Pannello 169: Appiah E.*, Krasheninnikov S.P., Holtz F., Stabile P., Arzilli F. & Carroll M.R.: Crystallization kinetics in hydrous trachytic and latitic melts due to variable degrees of undercooling.

46-20 Pannello 170: Cassetta M.*, Di Genova D., Zanatta M., Boffa Ballaran T., Kurnosov A., Giarola M., Biesuz M., Sorarù G.D., Giannetta B., Zaccone C., Daldosso N. & Mariotto G.: Estimating the viscosity of silicate melts from the vibrational properties of their parental glasses.

46-21 Pannello 171: Peres S.*, Griffiths A.T., Colle F., Iannini Lelarge S., Masotta M., Pontesilli A. & Mancini L.: Heterogeneous nucleation of crystals in synthetic trachybasalts.

46-22 Pannello 172: Carlino S.*, Kilburn C.R.J., Danesi S. & Pino N.A.: Evolution of current unrest at Campi Flegrei, southern Italy.

46-23 Pannello 173: Gennaro E.*, Iezzi G., Cocchi L. & Ventura G.: The inner structure of the Marsili seamount revealed by coupling petrological and geophysical data.

46-24 Pannello 174: Rocchi I.*, Tomassini A., Masotta M., Petrelli M. & Rocchi S.: The Pleiades volcanic complex, Antarctica: a plumbing system modulated by ice cover fluctuations.

46-3 Pannello 175: Marzoli A.*, Renne P.R., Andreasen R., Spiess R., Chiaradia M., Ruth D.C., Pande K., Tholt A.J. & Costa F.: Origin of Giant Plagioclase Basaltic flows from the Deccan Traps, India.

46-26 Pannello 176: Lugli F., Giovanardi T.*, Di Giuseppe D., Gualtieri A.F. & Cipriani A.: Boron isotope analysis in silicate and carbonate matrix.

46-27 Pannello 177: Giacomoni P.P.*, Bonadiman C., Casetta F., Faccini B., Ferlito C., Ottolini L. & Zanetti A.: Fossil recycled subducted volatiles ignite the Cenozoic magmatism of Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): insights from olivine-hosted melt inclusions.

46-28 Pannello 178: Grammatica M.*, Bertotto G.W., Zanetti A., Mazzucchelli M., Jalowitzki T., Santos A., Orihashi Y., Gervasoni F. & Cipriani A.: Mantle xenoliths from Los Gemelos volcano (Canquel plateau, Patagonia Argentina): new insights into ultra-depleted lithologies in the SCLM.

46-29 Pannello 179: Ogunyele A.C.*, Dellarole E., Bonazzi M., Langone A. & De Carlis A.: Changes in geochemical signatures of magmatism from the end of amalgamation to the onset of breakup of Pangea recorded by Permian-Triassic felsic dykes from central Ivrea- Verbano Zone, Southern Alps.

S47. New insights on the study of gem-quality minerals and their synthetic analogous

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giovanna Agrosì [Università di Bari - Aldo Moro], Gioacchino Tempesta [Università di Bari - Aldo Moro], Maria Cristina Caggiani [Università di Catania], Alessia Coccato [University of Oxford (UK)


Wednesday 21 September [11.00-13.00] - Blue Room

47-1 11.00-11.15: Precisvalle N.*, Bonadiman C., Langone A., Gigli L., Plaisier J.R., Hansen T.C., Gianoncelli A., Bonanni V., Gariani G. & Martucci A.: Relationship between chemical and structural features of Baoshan topaz to unravel its formation conditions: a multidisciplinary approach.

47-2 11.15-11.30: Coccato A.*, Bersani D. & Caggiani M.C.: Orientational dependence of Raman spectra in gemstones: the case of tanzanite.

47-3 11.30-11.45: Rizzo F.*, Bosi F., Tempesta G. & Agrosì G.: First crystal-chemical characterization of a "watermelon" variety of tourmaline from Anjanabonoina pegmatite (Madagascar).

47-4 11.45-12.00: Medeghini L.*, Mignardi S., De Vito C., Aurisicchio C., Lottici P.P. & Bersani D.: A non-invasive procedure in the identification of emerald provenance.

47-5 12.00-12.15: Elettivo G.S.*, Agrosì G., Bloise A., Vadrucci M. & Tempesta G.: Preliminary results on e-beam treatment of gem quality Topaz from two different localities.

