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Geosciences for a sustainable future

Torino, September 19-21, 2022

PhD day

Il PhD Day 2022: "What's new? Networking through Earth Science diversity", the event dedicated to PhD students which is now in its fourth edition, will take place on 18 September 2022, as a pre-Congress event.

To register for the day you must specify your membership in the registration form. Participation is free but reserved for members of the congress.


Chairman of the day: Caselle Chiara, Corvò Stefania, Crippa Chiara, Ghignone Stefano, Pellegrino Luca, Petriglieri Jasmine

08:30-09:00 Registrazione e Affissione Poster

09:00-09:15 Opening

09:15-09:30 Caso - Permian evolution of the lower continental crust: the example of the Valpelline Unit in the Austroalpine Domain (Western Alps, Italy)

09:30-09:45 Ciattoni - Syn-tectonic gypsum veins in the Eocene-Miocene eastern Pisco forearc basin, Peru margin

09:45-10:00 Conconi - A multi-methodological study of syntactic intergrowths and polysomatism in Ca-REE fluorcarbonate minerals from Mount Malosa (Malawi)

10:00-10:15 Dulcetta - Preliminary field and structural data of the Zicavo metamorphic septum, central Corsica (France)

10:15-10:30 Lobina - Effect of textural and hydrological properties of the soil on the residence time of infiltration water and in promoting denitrification processes in the unsaturated zone.

10:30-10:45 Perozzo - Relationships between polyphasic deformation and fracture network: insights from the Ligurian Brinconnais

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:15 Pontikou - Structural modeling for geothermal potential evaluation in Southern Apennines

11:15-11:30 Primofiore - From the costruction of the 3D model to local seismic response analysis

11:30-11:45 Qadir - Seismic Profile analysis of the Interval Stacking Velocities for its interpretation and time-to-depth conversion: a case study from the offshore Lampedusa Island (Sicily Channel Rifting Zone, Central Mediterranean sea)

11:45- 12:00 Rocca - The Jurassic rift-related fault system and its Alpine re-activation history (central Southern Alps, N Italy): clues from structural analysis and paleo-fluid characterization

12:00-12:15 Romano - Metal removal from metalliferous sediments collected in Thyrrenian seafloor through chemical leaching

12:15-12:30 Sorrentino - District-scale mapping of hydrothermal and supergene alteration zones from PRISMA satellite hyperspectral data in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile

12:30-12:45 Urbani - Influence of fracturing on primary porosity and implications for CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS): case studies from the Umbria-Marche Apennines

12:45-15:00 Lunch + Poster

Poster Session
Antonelli - The occurrence of abelisauroids in the Apulia carbonate platform: evidences in the Hauterivian- Barremian tracksite from Borgo Celano (Southern Italy)
Borzì - Monitoring meteo-marine extreme events in the Mediterranean area using the microseism: "Apollo" case study
Beltrame - Petrogenesis of a Cenozoic magmatic province in the Mandak-Mandal-Gobi zone, Central Mongolia.
Buleo Tebar - Assessment of Quaternary variations of the drainage pattern through morphotectonic investigations in Southern Piedmont (North-western Italy)
Chizzini - Tectono-stratigraphic evolution and traspressive tectonics of the Apulian foreland (Northern Ionian Sea) between two converging orogens
Corno - Widespread lawsonite occurrence in the blueschist-facies ophiolitic bodies of the albergian unit (Liguria-Piemonte zone, western Alps)
Cupido - A Multidisciplinary approach for monitoring the conservation state of the sandstones of the Palazzo Ducale in Camerino (MC)
De Matteis - Chemical and mineralogical characterization of Bottom Ashes (BA) from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI)
Feng - Healing of gabbro and basalt experimental faults under hydrothermal conditions
Franzosi - Laboratory assessment of rock fracturing state using infrared thermography
La Licata - Identification and characterization of landslide processes in a Mediterranean catchment: The Val d'Arda case study (Northern Apennines, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Lucchelli - Hydrogeological exploration perspective for groundwater springs potential assessment: the case study of Val Sabbia
Margheri - Mechanisms of heavy metals incorporation in hollandite and pyrochlore
Ossoli - Upcycling of stone composite waste into geopolymer-based mortars for applications in the building sector
Paquetti - Lead anomalies in the Lake Accesa (Tuscany, Italy): evidence of human pollution from the Early Copper Age
Paschetto - Territorial analysis for energy supply of western Turin area from hydroelectric energy: impact and potential
Petroccia - The Sardinian Variscan belt: new tectono-metamorphic constraints from the hinterland-foreland transition zone
Scano - Spatial and compositional effects of intersection zones in the five-element (Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag) vein system of the Southern Arburèse district (SW Sardinia)
Sleath - Thrust Fault Localisation in Multilayers – outcrop tests of idealised models
Tamang - Dolomite-and magnesite-bearing lithologies from the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequences: A petrological perspective in the framework of CO2 degassing during collisional orogeny
Tamburelli - Looking for the best thermal history of Illizi-Ghadames basin (North Africa) through diagenetic modelling
Tenuta - A geoportal for the sustainable management of coastal areas
Torre - Assessment of the relation between structural and morphological setting as condition for coastal slope stability
Vianello - The key role of geostructural characterization for a sustainable exploitation of the resource: the case of the dimensional stone of Botticino

