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Il Pianeta Dinamico: sviluppi e prospettive a 100 anni da Wegener

Firenze, September 2-4, 2015

The Congress will be held in Florence and will be hosted by the University in the renovated spaces in via Capponi and in the adjacent Rectorate, venues that guarantee large and adequate spaces for all conference needs. In addition to the scientific oral and poster sessions, and 4 prestigious plenary lectures, the Congress will be preceded and followed by workshops and an excursion.

The quality of the infrastructure in the city of Florence and the geographical centrality will make this event of great interest not only for Italian specialists, but also for an international audience.

The congress will mainly focus on the areas of GMPV disciplines (Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrography, Volcanology) and on their mutual intersections and with Geology.

In addition to the scientific activities, it will also host a Round Table on the future scenarios of Geosciences in Italy.

The participation of young researchers will be encouraged with various initiatives, including reduced-price registration for PhD students and postDocs and travel grants.

Abstract Book

abstract firenze2015

Congress venue

sede firenze

The congress will take place at the University of Florence, in Via Capponi.


Total Participants

SGI members

SIMP members

Not Members


Various institutions participating

President of the Congress:

Bernardo Cesare (SIMP), Guido Giordano (AIV), Carmelo Monaco (SGI) e Orlando Vaselli (SoGeI)

Scientific Committee:

Riccardo Avanzinelli (Firenze), Paolo Bonazzi (Firenze), Piergiulio Cappelletti (Federico II Napoli), Rodolfo Carosi (Torino), Bernardo Cesare (Padova), Rosa Cidu (Cagliari), Raffaello Cioni (Firenze), Domenico Cosentino (Roma TRE), Francesco Frondini (Perugia), Francesca Princivalle (Trieste), Orlando Vaselli (Firenze), Marco Viccaro (Catania)

Organizing committee and logistics:

Maria Luisa Balestrieri (IGG-CNR, Firenze), Luca Bindi (uniFI), Eleonora Braschi (IGG-CNR, Firenze), Marco Bonini (IGG-CNR, Firenze), Francesco Capecchiacci (UniFI), Bernardo Carmina (UniPI), Sandro Conticelli (UniFI - IGG-CNR, Firenze), Giacomo Corti (IGG-CNR, Firenze), Franceco Di Benedetto (UniFI), Lorenza Fascio (SIMP), Lorella Francalanci (UniFI - IGG-CNR, Firenze), Giovanna Moratti (IGG-CNR, Firenze), Fabio Massimo Petti (SGI), Marco Pistolesi (UniFI), Giovanni Pratesi (UniFI), Alba Patrizia Santo (UniFI - IGG-CNR, Firenze), Alessandro Zuccari (SGI)