47-6 12.15-12.30: Costa E.* & Navone R.: Cobalt-diffused beryl.

47-7 12.30-12.45: Idini A.*, Angeli C., Frau F., Ennas G. & Argazzi R.: Bright pink-orange and yellow fluorescence of tsavorite garnet from Merelani Hills, Tanzania.

47-8 12.45-13.00: Caucia F., Scacchetti M.*, Salvioli E., Marinoni L. & Gilio M.: An unusual italian gem: the Datolite of Campotrera (Reggio Emilia, Northern Apennines).


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

47-9 Pannello 180: Barone G.*, Caggiani M.C., Coccato A. & Salini S.: Raman and photoluminescence of gem-quality corundum of different colours.

47-10 Pannello 181: Bersani D., Mazzoleni P.* & Barone G.: Garnets compositional data from Raman spectroscopic analyses.

47-11 Pannello 182: Caggiani M.C.*, Fugazzotto M., Coccato A. & Barone G.: Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) investigation of colored gemstones.

47-12 Pannello 183: Elettivo G.S.*, Smeriglio A., Caputo S., Crocco M.C., Beltrano J.J., Nucera A., Castriota M., Formoso V., Barberi R.C., Taliano Grasso A., Chiodo G. & Agostino R.G.: Gemology applied to archeology: a case study.

47-13 Pannello 184: Occhipinti R.*, Mazzoleni P., Barone G. & Longobardo U.: Baltic vs. Sicilian amber characterization by means of a multi-technique spectroscopic approach.

47-14 Pannello 185: Precisvalle N.*, Martucci A., Gigli L., Plaisier J.R., Bonadiman C. & Speziale S.: Relationships between OH/F content and elastic properties in natural topaz.

47-15 Pannello 186: Raneri S.*, Bersani D., Fornasini L., Bergamonti L., Barone G., Mazzoleni P. & Lottici P.P.: Raman signature of pearls: insights on characterization criteria by using different excitation sources and Raman spectrometers.

47-16 Pannello 187: Rizzo F.*: Preliminary results of electron beam irradiation effect of tourmaline coming from different localities.

S48. Resource availability, critical raw materials and by-products for the ecological transition and sustainability

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesco Di Benedetto [Università di Ferrara], Luca Pardi [CNR], Sabrina Nazzareni [Università di Perugia], Gabriele Giuli [Università di Camerino]


Tuesday 20 September [11.00-13.00] - Blue Room

48-1 11.00-11.30: [KEYNOTE] Zampieri D.*: Humankind as geological super-agent and the Anthropocene predicament.

48-2 11.30-11.45: Celi L.*: Resource depletion: the EROI issue.

48-3 11.45-12.00: Millacci G.*, Sanginesi F., Giaccherini A., Buccianti A., Fusi L., Pardi L. & Di Benedetto F.: Resource availability and long term sustainability of the energy supply by wind turbines: preliminary results.

48-4 12.00-12.15: Ardit M.*, Molinari C., Conte S., Zanelli C., Cruciani G. & Dondi M.: Micronization of ceramic colorants. From understanding to energy efficiency of the process.

48-5 12.15-12.30: Ambrosino M.*, Albanese S., Guarino A., De Vivo B., Lima A. & Cicchella D.: New insights on the distribution of Ce, La, Y and Sc in soils combining the compositional data analysis (CODA) and machine learning techniques: the case study of the Campania region.

48-6 12.30-12.45: Perna M.G.*, Zaccaria D., Rosatelli G., Stoppani F.S., Curti E., Spratt J., Humphreys- Williams E., Najorka J., Brownscombe W., Nestola F. & Stoppa F.: Hellandite group minerals from alkali syenite ejecta (Roman Region of Central Italy): mineral chemistry, crystal chemistry structure, genetic conditions, and associations with other REE-mineral phases.

48-7 12.45-13.00: Pagliaro F.*, Lotti P., Comboni D., Fumagalli P., Battiston T., Guastoni A., Rotiroti N. & Gatta G.D.: Effect of the crystal chemistry on the structural and thermo-elastic properties of natural REE-arsenates and phosphates.


