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Il Pianeta Dinamico: sviluppi e prospettive a 100 anni da Wegener

Firenze, September 2-4, 2015

Panel discussion

Debate "What future for Italian geosciences?"

Thursday 3 September at 3.30 pm - Aula Magna of the University (piazza S. Marco, 4)

The initiative, a moment of reflection on ongoing legislative initiatives for the relaunch of the sector, was attended by the vice president of the National Order of Geologists, the presidents of the Geosciences scientific societies and some parliamentarians.

Theatrical show "Terra Cambia"

Friday 4 September at 6.00 pm - Aula Magna of the University (piazza S. Marco, 4)

The protagonist is Patrizio Roversi who, with the help of four geo-actors, will retrace the evolution of the Earth from 4 and a half billion years ago to the civilization of man, through the great changes that have transformed a planet covered in magma into a world full of colors and scents.