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Geosciences for the environment, natural hazard and cultural heritage

Catania, 12-14 September 2018

Program Sessions

S1. Biota evolution, biomineralization and responses of ecosystems to environmental perturbations: from local to global, from short- to long-term

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giulia Faucher (Univ. Milano), Massimo Bernardi (MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, Trento)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] - Room A3

1-1 08.30-08.45 Brandano M., Tomassetti L., MateuVicens G. & Gaglianone G. : The seagrass skeletal assemblage from modern to fossil and from tropical to temperate: insight from Maldivian and Mediterranean examples.

1-2 08.45-09.00 Di Bella M., Italiano F., Sabatino G., Quartieri S., Ferretti A., Cavalazzi B., Barbieri R., Foucher F. & Messori F. : New insight on the nature of iron Ooid formation – a study from Panarea island (Sicily, Italy).

1-3 09.00-09.15 Medas D., Carlomagno I., Meneghini C., Araki T., Bedolla D.E., Buosi C., Casu M.A., Gianoncelli A., Kuncser A.C., Maraloiu V.A. & De Giudici G. : Zinc incorporation in marine bivalve shells grown in mine polluted seabed sediments.

1-4 09.15-09.30 Todaro S., Rigo M., Randazzo V. & Di Stefano P. : Correlation between extinction pattern and δ13C fluctuations across the Triassic Jurassic boundary in shallow water settings: a proxy for the present day acidification processes.

1-5 09.30-09.45 Visentin S., Reolon D., Faucher G. & Erba E.* : Calcareous nannofossil paleoceanography across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: a story of fertility and acidification (Sogno Core, Lombardy Basin, Northern Italy).

1-6 09.45-10.00 Cornacchia I., Brandano M., Raffi I., Tomassetti L. & Flores I. : The central Mediterranean carbon isotope record across the Eocene–Oligocene transition: the inorganic vs the organic carbon isotope signals.

1-7 10.00-10.15 Posteraro L., Ziveri P., Grelaud M., Ferretti P. & Lupi C. : Calcareous nannoplankton response to climate variability during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 19 in the SW Pacific.

1-8 10.15-10.30 Bernardi M.* & Benton M.J. : The Carnian Pluvial Episode and its impact on the diversification of dinosaurs and on the origin of modern terrestrial vertebrate faunas.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

1-9 Pannello 1 Bottini C. & Faucher G.* : The effects of paleoenvironmental changes on nannoplankton biocalcification: mid-Cretaceous size variations of Biscutum constans.

1-10 Pannello 2 D'Onofrio R., Luciani V., Giusberti L., Fornaciari E., Sabatino N. & Calderone G. : Planktic foraminiferal response to the ETM2 in the Tethys realm: upper water column disruption and marked dwarfism.

1-11 Pannello 3 Faucher G., Erba E. & Poli S. : Emiliania huxleyi sensitivity to ecological changes: a new methodological approach to ascertain if and which environmental parameter influences coccolith sizes and shapes.

1-12 Pannello 4 Guido A., Russo F. & Mastandrea A. : From autochthonous Micrite to Aphanodolomites: the key role of microbialites in dolomitization processes.

1-13 Pannello 5 Oggiano G., Mongelli G., Sinisi R., Puccini A. & Mameli P. : Factors affecting Uranium distribution in early Permian-late Variscan Sardinian basins: chemical and γ-ray data constraints.

1-14 Pannello 6 Perri E., Borrelli M., Bernasconi M.P., GindreChanu L., Spadafora A. & Critelli S. : Oligotypic Microbial-Metazoan dominated carbonate platform evolution during upper Triassic rifting (northern Calabria-Italy).

1-15 Pannello 7 Romano M., Govender R. & Rubidge B.S. : The oldest and more complete tapinocephalid dinocephalian from Africa: postcranial skeleton Tapinocaninus pamelae (Synapsida: Therapsida).

S2. Deciphering ancient paleoenvironmental perturbations and their impact on the marine ecosystems

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesco Dela Pierre (Univ. di Torino), Marcello Natalicchio (Univ. di Torino), Francesca Lozar (Univ. di Torino), Alessandra Negri (Univ. Politecnica delle Marche)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A8

2-1 17.00-17.30 Peckmann J.* : Microbial reefs revived – the impact of paleoenvironmental perturbations on reefal ecosystems.

2-2 17.30-17.45 Perri E., GindreChanu L., Borrelli M., Caruso A. & Critelli S. : A microbial-dominated carbonate platform-to-slope system during the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis (Calcare di base Fm, southern Italy).

2-3 17. 45-18.00 Guido A., Russo F. & Mastandrea A. : Microbialite within oxygen-depleted cavities: geomicrobiological laboratories to decipher ancient environment perturbations.

2-4 18.00-18.15 Negri A.* : The sapropel theme: DSDP, ODP and beyond.

2-5 18.15-18.30 Sabino M., Natalicchio M., Dela Pierre F., Birgel D., Gier S. & Peckmann J. : Environmental change across the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis recorded in deep water fine-grained siliciclastic sediments: the Govone section (NW Italy).

2-6 18.30-18.45 Mancini A. M., Lozar F., Gennari R., Ziveri P., Mortyn P. G. & Stolwjk J. D. : Calcareous Nannofossils and foraminifer Mg/Ca record: new paleoenvironmental and biostratigraphic insights at and prior to the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Sorbas Basin.

2-7 18.45-19.00 Pellegrino L., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M. & Carnevale G. : Reconstructing high frequency paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in the northernmost Mediterranean during the Late Miocene: insights from the diatomites of the Piedmont Basin.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

2-8 Pannello 1 Amezcua Buendia R., Diamantini C., Potena D. & Negri A.* : Big Data in Geoscience: a new approach for the study of sapropel S1 in the Mediterranean Sea.

2-9 Pannello 2 Argentino C., Lugli F., Cipriani A., Conti S., Fioroni C. & Fontana D. : Highly dynamic redox condition and fluid source identification in seep impacted sediments revealed by Mo-U enrichments, 87Sr/86Sr and REE pattern (Miocene, Mugello outcrops, northern Apennines).

2-10 Pannello 3 Caratelli M., Cipriani A. & Santantonio M. : Role of Early Jurassic palaeogeography in the distribution of shallow water-derived calciturbidites: two examples from Northern Apennines.

2-11 Pannello 4 Chesi C., Reguzzi S., Strepparola L., Berra F., Cadel G. & Felletti F. : Lithostratigraphy and facies architecture of a Lower Permian continental succession in Central Southern Alps (Orobic Basin, Italy).

2-12 Pannello 5 Cianflone G., Cipriani M. & Dominici R. : Recognition of Clastic Evaporites in the Catanzaro Trough, Calabria, South Italy.

2-13 Pannello 6 Cipriani A., Citton P., Fabbi S. & Romano M. : First account on some tritorial teeth from the Upper Jurassic of Mt. Nerone pelagic carbonate platform: paleoecological implications.

2-14 Pannello 7 Cipriani M., Costanzo A., Feely M., Hunt J. & Dominici R. : The Calabrian evaporite deposits: insights into selenite and halite genesis during the Messinian Salinity Crisis.

2-15 Pannello 8 Citton P., DíazMartínez I., de Valais S. & CónsoleGonella C. : Tetrapod tracks from the Vera Formation (Los Menucos Group, Río Negro province, Argentina) and their bearing on the chronostratigraphy of the Los Menucos Basin.

2-16 Pannello 9 Citton P., Ronchi A., Maganuco S., Caratelli M., Nicosia U., Sacchi E. & Romano M. : First tetrapod footprints from the Permian of Sardinia.

2-17 Pannello 10 Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., Birgel D., Brumsack H., Carnevale G., Gennari R., Gier S., Lozar F., Pellegrino L., Sabino M., Schnetger B. & Peckmann J. : The effects of orbital forcing archived in a sedimentary succession across the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis.

2-18 Pannello 11 Di Cencio A., Marino M.C., Petti F.M. & Mariotti N. : The "Abbeveratoio" Section: a peculiar Toarcian succession in the central Apennines.

2-19 Pannello 12 Fabbi S., Cestari R., Chiocchini M., Marino M. & Pichezzi R.M. : The Upper Turonian-Santonian neritic carbonates in the northern Simbruini Mts. (Central Apennines, Italy): integrated stratigraphy and palaeoecological considerations.

2-20 Pannello 13 Francescone F., Lauretano V., Bouligand C., Moretti M., Sabatino N., Schrader C., Catanzariti R., Hilgen F., Lanci L., Turtù A., Sprovieri M., Lourens L. & Galeotti S. : A 9 million-year-long astrochronological record of the early-middle Eocene corroborated by seafloor spreading rates.

2-21 Pannello 14 Kiani Harchegani F. & Morsilli M. : The potential role of internal waves on mesophotic coral facies developments: the case study from Iran and Italy (Late Oligocene).

2-22 Pannello 15 Lozar F., Violanti D., Dela Pierre F., Natalicchio M., Gennari R. & Nallino E. : Calcareous microfossils size decrease at the beginning of the Messinian salinity crisis: data from the Piedmont Basin.

2-23 Pannello 16 Mancini A.M.* & Negri A. : Coccoliths, CO₂, Sapropels and Climate: clues from a core in the Ionian Sea.

2-24 Pannello 17 Morigi C., Grant K., Monterastelli A., Mosconi S., Rohling E., Sangiorgi F., Zanchetta G. & Negri A. : Planktonic assemblage variability during the deposition of sapropel S5 in the Ionian Sea.

2-25 Pannello 18 Natalicchio M., Birgel D., Dela Pierre F. & Peckmann J. : Late Miocene (Messinian) marine carbon cycle perturbations recorded by positive δ13c excursion of molecular fossils in a semi-enclosed Mediterranean Subbasin (Piedmont basin).

2-26 Pannello 19 Torricella F., Colizza E., DiRoberto A., Gallerani A., Giglio F. & Melis R. : Can tephra deposition influence diatom assemblages in Antarctic marine sediments?

S3 Marine geohazards on the continental margins of Italy

Conveners and Chairpersons: Pietro P.C. Aucelli (Univ. Napoli Parthenope), Francesca Boudillon (IAMC-CNR, Napoli), Silvia Ceramicola (OGS, Trieste), Francesco Latino Chiocci (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), Fabiano Gamberi (ISMAR-CNR Bologna)


Friday 14 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Yellow Room

3-1 11.00-11.15 Aiello G., Amato V., Aucelli P.C.C., Barra D., Corrado G., Di Leo P., Di Lorenzo H., Pappone G., Parisi R., Petrosino P., Russo Ermolli E. & Schiattarella M. : Coastal response to sea level change in the Garigliano Plain at the Latium-Campania border during the Late Pleistocene – Holocene: constraints for risk assessment.

3-2 11.15-11.30 Di Paola G., Aucelli P.P.C., Matano F. & Rizzo A. : Future scenarios of coastal risk due to Relative Sea Level Rise along the Campanian plains (southern Italy).

3-3 11.30-11.45 Candoni O., Ceramicola S., Praeg D., Zecchin M., Brancatelli G., Gorini C., Bohrmann G. & Cova A. : Plio-Quaternary mass wasting processes along the Ionian Calabrian margin.

3-4 11.45-12.00 Casalbore D., Anzidei M., Bosman A., Romagnoli C. & Chiocci F.L. : Marine geohazards on the eastern part of Lipari Island (Aeolian Islands): the role of retrogressive erosion at the head of submarine canyons.

3-5 12.00-12.15 Sammartini M., Camerlenghi A., Budillon F., Insinga D.D., Zgur F., Conforti A., Iorio M., Romeo R. & Tonielli R. : Open-slope, translational submarine landslide in a tectonically active continental margin: the Licosa submarine landslide (South-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea).

3-6 12.15-12.30 Gamberi F., Scacchia E., Dalla Valle G., Di Stefano S., Gallerani A., Leidi E., Mercorella A. & Savelli F. : Extensive mass-transport deposition in the Capo d'Orlando Basin: location, 3-D geometry, facies and possible genetic processes.

3-7 12.30-12.45 Spatola D., Micallef A., Italiano F., D'Amico S., Caracausi A., Pascale F., Facchin L., Petronio L., Coren F., Blanos R., Pavan A., Paganini P., Sapiano M. & Schembri M. : Nature and origin of fault-controlled fluid seepage across the Maltese Islands.

3-8 12.45-13.00 Vaccher V., Antonioli F., Biolchi S., Canziani F., Iossifidis T., Kolaiti E., Marino C., Mourtzas N., Scicchitano G., Taviani M. & Furlani S. : A multidisciplinary study of a sinkhole along the southern metamorphic coast of Paros island (Greece).


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

3-9 Pannello 8 Artoni A., Polonia A., Carlini M., Gasperini L., Torelli L. & Mussoni P. : A new Megaslide in the Bradano Foredeep area (Southern Apennines, Ionian Sea).

3-10 Pannello 9 Chiocci F.L.* & Casalbore D. : Marine Geohazard associated to the fast-morphological evolution of geologically-active areas: examples from the Southern Italy.

3-11 Pannello 10 Colizza E., DiRoberto A., Gallerani A., Giglio F., Melis R. & Manzan S. : Sedimentary processes and associated geo-hazards of the Ionian Calabrian inner margin.

3-12 Pannello 11 Distefano S., Gamberi F., Leidi E., Mercorella A. & Di Stefano A. : Geomorphic setting and sedimentary processes in the North-Eastern sicilian continental shelf: hints for offshore geohazard evaluation.

3-13 Pannello 12 Rizzo A., Amato V., Aucelli P.P.C., Di Paola G., Matano F. & Pappone G. : Holocene coastal geomorphological evolution in response to sea level rise: a validation for future scenarios of marine flooding along the Campanian coastal plains.

3-14 Pannello 13 Ruberti D., Matano F., Sacchi M. & Vigliotti M. : Geological evolution and land subsidence of the Volturno River coastal plain (northern Campania).

S4. The role of Italian scientists and educators in the International Ocean and Continental Drilling Programs: major achievements and new perspective

Conveners and Chairpersons: Claudia Lupi (Univ. Pavia), Annalisa Iadanza (IAMC-CNR), Marco Sacchi (IAMC-CNR), Fabio Florindo (INGV Roma), Patrizia Ferretti (Univ. Venezia)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [18.00-20.00] - Room A3

4-1 18.00-18.15 Erba E. : Italy and Ocean Drilling: a 50-year history of dreams, expectations, successes and training.

4-2 18.15-18.30 Cicconi A., Berenguer J.L., Böttcher M., Burgio M., Darrieu M., Pointu A. & Rodrigues Pereira H.J. : Teachers on board! Features of teachers' involvement in IODP/ECORD research expeditions: the experience of seven education and outreach officers.

4-3 18.30-18.45 De Santis L., McKay R.M., Kulhanek D.K. & the IODP Expedition Scientific Party : Late Cenozoic ocean-ice sheet interactions and West Antarctic Ice Sheet vulnerability: Initial results from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 374 in the Ross Sea continental margin.

4-4 18.45-19.00 Raffi I.* : The importance of the scientific ocean drilling for a micropaleontologist: experiences from six ODP/IODP Expeditions.

4-5 19.00-19.15 Olivetti V., Zattin M., Balestrieri M.L., Talarico F., Rossetti F., Andreucci B., Perotti M., Pace D. & Li X. : Contribution of thermochronology to marine sediments study in Antarctica: insights into mountain uplift, basin history and ice-flow patterns.

4-6 19.15-19.30 Boschi C., FrühGreen G.L., Orcutt B.N., Rouméjon S., Schwarzenbach E.M. & the IODP Expedition Science Party : IODP EXPEDITION 357: Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life.

4-7 19.30-19.45 Gariboldi K., Zabel M., Gioncada A. & Morigi C. : Spotting the evidence of the effect of volcanic ashes on primary production: report on on-going studies from sites U1443, U1445, U1447 and U1448.

4-8 19.45-20.00 Camerlenghi A., Lofi J., Bertoni C., Aloisi G. & all the coproponents of the MEDSALT, DREAM and SALTGIANT initiatives : Uncovering the Mediterranean salt giant.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

4-9 Pannello 1 Carlino S. : "Campi Fegrei Deep Drilling Project": the history of a controversy.

4-10 Pannello 2 Cornacchia I., Agostini S. & Brandano M. : Miocene oceanographic evolution of the Central Mediterranean: Insights from the Sr and Nd isotope records.

4-11 Pannello 3 Gariboldi K.* : IODP Exp. 353 "Indian Monsoon Rainfall": what comes after the Cruise...

4-12 Pannello 4 Incarbona A. : The importance of Ocean Drilling Program expeditions for Mediterranean Sea Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeoceanographic research.

4-13 Pannello 5 Luciani V., D'Onofrio R., Dickens G.R. & Wade B. : Impact of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum on planktic foraminifera: the crucial record from oceanic sites.

4-14 Pannello 6 Sanfilippo A.* & Tribuzio R. : SW Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho; Expedition 360 Post-Cruise Meeting (14-19 May 2018, Siracusa, Italy).

4-15 Pannello 7 Zitellini N., Loreto M.F., Ranero R.C., Prada M., Sallares V. & Grevemeyer I. : IODP Proposal 927-pre: the TyrrhenIan Magmatism & Mantle Exhumation (TIME).

S5 Onshore and offshore Quaternary sedimentary processes and sequences in the Mediterranean regions

Conveners and Chairpersons: Sergio G. Longhitano (Univ. Basilicata), Francesco L. Chiocci (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), Marcello Tropeano (Univ. Bari), Domenico Chiarella (Royal Holloway, Univ. London), Marco Brandano (Univ. Roma La Sapienza)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] - Room A3

5-1 08.30-08.45 Tortorici G., Giuffrida M., Pavano F., Punturo R., Romagnoli G., Sturiale G., Viccaro M. & Catalano S. : Cyclic sedimentary pulses in the volcanostratigraphic succession of Mt. Etna: evidence for climate-controlled clastic deposition.

5-2 08.45-09.00 Gamberi F. : Quaternary transgressive, tidal- and wave-dominated coastal-systems in the northeastern Sardinian relict shelf: spatial and temporal variations in coastal process regime.

5-3 09.00-09.15 Bruno L., Costagli B. & Amorosi A. : Deformed stratigraphic markers in the shallow subsurface of the Po Plain: indicators of recent tectonic activity?

5-4 09.15-09.30 Capuano N.* : Braid-Delta Depositional System in Peri-Adriatic Basin, Italy.

5-5 09.30-09.45 Frezza V., Chiocci F.L., Ingrassia M., Martorelli E. & Di Bella L. : Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental evidences from benthic foraminifers in the Pontine Archipelago shelf (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy).

5-6 09.45-10.00 Casalbore D., Bosman A., Ridente D., Clementucci R. & Chiocci F.L. : Morpho-stratigraphic characterization of a submarine deltaic system linked to the Mazzarrà River in the Gulf of Patti (Southern Italy).

5-7 10.00-10.15 Longhitano S.G.* : Past and present sedimentary dynamics of a tide-dominated passageway: the Messina Strait in the central Mediterranean.

5-8 10.15-10.30 Chiocci F.L., Casalbore D., Romagnoli C., Martorelli E. & Falese F. : Submarine depositional terraces in the Mediterranean Sea: genesis and their possible use as proxy for paleo-sea level reconstructions and neotectonics.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

5-9 Pannello 8 de Musso N.M., Caldara M., Capolongo D. & Pennetta L.: "Spatio-temporal channel changes, in a Basento river reach (south Italy), in response to the great flood events of 2011 and 2013, with the application of Event Dynamic Classification (EDC) and Event River Morphodynamic Corridor (EMCo)".