Tuesday 20 September - Pavilion 3

48-8 Pannello 170: Aquilano A.*, Marrocchino E. & Vaccaro C.: Recycling of ornamental stone scraps through gravity and magnetic methodologies: the case study of Buddusò Quarrying District (Northern Sardinia, Italy) - Part I.

48-9 Pannello 171: Baroni T.*, D'Acapito F., Filip J., Montegrossi G., Vaselli O. & Di Benedetto F.: Heritage of mining: Hg removal by ferrates in contaminated water at Abbadia San Salvatore.

48-10 Pannello 172: Ercoli R.*, Renzulli A., Prałat K., Ciemnicka J., Buczkowska K.E., Le S.V. , Nguyen V.V., Łoś P. & Louda P.: Residual materials of secondary aluminum plants converted into lightweight inorganic polymers: a circular economy case study for the environmental sustainability.

48-11 Pannello 173: Nazzareni S.*, Giuli G., Petrelli M., Di Michele A. & Pacheco J.: Unusual REE enriched zircons from Agua de Pau syenites (São Miguel, Azores Islands).

48-12 Pannello 174: Romagnoli R.* & Al-Shakban J.: Structural modelling and tensile failure study of the karstified Dammam formation.

48-13 Pannello 175: Sanginesi F., Millacci G., Giaccherini A., Buccianti A., Fusi L., Di Benedetto F.* & Pardi L.: Feasibility and long term sustainability of the transition to electric mobility.

48-14 Pannello 176: Vaccaro C., Aquilano A.* & Marrocchino E.: Recycling of ornamental stone scraps through gravity and magnetic methodologies: the case study of Buddusò Quarrying District (Northern Sardinia, Italy) - Part II.

48-15 Pannello 177: Vichi G., Perna M.G.*, Ambrosio F., Rosatelli G., Cirillo D., Broom-Fendley S., Vladykin N.(†), Zaccaria D. & Stoppa F.: La Queglia carbonatitic melnöite: a notable example of an ultra-alkaline rock variant in Italy.

S49. Application of cutting edge techniques in global geochemistry: isotopic reservoirs from deep earth, food traceability and CO2 storage

Conveners and Chairpersons: Elena Marrocchino [Università di Ferrara], Valeria Medoro [Università di Ferrara], Tommaso Giovanardi [Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia], Pierangelo Romano [INGV]


Wednesday 21 September [15.30-17.30] - Orange Room

49-1 15.30-15.45: Medoro V.*, Ferretti G., Galamini G., Rotondi A., Morrone L., Faccini B. & Coltorti M.: Olives traceability by REE and trace elements amount: a statistical approach to determine the geochemical composition from soils and leaves.

49-2 15.45-16.00: Pacifico L.R.*, Guarino A., Brambilla G., Pizzolante A. & Albanese S.: Assessing the transfer factors (TFs) of contaminants from soil to plants: the case study of Campania region (Southern Italy).

49-3 16.00-16.15: (Invited) Perini M.* & Pianezze S.: Application of stable isotope techniques to detect the authenticity of high value food products.

49-4 16.15-16.30: Ruggiero L.*, Amalfitano C. & Adamo P.: Multielement fingerprinting for traceability of Sorrento and Amalfi PGI lemon juices: the role of non-essential elements at short and large territory scale.

49-5 16.30-16.45: [KEYNOTE] Moreira H.*: Integrating mineral-scale processes into global geochemical changes: a journey into the evolution of the continental crust.

49-6 16.45-17.00: Cannaò E.*, Tiepolo M., Forni F., Sessa G., Greber N.D. & Storck J.-C.: Towards in-situ Ti isotope determination in silicates.

49-7 17.00-17.15: Magnani L.*, Farina F., Pezzotta F., Dini A. & Cannaò E.: Investigating prograde metamorphism and pegmatites formation using tourmaline compositional and B isotopes variations. The case of the Adamello Massif (Southern Alps, Italy).

49-8 17.15-17.30: Pastero L.*, Curetti N., Pazzi M., Bernasconi D., Cotellucci A., Corazzari I. & Pavese A.: Calcium oxalates for mineral carbon capture: a new, green and performing method.


Wednesday 21 September - Pavilion 3

49-9 Pannello 188: Beduschi M.V.*, Geloni C., Gherardi F. & Toscani G.: How can CO2 diffusion impact seal efficiency: a reactive transport modelling investigation.