15:00-15:15 Fonseca - Continental slope stability evaluation through morphological analyses using 3D seismic data at the Brazilian Equatorial Margin

15:15-15:30 Geniram - LGM – Holocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution by multidisciplinary analysis of five gravity cores collected in the Glomar Challenger (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica)

15:30-15:45 Macelli - Heavy metals and radiogenic isotopes in river systems affected by urban and industrial activity: the Valdinievole sub-basin (Tuscany, Italy) case study

15:45-16:00 Mannucci  - The Low-C27r event: a turning point in carbonate cycle dynamics following the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary disruption

16:00-16:15 Mitillo - Petrophysical and chemical characterization of carbonate rocks for CO2 storage purpose: case studies from Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy)

16:15-16:30 Poneti  - Evidence of tectonic inversion in the Northern Apennines hinterland basins: examples from the Valdelsa and Valdera (Central Tuscany)

16:30-16:45 Stelletti  - High-frequency climate oscillations determined with OSL in Lanzarote (Canary Island)

16:45-17:00 Coffee Break

17:00-17:15 Alcock - Multiscale analysis of physical rock properties at Stromboli Volcano: what controls the frictional properties?

17:15-17:30 Forti - Reconstructing landforms and surface processes from declassified intelligence satellite imagery

17:30-17:45 Locchi  - Early Permian extensional structures of the central Southern Alps (N Italy), characterized by Boron-rich hydrothermalism

17:45-18:00 Peng - Long-term exhumation of the western North China Craton: insights from seismic, borehole and geochronological data

18:00-18:15 Robledo - Influence of fault interpretation methodologies on fault geometry and the accuracy of their statistics

18:15-18:30 Slupski - Former melt inclusions in garnet from UHP gneisses of the Seve Nappe Complex (Scandinavian Caledonides)

18:30-18:45 Volpintesta - Chemical-Petrographic characterization of construction and demolition waste for valorization and recycling