5-10 Pannello 9 Nappi A., Rossi V.M., Mellere D. & Longhitano S.G. : Sedimentological and paleoenvironmental analysis of a lower Pleistocene stratigraphic section exposed in the SE Siderno Basin, southern Calabria.

5-11 Pannello 10 Ruberti D., Sacchi M., Pepe F. & Vigliotti M. : The Holocene stratigraphic architecture of the Volturno River delta (Southern Italy).

S6 The dynamics of sedimentary processes in coastal areas

Conveners and Chairpersons: Massimo Moretti (Univ. Bari), Daniela Ruberti (Univ. CampaniaL. Vanvitelli), Vincenzo Pascucci (Univ. Sassari)


Friday 14 September 2018 [15.30-17.30] - Room A3

6-1 15.30-15.45 Borzì L. & Di Stefano A. : Evaluate the effectiveness of renaturalization processes in a dune system: input from a multi-method analysis of shoreline evolution in South Sicily, Italy.

6-2 15.45-16.00 Ruberti D.* & Vigliotti M. : From the Bourbon reclamation to the present landscape structure of the Volturno River coastal plain (northern Campania).

6-3 16.00-16.15 Carpi L., Mucerino L., Nuzzi A., Besio G., Firpo M. & Ferrari M. : Coastal monitoring system to evaluate morphodynamic response on Levanto Bay (Liguria).

6-4 16.15-16.30 Lisco S., Moretti M., Pierri C., Cardone F., Lazic T., Mele D. & Corriero G. : The Sabellaria worm reef along the Italian Coast.

6-5 16.30-16.45 Di Stefano A., Spada P., De Pietro R. & Borzì L. : Anthropogenic effects on coastal erosion in south Sicily: the case history of Pozzallo coastline.

6-6 16.45-17.00 Donato P., De Rosa R., Delle Rose M., Dominici R., Le Pera E., Parise D. & Tenuta M. : Provenance and dispersion of heavy minerals in the beach sand of the Apulia coast.

6-7 17.00-17.15 Amodio S., Aucelli P.P.C., Corrado G., Pappone G. & Schiattarella M. : Late Quaternary stratigraphic architecture of the Volturno coastal plain, southern Italy.

6-8 17.15-17.30 Lapietra I, Lisco S., Mele D. & Moretti M. : The textural features of sandy beaches along the Apulian coast.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

6-9 Pannello 14 Le Pera E.* & Morrone C. : The use of mineral interfaces in sand-sized volcanic rock fragments to infer durability.

6-10 Pannello 15 Morrone C., De Rosa R., Le Pera E. & Marsaglia K.M. : Roundness controls on modern beach sand from Aeolian Islands.

S7 From analogue to digital geological mapping: opportunities and risks in the use of new tools

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mauro Agate (Univ. Palermo), Michele Zucali (Univ. Milano), Chiara D'Ambrogi (ISPRA, Roma)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [14.30-16.30] / Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A9

7-1 14.30-14.45 Testa A., Boncio P., Brozzetti F. & Cirillo D. : Characteristics of the 2016 central Italy earthquake surface ruptures (M 6.5) from detailed digital mapping: rupture parameters and comparison with global data.

7-2 114.45-15.00 Di Capua A., Barilaro F. & Michetti A.M. : Lithological and structural characterization of the range front of the Monte Gorzano fault (Laga-Campotosto fault system): understanding the 2016-2017 earthquake ground effects.

7-3 15.00-15.15 Urbinati F., Cipicchia M. & De Donatis M. : UAV assisted geological mapping: application to stratigraphy and structural survey.

7-4 15.15-15.30 Menichetti M., Roccheggiani M., Tamburini A. & Tirincanti E. : 3D mapping of geological structures: from promise to the reality3D mapping of geological structures: from promise to the reality.

7-5 15.30-15.45 De Donatis M., Rossi A., Bartoccioni L. & Cortellucci D. : Open source in field geology: a QGIS-mate Android compass.

7-6 15.45-16.00 Ortolano G., Fiannacca P., Pagano M., Visalli R. & Cirrincione R. : Deterministic vs. Stochastic interpolation methods in geochemical mapping of plutonic complexes: Automated mapping via IG-Mapper of the Squillace pluton (Serre Massif, Southern Italy).

7-7 16.00-16.15 Zuffetti C., Bersezio R. & Comunian A. : Joining field mapping, subsurface stratigraphy and geological history in comprehensive 3D geological models: hints from the Quaternary Po Basin (Lombardy, Italy).

7-8 16.15-16.30 Congi M.P.* & Pantaloni M. : The INSPIRE directive and geological data: how far have we got?

7-9 17.00-17.15 Guerrieri L., Campo V., Congi M.P., Delogu D., Delfini C., Leoni G. & Ventura R. : The new Portal of Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA): improvement of use of information.

7-10 17.15-17.30 Brobia Ansoleaga A., Cimoroni A., Pipponzi G., Porreca M., Ercoli M., Mancinelli P., Mirabella F. & Barchi M.R. : Web mapping-based solution for integrated management of geological and geophysical data.

7-11 17.30-17.45 Ciampi P., Esposito C., Petrangeli Papini M., Cassiani G., Rizzetto P. & Pompilj F. : Multiscale and Multidisciplinary approach to support the remediation strategy of the Decimomannu military Air Base.

7-12 17.45-18.00 Marcelli I., Barale L., Piana F., Tallone S., Botta S., Compagnoni R., Boerio V., Cipolli F. & Polattini S. : Integration of GIS and AutoCAD informative systems for the execution of the "Gronda di Genova" highway tunnel.

7-13 18.00-18.15 Battaglini L., D'Angelo S. & Fiorentino A. : Digital mapping of submerged areas: from the planning to the development of the final products.

7-14 18.15-18.30 Agate M., Battaglini L., Busetti M., D'Angelo S., Fiorentino A., Giordano G., Loreto M.F., Morelli D., Palmiotto C., Pantaloni M., Pensa A., Pinton A.M., Vita L. & Volpi V. : Structural mapping of Italian Seas: an integrated view of different geological events.

7-15 18.30-18.45 Palmiotto C., Loreto M.F., D'Angelo S. & Fiorentino A. : Regional scale morphotectonic pattern of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

7-16 18.45-19.00 Pantaloni M., Celarc B., Marku S., Miko S., Radusinovic S. & Vućić Lj. : The pre-Pliocene geological map of the Adriatic Sea.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

7-17 Pannello 20 Capponi G., Casale S., Montomoli C., Carosi R., Cox S., Crispini L., Federico L., Iaccarino S., Läufer A., Musumeci G., Salvatore M.C. & Scarsi M. : Filling the gap between the GIGAMAP and the GNS maps in Victoria Land, Antarctica: geological mapping in the Convoy Range.

7-18 Pannello 21 Cirillo D., Brozzetti F. & Lavecchia G. : From traditional fieldbook to tablet and drone-aided mapping techniques: an application to the coseismic ruptures survey following the 2016 central Italy earthquakes.

7-19 Pannello 22 Corti L., Zucali M., Delleani F., Zanoni D. & Spalla M.I. : 3D modelling of fabric domains in the eclogitised continental crust of the Mt. Mucrone area, Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Alps.

7-20 Pannello 23 D'Ambrogi C., Berti D., Bonomo R., Capotorti F., Marino M., Muraro C., Pampaloni M.L., Perini P., Pichezzi R.M., Ricci V., Rossi M., Silvestri S. & Vita L. : From geological field survey and biostratigraphic analysis to 3D geological modelling: some of the ongoing activities at Servizio Geologico d'Italia.

7-21 Pannello 24 De Donatis M., Lucchetta D., Capellacci P. & Susini S. : 3D modelling and printing geology of Monte Fumaiolo: back to analog representation.

7-22 Pannello 25 Gallicchio S., Capolongo D., Colacicco R., Girone A., Maiorano P. & Marino M. : Digital tools for improving field geological mapping. A case study from the Regional Reserve of Montalbano Jonico Badlands (Basilicata, Southern Italy).

7-23 Pannello 26 Luoni P., Zanoni D., Rebay G. & Spalla M.I. : Structural mapping of UHP serpentinites at Créton, upper Valtournenche valley, Zermatt-Saas Zone.

7-24 Pannello 27 Mureddu A.* : Drafting the provincial road safety plan as an opportunity to develop a platform for the geological risk assessment in the territory of South Sardinia Province - Italy.

7-25 Pannello 28 Ortolano G., Zucali M., Corti L., Pagano M., Visalli R. & Cirrincione R. : Metamorphic Geo-Petrology Information System (MetGeoPetIS): a new cyberinfrastructure for numerical metamorphic geology data management.

7-26 Pannello 29 Ottomanelli G.P.* & Gallicchio S. : Geological Map of Forenza Town Area (prov. of Potenza), 1:15.000 scale. External Sector of Southern Apennines.

S8 Tectonic and sedimentation relationships in Mediterranean basins and belts. A tribute to Fabio Lentini

Conveners and Chairpersons: Agata Di Stefano (Univ. Catania), Rosanna Maniscalco (Univ. Catania)


Friday 14 September 2018 [15.30-17.30] - Room A3

8-1 08.30-09.00 [KEYNOTE] Butler R.W.H.*: Interactions between tectonics and deposition in thrustrelated basins: interpreting the record.

8-2 09.00-09.15 Argnani A.*: Variability of Africa-vergent Fold-and-Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins of the Central Mediterranean: The Inheritance of Mesozoic Palaeogeography.

8-3 09.15-09.30 Innamorati G.* & Santantonio M.: Sedimentological features of a preserved Early Jurassic basin margin.

8-4 09.30-09.45 Cavallina C.* , Benvenuti M., Papini M. & Moratti G.: The Middle Jurassic evolution of the Central High Atlas domain (Morocco): suggestions from the paleo-drainage evolution of the Guettouia Formation.

8-5 09.45-10.00 Calabrò R.A.* & Di Biase D.: Impact of Neotethys's rifting on Western Desert basins evolution.

8-6 10.00-10.15 Frizon de Lamotte D.* & Leprêtre R.: The Tell-Rif orogenic system (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) and the complex heritage of the southern Tethys margin.

8-7 10.15-10.30 Abbassi A.*, Cipollari P., Zaghloul M.N. & Cosentino D.: Evidence for a Late Tortonian Wedge-Top Basin in the Northern Rif Belt (Morocco).

8-8 11.00-11.15 [SPONSOR OGS] Pedicchio M.C.*: Oceanografia e Geofisica per le Scienze della Terra.

8-9 11.15-11.30 Berra F.*, Stucchi E.M. & Moretti S.: New information from "old" seismic lines: an updated geological interpretation from the re-processing of the CROP line M-2A/I (Bonifacio Straits) at shallow depth.

8-10 11.30-11.45 Spina A.*, Brogi A., Capezzuoli E., Cirilli S., Liotta D. & Rettori R.: New microfloristic data from the Rio Marina Formation (Elba Island): through a stratigraphic correlation of the Upper Palaeozoic successions in Southern Tuscany (Northern Apennines, Italy).

8-11 11.45-12.00 Capotorti F.*, Berti D., D'Ambrogi C., Marino M., Muraro C., Perini P., Pichezzi R.M., Ricci V., Rossi M. & Silvestri S.: Stratigraphic and structural complexity in the Northern-Central Apennines: the record of the geological sheet Antrodoco, 1:50.000 scale.

8-12 12.00-12.15 Cipriani A.* & Bottini C.: Unconformities, neptunian dykes and mass-transport deposits as an evidence for synsedimentary tectonics: new insights from the Central Apennines.

8-13 12.15-12.30 Casciano C.I.*, Patacci M., Longhitano S.G., Tropeano M., McCaffrey W.D. & Di Celma C.: The stratigraphic evolution of a submarine channel system in a tectonically-confined basin: the Miocene Gorgoglione flysch formation, southern Italy.

8-14 12.30-12.45 Fornelli A.*, Gallicchio S., Langone A. & Micheletti F.: U-Pb detrital zircon ages from Gorgoglione Flysch sandstones (Southern Apennines, Italy): inferences on source area.

8-15 12.45-13.00 Cerone D., Gallicchio S.* & Tinterri R.: Tectonic control on trench-type basin stratigraphic succession in Apenninic Maghrebian Orogen. An example from the Tufiti di Tusa Formation (Calabria – Lucania border, Southern Italy).

8-16 18.00-18.15 Romagnoli G.*, Pavano F., Tortorici G., Tortorici L. & Catalano S.: The Late Tortonian-Quaternary kinematic model of central Sicily: new insights on the mode of deformation of the inverted African margin.

8-17 18.15-18.30 Sulli A.*, Gasparo Morticelli M. & Agate M.: Basins at convergent margins: evolution of the Messinian basins developed on top of the Sicilian Fold and Thrust belt.

8-18 18.30-18.45 Micallef A., Camerlenghi A.*, Garcia-Castellanos D., Cunarro Otero D., Gutscher M.- A., Barreca G., Spatola D., Facchin L., Geletti R., Krastel S., Gross F. & Urlaub M.: Evidence of the Zanclean megaflood in the eastern Mediterranean Basin.

8-19 18.45-19.00 Gamberi F.*: Tectonics as a key control on sedimentary processes and basin infill from the coastal areas to the deep-sea: examples from the Cefalù Basin (Northern Sicilian Margin, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea).

8-20 19.00-19.15 Pappalardo G., Mineo S., Casciano C.*, Di Stefano A. & Catalano S.: First results on the characterization of Capo D'Orlando Flysch (Calabria-Peloritani Orogen) through the integration of geomechanics and sedimentology.

8-21 19.15-19.30 Distefano S.*, Gamberi F. & Di Stefano A.: Structural and stratigraphic reconstruction of an offshore portion of the sicilian hyblean foreland ramp.

8-22 19.30-19.45 Artoni A.*, Polonia A., Torelli L., Mussoni P., Carlini M., Gasperini L. & Basso J.: From foredeep to wedge-top in the Plio-Pleistocene Bradano basin: the Apulia plate as the external front of the Southern Apennines and the Calabrian Arc. Implications for seismic hazard in the Gulf of Taranto.

8-23 19.45-20.00 Reguzzi S.*, Chesi C., Strepparola L., Cadel G., Berra F. & Felletti F.: New indirect evidence of Permian bi-modal volcanism from sediment petrology in the Orobic Basin (Central Southern Alps, Italy).


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

8-24 Pannello 11 Brozzetti F.*, Cerritelli F., Cirillo D & Agostini S.: Stratigraphic and structural characterization of the Roccacaramanico Conglomerates (Majella Unit - Abruzzo, Italy).

8-25 Pannello 12 Consorti L.*, Sabbatino M., Cipriani A. & Parente M.: Biostratigraphic and Sr-isotope constraints on the Miocene transgressive surface in the Southern Apennines.

8-26 Pannello 13 Innamorati G.*, Fabbi S. & Santantonio M.: The role played by varying trophic conditions within the same rift basin in the development of carbonate bodies fringing different footwall blocks: the Lower Caloveto Fm. (Longobucco Basin - Sila Greca, Calabria).

8-27 Pannello 14 Tripodi V.*, Muto F., Brutto F., Perri F. & Critelli S.: The tectonic and sedimentary framework of the Neogene Quaternary back-arc and forearc areas, in the southern Calabria (south Italy).

8-28 Pannello 15 Velicogna M.*, Princivalle F., Lughi V., Petrelli M. & Lenaz D.: Provenance evolution of the Julian Flysch Basin through geochronological and geochemical study of detrital zircon and rutile.

8-29 Pannello 16 Zecchin M.*, Accaino F., Ceramicola S., Civile D., Critelli S., Da Lio C., Mangano G., Prosser G., Teatini P. & Tosi L.: Architecture, timing and triggering factors of the Crotone Megalandslide, southern Italy.

8-30 Pannello 17 Zizzo E.*, Spatola D., Sulli A. & Micallef A.: Seismostratigraphic reconstruction of the Messinian palaeotopography across the Northern Sicily Continental Margin (NSCM) and an overlying Zanclean megaflood deposit.

S9. Faulting and folding across the scales. How, where, and why the lithosphere deforms

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabrizio Balsamo (Univ. Parma), Stefano Tavani (Univ. NapoliFederico II), Stefano Zanchetta (Univ. Milano Bicocca), Massimo Mattei (Univ. Roma Tre)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [14.30-16.30] / Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A13

9-1 14.30-15.00 [KEYNOTE] Vannucchi P.*, Spagnuolo E., Di Toro G., Aretusini S., Nielsen S., Morgan J. & de Montserrat A.: Controlling factors for the mode of slip in the shallowest portions of megathrusts.

9-2 15.00-15.15 Aldega L.*, Viola G., Casas-Sainz A., Marcén M., Román-Berdiel T. & van der Leilj R.: Deciphering the timing of deformation of polyphase crustal-scale faults in northern Iberia, Spain: Insights from K-Ar dating of clay gouges.

9-3 15.15-15.30 Lanari R.*, Fellin M.G., Faccenna C., Balestrieri M.L., Pazzaglia F., Nasrrddine Y. & Maden C.: Control of the inherited structures on the Miocene orogenic evolution of the High Atlas (Morocco).

9-4 15.30-15.45 Zanchi A.*, Zanchetta S., Mascandola C. & Montemagni C.: Plastic to brittle deformations along the Meran-Mauls segment of the Periadriatic Fault, Italy.

9-5 15.45-16.00 Mercuri M.*, Carminati E., Mazzanti P., Tartarello M.C., Baleani M. & Collettini C.: Real and virtual outcrops to characterize the internal structure of a carbonatehosted fault zone: the Tre Monti fault case study in Central Italy.

9-6 16.00-16.15 Siravo G.*, Faccenna C., Becker T.W., Fellin M.G., Gérault M., Herman F. & Molin P.: The role of inherited structures and slab flattening to the topographic growth of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia.

9-7 16.15-16.30 Maggini M.* & Caputo R.: A rheological transect across the Hellenides.

9-8 17.00-17.30 [KEYNOTE] Corbi F.*: Lab-scale subduction megathrust earthquakes: applications and future directions.

9-9 17.30-17.45 Mittempergher S.*, Zanchetta S., Villa I.M., Caldiroli F., Bistacchi A. & Zanchi A.: Radiometric ages of solid state deformation structures in the Northern Aadamello Avio granodiorite (Southern Alps, N Italy).

9-10 17.45-18.00 Montanari D.*, Bonini M., Corti G., Agostini A. & Del Ventisette C.: Deformation associated to shallow magma intrusions: hints from analogue models.

9-11 18.00-18.15 Del Sole L.* & Antonellini M.: Calcite-cement precipitation mediated by cataclastic shear bands in arkosic sand: petrophysical and mechanical considerations.

9-12 18.15-18.30 Sabbatino M.*, Consorti L., Vitale S., Tavani S., Corradetti A., Cipriani A. & Parente M.: Structural and stratigraphic constraints of the Cretaceous to Miocene deposits bracketing the forebulge unconformity in southern Apennines by means of extensional structures pattern and Sr-isotope stratigraphy.

9-13 18.30-18.45 Grieco D.S.*, Ferraro F., Agosta F., Ukar E., Cavalcante F., Belviso C. & Prosser G.: Diagenetic evolution of carbonate fault rocks associated to extensional normal faults of central and southern Apennines.