49-10 Pannello 189: Bicocchi G., Orlando A., Borrini D. & Ruggieri G.*: The experimental laboratory activity at DST-Unifi and CNR-IGG (Florence, Italy) as a strategic tool in CO2 storage projects.

49-11 Pannello 190: Corti M.*, Maroni P., Barbarossa S., Campione M., Capitani G. & Malaspina N.: Microwave- assisted serpentine reactions with CO2 as a transferrable technology for carbon capture and storage.

49-12 Pannello 191: Fedele A.*, Somma R., Matano F., Troise C. & De Natale G.: Combined UAS measurements for monitoring dangerous volcanic contexts: applications at the Pisciarelli fumarolic field (Campi Flegrei) and Vesuvius crater.

49-13 Pannello 192: Ghiotto M.*, Ferrari M., Valeriani L., Bragagni A., Pucci C., Malpaganti A., Casalini M., Pelacani S., Conticelli S., Riccio R., Moretti S. & Tommasini S.: Tracing the provenance of Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil using Sr isotopes and Rare Earth Elements.

49-14 Pannello 193: Marrocchino E.*, Aquilano A., Wibisono K.F. & Telloli C.: Geochemical and isotopic characterization as a tool for identification of relationships between soil and tomato: the case study of Massenzatica (Ferrara).

49-15 Pannello 194: Mitillo N.*, Urbani M., Barchi M.R., Cirilli S., De Paola N. & Trippetta F.: An integrated multiscale approach to estimate the CO2 storage and sealing capacity of carbonate rocks: case studies from the Umbria-Marche Apennines.

49-16 Pannello 195: Romano P.* & Liotta M.: Element mobility during CO2 storage in basaltic rocks: comparing natural systems and laboratory experiments.

S50. Open Poster Session


Monday 19 September - Pavilion 3

50-1 Pannello 144: Alcock T.*, Vinciguerra S. & Benson P.: Multiscale analysis of physical rock properties at Stromboli Volcano: what controls the frictional properties?

50-2 Pannello 145: Antonelli M.*, Petti F.M., Romano M., Sacco E., Wagensommer A., Petruzzelli M., De Sario F. & Pignatti J.: Cretaceous dinosaur tracks of Periadriatic carbonate platforms: new evidences for a palaeogeographic review.

50-3 Pannello 146: Bernini A.*, Becker R. & Maerker M.: Evaluation of hydrological process using SWAT in an intensively used agricultural lowland area, Lombardy, Italy.

50-4 Pannello 147: Borzì A.M.*, Minio V., Cannavò F., Cavallaro A., D'Amico S., De Plaen R., Lecocq T. & Cannata A.: Monitoring meteo-marine extreme events in the Mediterranean area using the microseism: "Apollo" case study.

50-5 Pannello 148: Buttò S.*, Corradino M., De Leo F., Besio G. & Pepe F.: Method for assessing the coastal vulnerability to erosion and flooding at the physiographic unit scale.

50-6 Pannello 149: Caldareri F.*, Parrino N., Maltese A., Sulli A. & Todaro S.: Remotely-sensed shorelines variation in the last 30 years in southern Sicily (Central Mediterranean): possible link with atmospheric circulation pattern.

50-7 Pannello 150: Cicala M.*, Chiarella D., De Giosa F. & Festa V.: Conventional data display and implications for the interpretation of seismic profiles: a discussion on the ViDEPI seismic database offshore Apulia (southern Italy).

50-8 Pannello 151: Conti A.*, Maffucci R. & Bigi S.: The value of vintage seismic reflection data: an example from the eastern Tyrrhenian margin (Italy).

50-9 Pannello 152: Corradino M.*, Balazs A., Faccenna C. & Pepe F.: Arc and forearc rifting in the Tyrrhenian subduction system.

50-10 Pannello 153: Cova M.*, Vinciguerra S.C., Vagnon F. & Alcock T.: Microfracturing in basalts from Stromboli volcanic edifice: new insights from physical properties and microstructural observations.

50-11 Pannello 154: Drago D.*, Magosso P. & Piccini C.: The implementation of the Geological Map of Italy in Piedmont: state of the art.

50-12 Pannello 155: Fissore M.* & Previale M.: Geology and mining activities: an essential link.