List of abstracts

  1. Alcock T.*, Vinciguerra S. & Benson P. - Multiscale analysis of physical rock properties at Stromboli Volcano: what controls the frictional properties?
  2. Antonelli M.*, Petti F.M. & Wagensommer A. - The occurrence of abelisauroids in the Apulia carbonate platform: evidences in the Hauterivian- Barremian tracksite from Borgo Celano (Southern Italy)
  3. Beltrame M.*, Spizzamiglio M., Yondon M., Venier M., Velicogna M., Milani S., Chiaradia M., Ziberna L. & De Min A. - Petrogenesis of a Cenozoic magmatic province in the Mandak-Mandal-Gobi zone, Central Mongolia
  4. Borzì A.M.*, Minio V., Cannavò F., Cavallaro A., D&#;Amico S., De Plaen R., Lecocq T. & Cannata A. - Monitoring meteo-marine extreme events in the Mediterranean area using the microseism: "Apollo" case study
  5. Buleo Tebar V.*, Bonasera M., Fubelli G. & Racano S. - Assessment of Quaternary variations of the drainage pattern through morphotectonic investigations in Southern Piedmont (North-western Italy)
  6. Caso F.* - Permian evolution of the lower continental crust: the example of the Valpelline Unit in the Austroalpine Domain (Western Alps, Italy)
  7. Chizzini N.*, Artoni A., Torelli L., Basso J., Alina Polonia A.& Gasperini L. - Tectono-stratigraphic evolution and traspressive tectonics of the Apulian foreland (Northern Ionian Sea) between two converging orogens
  8. Ciattoni S.*, Di Celma C., Mazzoli S., Megna A., Pierantoni P.P., Santini S. & Volatili T. - Syn-tectonic gypsum veins in the Eocene-Miocene eastern Pisco forearc basin, Peru margin
  9. Conconi R.*, Fumagalli P., Lucotti A. & Capitani G. - A multi-methodological study of syntactic intergrowths and polysomatism in Ca-REE fluorcarbonate minerals from Mount Malosa (Malawi)
  10. Corno A.*, Mosca P., Groppo C., Borghi A. & Gattiglio M. - Widespread lawsonite occurrence in the blueschist-facies ophiolitic bodies of the albergian unit (Liguria-Piemonte zone, western Alps)
  11. De Matteis C.*, Mantovani L., Toller S., Funari V., Dinelli E. & Tribaudino M. - Chemical and mineralogical characterization of Bottom Ashes (BA) from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI)
  12. Domicici R., Donato P., Imbrogno G., Lirer S., Tenuta M.* & De Rosa R. - A geoportal for the sustainable management of coastal areas
  13. Dulcetta L.*, Cruciani G. & Franceschelli M. - Preliminary field and structural features of the Zicavo metamorphic septum, central Corsica (France)
  14. Feng W.*, Yao L., Gomila R., Ma S. & Di Toro G. - Healing of gabbro and basalt experimental faults under hydrothermal conditions
  15. Fonseca J.C.L.G.*, Vannucchi P., Iacopini D., Maestrelli D., Vital H. & Perez Y R. - Continental slope stability evaluation through morphological analyses using 3D seismic data at the Brazilian Equatorial Margin
  16. Franzosi F.*, Casiraghi S., Colombo R., Crippa C. & Agliardi F. - Laboratory assessment of rock fracturing state using infrared thermography
  17. Forti L.* - Reconstructing landforms and surface processes from declassified intelligence satellite imagery
  18. Galeotti S., Mannucci A.*, Reghellin D., Coxall H., Monechi S., Petrizzo M.R., Raffi I. & Skinner L. - The Low-C27r event: a turning point in carbonate cycle dynamics following the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary disruption
  19. Geniram A.*, Colizza E., Melis R., Torricella F., Tesi T., Pambianco G., Miserocchi S., Gallerani A. & Colleoni F. - LGM – Holocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution by multidisciplinary analysis of five gravity cores collected in the Glomar Challenger (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica)
  20. La Licata M.*, Bettoni M., Bernini A., Bosino A. & Maerker M. - Identification and characterization of landslide processes in a Mediterranean catchment: The Val d'Arda case study (Northern Apennines, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 
  21. Lobina F.*, Da Pelo S., Biddau R., Cidu R., Coppola A. & Vacca A. - Effect of textural and hydrological properties of the soil on the residence time of infiltration water and in promoting denitrification processes in the unsaturated zone.
  22. Locchi S.*, Trumbull R.B., Moroni M., Zanchi A. & Zanchetta S. - Early Permian extensional structures of the central Southern Alps (N Italy), characterized by Boron-rich hydrothermalism
  23. Lucchelli A.*, Pedretti D., Gisolo M. & Fiandaca G. - Hydrogeological exploration perspective for groundwater springs potential assessment: the case study of Val Sabbia
  24. Maccelli C.*, Natali C., Nisi B., Casalini M., Vaselli O., Venturi S. & Avanzinelli R. - Heavy metals and radiogenic isotopes in river systems affected by urban and industrial activity: the Valdinievole sub-basin (Tuscany, Italy) case study
  25. Mammoliti E.*, Cupido M., Teloni R., Malavolta M., Santini S., Farabollini P., Morici M. & Leoni G. - A Multidisciplinary approach for monitoring the conservation state of the sandstones of the Palazzo Ducale in Camerino (MC)