9-14 18.45-19.00 La Bruna V.*, Lamarche J., Giuffrida A., Salardon R., Marié L. & Agosta F.: Structural diagenesis of platform carbonates: role of possible early embrittlement on fracture development and distribution.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Area Poster

9-15 Pannello 30 De Guidi G. & Privitera G.*: New data of Catania Anticline activity in the western area of Misterbianco Town (eastern Sicily).

9-16 Pannello 31 Fabbi S.* & Smeraglia L.: Backthrusts occurrence in fold-thrust belt and their effect on extensional fault displacement estimations: field evidence from the Middle Val Roveto, central Apennines, Italy.

9-17 Pannello 32 Federico L.*, Maino M., Crispini L. & Capponi G.: Paleo-depth of fault activity: an estimate from paleostress state calculations.

9-18 Pannello 33 Malatesta C.*, Crispini L., Läufer A., Lisker F. & Capponi G.: Microstructural records of a polyphase hydrothermal fluid rock interaction along exhumed faults in northern Victoria Land (Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica).

9-19 Pannello 34 Scarsi M.*, Crispini L., Federico L., Garofalo P.S., Mariani E., Crowley S. & Capponi G.: Ultramafic rocks carbonation during paleo-seismic events: evidence from exhumed faults (Voltri Massif, Italy).

S10. The role of shear zones in the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the lithosphere: insights from microfabric to mountain belt structures

Conveners and Chairpersons: Rodolfo Carosi (Univ. Torino), Eugenio Fazio (Univ. Catania), Salvatore Iaccarino (Univ. Torino), Chiara Montomoli (Univ. Pisa)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Thursday 13 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A8

10-1 08.30-09.00 [KEYNOTE] Viola G.*, Scheiber T., Bingen B. & Ganeroed M.: Multiple reactivation and strain localization along a Proterozoic orogen-scale deformation zone: The Kongsberg-Telemark boundary in southern Norway revisited.

10-2 09.00-09.15 Viti C.*, Collettini C., Tesei T., Tarling M.S. & Smith S.A.F.: Deformation microstructures and processes in serpentinites: from weak to ultraweak behavior.

10-3 09.15-09.30 Fiannacca P.*, Cirrincione R., Pezzino A. & Russo D.: Shear-related production of fake granitoids: there are trondhjemites and trondhjemites in the southern Calabria-Peloritani Orogen.

10-4 09.30-09.45 Butler R.W.H.* & Torvela T.: The competition between rates of deformation and solidification in syn-kinematic granitic intrusions: Resolving the pegmatite paradox.

10-5 09.45-10.00 Olivetti V.*, Balsamo F. & Rossetti F.: Brittle reactivation of mylonitic shear zones: constraining the Cenozoic tectonic evolution at the Transantactic Mountain Front, Victoria Land, Antarctica.

10-6 10.00-10.15 Ortolano G.*, Fazio E., Visalli R., Alsop I., Pagano M. & Cirrincione R.: Rheology and kinematics of the early-Alpine strike slip tectonics in the southern Calabrian terrane: the case of the Palmi shear zone (southern Italy).

10-7 10.15-10.30 Fazio E.*, Punturo R. & Cirrincione R.: Microtomography investigation of ultramylonites from crustal scale shear zones and implications on the rheology of the continental lithosphere.

10-8 11.00-11.15 Prosser G.*, Giuffrida A. & Agosta F.: The ductile deformation in the Messinian terrigenous deposits on top of the Inner Apulian Platform (Monte Alpi, Basilicata).

10-9 11.15-11.30 Real C.*, Froitzheim N., Carosi R. & Ferrando S.: Identification of Mesozoic detachments preserved in the South Alpine basement (northern Como lake area, Italy).

10-10 11.30-11.45 Simonetti M.*, Carosi R. & Montomoli C.: Evidence of the East Variscan Shear Zone in the Western Alps: case of study from the Argentera and the Aiguilles Rouges External Crystalline Massifs.

10-11 11.45-12.00 Pellegrino A.G.*, Zhang B., Speranza F., Maniscalco R., Yin C., Hernandez-Moreno C. & Winkler A.: Strike-slip fault shear vs. mega-block drift in Yunnan (China): paleomagnetic and structural investigation.

10-12 12.00-12.15 Rapa G., Mosca P., Groppo C. & Rolfo F.*: Petrology and structural geology help elucidate the occurrence of tectonometamorphic discontinuities in central Nepal Himalaya.

10-13 12.15-12.30 Chen J.*, Carosi R., Cao H., Montomoli C., Clark A.K., Iaccarino S., Real C. & Li G.X.: P-T-t-D paths of the Cuonadong detachment, SE Tibet.

10-14 12.30-12.45 Iaccarino S.*, Montomoli C., Carosi R., Montemagni C., Massonne H.-S., Jain A.K. & Visonà D.: Inverted metamorphic sequence along the Alaknanda-Dhauli Ganga valleys, Garhwal Himalaya (NW India).

10-15 12.45-13.00 Montemagni C.*, Carosi R., Iaccarino S., Montomoli C., Jain A.K. & Villa I.M.: Contemporaneity of the STDS and MCT in Garwhal Himalaya (NW India): myth or reality?

10-16 13.00-13.05 [SPONSOR AGILENT] Scardina P.*: Applicazioni nel settore geochimico e geocronologico in ICP-MS a triplo quadrupolo.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

10-17 Pannello 18 Carosi R.*, Montomoli C., Cottle J., Iaccarino S., Tartaglia G. & Visonà D.: Dating the High Himalayan Discontinuity and the Main Cenral Thrust in the Marshyangdi valley (Central Nepal) by in-situ U-Th-Pb monazite petrochrnology.

10-18 Pannello 19 Carosi R., Petroccia A.* & Montomoli C.: 1:25.000 structural map of Lodè and Mamone in the northern of the Sardinian variscan basement.

10-19 Pannello 20 Chen J., Carosi R.*, Cao H., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Langone A. & Li G.: Structural setting of the Yalaxiangbo dome, SE Tibet (China).

10-20 Pannello 21 De Bernardi S., Ferrando S.*, Decarlis A., Borghi A. & Manatschal G.: Post-Variscan events recorded near the Pogallo line (Lago d'Orta).

10-21 Pannello 22 Fazio E.*, Ortolano G., Visalli R., Cirrincione R. & Pezzino A.: Alpine shear zone reworking Variscan rocks in the Sila Piccola Massif (Northern Calabria).

10-22 Pannello 23 Montomoli C.*, Iaccarino S., Nania L., Leiss B. & Carosi R.: Deformation and kinematics in the South Tibetan Detachment System (Himalaya): a telescoped regional "contact" metamorphism?

10-23 Pannello 24 Montomoli C.*, Iaccarino S., Simonetti M., Lezzerini M. & Carosi R.: Structural setting, kinematics and metamorphism in a km-scale shear zone in the Inner Nappes of Sardinia (Italy).

10-24 Pannello 25 Nania L., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S.*, Leiss B. & Carosi R.: Non-coaxial deformation of the Main Central Thrust zone: kinematics and temperature regimes in the Annapurna Range, Lower Dolpo Region (Western Nepal).

10-25 Pannello 26 Petroccia A.*, Simonetti M., Carosi R. & Montomoli C.: Kinematic of the flow and finite strain analysis in the Cavalaire Fault (Maures Massif, SE France) and in the Posada-Asinara shear zone (Sardinia basement, Baronie).

10-26 Pannello 27 Purrone S.* & Carosi R.: The Variscan basament exposed in the southern Calabria: a Late Carboniferous network of shear zone?

10-27 Pannello 28 Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Fazio E., Cirrincione R. & Pezzino A.: A mini-atlas of shearrelated microstructures in late Variscan granitoid rock from the north-eastern Peloritani Mountains (southern Italy).

10-28 Pannello 29 Tursi F.*, Festa V., Fornelli A., Micheletti F. & Spiess R.: Syn-shearing Mobility of Major Elements in Ductile Shear Zones: State Of The Art for Felsic Deformed Protoliths.

S11. Tectono-metamorphic processes from micro-scale to plate margins: Geological, Geophysical and Petrological approaches in unravelling the evolution of metamorphic terrains in collisional belts

Conveners and Chairpersons: Gaetano Ortolano (Univ. Catania), Annamaria Marotta (Univ. Milano), Maria Iole Spalla (Univ. Milano)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Friday 14 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A9

11-1 08.30-09.00 [KEYNOTE] Rebay G.* & Powell R.: Phase equilibria for high-pressure serpentinites and compositionally-related rocks close to the MASH system.

11-2 09.00-09.15 Gilio M.*, Groppo C.*, Ferrando S. & Rolfo F.: Estimating differences in peak P-T conditions in the (U)HP tectonic nappe stack of Southern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps).

11-3 09.15-09.30 Musiyachenko K.* & Korsakov A.: Tourmaline zoning pattern recording fluid evolution in the Kokchetav diamond grade metamorphic rocks.

11-4 09.30-09.45 Roda M.*, Zucali M., Regorda A. & Spalla M.I.: Is the Rocca Canavese Thrust Sheet (Italian Western Alps) a subduction-related mélange? A multidisciplinary approach.

11-5 09.45-10.00 Scambelluri M.*, Pennacchioni G., Gilio M., Bestmann M., Plümper O., Nestola F. & Notini L.: Fossil intermediate depth earthquakes in subducting slab mantle linked to differential stress release.

11-6 10.00-10.15 Corti L.*, Visalli R., Ortolano G., Zucali M. & Zanoni D.: Quantitative analysis of metamorphic reaction progress along strain gradients in granitoid and basic rocks from Lago della Vecchia, Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Alps.

11-7 10.15-10.30 Tumiati S.*, Pellegrino L., Zanchetta S. & Malaspina N.: High-temperature overprint in high-pressure rocks from Monte Duria (Adula Nappe, Italy): clues for the subduction/exhumation history of the Central Alps.

11-8 11.00-11.15 Rubatto D.*: Geochronological constraints on the rates of subduction and crustal melting.

11-9 11.15-11.30 Tursi F.*, Spiess R., Festa V. & Caggianelli A.: New insights for the tectonometamorphic evolution of the upper intermediate crustal section exposed in the southern Serre Massif (Calabria, Southern Italy): phase equilibria modelling of a garnet-hornblende bearing metandesitic lense.

11-10 11.30-11.45 Ortolano G., Visalli R.*, Godard G. & Cirrincione R.: Garnet diffusion modelling applied for discovering timescales and rates of geological processes: two different case from Serre and Sila massifs (Calabria, Italy).

11-11 11.45-12.00 Mazzucchelli M.L.*, Angel R.J., Morganti S., Reali A. & Alvaro M.: Elastic geobarometry for elastically anisotropic inclusions.

11-12 12.00-12.15 Campomenosi N.*, Mazzucchelli M.L., Mihailova B.D., Korsakov A., Scambelluri M., Angel R.J. & Alvaro M.: Relations between induced birefringence haloes and polarized raman spectra in host cubic crystals.

11-13 12.15-12.30 Murri M.*, Mazzucchelli M.L., Campomenosi N., Korsakov A., Prencipe M., Mihailova B.D., Scambelluri M., Ange R.J.l. & Alvaro M.: Raman elastic geobarometry for anisotropic mineral inclusions.

11-14 12.30-12.45 van Schrojenstein Lantman H.W.*, Wallis D., Scambelluri M. & Alvaro M.: Applying elastic geobarometry on the Lago di Cignana UHPM unit: preliminary results.

11-15 12.45-12.50 [SPONSOR ZEISS] Graham S.*: Automated Quantitative Mineralogy in Geoscience Research.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

11-16 Pannello 16 Cavalcante F.*, Catanzariti R. & Prosser G.: A geological map of the Liguride complex of the Pollino area (Southern Apennines).

11-17 Pannello 17 Corno A., Borghi A., Gattiglio M. & Mosca P.*: Lithostratigraphic and structural features of the Monte Banchetta – Punta Rognosa massif (Western Alps, Italy).

11-18 Pannello 18 Cruciani G.*, Fancello D., Franceschelli M. & Musumeci G.: Geochemical data on the Ordovician magmatism of Sardinia Variscan chain: the case study of Monte Filau orthogneiss.

11-19 Pannello 19 Frassi C., Rebay G.*, Pandolfi L., Marroni M., Göncüoğlu C.M., Ellero A., Ottria G. & Sayit K.: Metamorphic evolution of the Saka Unit (Central Pontides, Northern Turkey): new implications for the Mesozoic convergence-related processes in the Intra Pontide suture zone.

11-20 Pannello 20 Gilio M.*, Campomenosi N., Scambelluri M. & Alvaro M.: Raman vs. classic geothermobarometry: a comparative study.

11-21 Pannello 21 Gusmeo T., Spalla M.I.*, Tartarotti P., Zanoni D. & Gosso G.: Structural-geological survey of an eclogitized chaotic complex: the Riffelberg - Garten Unit in the Breuil dell (Zermatt-Saas Zone, Italian Western Alps).

11-22 Pannello 22 Malatesta C.*, Capponi G., Gerya T., Läufer A., Scarsi M. & Crispini L.: Integrating geological data with numerical models for the understanding of the RossDelamerian Orogeny in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica).

11-23 Pannello 23 Pellegrino L., Zanchetta S., Tumiati S., Langone A., Zanchi A. & Malaspina N.*: High pressure melting of eclogite: structural and geochemical evidence for multiple metasomatism of grt-peridotites from the Duria Area (Central Alps, N Italy).

11-24 Pannello 24 Real C.*, Ferrando S., Carosi R., Fassmer K., Froitzheim N., Rubatto D. & Groppo C.: The pre-Alpine polymetamorphic basement of the Southern Alps: A new petrogeochronological data set from the Dervio-Olgiasca Zone.

11-25 Pannello 25 Salerno D.*, Fiannacca P., Ortolano G., Lombardo R., Giustolisi L. & Cirrincione R.: Garnet-bearing quartz diorites as clues for melting and melt extraction processes in the lower crust (Capo Vaticano Promontory, southern Italy).

11-26 Pannello 26 Scodina M.*, Cruciani G., Franceschelli M. & Massonne H.-J.: Anticlockwise P-T metamorphic evolution of retrogressed amphibolites from NE Sardinia, Italy: geodynamic implications.

11-27 Pannello 27 Zanoni D., Roda M. & Spalla M.I.*: Permian geodynamics of the central Southalpine by tectono-thermal record in post-Variscan conglomerates.

S12. Georesources and Energy for the XXI Century

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabrizio Agosta (Univ. Basilicata), Roberto Gambini (ENEL), Sergio G. Longhitano (Univ. Basilicata), Stefano Mazzoli (Univ. Napoli Federico II), Giorgio Minelli (Univ. Perugia), Emanuele Tondi (Univ. Camerino), Pierluigi Vecchia (Strata GeoResearch srl), Emilio Tebaldi (ENI)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Friday 14 September [11.00-13.00] / Friday 14 September [15.30-17.30] - Room A2

12-1 08.30-08.45 Filipovich R., Invernizzi C.*, Ahumada F., Chiodi A., Báez W., Aldega L., Bigi S., Becchio R., Corrado S., Caricchi C., De Astis G., De Benedetti A., Groppelli G., Norini G., Taviani S., Tassi F., Viramonte J. & Giordano G.: New conceptual model for the Tocomar Geothermal System (Central Puna, NW Argentina): insights from geological, structural and geochemical data.

12-2 08.45-09.00 Cavalcante F.*, Fulignati P., Belviso C., Petrullo A., Prosser G. & Agosta F.: The Monte Vulture Volcano (Southern Apennines; Italy): evidences of past hydrothermal circulation and inferences on geothermal potential.

12-3 09.00-09.15 Dini A.*: A conceptual model for the Tuscan crustal magmatism: insights on geothermal systems.

12-4 09.15-09.30 Moia F., Colucci F., Agate G. & Bernardo N.*: Geological and numerical fluid dynamic modeling of the offshore hydrocarbon reservoir of Santa Maria Mare (central Adriatic Sea).

12-5 09.30-09.45 Agate G.*, Moia F. & Colucci F.: Numerical simulations of the industrial process of storage of natural gas in order to investigate the safety of a real depleted tank.

12-6 09.45-10.00 Di Maggio F.* & Balossino P.: Integrated petrophysical characterization in a complex brownfield.

12-7 10.00-10.15 Colucci F., Moia F.*, Plaisant A., Maiu A. & Pettinau A.: Geological and numerical fluid dynamic modelling of Sulcis basin in Sardinia for CO2 geological storage.

12-8 10.15-10.30 Volatili T.*, Zambrano M. & Tondi E.: From fracture analysis to fluid flow evaluation of fractured carbonates.

12-9 11.00-11.15 Riegel H.*, Volatili T., Teloni S., Di Celma C., Mattioni L., Agosta F. & Tondi E.: Mechanical stratigraphy and structural controls on permeability across fault zones.

12-10 11.15-11.45 [KEYNOTE] Aydin A.* & Zhong J.: Using Rock Fracture Knowledgebase for environment and energy and related issues.

12-11 11.45-12.00 Ferraro F.* , Prasad M., Vinciguerrra S., Violay M., Giorgioni M. & Agosta F.: Petrophysical and rock physical properties of carbonate fault rocks.

12-12 12.00-12.15 Gambino S.*, Fazio E., Maniscalco R., Punturo R., Barreca G., Lanzafame G. & Butler R.: Fold-related deformation bands: an analogue of a shallow-burial reservoir from Numidian turbidites of Sicily.

12-13 12.15-12.30 Mattioni L.*, Lloyd A. & Valera K.: Fault seal analysis as tool to reduce the uncertainties in E&P - Science or fiction?

12-14 12.30-12.45 Zambrano M.*, Pitts A., Salma A., Giorgioni M. & Tondi E.: Assessment of the fracture roughness and their control on single fracture permeability in carbonates.

12-15 12.45-13.00 Giuffrida A.*, La Bruna V., Panza E., Eriksson M., Torrieri S. & Agosta F.: Multi-scale fracture stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous limestone rocks exposed at the Monte Alpi, southern Italy.

12-16 15.30-15.45 Stocco D.*, Pontiggia M. & Da Pra A.: Sedimentological Data Integration in a Process-based Approach for Reservoir Model.

12-17 15.45-16.00 Telesca D.*, Longhitano S.G., Pistis M., Tropeano M., Sabato L. & Pascucci V.: Miocene outcrop analogues for the Upper Jurassic Rogn Fm in the Norwegian Shelf.

12-18 16.00-16.30 [KEYNOTE] Rossi V.M.*, Kim W., Leva López J., Edmonds D., Geleynse N., Olariu C., Steel R. J., Hiatt M. & Passalacqua P.: The effect of tides on morphology, stratigraphic architecture and sediment bypass in river-dominated deltas.

12-19 16.30-16.45 Jablonská D.*, Volatili T., Di Celma C. & Tondi E.: Impact of gravity-driven deposits on fault damage zone architecture.

12-20 16.45-17.00 Borrelli M.*, Campilongo G., Critelli S., Perrotta I.D. & Perri E.: 3D Nanopores tomography using transmission electron microscopy in Triassic Dolostones.