50-13 Pannello 156: Gironelli V.*, Volatili T., Luzi L., Brunelli G., Zambrano M. & Tondi E.: GIS-based ground motion simulations of historical earthquakes: insights from the Fabriano (1741) and Camerino (1799) earthquakes (central Italy).

50-14 Pannello 157: Giunti S.*, Dela Pierre F., Martire L., Natalicchio M. & Bojanowski M.J.: Microfacies of methane-derived authigenic carbonates potentially related to gas hydrates: examples from the Piedmont Basin and the Polish Outer Carpathians.

50-15 Pannello 158: Italiano F., Caruso C., Castorina G., Gagliano L., Gattuso A., Lazzaro G., Longo M., Romano D.*, Scirè Scappuzzo S., Semprebello A. & Sposito F.: The IPANEMA Project: a permanent eye on the CO2-dominated hydrothermal degassing occurring off the coast of Panarea (Aeolian Islands).

50-16 Pannello 159: Magosso P.*, Bianchi E., Cordola M., Drago D., Manazzale A., Negro N., Roagna P. & Tonanzi P.: Application of technologies and geological knowledge to improve natural hazards management. Some experiences of the geological service of Piedmont.

50-17 Pannello 160: Maiorana M.*, Parente F., Sulli A., Agate M., Caldareri F. & Todaro S.: Pockmark-like seabed features in the Adventure Plateau (Sicily Channel).

50-18 Pannello 161: VPaletto F., Caselle C.*, Bonetto S., Vagnon F. & Comina C.: Multiscale geological and geophysical characterization of a chaotic complex.

50-19 Pannello 162: Parenti C.*, Rossi P., Soldati M., Pattuzzi E. & Mancini F.: Integrated methodological approach for the investigation of slope dynamics in the Scoltenna basin, Northern Apennines (Italy).

50-20 Pannello 163: Perazzotti F.*, Sechi D., Andreucci S., Cossu G., Faedda G., De Luca M., Ruberti N., Santonastaso A., Stelletti M. & Pascucci V.: Past and present as the key to predicting future geological trends: focus on Marine Isotope Stage 3 as enigmatic period.

50-21 Pannello 164: Pesando G., Piccini C.G.*, Roagna C., Tonanzi P., Troglia A. & Zaccagnino M.: Definition of the framework of the dissest relating to municipalities that have not yet adapted their urban planning tool to the PAI.

50-22 Pannello 165: Qadir A.*, Maiorana M., Chizzini N., Artoni A., Torelli L. & Sulli A.: Seismic Profile analysis of the Interval Stacking Velocities for its interpretation and time-to-depth conversion: a case study from the offshore Lampedusa Island (Sicily Channel Rifting Zone, Central Mediterranean sea).

50-23 Pannello 166: Romano V.*, Fischanger F., Lupi M., Wilson G., Sciarra A., Mazzini A., Mazzoli C., Florindo F., Tartarello M.C., Ascani M., Anderson J., Worthington R., Hardie R., Dagg B., Bigi S. & Ruggiero L.: Permafrost and greenhouse gas leakage: results from a deep electrical resistivity tomography in Taylor Valley, Antarctica.

50-24 Pannello 167: Sabatini A.*, Pauselli C., Fastelli M., Comodi P., Trippetta F. & Marmottini F.: Mapping the termophysical properties of Apennines rocks: implication for the geothermal potential.

50-25 Pannello 168: Salvini R., De Lucia V.*, Beltramone L., Silvestri D., Rindinella A., Ermini A., Gullì D., Marchetti D., Guido S., Pandolfi O., Berlinghieri M., Vaselli L. & Sirgiovanni E.: Numerical modelling of stress-strain analysis at an underground quarry in the Apuan Alps marble district (Italy).

50-26 Pannello 169: Srivastava R.K.*: Metamorphosed Mafic Igneous Rock: a nomenclature aenigma.

50-27 Pannello 170: Zaccagnino D.*, Telesca L. & Doglioni C.: Seismic response to tidal stress perturbations sheds new light on how fault patches become unstable.

50-28 Pannello 171: Zellmer G.F.*: Gaining acuity on crystal terminology in volcanic rocks.

50-29 Pannello 172: Palozza F.*, Braga R., Moroni M., Fiorentini M., Loucks R. & Nogueira Mafra C.: Potassic and ultrapotassic rocks from the Roman Magmatic Province: crustal and mantle processes involved in terrains' Au (in)fertility.