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Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo dell'uomo:
le geoscienze tra passato e futuro

Parma, September 16-19, 2019


Discounts for students

SIMP, SGI and AIC intend to encourage the participation of young researchers (students/graduates, doctoral students, postdocs) with the payment of the registration fee for the SGI-SIMP Parma 2019 Joint Congress. Financial contributions are foreseen, which will be paid following the selection of requests from part of a Scientific Committee, for those who will present a communication (oral or poster) in a scientific session.

Only SIMP, SGI and AIC junior members (up-to-date with the payment of membership fees) can apply for a contribution.

4 contributions for free registrations have been made available by the Italian Crystallographic Association for their members, who will have to indicate the status of AIC members in the grant request for SIMP members.

The application must be submitted by completing the forms below and sending them in electronic format by 06/20/2019

SIMP Winners

Bussolesi Micol (UniMi)
Castagnotto Elena (UniGe)
Corvò Stefania (UniPv)
Germinario Luigi (Saitama Univ. Giappone)
Grammatica Michela (UniMi)
Militello Gaia (UniGe)
Pisello Alessandro (UniPg)
Putzolu Francesco (UniNa Federico II)
Rossi Stefano (UniPg)
Spartà Deborah (UniMi)

AIC Winners

Fugazzotto Maura (UniCt)
Lorenzon Sofia (UniPd)
Pasqualetto Leonardo (UniPd)
Polisi Michelangelo (UniMoRe)

SGI Winners

Guerini Sara Sibil (UniMi)
Kazarian Anush (UniRoma3)
Martinello Chiara (UniPa)
Montemagni Chiara (UniMib)
Nania Laura (UniFi)
Puliti Irene (UniCh)
Sabbatino Monia (UniNa)
Silleni Aurora (UniRoma3)
Simonetti Matteo (UniTo)
Zurli Luca (UniSi)