12-21 17.00-17.15 Samperi L.*, Minelli G., Cannata A., Madonna C., Mancinelli P., Pauselli C., Taha N., Waldmann N. & Zappone A.: Estimation of VP-VS, density, elastic moduli and thermal conductivity of Messinian Salt Rocks, Sicily: important physical parameters for multiple purposes.

12-22 17.15-17.30 Pitts A.*, Spina V., Mazzoli S., Di Celma C. & Tondi E.: Investigating subsurface basin architecture from the sky with UAV-based Structure from Motion Photogrammetry: an example from the Calvello Basin, Southern Italy.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

12-23 Pannello 28 Balestra M., Corrado S., Aldega L.*, Gasparo Morticelli M., Sulli A., Rudkiewicz J.-L. & Sassi W.: 3D Structural Modeling and Restoration in thrust belts: examples from the Kumeta and Busambra Mts, Sicilian fold and thrust belt, Italy.

12-24 Pannello 29 Castelluccio P.*, Giuffrida A., La Bruna V., Panza E., Rustichelli A., Tondi E., Giorgioni M. & Agosta F.: Outcrop-scale fracture analysis of tight, well-bedded, Lower Cretaceous limestones, Monte Alpi (southern Italy).

12-25 Pannello 30 Floridia G.* & Viccaro M.: The role of geology in the optimization of low-enthalpy geothermal systems: a case study from the Island of Salina (Aeolian Islands, Italy).

12-26 Pannello 31 Grimaldi S.*, Napoliello A., Giuffrida A. & Agosta F.: Hypothermal springs of La Calda, Monte Alpi (southern Italy): first results of an integrated hydrogeological and structural study.

12-27 Pannello 32 Mahdikhani Sarvejahani C.*, Aldega L., Corrado S. & Sarfi M.: Preliminary paleothermal and geochemical data of the sedimentary succession in the Huleylan well, Lorestan, Iran.

12-28 Pannello 33 Manniello C.*, Giambersio D., Rustichelli A., Belviso C., Cavalcante F., Ferraro F. & Agosta F.: Tectonic control on bauxite formation during Upper Cretaceous faulting of the Outer Apulian Platform.

12-29 Pannello 34 Olita F.*, Rossi V.M., Chiarella D. & Longhitano S.G.: Lower Pleistocene large-scale tidal architectures investigated using remote techniques (Siderno Basin, Calabria) to improve reservoir modelling.

12-30 Pannello 35 Parrino N.*, Todaro S., Agosta F., Di Stefano P., Napoli G., Pepe F., Renda P. & Martire L.: Structural control on oil first migration within Triassic shale, Favignana Island, Italy.

S13. Outcrop analogues in exploration and production

Conveners and Chairpersons: Domenico Chiarella (Royal Holloway, Univ. London), Massimo Rossi (ENI)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A3

13-1 11.00-11.30 [KEYNOTE] Deschamps R.*, Schmitz J., Joseph P., Doligez B., Lerat O., Hamon Y. & Rohais S.: From 3D virtual outcrops to numerical reservoir models: an integrated approach that brings outcrops to the office.

13-2 11.30-11.45 Succo A.*, Mittempergher S., Bistacchi A., Mozafari M., Bruna P.O., Meda M. & Stort F.: Fracture attribute characterization in outcrop analogues by a combined field and multiscale photogrammetry approach: insights from platform carbonates folded in the Pag anticline, External Dinarides of Croatia.

13-3 11.45-12.00 Martinelli M.*, Bistacchi A., Balsamo F. & Meda M.: 3D model of a km-scale outcrop analogue of fractured hydrocarbon reservoirs: the Gozo Island.

13-4 12.00-12.15 Tomassetti L.*, Petracchini L., Brandano M., Trippetta F. & Tomassi A.: 3Dmodelling of lateral facies heterogeneity of a Chattian carbonate ramp (Salento, southern Italy).

13-5 12.15-12.30 Cerone D.*, Gallicchio S. & Patacci M.: Turbidite Sedimentation in the Miocene Foredeep of the Southern Apennines: High Resolution Physical Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis of the Serra Palazzo Formation (Basilicata, Southern Italy).

13-6 12.30-12.45 Rossi M.*, Jacquin T., Visconti L., Fervari M., Carrasquero G., Castoro A., Daubigney L., Lisi N., Giaj-Via P. & Bettin S.: The contribution of outcrop analogues to the characterization of drowned shelf margins: examples from the Biscay-Cantabrian basin (Spain) and the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (Italy).

13-7 12.45-13.00 Chiarella D.*, Hernández-Molina F.J., Longhitano S.G. & Mason A.: Tectonostratigraphic, sedimentological and paleo oceanographic implications of gateways: insight from southern Italy.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

13-8 Pannello 30 Barilaro F* & Di Capua A.: Interaction between hydrothermal-carbonate precipitation and volcanoclastic sedimentation in continental settings: is there any relevance to hydrocarbon generation?

13-9 Pannello 31 Randazzo V.*, Cacciatore M.S., Todaro S. & Di Stefano P.: Slope Failures and MTDs along a Cretaceous Escarpment in Western Sicily (Italy).

13-10 Pannello 32 Ruggieri R.* & Trippetta F.: Temperature effects on acoustic measurements conducted on bitumen-saturated carbonate rocks of the Majella reservoir (Central Italy).

S14. Integrated studies of recent and active deformations onland and offshore

Conveners and Chairpersons: F. Massimiliano Barchi (Univ. Perugia), Pierfrancesco Burrato (INGV, Roma 1), Luigi Ferranti (Univ. Napoli Federico II), Fabrizio Pepe (Univ. Palermo), Marco Sacchi (IAMC-CNR, Napoli)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [18.00-20.00] - Room A8

14-1 18.00-18.15 Casini L.*, Sechi D., Andreucci S., Shen C.-C. & Pascucci V.: Combined luminescence and U-Th dating of Holocene faults in NW Sardinia (Italy).

14-2 18.00-18.15 Patricelli G.* & Poli M.E.: Evidence for quaternary tectonic activity from the reconstruction of the buried quaternary bottom surface in the North-Eastern corner of the Friuli plain (NE Italy).

14-3 18.30-18.45 Tortorici G.*, Romagnoli G., Grassi S., Imposa S, Lombardo G., Panzera F. & Catalano S.: An example of Late Quaternary negative tectonic inversion along the Sibillini Thrust Front (central Apennines): the contribution of an integrated geological and geophysical investigation.

14-4 18.45-19.00 Valente E.*, Ascione A., Buscher J., Mazzoli S. & Petrosino P.: Active tectonics in the southern Matese area: insights from geomorphological, morphometrical, stratigraphical, structural and tephrostratigraphical data.

14-5 19.00-19.15 Carnemolla F.*, Brighenti F., Messina D., Lupo M., Barreca G., Monaco C., Curcuruto E., Bologna G. & De Guidi G.: Geodetic and photogrammetric survey of mud volcano in Santa Barbara village (Caltanissetta): implication of active tectonics.

14-6 19.15-19.30 Meccariello M.*, Ferranti L., Pepe F., Barreca G. & Monaco C.: Tectonics of the southwestern Sicily offshore based on multi-scale analysis of seismic reflection profiles.

14-7 19.30-19.45 Monaco C.*, Barberi G., Barreca G., Bruno V., De Guidi G., Mattia M., Pepe F. & Scarfì L.: Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active tectonics south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily).

14-8 19.45-20.00 Pavano F.*, Catalano S., Romagnoli G. & Tortorici G.: Geomorphic response to the late Quaternary tectonic deformation along the eastern margin of the Hyblean Plateau (SE-Sicily, Italy): the case study of the Avola Fault.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

14-9 Pannello 33 Alparone S., Sgroi T. & Ursino A.*: Seismological analysis along the Taormina Fault (Eastern Sicily, Italy).

14-10 Pannello 34 Brighenti F.*, Carnemolla F., Messina D., Lupo M., De Guidi G. & Barreca G.: Georeferencing techniques of 3d models (SfM): Case study of mud volcano, Village Santa Barbara, Caltanissetta (Sicily).

14-11 Pannello 35 Cianfarra P.*, Federico L., Crispini L., Capponi G. & Salvini F.: The structural architecture of the reactivated Rennick Geodynamic Belt (Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica).

14-12 Pannello 36 Civile D.*, Lodolo E., Accaino F., Geletti R., Schiattarella M., Giustiniani M., Fedorik J., Zecchin M. & Zampa L.: Capo Granitola-Sciacca Fault Zone (Sicilian Channel, Central Mediterranean): Structure vs magmatism.

14-13 Pannello 37 Festa V.*, De Giosa F., Moretti M., Del Gaudio V. & Pierri P.: In search of the seismogenetic fault of the March 23rd 2018 earthquake (Mw 3.7) near Brindisi (Apulia, Southern Italy): Quaternary structural setting of the southeast Murge Adriatic offshore.

14-14 Pannello 38 Forlano S.*, Ferranti L. & Milano G.: Active deformation between the Campania Plain and the Apennines based on integration of geological, geomorphological and seismological data.

14-15 Pannello 39 Mariucci M.T.* & Montone P.: Geophysical features of shallow crust in Sicily from well log data.

14-16 Pannello 40 Palano M.*: The present-day GNSS velocity and strain rate pattern of Italy.

14-17 Pannello 41 Parrino N.*, Gasparo Morticelli M., Pepe F., Burrato P., Di Maggio C., Perricone M. & Sulli A.: Morphometric analysis of the north-western Sicily sector and its implications for the neotectonics.

14-18 Pannello 42 Pepe F.*, Burrato F., Corradino M., de Jong I., Duarte H., Ferranti L., Hermosilha H., Monaco C., Monrigal O., Sacchi M., Sulli A. & Tonielli R.: Active volcano-tectonic deformations: a 3D seismic reflection experiment in the resurgent dome of the NYT Caldera (Pozzuoli Bay, Campi Flegrei, Naples).

14-19 Pannello 43 Spampinato S.*, Ursino A. & Palano M.: An evaluation of the seismic/geodetic deformation in the Sicily Channel (Italy).

14-20 Pannello 44 Tirincanti E.*, Monachesi G., Cattaneo M., Roccheggiani M. & Menichetti M.: Seismotectonics of Ancona Adriatic offshore: an attempt to construct a 3D velocity model for relocating earthquakes on the Ancona-Rimini coast.

S15. Tectonic and geodynamic control on large earthquakes and complex earthquake sequences: case studies from Italy and not only

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giuseppina Lavecchia (Univ. G. D'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara), Giancarlo Neri (Univ. Messina), Roberto Scarpa (Univ. Salerno), Riccardo Caputo (Univ. Ferrara)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Friday 14 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A8

15-1 08.30-08.45 [KEYNOTE] Brozzetti F.*, Cirillo D., Boncio P., Ferrarini F., de Nardis R., Testa A., Bello S. & Lavecchia G.: Field image of a foreshock-mainshock pair: the Amatrice (Mw6.0)-Norcia (Mw6.5) 2016 earthquakes case (central Italy).

15-2 08.45-09.00 Menichetti M.*, Roccheggiani M., Tamburini A. & Tirincanti E.: Surface ruptures geometries and extensional earthquake faults in the Sibillini mountains (Central Italy).

15-3 09.00-09.15 Ferrario M.F.*, Livio F. & Michetti A.M.: Distributed faulting and partitioning of the deformation in normal-faulting events: insights from the October 30, 2016 Central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.5).

15-4 09.15-09.30 Boncio P.*, Di Donato M., Mataloni G., Testa A., Palumbo D. & Le Donne L.: Paleoseismic slip of the Mt. Vettore fault revealed by detailed morphologic survey of the bedrock fault scarp (2016 central Italy earthquakes, M 6.5).

15-5 09.30-09.45 Carducci A.*, De Santis A., Lavecchia G. & de Nardis R.: Seismological and statistical analyses of 2009 L'Aquila and 2016 Amatrice-Norcia seismic sequences (NorthernCentral Italy).

15-6 09.45-10.00 Barchi M.R.*, Porreca M., Brobia Ansoleaga A., Cannata A., Cavinato G.P., Ercoli M., Giorgetti C., Mancinelli P., Minelli G., Mirabella F., Pauselli C. & Pucci S.: Subsurface geology and seismogenic faults in the area struck by the 2016-2017 earthquake sequence (Central Italy): a seismic reflection study.

15-7 10.00-10.15 Mancinelli P.*, Pauselli C., Porreca M., Minelli G., Ercoli M., Brobia Ansoleaga A., Giorgetti C., Carboni F., Samperi L., Mirabella F., Cannata A. & Barchi M.R.: Combined gravity and magnetic anomalies modeling across the area interested by the 2016-2017 seismic sequence in central Italy.

15-8 10.15-10.30 Scrocca D.*, Basili R., Bigi S., Bonini L., Bonomo R., Buttinelli M., Capotorti F., Castenetto S., Cavinato G.P., D'Ambrogi C., Di Bucci D., Giuliani R., Maesano F., Marino M., Mariucci M.T., Montone P., Petracchini L. & Villani F.: RETRACE-3D (centRal italy EarThquakes integRAted Crustal model) Project: preliminary results.

15-9 11.00-11.15 [KEYNOTE] Barbano M.S.* & Pirrotta C.: Geological/seismological data for the generation of a 3D fault model: the southeastern Sicily 1693 earthquake case study.

15-10 11.15-11.30 Barreca G.*, Scarfì L., Gross F., Monaco C. & De Guidi G.: Field and geophysical clues for the prosecution towards the SE of the Aeolian-Tindari-Letojanni Fault System (NE Sicily-southern Italy).

15-11 11.30-11.45 De Guidi G. *, Barreca G., Brighenti F., Carnemolla F., Lupo M., Messina D., Vecchio A. & Monaco C.: UNICT_NET discrete geodetic network: monitoring of aseismic and coseismic ground deformations in different Italian peninsula areas affected by active tectonics.

15-12 11.45-12.00 Cataldo D., Piro A.G. & De Guidi G.*: New dating the coseismic deformation of Santa Tecla Fault by Lichenometry method on Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily).

15-13 12.00-12.15 Patricelli G.*, Boncio P., Auciello E. & Poli M.E.: Seismotectonic analysis of the Matese area (Southern Apennines).

15-14 12.15-12.30 Scarpa R.*, Lavecchia G., Di Lieto B., Romano P., Bello S. & Brozzetti F.: Rupture mechanism of the Campania Lucania (southern Italy) 1980 earthquake inferred from seismological and geodetic data.

15-15 12.30-12.45 Bello S.*, Lavecchia G., Scarpa R., Brozzetti F., Cirillo D. & Ferrarini F.: 3D fault model of the Campania-Lucania (southern Italy) 1980 earthquake from new field evidences and seismological data.

15-16 12.45-13.00 D'Ambrogi C.*, Buttinelli M., Di Bucci D., Scrocca D. & RETRACE-3D Working Group: The RETRACE-3D multi-data and multi-expertise approach towards the construction of a 3D crustal model for the 2016-2018 Central Italy seismic sequence.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

15-17 Pannello 36 Azzaro S.*, Di Matteo L. & Porreca M.: 3D geological reconstruction of the Nera River basin (Central Italy): relationships between seismogenic faults and groundwater circulation.

15-18 Pannello 37 Buttinelli M.*, Chiarabba C., Valoroso L., Pezzo G. & De Gori P.: The role of advanced tomographic images in unravelling the complex history of tectonic inversions, fault segmentation and large seismic sequences occurrence in the central Apennines (Italy) normal fault system.

15-19 Pannello 38 D'Alessandro A., Marcocci C. & Scudero S.*: Characterization of the quality of earthquakes' location in Italy.

15-20 Pannello 39 Fabbrizzi A.*, Porreca M., Pucci S., Del Rio L., Giorgetti C., Pierantoni P.P. & Barchi M.R.: 3D reconstruction of the Mt. Vettore seismogenic fault system: geometric and kinematic relationships with the Sibillini Thrust, Central Apennines (Italy).

15-21 Pannello 40 Ferrarini F.*, Lavecchia G., Arrowsmith J.R., de Nardis R., Brozzetti F. & Cirillo D.: Multiple lines of evidence for a new seismogenic fault north-east of the Mt Vettore Fault (central Italy) – an unexpected outcome of the Norcia 2016-2017 seismic sequence.

15-22 Pannello 41 Lavecchia G.*, de Nardis R., Ferrarini F., Cirillo D. & Brozzetti F.: 3D Fault-model building for seismotectonic purposes - Application to Central Italy with some warnings.

15-23 Pannello 42 Totaro C.*, Presti D., Neri G. & Orecchio B.: Tectonic stress composition in the Western Ionian revealed by stress inversion of local earthquake focal mechanisms.

S16. Mediterranean subduction zones: from deep mantle to shallow structure and volcanism

Conveners and Chairpersons: Claudio Chiarabba (INGV, Roma), Michele Lustrino (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), Riccardo Avanzinelli (Univ. Firenze)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Thursday 13 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A5

16-1 08.30-09.00 [KEYNOTE] Magni V.*: The role of mantle flow on the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the central Mediterranean subduction zone.

16-2 09.00-09.15 Speranza F.*, Hernandez-Moreno C., Avellone G., Gasparo Morticelli M., Agate M., Sulli A. & Di Stefano E.: Understanding paleomagnetic rotations in Sicily: Thrust vs. strike-slip tectonics.

16-3 09.15-09.30 Scarfì L.*, Barberi G., Barreca G., Cannavò F., Koulakov I. & Patanè D.: The structure of the Calabro-Ionian subduction zone as imaged by high-resolution seismic tomography.

16-4 09.30-09.45 De Ritis R.*, Pepe F., Orecchio B., Casalbore D., Bosman A., Chiappini M., Chiocci F. L., Corradino M., Nicolich R., Martorelli E., Monaco C., Presti D. & Totaro C.: Volcanism at Slab Tear Faults: the Diamante-Enotrio-Ovidio volcanic complex (offshore north-west Calabria).

16-5 09.45-10.00 Barreca G.*, Branca S. & Monaco C.: Three-dimensional modeling of Mount Etna volcano: volume assessment, trend of eruption rates and geodynamic significance.

16-6 10.00-10.15 Musumeci G., Viola G. & Mazzarini F.*: Compression vs. extension during the late Miocene – Pliocene in the Tyrrhenian margin of the northern Apennines: New perspectives from the eastern Island of Elba (Italy).

16-7 10.15-10.30 Corradino M.*, Pepe F., Bertotti G., Monaco C. & Nicolich R.: 3D Architecture and Plio-Quaternary evolution of the Paola Basin: New insights to the Forearc of the Tyrrhenian-Ionian Subduction System.

16-8 11.00-11.15 Scalera G.*: Is the Indian eastern margin an ancient Mediterranean coast? – Cartographical experiments with paleopoles.

16-9 11.15-11.45 [KEYNOTE] Polonia A.*, Torelli L., Gasperini L., Cocchi L., Muccini F., Bonatti E., Hensen C., Schmidt M., Romano S., Artoni A. & Carlini M.: Calabrian Arc tectonics and mantle sourced diapirism in the Ionian Sea.

16-10 11.45-12.00 Casalini M.*, Avanzinelli R., Elliott T., Tommasini S. & Conticelli S.: Tracing sediment recycling into the mantle: application of Molybdenum isotopes to ultrapotassic Italian rocks.

16-11 12.00-12.15 Conticelli S.*, Casalini M., Elliott T., Ammannati E. & Avanzinelli R.: Recycled carbonate sediments in the metasomatism of central Mediterranean subcontinental mantle as revealed by mineralogical, chemical and isotopic characteristics of potassic magmatism.