  26. Margheri S.*, Bindi L., Bonazzi P. & Lepore G.O. - Mechanisms of heavy metals incorporation in hollandite and pyrochlore
  27. Mitillo N.* - Petrophysical and chemical characterization of carbonate rocks for CO2 storage purpose: case studies from Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy)
  28. Ossoli E.*, Volpintesta F., Stabile P., Santulli C. & Paris E. - Upcycling of stone composite waste into geopolymer-based mortars  for applications in the building sector
  29. Paschetto A.*, Leso C., Manfroni F. & Bonetto S. - Territorial analysis for energy supply of western Turin area from hydroelectric energy: impact and potential
  30. Pasquetti F.*, Zanchetta G., Bini M., Vannière B., Desmet M., Magny M., Vaselli O., Petrini R., Baneschi I. & Fulignati P. - Lead anomalies in the Lake Accesa (Tuscany, Italy): evidence of human pollution from the Early Copper Age
  31. Peng H.*, Wang J., Liu C., Zhang T. & Zattin M. - Long-term exhumation of the western North China Craton: insights from seismic, borehole and geochronological data
  32. Perozzo M.*, Maino M., Menegoni N. & Seno S. - Relationships between polyphasic deformation and fracture network: insights from the Ligurian Brinconnais
  33. Petroccia A.*, Carosi R., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Vitale Brovarone A. - The Sardinian Variscan belt: new tectono-metamorphic constraints from the hinterland-foreland transition zone
  34. Poneti G.*, Scarselli N., Benvenuti M., Craig J. & Marsh B. - Evidence of tectonic inversion in the Northern Apennines hinterland basins: examples from the Valdelsa and Valdera (Central Tuscany)
  35. Pontikou C.*, Toscani G., Ricciato A. & Di Cuia R. - Structural modeling for geothermal potential evaluation in Southern Apennines
  36. Primofiore I.*, Baron J., Klin P., Vessia G. & Laurenzano G. - From the costruction of the 3D model to local seismic response analysis
  37. Qadir A.*, Maiorana M., Chizzini N., Artoni A., Torelli L. & Sulli A. - Seismic Profile analysis of the Interval Stacking Velocities for its interpretation and time-to-depth conversion: a case study from the offshore Lampedusa Island (Sicily Channel Rifting Zone, Central Mediterranean sea)
  38. Robledo F., Butler R. & Bond C. - Influence of fault interpretation methodologies on fault geometry and the accuracy of their statistics
  39. Rocca M.*, Gasparrini M., Zanchetta S., Berra F. & Zanchi A. - The Jurassic rift-related fault system and its Alpine re-activation history (central Southern Alps, N Italy): clues from structural analysis and paleo-fluid characterization
  40. Romano J.* & Funari V. - Metal removal from metalliferous sediments collected in Thyrrenian seafloor through chemical leaching
  41. Scano I.*, Deidda M.L., Fancello D., Frau F., Moroni M. & Naitza S. - Spatial and compositional effects of intersection zones in the five-element (Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag) vein system of the Southern Arburèse district (SW Sardinia)
  42. Sleath P.R.*, Butler R.W.H. & Bond C.E. - Thrust Fault Localisation in Multilayers – outcrop tests of idealised models
  43. Slupski P.*, Cesare B., Bartoli O., Majka J. & Remusat L. - Former melt inclusions in garnet from UHP gneisses of the Seve Nappe Complex (Scandinavian Caledonides)
  44. Sorrentino A.*, Chirico R., Corrado F., Laukamp C. & Mondillo N. - District-scale mapping of hydrothermal and supergene alteration zones from PRISMA satellite hyperspectral data in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile
  45. Stelletti M.*, Sechi D., Andreucci S., Cossu G., De Luca M., Faedda G., Perazzotti F., Ruperti N., Santonastaso A. & Pascucci V. - High-frequency climate oscillations determined with OSL in Lanzarote (Canary Island)
  46. Tamang S.*, Groppo C., Rolfo F., Girault F. & Perrier F. - Dolomite-and magnesite-bearing lithologies from the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequences: A petrological perspective in the framework of CO2 degassing during collisional orogeny
  47. Tamburelli S.*, Di Giulio A., Consonni A. & Ortenzi A. - Looking for the best thermal history of Illizi-Ghadames basin (North Africa) through diagenetic modelling 
  48. Torre D.*, Piacentini D. & Menichetti M. - Assessment of the relation between structural and morphological setting as condition for coastal slope stability
  49. Urbani M.* - Influence of fracturing on primary porosity and implications for CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS): case studies from the Umbria-Marche Apennines
  50. Vianello D.*, Caselle C., Bonetto S. & Mosca P. - The key role of geostructural characterization for a sustainable exploitation of the resource: the case of the dimensional stone of Botticino
  51. Volpintesta F.* - Chemical-Petrographic characterization of construction and demolition waste for valorization and recycling

The organizers

Alberto Corno, Alessandro Petroccia, Andrea Maffeis, Davide Vianello e BeGEO