16-12 12.15-12.30 Di Giuseppe P.*, Agostini S., Manetti P., Savascin M.Y. & Conticelli S.: Intraplate magmatism along the Malatya Ovacik and Kizilirmak strike slip faults in a postcollisional setting (Central-Eastern Anatolia, Turkey).

16-13 12.30-12.45 Salari G.*, Rahimzadeh B., Agostini S., Masoudi F. & Lustrino M.: Neogene ultrabasic volcanic rocks in central Urumieh-Dohktar Magmatic Arc (NW Iran): melilitites and nephelinites in subduction setting.

16-14 12.45-13.00 Anselmi M.*, De Gori P., Buttinelli M., Antoncecchi I. & Chiarabba C.: The Catalogue of Italian Off-shore Seismicity (C.S.O.) and related hints about the tectonics and geodynamics of the central Mediterranean area.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

16-15 Pannello 45 Loreto M.F.*, Zitellini N., Ranero R.C., Prada M., Sallares V. & Grevemeyer I.: Morpho-tectonic map of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin.

16-16 Pannello 46 Segou M.*, Parsons T., Mori J. & Chiarabba C.: A new technique to estimate fault potential and aftershock forecasts.

S17. Geodynamic evolution between the Variscan and Alpine orogeneses: clues from mantle features and magmatic events

Conveners and Chairpersons: Federico Casetta (UniFE), Angelo De Min (Univ. Trieste), Valentina Brombin (Univ. Ferrara)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [14.30-16.30] - Room A4

17-1 14.30 - 14.45 [KEYNOTE] Boscaini A., Davies J., Bertrand H., Visonà D., Chiaradia M., Zanetti A., De Min A., Marzoli A.*: Permian basic magmatism from Corsica to the southeastern Alps, a new LIP?

17-2 14.45 - 15.00 Filippi M.*, Gosso G., Lardeaux J.-M., Spalla M.I., Verati C. & Zanoni D.: From Variscan to Alpine tectonics: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Argentera-Mercantour dioritic dyke swarm.

17-3 15.00 - 15.30 [KEYNOTE] Zanetti A.*, Langone A., Corvò S., Tommasi A., Padron-Navarta J.A., Vauchez A., Tiepolo M., Giovanardi T. & Mazzucchelli M.: New insights into the Post-Variscan evolution of the northern Ivrea-Verbano zone (Finero complex, southern Alps).

17-4 15. 30 - 15.45 Cannaò E.*, Sessa G., Tiepolo M., Ferrari E., Paquette J.L., Moroni M., Langone A. & Formoso F.: Petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of the Loro Intrusive Complex (Ivrea-Verbano Zone).

17-5 15.45 - 16.00 Bonazzi M.*, Langone A., Zanetti A. & Dellarole E.: Plumasite dykes from the IvreaVerbano zone: evidence for the triassic magmatism/metasomatism.

17-6 16.00 - 16.15 Crippa C., Zanchetta S.*, Bergomi M., Tunesi A. & Zanchi A.: The Val Biandino Intrusive Complex (central Southern Alps, N Italy): New geochronological and geochemical data on the Permian magmatic activity in the Southalpine domain.

17-7 16.15 - 16.30 Bianchini G.*, Natali C., Shibata T. & Yoshikawa M.: Basic dykes crosscutting the crystalline basement of Valsugana (Italy): new evidence of Permo-Triassic volcanism in the Southern Alps.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Area Poster

17-8 Pannello 35 Brombin V.*, Marzoli A., Roghi G., Jourdan F., Bonadiman C., Coltorti M., Webb L.E., Callegaro S., Bellieni G., De Vecchi Gp. & Sedea R.: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and geodynamic implications of the Cenozoic Southalpine magmatism (North-East Italy).

17-9 Pannello 36 Casetta F.*, Coltorti M., Ickert R.B., Bonadiman C., Giacomoni P.P. & Ntaflos T.: The Predazzo Intrusive Complex (Dolomites, Southern Alps): thermobarometry, oxybarometry and hygrometry of a shallow multi-pulse intrusion.

17-10 Pannello 37 Conte A.M., Naitza S.*, Oggiano G., Secchi F., Cuccuru S., Casini L. & Puccini A.: Architecture, emplacement mode of late-Variscan plutons and their relationships with post-collisional phases: examples from Sàrrabus igneous massif (SE Sardinia, Italy).

17-11 Pannello 38 Velicogna M.*, Fantina R. & De Min A.: The Triassic sills of the Costabella Crest (Moena, TN-Italy) in comparison with coeval Dolomitic magmatites.

17-12 Pannello 39 Conte A.M., Cuccuru S., D'Antonio M., Naitza S.*, Oggiano G. & Secchi F.: Longlasting mantle-derived activity and evolution in the late-Variscan Sàrrabus igneous complex (SE Sardinia, Italy).

S18. The nature of the crust-mantle transition and its effects on the regional tectonic and magmatic evolution

Conveners and Chairpersons: Roberto Braga (Univ. Bologna), Valentina Magni (UiO, Oslo), Claudio Natali (Univ. Ferrara)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [18.00-20.00] - Room A4

18-1 18.00-18.15 Casetta F.*, Coltorti M., Ickert R.B., Bonadiman C., Giacomoni P.P. & Ntaflos T.: The role of crustal assimilation in the genesis of the Middle Triassic Predazzo Intrusive Complex (Dolomites, Southern Alps).

18-2 18.15-18.30 Tiepolo M.*, Casiraghi G., Langone A., Zanetti A., Mazzucchelli M. & Giovanardi T.: Lower crustal magma differentiation in continental setting: an example from the Layered Internal Zone in the Finero Mafic Complex (Ivrea Verbano Zone).

18-3 18.30-18.45 Basch V.*, Rampone E., Godard M. & Tommasi A.: Formation of replacive olivine gabbros in the Oman Moho Transition Zone: Geochemical evolution during deformation-driven dunite impregnation.

18-4 18.45-19.00 Consuma G.*, Braga R., Förster B., Konzett J., Lo Pò D., Tropper P. & Bersani D.: Carbon-rich fluids infiltration into the mantle-wedge: from early carbonate inclusions to late veins in orogenic peridotites from the Ulten Zone.

18-5 19.00-19.15 Loreto M.F.*, Düşünür-Doğan D., Üner S., İşcan-Alp Y., Ocakoğlu N., Cocchi L., Muccini F., Ligi L. & Giordano P.: Fault controlled hydrothermal flow over a deep magmatic intrusion inferred by numerical modelling in a back-arc tectonic setting, SE Tyrrhenian Sea.

18-6 19.15-19.30 Sternai P.*, Caricchi L. & Castelltort S.: The role of magmatism in the tectonic vs. climatic control on the Cenozoic evolution of the Earth's surface: a key to the "chicken or egg" conundrum?

18-7 19.30-19.45 Aulbach S.*: Kimberlite-borne pyroxenite xenoliths: Samples of cratonic crustmantle transitions?

18-8 19.45-20.00 Beccaluva L.*, Natali C., Bianchini G. & Siena F.: The bimodal basalt-rhyolite suites of the Paranà CFB province: a reappraisal of the petrogenesis and tectonomagmatic significance.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

18-9 Pannello 47 Antonicelli M. & Tribuzio R.*: Petrology of the Rocca d'Argimonia ultramafic sequence (Ivrea-Verbano Zone): implications for the evolution of mantle melts intruding the lower continental crust.

18-10 Pannello 48 Bianchini G.* & Bonadiman C.: Peridotite xenoliths from Cofrentes (Spain): inferences on mantle domains interlayered at crustal depth.

18-11 Pannello 49 Fornelli A.* & Micheletti F.: Metagabbros, meta-monzogabbros and metabasites from Serre Massif (Calabria-Italy): evidence of a Neoproterozoic magmatism at crust-mantle transition.

18-12 Pannello 50 Giovanardi T.*, Cipriani A., Girardi V.A.V., Correia C.T., Tassinari C.C.G., Lugli F. & Mazzucchelli M.: A multi-isotope study for intrusion processes of mantle-derived melts in the lower crust: the case of the Tonian Goias stratiform complex.

18-13 Pannello 51 Lo Pò D., Braga R.*, Tropper P., Konzett J., Mair V., Bargossi G.M. & Consuma G.: Multiphase solid inclusions in the Ulten Zone peridotites: tracer of post-peak multistage crustal metasomatism in mantle wedge.

18-14 Pannello 52 Natali C.*, Beccaluva L., Bianchini G. & Siena F.: Mantle potential temperature of CFB in central Gondwana: Insights on lithosphere versus asthenosphere contributions.

S19. Melt/fluid-rock interaction and migration from the mantle to the surface

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giulio Borghini (Univ. Milano), Martina Casalini (Univ. Firenze), Tommaso Giovanardi (Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia), Barbara Faccini (Univ. Ferrara), Sciarra Alessandra (INGV, Roma)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Friday 14 [11.00-13.00] / Friday 14  [15.30-17.30] - Room A1

19-1 08.30-08.45 (Invited) Rizzo A.L.*, Coltorti M. & Italiano F.: Noble gases and CO2 in fluid inclusions from lithospheric mantle xenoliths.

19-2 08.45-09.00 Brombin V.*, Bonadiman C., Coltorti M., Alard O., Gréau Y., O'Reilly S.Y., Griffin W.L. & Marzoli A.: Lithosphere evolution beneath the Adria Plate: Re-Os systematics of sulfides in mantle xenoliths from Veneto Volcanic Province (NorthEast Italy).

19-3 09.00-09.15 Avanzinelli R.*, Bianchini G., Tiepolo M., Jasim A., Natali C., Braschi E., Beccaluva G. & Conticelli S.: Subduction-related hybridization of the lithospheric mantle in mantle xenoliths from Tallante (Betic Cordillera, Spain).

19-4 09.15-09.30 Faccini B.*, Coltorti M., Bonadiman C., Rizzo A.L., Ntaflos T. & Seghedi I.: Tholeiitic refertilisation vs alkaline metasomatism within the Transylvania Basin mantle wedge.

19-5 09.30-09.45 Mazzucchelli M.*, Cipriani A., Lugli F., Morishita T., Dallai L., Hémond C., Langone A., Zanetti A. & Giovanardi T.: Intrusion of Gabbroic Dykes in the sub-continental Finero mantle massif: an example of melt-rock interactions at mantle conditions.

19-6 09.45-10.00 Rumbolo T.*, Montanini A., Tribuzio R., Bosch D. & Bruguier O.: Are the refractory mantle peridotites from Monte Civrari (W Alps) of subcontinental or abyssal origin?

19-7 10.00-10.15 Tribuzio R.*, Ferrari E., Bosch D., Bruguier O., Sbaffi M. & Zanetti A.: High-pressure relics within a mantle body enclosed in the middle continental crust of the Ivrea crustal section.

19-8 10.15-10.30 Corvò S., Langone A., Padron-Navarta J.A. & Zanetti A.*: Water content in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMS) from subcontinental mantle bodies of the IvreaVerbano zone (southern Alps).

19-9 11.00-11.15 (Invited) Rampone E.*, Borghini G., Class C., Goldstein S.L., Cai Y., Cipriani A., Zanetti A., Fumagalli P. & Hofmann A.W.: Pyroxenites as key component in the veined MORB mantle source: insights from the Ligurian mantle (Italy).

19-10 11.15-11.30 (Invited) Montanini A.*, Tribuzio R., Luguet A. & Van Acken D.: From crustal protoliths to mantle pyroxenites: a highly siderophile elements and Os isotope perspective from the External Liguride mantle section (N Apennine, Italy).

19-11 11.30-11.45 Borghini G.*, Fumagalli P. & Rampone E.: Pyroxenite-peridotite interactions in upwelling veined mantle: an experimental study at 2 GPa.

19-33 11.45-12.00 Romano P. & Liotta M.*: Thirty years of the ternary diagram Na-K-Mg (Giggenbach, 1988): applications and limits.

19-13 12.00-12.15 Cannaò E.*, Tiepolo M., Borghini G., Langone A. & Fumagalli P.: The storing capabilities of the upper mantle/lower crust for As and Sb: insights from experimental studies.

19-14 12.15-12.30 Capizzi L.S.*, Poli S., Fumagalli P. & Tumiati S.: Wetting angles of hydrous carbonatitic liquids and reversal in wettability for silicate and carbonatitic magmas in the mantle.

19-15 12.30-12.45 Ziberna L.*, Cerantola V., Milani S., Smith C., Bulanova G., Melai C., Faccincani L., Ismailova L., Stagno V., McCammon C.& Frost D.: Oxidation state of Fe in highly refractory mantle peridotites.

19-16 12.45-13.00 Marras G., Stagno V.*, Perinelli C., Andreozzi G. & Cerantola V.: The oxidation state of spinel-peridotites from the Hyblean plateau and the modeled composition of coexisting C-O-H fluids.

19-17 15.30-15.45 Novella D.*, Prytulak J., Maclennan J., Shorttle O. & Murton B.J.: Vanadium stable isotopes and trace element concentrations of Reykjanes Ridge basalts: Investigating mantle oxygen fugacity, melting processes and lithological heterogeneities.

19-18 15.45-16.00 (Invited) Sanfilippo G.*, Salters V.J.M., Tribuzio R. & Zanetti A.: Melting the heterogeneous mantle: messages from replacive mantle bodies.

19-19 16.00-16.15 Fumagalli P.*, Borghini G. & Francomme J.E.: Olivine-rich troctolites as a result of melt-dunite interactions: an experimental study.

19-20 16.15-16.30 Renna M.R.*, Armandola S., Becker H., Wang Z., Tribuzio R. & Sanfilippo A.: Meltrock reaction at the oceanic mantle- crust transition: evidence from highly siderophile and chalcogen elements in troctolites from the jurassic alpine ophiolites.

19-21 16.30-16.45 Minissale S.*, Casalini M., Tedesco D., Morra V. & Melluso L.: The Geochemistry of the melilite-bearing lavas of the Nyiragongo volcanic complex (D.R. Congo).

19-22 16.45-17.00 Moroni M.*, Naitza S., Lattanzi P., Ruggieri G., Aquino A., Caruso S. & Ferrari E.: Emplacement of the huge Zn-Pb-Ag vein system of Montevecchio, Arburese (SW Sardinia): geological, mineralogical, geothermometric and isotopic inputs towards a new metallogenic model.

19-23 17.00-17.15 Sciarra A.*, Mazzini A., Inguaggiato S., Vita F. & Lupi M.: Radon and carbon gas anomalies along the Watukosek Fault System and Lusi mud eruption, Java Island, Indonesia.

19-24 17.15-17.30 Vicentini N.*: New classification of carbonatites and inference for a new differentiation process and REE-ore deposits.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

19-25 Pannello 43 Basch V.*, Rampone E., Ferrando C., Borghini G. & Zanetti A.: Origin and melt-rock interaction history of the Mt.Maggiore pyroxenites (Corsica, France): Structural and geochemical insights.

19-26 Pannello 44 Borghini A.*, Ferrero S., Wunder B., Laurent O., O'Brien P.J., Ziemann M.A. & Günter C.: Melt inclusions in (U)HP garnet clinopyroxenite and eclogite of the Bohemian Massif.

19-27 Pannello 45 Borghini G.*, Rampone E., Zanetti A., Fumagalli P., Class C. & Godard M.: Chemical modification of mantle peridotite via interaction with pyroxenite-derived melt in Northern Apennine ophiolites (Italy).

19-28 Pannello 46 Deraco M.*, Sanfilippo A., Ligi M., Vigliotti L. & Rasul N.: Morb-type gabbros emplacement during the Red-Sea continental break-up: a case study from the Tihama Asir magmatic complex.

19-29 Pannello 47 Giovanardi T.*, Zanetti A., Mazzucchelli M., Hémond C. & Bertotto G.W.: The Tortuga Hill mantle xenoliths (Central Patagonia, Argentina): evidence for variable depletion and metasomatism far away from the subduction zone.

19-30 Pannello 48 Grammatica M.*, Sanfilippo A., Della Ventura G., MacLeod C., Lissenberg J., Tribuzio R., Zanetti A. & Miur D.: Hydrogen distribution in plagioclase from the Atlantis Bank Gabbros (IODP hole u1473): preliminary data.

19-31 Pannello 49 Mazzucchelli M.*, Freddo I. & Giovanardi T.: The Phlogopite-Bearing ultramafic rocks: a new proposal for their classification.

19-32 Pannello 50 Moroni M.*, Naitza S., Magnani L., Ferrari E., Oggiano G. & Secchi F.: The Ni-Co-AsAg-Bi-rich hydrothermal vein ores of the Arburese district (SW Sardinia, Italy): mineralogical and geochemical characterization of possible sources for critical metals.

19-12 Pannello 51 Sessa G.*, Tiepolo M., Fiorentini M.L., Moroni M., Deloule E., Ottolini L., Langone A. & Ferrari E.: Archean amphibole as a proxy for the ancient Earth's volatile budget.

19-34 Pannello 52 Sciarra A.*, Cantucci B., Galli G. & Coltorti M.: Geochemical variations of gas composition and C isotopic signature in the Modena province during and after the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence.

S20. Magma genesis and transport

Conveners and Chairpersons: Pier Paolo Giacomoni (Univ. Ferrara), Gabriele Lanzafame (Elettra, Trieste), Cristina Perinelli (Univ. Roma La Sapienza)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 / Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A1

20-1 14.30-14.45 [KEYNOTE] Gaeta M.*: Effect of water on the deep crystallisation of magmas.

20-2 14.45-15.00 Ntaflos T.*, Matusiak-Maek M., Puziewicz J. & Wegner W.: The evolution of the cenozoic alkali basalts, SW Poland.

20-28 15.00-15.15 Tecchiato V., Gaeta M.*, Mollo S., Perinelli C., Monaco L., Bachmann O. & Scarlato P.: Plagioclase records variable H2O contents in basaltic to andesitic magmas from Capo Marargiu Volcanic District (Sardinia, Italy).

20-4 15.15-15.30 Ambrosio F.A.*, Stoppa F., Rosatelli G., Schiazza M., Vicentini N. & Sharygin V.V.: Carbonatites of Roman Region, genetic relationship with Italian alkaline Rocks.

20-5 15.30-15.45 Lanzafame G.*, Iezzi G., Ventura G., Mancini L., Tamburrino S., Behrens H., Mollo S. & Signanini P.: Marsilian explosive phenomena investigated by analysis of proximal and distal deposits.

20-6 15.45-16.00 Coltorti M.*, Casetta F., Giacomoni P.P., Ferlito C. & Bonadiman C.: Can a simple lherzolitic mantle source explain the geochemical variation of Etnean magmas through time?

20-7 16.00-16.15 Branca S., Corsaro R.A.*, De Beni E. & Tanguy J.C.: Deep magma storage at Mt. Etna. A contribution from petrologic and stratigraphic data of the 1763 flank eruptions.

20-8 16.15-16.30 Giacomoni P.P.*, Coltorti M. & Ferlito C.: Mt. Etna feeding system as deduced by thermobarometric constrains: state of art and future perspectives.

20-9 17.00-17.15 Masotta M.*, Pontesilli A., Mollo S., Armienti P. & Scarlato P.: Extremely fast magma dynamics at Mt. Etna revealed by clinopyroxene growth.

20-10 17.15-17.30 [KEYNOTE] Iezzi G.*, Giuliani L., Vetere F., Nazzari M., Mollo S., Cavallo A., Misiti V., Ventura G. & Behrens H.: Solidification of silicate melts: an experimental perspective.

20-11 17.30-17.45 Abart R.*, Baldwin L., Lintner M., Hurai V., Huraiova M. & Schweinar K.: Mechanisms of lamellar intergrowth in alkali feldspar.

20-12 17.45-18.00 Bonechi B.*, Perinelli C., Gaeta M. & Stagno V.: Kinetic crystallization of clinopyroxenes from alkaline basalts: growth rate experiments at high pressure.

20-13 18.00-18.15 Giuliani L.*, Iezzi G., Vetere F., Nazzari M., Mollo S., Misiti V. & Ventura G.: Effects of variable cooling rates on crystal chemistry of solidified phases from a basaltic melt.

20-14 18.15-18.30 Stopponi V., Stagno V.*, Kono Y., Manning C., Scarlato P. & Irifune T.: Experimental measurements of viscosity and melt structure of CO2-bearing melts at high pressure and temperature.

20-15 18.30-18.45 Stabile P., Appiah E. & Carroll M.R.*: Water solubility in pantelleritic melts.

20-16 18.45-19.00 Romano P.*, Andujar J., Scaillet B., Di Carlo I. & Rotolo S.G.: Experimental constraints on pre-eruptive conditions of a chemically zoned peralkaline reservoir: the example of Green Tuff eruption at Pantelleria (Italy).


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

20-17 Pannello 40 Bonechi B.*, Stagno V., Kono Y., Ziberna L., Perinelli C. & Gaeta M.: Viscosity of alkaline basalts at high pressure: constraints on the pre-eruptive system of Campi Flegrei (Italy).

20-18 Pannello 41 Brugnoni G.*, Di Muro A., Renzulli A. & Rizzo A.L.: Shallow magmatic and hydrothermal crystallization processes at Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean) inferred from subvolcanic cognate clasts, xenoliths and xenocrysts.

20-19 Pannello 42 Buono G.*, Edwards B.R., Pappalardo L. & Petrosino P.: Rapid carbonate assimilation as eruption trigger: new insights from a Somma-Vesuvius (Italy) plinian eruption.

20-20 Pannello 43 Calabrese S.*, Li Vigni L., Brugnone F., Daskalopoulou K. & Valenza M.: Ludovico Sicardi, an unknown pioneer of the Volcanic Geochemical Monitoring.

20-21 Pannello 44 De Giorgio G.*, Fiannacca P., Cirrincione R. & Rotolo S.G.: Crystallization of an alkali-granitic enclave from a pantelleritic ignimbrite from Pantelleria, Italy.

20-22 Pannello 45 Fonseca F.*, Perinelli C., Conte A.M., Bosman A. & Esposito C.: Preliminary petrographic and volcanological study of "Punta Karuscia-Punta Spadillo" submerged area, Pantelleria Island (Strait of Sicily).

20-23 Pannello 46 Giustolisi L.*, Fiannacca P., Salerno D., Lombardo R. & Cirrincione R.: Crystallization of K-feldspar megacrysts in a molten system: evidence from the two-mica porphyritic granitoids of Capo Vaticano Promontory (Serre Batholith, southern Italy).

20-24 Pannello 47 Liedl A.*, Lanzafame G., Buono G., Dabagov S.B., Della Ventura G., Hampai D., Mancini L., Marcelli A. & Pappalardo L.: Synchrotron X-ray microtomography for a 3D characterization of pyroclastic products from the 1538 AD Monte Nuovo eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy).

20-25 Pannello 48 Petrishcheva E.* & Abart R.: Comprehensive model for Na- and K- diffusion in alkali feldspar.

20-26 Pannello 49 Romano P.*, White J.C., Ciulla A., Di Carlo I., D'Oriano C., Landi P. & Rotolo S.G.: Volatiles and trace elements in melt inclusions from the zoned Green Tuff ignimbrite, Pantelleria.

20-27 Pannello 50 Taussi M., Godoy B., Piscaglia F., Morata D., Agostini S., Le Roux P., GonzalezMaurel O., Gallmeyer G., Menzies A. & Renzulli A.*: The Apacheta-Aguilucho Volcanic Complex (Northern Chile): plumbing system processes through the thickened crust and constraints given by areal distribution of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body.

20-3 Pannello 51 Arienzo I., Liotta M.*, Caliro S., D'Antonio M., Sottili G., Gaeta M. & Di Vito M.: Lithium isotope composition as tracer of crust/mantle interaction at subduction zones: a pilot study to understand the magma genesis of the Plio-Quaternary volcanic areas of Central Italy.

20-29 Pannello 52 Verdicchio R.*, Masotta M., Vezzoni S., Dini A. & Rocchi S.: The fate of Kfs megacrysts in felsic vs. mafic porphyry magmas.

S21. Linking deep and surface processes: advances in volcanology from a multidisciplinary perspective

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mimmo Palano (INGV, Catania), Antonio Paonita (INGV, Palermo), Matteo Trolese (Univ. Roma Tre)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] - Room A4

21-1 08.30-08.45 Bonatti E., Ligi M. & Palmiotto C.*: Swollen Volcanic Ridges in Pre-Oceanic, Oceanic and Back-Arc Environments.

21-2 08.45-09.00 Campbell L.S.*, Giordano G., Stock M.J., Langella A., Bish D.L. & Gatta G.D.: Significance and predictive value of the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio in explosively erupted components of alkaline-mafic pyroclastic deposits.

21-3 09.00-09.15 Macedonio G.*, Giudicepietro F., Acocella V. & Sandri L.: Eruptibility of magma at calderas.

21-4 09.15-09.30 Correale A.*, Martelli M., Paonita A., Scribano V. & Arienzo I.: New constrains for the mantle source of quaternary lavas from the Hyblean plateau as evidenced by a combined study of trace elements and Sr-Nd-He isotopes.

21-5 09.30-09.45 [KEYNOTE] Viccaro M.*: Natural clocks in volcanic rocks! Untangling magmatic processes fixing their tempo: what we have learned from the 2011-16 activity at Etna.

21-6 09.45-10.00 Zuccarello F.*, Giuffrida M., Gresta S., Palano M., Scandura B. & Viccaro M.: Violent paroxysmal activity triggers rejuvenation of a volcano plumbing system: clues from the 2017 eruptions at Etna.

21-7 10.00-10.15 [KEYNOTE] Liotta M.* & Paonita A.: Mt. Etna: geochemical evidences to understanding how the volcanic system works.

21-8 10.15-10.30 Gennaro E.*, Paonita A., Iacono-Marziano G., Rizzo A. L., Martel C., Rotolo S.G., Liotta M. & Pichavant M.: Chemical and redox variation in Etnean magmas in the last 15 ka.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

21-9 Pannello 53 Caruso S., Ursino A.*, Alparone S. & Gambino S.: Microseismicity along the eastern sector of the Provenzana Pernicana Fault (Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy).

21-10 Pannello 54 Donato P., De Vita S., Lucchi F., Nicotra E., Tranne C.A. & De Rosa R.*: Volcanological history and magmatic evolution of Ustica island (southern Italy) from a new geological mapping (scale 1:10 000).

21-11 Pannello 55 Donato P.*, Nicotra E., Giuffrida M., Viccaro M., D'Oriano C., Paonita A. & De Rosa R.: Eruption triggers and their timescales at Vulcano (Aeolian Islands): evidence from textural and in situ compositional data on plagioclase crystals.

21-12 Pannello 56 Ferranti L.*, Marino C., Natale J., Molisso F., Caccavale M., Corradino M., Insinga D.D., Matano F., Passaro S., Pepe F., Petrosino P. & Sacchi M.: Vertical motion, structural features and stratigraphic architecture of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) collapse caldera-resurgent dome system off the Pozzuoli Bay during the last 10 ky.

21-13 Pannello 57 Giuffrida M.*, Viccaro M. & Zuccarello F.: Fast-diffusing volatiles record timescales of magma ascent and degassing leading to high-energy eruptions.

21-14 Pannello 58 Italiano F.*, Di Bella M., Sabatino G., Quartieri S., Correale A., Barbieri R., Cavalazzi B., Ferretti A., Foucher F. & Messori F.: Exceptional discovery at Panarea island! The unique recent iron Ooids deposit known in the world: multidisciplinary study to constrain their hydrothermal/volcanic origin.

21-15 Pannello 59 Longo M.*, Paonita A., Bellomo S., Brusca L. & D'Alessandro W.: Tracing groundwater flow-lines and the interaction with degassing sources analysing dissolved inert gases (He, Ne, N2) in Etnean aquifers.

21-16 Pannello 60 Maraio S.*, Bruno P.P.G., Coltelli M., Cavallaro D., Firetto Carlino M., Bernardinetti S. & Scandura M.: The sub surfacestructure of the south-eastern Valledel Bove (Mt Etna, Sicily) as imaged by high-resolution seismic reflection data.

21-17 Pannello 61 Nicotra E., Donato P., Viccaro M.* & De Rosa R.: Plumbing system geometry feeding the monogenic volcanic fields: inferences from basalts of the Northern Main Ethiopian Rift.

21-18 Pannello 62 Palano M.* & Cambiotti G.: Episodic slow slip events and seaward flank motion at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy).

21-19 Pannello 63 Palano M.*, Viccaro M. & Gresta S.: Magma transport and storage at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): an improved perspective from two decades of geodetic and petrological observations.

21-20 Pannello 64 Randazzo P.*, Caracausi A., Italiano F., Aiuppa A. & Sulli A.: Active geodynamic in the central Mediterranean: Transfer of mantle fluids across the eastern Sicily.

S22. Volcano Hazard Monitoring

Conveners and Chairpersons: Ciro Del Negro (INGV, Catania), Fabrizio Ferrucci (Università della Calabria), Alexis Hérault (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A4

22-1 11.00-11.15 Bonaccorso A.*, Aoki Y. & Rivalta E.: Dike intrusion energy balance from deformation modeling and seismic release: an approach to forecast the eruptive fissure propagation.

22-2 11.15-11.30 Filippucci M.*, Tallarico A. & Dragoni M.: Far field thermal boundary condition in lava flowing in an open channel.

22-3 11.30-11.45 Calvari S.*: Lava flows, lava tubes and lava fountains at Etna volcano: hazard assessment.

22-4 11.45-12.00 Rogic N. & Ferrucci F.*: Spaceborne support to the prediction of lava distances to run: a discussion.

22-5 12.00-12.15 Cigolini C.*, Coppola D., Yokoo A. & Laiolo M.: Thermal signals in volcano monitoring: cross-checking MODIS-MIROVA data with ground-based measurements at Aso Volcano, Japan.

22-6 12.15-12.30 Bilotta G.*, Cappello A., Ganci G. & Zago V.: Sensitivity of the MAGFLOW cellular automaton for lava flow simulations.

22-7 12.30-12.45 Macedonio G.* & Costa A.: A model for the simulation of lava flows.

22-8 12.45-13.00 Cappello A.*, Ganci G., Bilotta G. & Zago V.: Assessing lava flow hazards at the new Southeast Crater of Etna volcano.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

22-9 Pannello 65 Corradino C.*, Buscarino A. & Fortuna L.: Artificial neural network approach to removing cloud cover from satellite imagery of volcanoes.

22-10 Pannello 66 Ganci G.*, Bilotta G., Cappello A. & Zago V.: Estimation of uncertainty in lava effusion rate integrating thermal infrared and tri-stereo optical satellite data.

S23. Minerals at non-ambient conditions: A Snapshot of the Earth and other planetary bodies

Conveners and Chairpersons: Paola Comodi (Univ. Perugia), Matteo Alvaro (Univ. Pavia), Martha Pamato (UCL)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Thursday 13 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A9

23-1 08.30-09.00 [KEYNOTE] Balić-Žunić T.*: Measuring changes in crystal structures under compression.

23-2 09.00-09.15 Zaffiro G.*, Angel R.J., Prencipe M., Stangarone C. & Alvaro M.: A novel approach to determine accurate Equations of State for zircon and rutile.

23-3 09.15-09.30 Lotti P.*, Gatta G.D., Gigli L., Merlini M., Comboni D. & Krüger H.: Intermediate scapolite: crystal chemistry, structure and behavior at non-ambient (P,T)-conditions.

23-4 09.30-09.45 Tumiati S.*: Fluid-mineral interactions at high-pressure/high-temperature conditions: experiments on the oxidation of graphite and amorphous carbon to carbon dioxide in aqueous fluids at 1–3 GPa and 800°C.

23-5 09.45-10.00 Bonazzi M.*, Tumiati S., Thomas J. & Alvaro M.: Raman approach to evaluate the strain state of synthetic host inclusion pair.

23-6 10.00-10.15 Fastelli M.*, Comodi P., Zucchini A., Maturilli A., Rossi M. & Balić-Žunić T.: Emissivity and reflectance measurement at low and high T of different hydrous salts: a tool to study the surface of the icy planets.

23-7 10.15-10.30 Fazio A.*, Pollok K. & Langenhorst F.: Mechanical Brazil twins and {1011} amorphous lamellae in quartz: indicators of low-pressure shock metamorphism.

23-8 11.00-11.30 [KEYNOTE] Antonangeli D.*: Mineral-physics constraints on planetary cores: the FeFeS and the Fe-FeSi systems.

23-9 11.30-11.45 (Invited) Li Y., Vocadlo L.* & Brodholt J.: The elastic properties of hcp-Fe alloys under the conditions of the Earth's inner core.

23-10 11.45-12.00 Alfè D.*, Davies C. & Pozzo M.: Homogeneous solid nucleation in iron and ironoxygen mixtures at Earth's core conditions.

23-11 12.00-12.15 Belmonte D.*: Phase diagrams of minerals at deep Earth conditions: a coupled first principles and computational thermodynamic investigation.

23-12 12.15-12.30 Stagno V.*, Bonechi B., Bindi L., Greaux S., Poe B.T., Romano C., Nazzari M. & Scarlato P.: Synthesis of majorite from omphacitic glass at deep mantle conditions sheds light on the rheology of the subducting oceanic crust.

23-13 12.30-12.45 Malaspina N.*, Tumiati S. & Campione M.: Spinel+chlorite assemblage forms only at ultrahigh pressures in garnet hosted inclusions.

23-14 12.45-13.00 Piazzi M.*, Morana M. & Alvaro M.: Fingerprinting diamonds growth conditions through the time and temperature dependence of the properties of magnetic inclusions.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

23-15 Pannello 67 Campione M.*: The smaller the stronger – The more yielding the more obstinate: Guidelines to identify preserved mineral inclusions.

23-16 Pannello 68 Bloise A., Cannata C. & De Rosa R.*: Hydrothermal synthesis of corrensite from Stromboli ash and implications for Mars.

23-17 Pannello 69 Carli C.*, Brunetto R., Strazzulla G., Serventi G., Poulet F., Capaccioni F., Langevin Y., Gardes E., Martinez R. R., Boduch P., Domaracka A. & Rothard H.: Investigating reflectance properties of space weathered silicates: effect of swift heavy ion irradiation.

23-18 Pannello 70 Comodi P.*, Balić-Žunić T., Guidoni F., Nazzareni S. & Zucchini A.: The high pressure behavior of ternary sulphides from the sulphosalt family.

23-19 Pannello 71 Ferrari S.*, Maturilli A., Carli C., Helbert J., D'Amore M., Nestola F. & Hiesinger H.: Thermal Infrared spectroscopy of anorthositic analogues at Mercury-like (nonambient) temperature conditions.

23-20 Pannello 72 Monaco L.*, Stagno V., Greaux S., Nazzari M. & Irifune T.: Phase equilibria and element partitioning of a carbonated oceanic crust at high pressure and temperature.

23-21 Pannello 73 Pamato M.G.*, Antonangeli D., Miozzi F., Morard G., Li Y., Vočadlo L., Mezouar M. & Bosak A.: Elastic properties of Fe Si-C alloys: Testing the composition of the Earth's inner core.

23-22 Pannello 74 Tribaudino M.*, Mantovani L., Bersani D., Lenaz D. & Princivalle F.: Raman on R3+ bearing pyroxenes: a clue to interpret mantle xenoliths from different geodynamic environments?

S24. Geomaterials: Nature, properties and technology

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesco Di Benedetto (Univ. Firenze), Rocco Laviano (Univ. Bari), Paolo Lotti (Univ. Milano)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [14.30-16.30] - Room A8

24-1 14.30-14.45 [KEYNOTE] Zanelli C.*, Conte S., Ardit M., Cruciani G. & Dondi M.: Evolution of Mineral and Melt Composition during Reactive Sintering of Porcelain Stoneware Bodies.

24-2 14.45-15.00 Paris E.*, Stabile P., Abdurahman A., Eshemele E. & Carroll M.R.: Vitrification of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW): prospects for new green building materials.

24-3 15.00-15.15 Coletti C.*, Maritan L., Bragiè E., Dalconi M.C., Hein A. & Mazzoli C.: Highly-porous light-weight bricks produced recycling organic waste.

24-4 15.15-15.30 Mondillo N.*, Boni M., Lupone F., Granitzio F. & De Angelis M.: Nonsulfide mineralization in the Gorno Zinc prospect (Bergamo, Italy): new data on the Oltre il Colle-Pian Bracca exploration area.

24-5 15.30-15.45 Putzolu F., Boni M.*, Mondillo N. & Pirajno F.: The Wingellina Ni-Co laterite deposit (Western Australia): mineralogical association in an atypical oxide-type laterite.

24-6 15.45-16.00 Molinari S.*, Salviulo G., Baratella D., Magro M. & Vianello F.: Arsenic removal from contaminated water: environmental application of Maghemite nanoparticles - preliminary results.

24-7 16.00-16.15 Meli A., Beltrami G.*, Pasti L., Chenet T., Gigli L., Jasper P., Giordano G., Migliori M., Aloise A., Catizzone E. & Martucci A.: ZSM-5 and L zeolites structural characterization after l-lysine amino acid adsorption.

24-8 16.15-16.30 Mercurio M.*, Izzo F., de Gennaro B., Smiljanić D., Germinario C., Grifa C., Cappelletti P. & Langella A.: The use of surface modified natural Zeolites (SMNZs) as ibuprofen carriers.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

24-9 Pannello 53 Ardit M., Cruciani G., Di Benedetto F.*, Sorace L. & Dondi M.: New spectroscopic and diffraction data to solve the vanadium-doped zircon pigment conundrum.

24-10 Pannello 54 Barone G., Finocchiaro C.*, Mazzoleni P. & Musarra F.: Insights on Etna anthropic cavities: mineralogical investigations of Ghiara.

24-11 Pannello 55 Celli L.*, Santi P., Renzulli A., Sartori C., Sartori P. & Passeri L.: A petrographic contribution to the characterization of the ornamental stones in the framework of the design and interior luxury furnishings.

24-12 Pannello 56 Comboni D., Gatta G.D.*, Guastoni A. & Lotti P.: High-temperature behavior and dehydration of the natural borate colemanite.

24-13 Pannello 57 Consani S.*, Balić-Žunić T., Giuli G., Cardinale A.M., Trapananti A., Salviulo G., Lucchetti G. & Carbone C.: Affinity with Rare Earth Elements of a synthetic Cu-AlSO4 Layered Double Hydroxide analogous to woodwardite.

24-14 Pannello 58 Dondi M.*: Feldspathic fluxes for ceramics: a global view at sourcing and composition.

24-15 Pannello 59 Fioretti G.*, Acquafredda P. & Andriani G.F.: A complete approach for artificial ageing and decay analysis on some types of carbonate stones from Apulia (southeastern Italy).

24-16 Pannello 60 Giaccherini A.*, Baroni T., Russo F., Cioffi N., Capolupo F., Picca R.A., Montegrossi G., Di Benedetto F. & Innocenti M.: Electrochemical atomic layer deposition to grow a p-n junction with binary sulphides.

24-17 Pannello 61 Grieco G., Comboni D.*, Tzamos E. & Orizio S.: Acid Mine Drainage and PTE distribution in a volcanic sulfur mine: the Thiorichia Mine, Milos Island, Greece.

24-18 Pannello 62 Rispoli C.*, Grimaldi C., Weisenberger T.B., Cappelletti P., Petrosino P., Bish D.L., Prause S., Barich A., Jackson M.D. & the Surtsey OnSite Team: Phillipsite and Altobermorite from Surtsey – Alteration in Basaltic Tuff and Analogies with Ancient Roman Concrete.

S25 Puzzle crystallography of inorganic structures. A tribute to Fiorenzo Mazzi

Conveners and Chairpersons: Roberta Oberti (IGG-CNR, Pavia), Maria Chiara Domeneghetti (Univ. Pavia)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A5

25-1 17.00-17.30 [KEYNOTE] Cámara F.*: Complexity made simple: some cases in mineral structures.

25-2 17.30-17.45 Bosi F.*: Structural constraints on the tourmaline site populations.

25-3 17.45-18.00 Bindi L.*: From crystals to quasicrystals in the Khatyrka meteorite: There's plenty of room in the middle.

25-4 18.00-18.15 Giaccherini A.*, Martinelli A., Lepore G.O., Bernardini F. & Di Benedetto F.: The low temperature transitions of bornite.

25-5 18.15-18.30 Angel R.J.*, Alvaro M. & Nestola F.: Beyond routine refinements in a routine way.

25-6 18.30-18.45 Balić-Žunić T.*: Rebulite and jankovicite: Tl5(As,Sb)13S22 solid solution series and the puzzle of symmetry change.

25-7 18.45-19.00 Mauro D.*, Biagioni C., Bonaccorsi E., Pasero M., Skogby H. & Zaccarini F.: A new iron (III) phosphate-sulfate from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy): a difficult puzzle solved through a multi-technique approach.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

25-8 Pannello 63 Andreozzi G.B.*, Bosi F., Halenius U. & Ciriotti M.E.: Site distribution of Mn2+ and Mn3+ and structural formula of minerals in the axinite-(Mn)-tinzenite series.

25-9 Pannello 64 Biagioni C., Musetti S.* & Pasero M.: Crystal-chemistry of tetrahedrite group minerals from the Apuan Alps hydrothermal ores (Tuscany, Italy).

25-10 Pannello 65 Idini A.*, Fancello D., Angeli C. & Frau F.: Anomalous birefringence in garnets from SW Sardinia.

25-11 Pannello 66 Karlsson A., Holtstam D., Bindi L. & Bonazzi P.*: Adding complexity to the nomenclature of the garnet supergroup: discovery of the new member {Ca3} [Sb5+]2(Fe3+2Fe2+)O12.

25-12 Pannello 67 Mauro D.*, Biagioni C. & Pasero M.: Mg-rich sulfate assemblages from the Fornovolasco mine (Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy).

S26. Zeolites and porous materials: Unravelling the relations between crystalchemistry, stability, structure and properties

Conveners and Chairpersons: Rossella Arletti (Univ. Torino), Annalisa Martucci (Univ. Ferrara)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [14.30-16.30] - Room A5

26-1 14.30-15.00 (Invited) Gatta G.D.: Crystal-fluid interactions in open-framework silicates.

26-2 15.00-15.30 (Invited) Perathoner S.*, Lanzafame P., Papanikolaou G., Centi G., Migliori M., Catizzone E., Aloise A. & Giordano G.: Tailoring structure and acidity properties of zeolites for biomass valorization.

26-3 15.30-15.45 D'Alessio D.*, Tribaudino M., Mezzadri F., Milanese C., Magnani G., Pontiroli D. & Riccò M.: Degassing and phase transitions at high temperature in Melanophlogite (Type I Clathrate).

26-4 15.45-16.00 Mesto E.*, Cametti G., Lacalamita M., Comboni D., Gatta G.D., Lotti P., Merlini M., Hanfland M. & Schingaro E.: An in situ HT-HP single crystal X-ray diffraction study of armstrongite, a microporous zirconium silicate.

26-5 16.00-16.15 Polisi M.*, Grand J., Arletti R. Barrier N., Komaty S., Zaaour M., Vezzalini G. & Mintova S.: Zeolites for environmental purposes: storage and controlled delivery of CO2 in FAU zeolties.

26-6 16.15-16.30 Belviso C.*, Lettino A. & Cavalcante F.: Ultrasonic vs hydrothermal method: different approaches to form zeolites. Influence of both methods on zeolites timedependent stability.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

26-7 Pannello 68 Comboni D.*, Gatta G.D., Lotti P., Merlini M. & Hanfland M.: High-pressure adsorption of methanol in synthetic MFI- zeolites.

26-8 Pannello 69 Confalonieri G.*, Arletti R., Ronchi L., Quartieri S., Ryzhikov A., Nouali H., Daou T.J. & Patarin J.: Spring or bumper/shock absorber: how different electrolyte aqueous solutions, intruded at HP, change the Si-chabazite energetic behavior.

26-9 Pannello 70 D'Alessio D.*, Tribaudino M., Mezzadri F., Milanese C., Magnani G., Pontiroli D. & Riccò M.: Syntheses of Melanophlogite (Type I Clathrate).

26-10 Pannello 71 Fantini R., Arletti R., Polisi M., Giacobbe C., Vezzalini G. & Quartieri S.*: Dehydration and high temperature behavior of zeolite ferrierite: in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study.

26-11 Pannello 72 Martucci A., di Renzo F., Beltrami G.*, Alberti A., Guzman-Castillo M. & Fajula F.: Brønsted acid sites location and thermal stability of NH4-exchanged omega zeolite.

26-12 Pannello 73 Nunziante G., Rodeghero E.*, Pasti L., Gigli L., Plaisier J.R. & Martucci A.: Structural evidence of herbicide (2-ethyl 6-methylaniline) adsorption from aqueous solution in synthetic ZSM-12 zeolite.

S27. Environmental and medical mineralogy: from molecular to macro scale processes

Conveners and Chairpersons: Elena Belluso (Univ. Torino), Pilario Costagliola (Univ. Firenze), Franco Frau (Univ. Cagliari)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [18.00-20.00] - Room A9

27-1 18.00-18.15 Cabassi J., Rimondi V.*, Baldini R.M., Nepi C., Pignotti L., Vaselli O. & Costagliola P.: Mercury emissions from Herbaria of the University of Florence Natural History Museum.

27-2 18.15-18.30 Di Benedetto F.*, Giaccherini A., Montegrossi G., Pardi L., Zoleo A., Capolupo F., Innocenti M., Lepore G., d'Acapito F., Capacci F., Poli C., Iaia T.E., Tarchi M., Buccianti A. & Romanelli M.: Spectroscopic analysis of the artificial stone powders: chemical causes for their cellular toxicity.

27-3 18.30-18.45 Dore E.* & Frau F.: Fluoride removal from water by Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs).

27-4 18.45-19.00 Idini A.*, Dore E., Fancello D., Ghiglieri G. & Frau F.: From octacalcium phosphate (OCP) to fluorapatite, a new method for defluoridation of drinking water.

27-5 19.00-19.15 Medas D.*, Boi M.E., Bacchetta G., Cappai G., Carlomagno I., Casu M.A., De Giudici G., Gianoncelli A., Meneghini C., Piredda M., Podda F. & Porceddu M.: Mineral evolution at geosphere-biosphere interface: investigation on the endemic shrub Helichrysum microphyllum Cambess. subsp. tyrrhenicum Bacch., Brullo & Giusso growing in abandoned mining area.

27-6 19.15-19.30 Rimondi V.*, Costagliola P., Benesperi R., Benvenuti M., Beutel M.W., Buccianti, Chiarantini L. & Lattanzi P.: Heavy metals in barks: a protocol for sampling and analysis.

27-7 19.30-19.45 Sabatino G.*, Caridi F., Belmusto G., Di Bella M., Italiano F., Leonetti F., Romano D. & Tripodo A.: Natural radioactivity measurements and radiological risk evaluation along the Calabrian coast (South Italy).

27-8 19.45-20.00 Avataneo C.*, Tomatis M., Corazzari I., Fraterrigo-Garofalo S., Valsania M.C., Piana F., Compagnoni R. & Turci F.: New tools and analytical procedures for the evaluation of asbestos-related health risk in naturally occurring asbestos (NOA)-rich areas.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

27-9 Pannello 75 Bardelli F., Belluso E., Capella S.*, Cedola A. & Brun F.: Combining synchrotron radiation phase-contrast and fluorescence tomography to reveal the morphology and elemental composition of asbestos bodies in human lungs.

27-10 Pannello 76 Costagliola P.*, Rimondi V., Benvenuti M., Lattanzi P., Fagotti C., Marchetti G., Martinelli A., Mascelloni L., Paolieri M. & Sconocchia A.: New data on the presence and distribution of Hg in the Paglia-Tiber fluvial system.

27-11 Pannello 77 Fraterrigo-Garofalo S.*, Cossio R., Albonico C., Zanella A. & Turci F.: XRPD quantification of naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) in Serpentinites: influence of ball milling on the diffrattometric response.

27-12 Pannello 78 Li Vigni L., Daskalopoulou K., Randazzo L., Kyriakopoulos K., Bellomo S., Brusca L., Calabrese S. & D'Alessandro W.*: Fumarolic alteration products of three hydrothermal areas of Greece: Chemical characterization and environmental impact.

27-13 Pannello 79 Pribil M., Rimondi V., Costagliola P.*, Lattanzi P. & Rutherford D.: Tracing mercury mobility and distribution in the Abbadia San Salvatore legacy mercury mine area using mercury isotope ratios and concentrations.

S28. Mineralogy, waste management and environmental pollution

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mario Tribaudino (Univ. Parma), Luciana Mantovani (Univ. Parma), Valerio Funari (ISMAR-CNR, Bologna)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Friday 14 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A4

28-1 08.30-09.00 [KEYNOTE] Faccini B.*, Ferretti G., Coltorti M., Di Giuseppe D., Colombani N. & Mastrocicco M.: 3-Years effects of zeolitite amendment practice on nitrate leaching from an agricultural soil located in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (Ferrara Province, Italy).

28-2 09.00-09.15 Ferretti G.*, Keiblinger M.K., Faccini B., Galamini G., Zimmermann M., Di Giuseppe D., Colombani N., Mastrocicco M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Mentler A. & Coltorti M.: Short-Term response of soil microbial biomass and gaseous emissions to different chabazite zeolitite amendments

28-3 09.15-09.30 Contessi S.*, Calgaro L., Dalconi M.C., Secco M., Ferrari G. & Artioli G.: The High Performance Solidification/Stabilization process: a case study of Pb immobilization through recycling of contaminated soil.

28-4 09.30-09.45 Consani S.*, Cutroneo L., Capello M., Dinelli E., Ianni M.C., Vagge G., Tolotti R., Mandich A., Reboa A. & Carbone C.: Dispersion of Cu and Zn in terrestrial and marine systems: impact on environmental quality and aquatic life.

28-5 09.45-10.00 Molinari S.*, Salviulo G., Ianni M.C., Carbone C. & Canepa M.: The role of Chromite Ore Processing Residue (COPR) in groundwater pollution: The Ex-Stoppani site (Arenzano, Genova Italy).

28-6 10.00-10.15 Masseroli A.*, Bollati I., Pelfini M. & Trombino L.: Reconstruction of geomorphic dynamics in slope affected by water driven processes: geopedological approach to two study cases in the western italian Alps.

28-7 10.15-10.30 Ambrosio F.A.*, Stoppa F. & Krasnova N.I.: Using RHA method for environmental problems: a case of study.

28-8 11.00-11.30 [KEYNOTE] Winkler A.*, Sagnotti L., Macrì P. & Caricchi C.: Magnetic monitoring of PM at INGV: a summary of key results, perspectives and outreach activities.

28-9 11.30-11.45 Caricchi C.*, Winkler A., Macrì P., Nazzari M., Guidotti M., Owczarek M., Amoroso A., Di Giosa A. & Listrani S.: Biomonitoring of air pollution by magnetic measurements on native and transplanted lichens from area subjected to arsons in Rome, Italy.

28-10 11.45-12.00 Caviglia C.*, Confalonieri G., Destefanis E., Mandrone G., Pastero L., Boero R. & Pavese A.: Chemical and mineralogical characterization of bottom ashes from a municipal solid waste incinerator in northern Italy, aimed at inertization and reuse.

28-11 12.00-12.15 Mantovani L.*, Funari V., Tribaudino M., Mazzari C. & Sabatino S.: Mineralogical characterization of MSWI bottom ash.

28-12 12.15-12.30 Funari V.*, Gomes H.I., Mayes W.M., Rogerson M., Cappelletti M., Fedi S., Dinelli E. & Rovere M.: Bioleaching of alkaline wastes using mixed bacterial culture sourced from a natural system.

28-13 12.30-12.45 Conte S.*, Zanelli C., Soldati R., Molinari C. & Dondi M.: Glassy wastes as feldspar substitutes in porcelain stoneware bodies: effect on sintering behavior.

28-14 12.45-13.00 Tribaudino M.*: Bottom ashes as a sink for the anthropocene mineralogy.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

28-15 Pannello 53 Bloise A., Barrese E.*, Apollaro C., Fuoco I., Miriello D. & Vespasiano G.: Todorokite, Ranciéite and Birnessite from Serra D'Aiello (Southern-Italy): New mineralogical and geochemical data.

28-16 Pannello 54 Cuccuru S.*, Deroma M., Mameli P. & Oggiano G.: Karstic bauxite as low cost fluoride absorbent.

28-17 Pannello 55 Mantovani L.*, Funari V., Tribaudino M., Mazzari C., Sabatino S., Pizzati M. & Lucca A.: Chemical SEM-EDS maps and cathodoluminescence analyses as a possible method to characterize bottom ash.

28-18 Pannello 56 Molinari S., Salviulo G.*, Carbone C. & Canepa M.: Chromite Ore Processing Residues (COPRs): Mineralogical characterisation, the case of Ex-Stoppani site (Arenzano, Genova Italy).

28-19 Pannello 57 Pompilio L.*, Tangari A.C., Pepe M. & Marinangeli L.: Monitoring soil organic matter content in croplands through Vis-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy.

28-20 Pannello 58 Tangari A.C.*, Scarciglia F., Piluso E.,Marinangeli L. & Pompilio L.: Role of weathering of pillow basalt, pyroclastic input and geomorphic processes on the genesis of the Monte Cerviero upland soils (Calabria, Italy).

S29. Environmental pollution related to Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) in serpentinites and other geo-matrices

Conveners and Chairpersons: Rosalda Punturo (UNICT), Andrea Bloise (UNICAL), Giovanna Rizzo (UNIBAS), Michele Paternoster (UNIBAS) Carmela Vaccaro (UNIFE)


Friday 14 September 2018 [15.30-17.30] - Room A9

29-1 15.30-15.45 Giustetto R.*, Macaluso L., Berlier G., Ganjkhanlou Y. & Barale L.: An atypical occurrence of asbestiform sepiolite associated to aliphatic hydrocarbons from Sassello (Ligurian Apennines, Italy): mineral-petrographic characterization and possible hazards.

29-2 15.45-16.00 Fornasaro S.*, Malatesta C., Crispini L., Comodi P. & Marescotti P.: Concentrations and distribution of potentially toxic elements in ultramafic rocks from Ligurian ophiolites: influence of mineralogical, structural and textural features from different geological contexts.

29-3 16.00-16.15 Rizzo M.*, Sardella A., Bonazza A. & Vaccaro C.: Degradation of mortars containing aggregate rich in serpentinites: the case of industrial brick masonry.

29-4 16.15-16.30 Botta S.*, Compagnoni R., Cossio R., Piana F., Barale L., Marcelli I., Tallone S., Boerio V., Cipolli F. & Polattini S.: Serpentinites of the Sestri-Voltaggio, Palmaro-Caffarella and Voltri Units. Surface and drill core data from the "Gronda di Genova" highway by-pass.

29-5 16.30-16.45 Daskalopoulou K., Calabrese S., Grassa F. & D'Alessandro W.*: Multiple origins of methane in fluids circulating in the Othrys ophiolite, central Greece.

29-6 16.45-17.00 Punturo R.*, Ricchiuti C., Mengel K., Apollaro C., De Rosa R. & Bloise A.: Geochemical and mineralogical features of serpentinite-derived soils in southern Italy: prospect for hazardous exposure.

29-7 17.00-17.15 Vaccaro C., Punturo R.*, Volpe L., Marrocchino E., Rizzo M., Ricchiuti C. & Mannino M.: Tremolite-bearing marbles from Namibia exploited as dimension stone: preliminary mineralogical and petrographic characterization.

29-8 17.15-17.30 [SPONSOR AMETEK] Camescasse E.*: Latest results obtained in Geology and Petrology using High Resolution Mass Spectrometers and EPMA from Cameca-Nu Instruments.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

29-9 Pannello 59 Bloise A.*, Apollaro C., Iannibelli A., Ricchiuti C., Fuoco I. & Punturo R.: Preliminary study of asbestos minerals in the area of Episcopia (Lucania, S-Italy).

29-10 Pannello 60 Bloise L.* & Calabrese E.: Ophiolitic rocks of the Timpa delle Murge-Timpa Pietrasasso in the Pollino GeoPark (southern Italy).

29-11 Pannello 61 Bloise A.* & Miriello D.: In situ multi-analytical approach for Identifying asbestos minerals.

29-12 Pannello 62 Bloise A.*, Punturo R., Lanzafame G. & Vaccaro C.: X-ray tomographic microscopy study of serpentine veins in massive serpentinite.

29-13 Pannello 63 Boschi C.*, Baneschi I., Natali C., Dini A. & Guidi M.: Natural Cr(VI) contamination of Tuscan serpentinite-hosted spring waters.

29-14 Pannello 64 Dichicco M.C.*, Castiñeiras P., Grassa F., Laurita S., Mongelli G., Paternoster M., Rizzo G. & Sinisi R.: Ophicarbonates from Mt. Pollino Massif (southern Apennines): a possible use for geological sequestration of CO2.

29-15 Pannello 65 Dichicco M.C.*, Laurita S., Mongelli G., Rizzo G. & Sinisi R.: Environmental problems related to serpentinites in the Pollino Geopark (Southern Appennine).

29-16 Pannello 66 Fornasaro S.*, Crispini L., Comodi P., Zucchini A., Gigli L. & Marescotti P.: Source and distribution of potentially toxic elements in serpentine soil profiles: a case study from the Voltri Massif (Liguria, Italy).

29-17 Pannello 67 Fuoco I.*, Figoli A., Brozzo G., De Rosa R., Bloise A., Criscuoli A. & Apollaro C.: Geogenic chromium in natural waters interacting with serpentinite rocks: preliminary study on treating by nanofiltration membranes.

29-18 Pannello 68 Militello G.M.*, Gaggero L., Punturo R., Bloise A., Sanguineti E., Yus González A. & Lanzafame G.: Multi-instrumental investigations on asbestos minerals and their non-asbestiform analogues: inferences from host rock textural constraints.

29-19 Pannello 69 Olori A., Cannizzaro A., Angelosanto F., Bruno M.R.* & Campopiano A.: Preparation of tremolite samples for in vitro studies.

29-20 Pannello 70 Paternoster M.*, Deluca F., Dichicco M.C., Grassa F., Sinisi R., Summa V. & Mongelli G.: Occurrence of hexavalent chromium in groundwater in the northern sector of the Pollino massif, southern Italy.

29-21 Pannello 71 Vespasiano G.*, Muto F., De Rosa R., Bloise A., Fuoco I. & Apollaro C.: Geochemical and hydrogeological characterization of the metamorphic-serpentinitic aquifer of the Coreca area (Calabria, South Italy).

S30. Geosciences for Cultural Heritages

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabrizio Antonelli (Univ. IUAV, Venezia), Alberto De Bonis (Univ. Wien, Austria), Domenico Miriello (Univ. Calabria), Simona Raneri (Univ. Pisa)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Thursday 13 [11.00-13.00] Thursday 13 [18.00-20.00] - Room A1

30-1 08.30-09.00 [KEYNOTE] Chiari G.* & Martin-Ramos J.D.: SmART_scan procedure: an alternative to XRF-scanners?

30-2 09.00-09.15 Barone G.*, Mazzoleni P., Raneri S., Fugazzotto M. & Russo A.: Non-destructive chemical and mineralogical analysis of Etruscan Painted Architectural Slabs.

30-3 09.15-09.30 Barca D.* & Lucarini G.: The provenance of the obsidian artefacts from the Middle Kingdom harbour of Mersa Gawasis, Red Sea, Egypt.

30-4 09.30-09.45 Giarrusso R., Montana G.*, Mulone A. & Randazzo L.: Historic mortar recipes at Palermo from the roman age up to the late modern period: knowledge for local restoration practice.

30-5 09.45-10.00 Rispoli C.*, Di Benedetto C., De Bonis A., Esposito R., Graziano S.F., Morra V. & Cappelletti P.: The ancient pozzolanic mortars of the Thermal Complex of Baia (Campi Flegrei, Italy).

30-6 10.00-10.15 Columbu S.*, Gabbrielli F., Giamello M., Mugnaini S. & Scala A.: Mineralogicalcompositional variations in the production technologies of mortars used in some Italian medieval fortifications located in different territorial and historical contexts.

30-7 10.15-10.30 Barone G., Mazzoleni P.*, Raneri S. & Spagnolo G.: Artificial Neural Network for the provenance study of archaeological potteries using clay sediment database.

30-8 11.00-11.15 Mancini S.*, Bellatreccia F. & Iezzi G.: Maiki Survey Project: archaeometrical analysis of pottery production in the Kurdistan Region.

30-9 11.15-11.30 Maritan L.*, Antonelli F., Ganzarolli G., Chavarria Arnau A., Lazzarini L., Mazzoli C. & Rigo M.: Tempering with white marbles: implications on the provenance and production technology of ancient pottery.

30-10 11.30-11.45 Morra V., Arienzo I., D'Antonio M., De Bonis A., Germinario C.*, Grifa C., Guarino V. & Langella A.: Raw materials for ancient ceramic productions from Campania region: provenance studies by means of Sr-Nd isotopes.

30-11 11.45-12.00 Manca R.*, Tartaglia E., Ruberto C., Marini M., Chiarantini L., Taccetti F., Mandò P.A. & Benvenuti M.: Authentication study of majolicas from the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence (Italy): the contribution of archaeometric analysis.

30-12 12.00-12.15 Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Raneri S. & Santostefano A.*: Sicilian and Southern-Italian red-figure potteries: a provenance study on findings from Gela by portable X-ray fluorescence.

30-13 12.15-12.30 Tesser E., Verità M., Saguì L., Lazzarini L. & Antonelli F.*: Glassin imitation of exotic marbles. An analytical investigation of Roman opus sectile tessera from Gorga collection.

30-14 12.30-12.45 Conte S.* & Arletti R.: Iron age black glass from Italy and Slovakia: technological evolution of early natron glass vs wood ash technology.

30-15 12.45-13.00 Raffiotta S.*, Caliri C., Gueli A. & Pasquale S.: Blonde with blue eyes? The colours of Morgantina goddesses.

30-49 13.00-13.15 [SPONSOR MALVERN PANALYTICAL] Witzke T., Norberg N., Sommariva M. & Casini E.*: Mineralogical study of a pair of Bronze Age plaques from the Erlitou culture, China.

30-16 18.00-18.15 Coccato A.*, Mantovani L., Ferrari R., Bersani D., Tribaudino M. & Lottici P.P.: The Deposition from the Cross in the Church of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France): a masterpiece of Romanesque sculpture? Materials characterization to solve a 20th c. mystery.

30-17 18.15-18.30 La Russa M.F.*, Ruffolo S. A., Ricca M., Davidde B., Rovella N., Randazzo L., Bruno F., Aquino M. & Crisci G.M.: The role of Geoscience in the diagnostic, conservation and valorization of underwater cultural heritage: examples of National and European projects.

30-18 18.30-18.45 Giamello M.*, Mugnaini S., Scala A., Terrosi A., Arrighi S., Boschin F., Crezzini J. & Bagnoli A.: Multi-analytical study of the triptych by Tino di Camaino of the Monte dei Paschi Bank collection in Siena (Italy).

30-19 18.45-19.00 Gambino F.*, Ricci C., Nervo M., Piccirillo A., Scarcella A., Appolonia L., Borghi A. & Pozo-Antonio J.S.: Conservation and maintenance of the ornamental stones in the city of Torino: focus on graffiti vandalism.

30-20 19.00-19.15 De Luca R., Chiarelli N., Bloise A., de Nittis V. & Miriello D.*: Geochemical, mineralogical and petrographic study of the natural and artificial stone materials from the Monasterace Castle (Calabria- Southern Italy).

30-21 19.15-19.30 Salvini S.*, Mazzoli C., Massironi M., Pozzobon R., Bertoncello R. & Maritan L.: Accelerated ageing tests on carbonate stones and assessment of their recession rate.

30-22 19.30-19.45 Scrivano S.* & Gaggero L.: Mineralogy and pore space a key to salt weathering.

30-23 19.45-20.00 [SPONSOR BRUKER] De Boever W.*: Getting the inside story - micro-computed tomography for geosciences and cultural heritage applications.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

30-24 Pannello 80 Barone G., Finocchiaro C.*, Mazzoleni P., Leonelli C. & Sgarlata C.: Potentiality of ghiara as geopolymer raw material and its application in Cultural Heritage.

30-25 Pannello 81 Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Militello P. & Sferrazza P.*: Portable XRF analysis for the study of Sicilian flint archaeological tools.

30-26 Pannello 82 Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Corsale V.*, Manenti A.M., Mastelloni M.A. & Musumeci M.: Non destructive XRF analysis of Egyptian and Egyptian style amulets coming from Sicilian archaeological sites.

30-27 Pannello 83 Bonomo A.E.*, Munnecke A., Koch R., Prosser G. & Rizzo G.: Microfacies analyses applied to building stones: the Pleistocene Gravina Calcarenite (Matera, southern Italy).

30-28 Pannello 84 Casagranda M., Martucci A., Bonadiman C., Rodeghero E.*, Vaccaro C., Pepi S. & Langone A.: Characterization of colorless topaz samples from Minas Gerais (Brazil) and Gilgit- Baltistan (Pakistan): a multi technical approach to highlight the different chemical and structural features.

30-29 Pannello 85 Cernaro A. & Fiandaca O.*: The informative exchange between documentary researches and instrumental investigations: an application for the protection of the graffiti plasters in Messina.

30-30 Pannello 86 de Ferri L.*, Catinoto M., Tesser E., Antonelli F. & Pojana G.: Application of vibrational spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction to the study of building materials from the Exedra of S. Nicolò l'Arena in Catania (Italy).

30-31 Pannello 87 De Francesco A.M.*, Scarpelli R., Conte M. & Toniolo L.: Characterization of Roman glass from Casa Bacco deposit at Pompeii.

30-32 Pannello 88 Delle Rose M., Orefici G., Capuano N., Galassi G., Mattioli M., Santini S., Spada G. & Renzulli A.*: The decline of the Nasca culture (Peru) as the result of an increasing environmental stress: overcoming the paradigm formulated at Cahuachi of catastrophic mega-floods due to El Niño-Southern Oscillation.

30-33 Pannello 89 Delluniversità E., Eramo G.*, Allegretta I., Muntoni I.M. & Tarantini M.: Compositional fingerprints of primary and secondary chert sources in Northern Apulia.

30-34 Pannello 90 Di Bella M., Giuliano A., Italiano F., Leonetti F., Quartieri S., Romano D., Tripodo A. & Sabatino G.*: New data on the vitreous inlay of the "Marmi Mischi" baroque decorations from the Messina regional museum (Sicily, Italy).

30-35 Pannello 91 Fioretti G.*: Archaeometric studies on the wall paintings of the St. Maria Veterana archaeological site in Triggiano (Bari, Italy).

30-36 Pannello 92 Germinario C.*, Guarino V., De Bonis A., Grifa C., Marazzi M., Pepe C. & Morra V.: The Mediterranean trading centre of Vivara (southern Italy): new insights on the production and circulation of pottery during the Bronze Age (XVI –XV century B.C.).

30-37 Pannello 93 Lattao V., Eftekhari N.* & Vaccaro C.: Petrographic study of the Bronze Age ceramics from Shahr-I Sokhta in east of Iran.

30-38 Pannello 94 Maritan L.*, Nodari L., Olivieri L. & Vidale M.: Northern Black Polished (NBP) Ware from Barikot (north-western Pakistan): an archaeometric study.

30-39 Pannello 95 Mastelloni M.A.*, Sabatino G., Di Bella M., Italiano F., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P.: Shape and matter – Clay, terracottas and polychrome vascular paintings in Lipari (2nd half of the 4th cent. BC).

30-40 Pannello 96 Montana G.*, Randazzo L., De Vincenzo S. & Blasetti Fantauzzi C.: Archaeometric characterization of Late Archaic ceramic from Erice (Sicily) aimed to provenance determination.

30-41 Pannello 97 Pecci A.*, Reynolds P., Mileto S, Bernal Casasola D. & Vargas Girón J.M.: Preliminary study of ovoid Baetican amphorae found in Gades (El Olivillo, Cádiz).

30-42 Pannello 98 Ricolfi E., Scrivano S.*, Gaggero L., Capelli C. & Decri A.: Archaeometric and archaeological characterization of Medieval and post-Medieval tiles from S. Francesco's church, Savona (Italy).

30-43 Pannello 99 Santi P.*, Veneri F., Tonelli G., Renzulli A., Peroni L., Antonelli F. & Tramontana M.: Petro-physical characterization of sandstones used in the buildings of the UNESCO World Heritage Historic Centre of Urbino (Marche, Italy).

30-44 Pannello 100 Santi P., Tramontana M., Tonelli G., Bellagamba M. & Veneri F.*: Characterization of the building materials in the historic centre of Urbino (Marche, Italy): an alternative perspective for the fruition of the Cultural Heritage.

30-45 Pannello 101 Silvestri A.* & Maltoni S.: Investigating a Byzantine technology: experimental replicas of Ca-phosphate opacified glass.

30-46 Pannello 102 Taelman D.* & Antonelli F.: Marble Decoration of the Roman Theatre of Urbino (IT): A Multi-Method Provenance Approach.

30-47 Pannello 103 Taranto M., Barba L., Blancas J., Bloise A., Cappa M., Chiaravalloti F., Crisci G.M., Cura M., De Angelis D., De Luca R., Pecci A. & Miriello D.*: The Bricks of Hagia Sophia: compositional study and archaeometric consideration.

30-48 Pannello 104 Vico-Triguero L.*, Martín-Peinado F., Gámiz Caro J., García-García A., AlarcónGarcía E., Moreno-Onorato A., Arboledas Martínez L., Contreras-Cortés F., Barone G., Mazzoleni P. & Finocchiaro C.: Proposal for the study of ceramic production in the Argar. The case of the settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén).

S31. Mining sites: from industrial heritage to cultural heritage

Conveners and Chairpersons: Roberta Carta (ISPRA, Roma), Marco Di Leginio (ISPRA, Roma), Fiorenzo Fumanti (ISPRA, Roma), Maria Lettieri (ISPRA, Roma), Agata Patanè (ISPRA, Roma), Manuel Ramello (ANIM Associazione Nazionale Ingegneri Minerari), Domenico Savoca (AIPAI Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico ed Industriale)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A4

31-1 17.00-17.15 Agus T., Cadoni E., Loru P., Pignatelli C., Rizzo R.* & Sernagiotto S.: The Abandoned Great Montevecchio Mine: From Industrial Heritage to Cultural Heritage.

31-2 17.15-17.30 Pellitteri G.*: Projects for the " Mine-museum " in the Cozzo-Disi dismissed site.

31-3 17.30-17.45 Guideri S. & Brocchini D.*: Archeological Mines Park of San Silvestro (Tuscany) – Protection, valorisation and management of a mining landscape, practices and future plans.

31-4 17.45-18.00 Lombardo G.*, Agnello E. & Agnello P.: The mining area of Comitini (near to Agrigento) and the "Solfara Sale" system: contribution to knowledge for the touristcultural recovery of a disused mining site.

31-5 18.00-18.15 Savoca D., Sbrilli L. & Patane A.*: Italian National Parks and Mine Museums network. Re.Mi. ISPRA. Legislation draft N. 4566 date 26-06-2017.

31-6 18.15-18.30 Pratesi G.* & Patané A.: The mining sites of historical or ethno-anthropological interest: a proposal for their cataloguing.

31-7 18.30-18.45 Carta R.*, Dacquino C., Di Leginio M., Fumanti F., Lettieri M., Lucarini M., Martarelli L., Patanè A., Pompili R., Serra M. & Vittori E.: The National Solid Georesources database (GEMMA) at the Geological Survey of Italy.

31-8 18.45-19.00 Serra M.*: Mine waste management and related problems.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

31-9 Pannello 74 Caruso C., Dominici R.*, Furfaro C., Marra A.C. & Sonnino M.: Lignite mines in Agnana Calabra area (ionian Calabria, Southern Italy). Protection and enhancement of the Mine-Geopark by means of new digital technologies.

31-10 Pannello 75 Cassarino G.*: Streppenosa mine: from geological singularity to geotourism opportunity.

31-11 Pannello 76 Lucchi G., Tosatti G. & Boaretto M.*: An educational path inside a mine to rediscover the history, the tools and the techniques for mining fluorite in the Prestavèl mine (Trento Province, Italy).

31-12 Pannello 77 Odetto G. & Vignono L.*: The new value drivers to enhance abandoned mining sites: empirical evidence from the highest mining site in Italy.

31-13 Pannello 78 Rizzo R.*, Sanciu L. & Sernagiotto S.: From mining to cultural and touristic resource of the territory. Examples of the Monte Arci area in the geological mining historical and environmental Sardinia Unesco global geopark.

31-14 Pannello 79 Rossi F.G.*, Schirone B. & Madonna S.: An alternative kind of re-vegetation. Feasibility of environmental restoration on a depleted mining site.

31-15 Pannello 80 Rossi F.P.*, Madonna S. & Milli S.: From quarrying site to geosite: a review on a possible approach to project an open-air museum as a key to preserve geological data.

S32. Cave and karst studies: from ancient to modern processes

Conveners and Chairpersons: Laura Sanna (Istituto di Biometeorologia CNR, Sassari), Mario Parise (Univ. Bari), Andrea Columbu (Univ. Bologna), Giuliana Madonia (Univ. Palermo), Marco Vattano (Univ. Palermo)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Thursday 13 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A13

32-1 08.30-08.45 D'Angeli I.M.*, Arriolabengoa M., De Waele J., Madonia G., Di Maggio C., Vattano M. & Parise M.: Flank margin caves as signatures for past sea level fluctuations in Apulia and Sicily (Southern Italy).

32-2 08.45-09.00 Presti R., Madonia G.*, Vattano M., D'Angeli I.M., De Waele J., Monteleone S. & Di Maggio C.: Speleogenesis of Grotta della Molara cave (north-west Sicily).

32-3 09.00-09.15 Vaccher V.*, Furlani S., Biolchi S., Busetti A., Venturini E. & Antonioli F.: Semisubmerged sea caves in the central Mediterranean sea: the Geoswim database.

32-4 09.15-09.30 Columbu A.*, Chiarini V., De Waele J., Spötl C., Luetscher M. & Hellstrom J.: Last glaciation 70 kyrs-long stalagmite palaeoclimate record from Southern Italy: implication for Mediterranean climate during glacial shifts.

32-5 09.30-09.45 Miragoli M.*: How Big is a Cave?

32-6 09.45-10.00 Carbone C.*, Balestra V. & De Waele J.: Secondary minerals in minothem environments.

32-7 10.00-10.15 Merlak E.*: A review of the issue "karst-bauxites" in Istria and Northern Dalmatia (Adriatic Carbonate Platform) – a new scientific paradigm and new challenge in the study of karst lands.

32-8 10.15-10.30 Ruggieri R.*, Bambina A. & Messina Panfalone D.: Karst features of the Favignana island (Sicily).

32-9 11.00-11.15 Branca F.*, De Guidi G., Maniscalco R. & Sturiale G.: A geomorphologic study of epikarstic morphologies in the RNI Grotta Palombara (Hyblean Plateau) by GNSS: what controls the distribution of sinkholes?

32-10 11.15-11.30 De Salve F., Casaluci A., D'Aquino S., Marchetti M., Martellotta M., Martonucci M., Selleri G. & Parise M.*: A natural geological section in southern Apulia, Italy: Vora Bosco, the deepest cave of Salento.

32-11 11.30-11.45 Nannoni A.*, Vigna B., Fiorucci A. & De Waele J.: The November 2016 flood event in the Bossea cave system, Southern Piedmont (Italy).

32-12 11.45-12.00 Liso I.S.*, Masciopinto C., Parise M. & Vurro M.: Deep water in Apulia Region: monitoring and exploration in the karst environment of "Inghiottitoio di Masseria Rotolo".

32-13 12.00-12.15 Sanna L.*: Groundwater geochemistry of the Sisine coastal karst system (CentralEast Sardinia, Italy).

32-14 12.15-12.30 Nannoni A.*, Antonellini M. & Vigna B.: Structural control on water circulation in the Bossea karst system (S Piedmont, Italy).

32-15 12.30-12.45 D'Angeli I.M.*, Cappelletti M., Ghezzi D., Leuko S., Parise M., Fiorucci A., Vigna B., Miller A.Z., Jurado V., Saiz-Jimenez C. & De Waele J.: Geochemical and microbial characterization of a sulfidic cave in Santa Cesarea Terme, Italy.

32-16 12.45-13.00 Berra F.*, Faio F., Baio S., Riva F. & Tognini P.: Morphology and speleothems of a cave developed in an antiformal stack of Triassic carbonates ("5 in condotta" cave, Southern Alps of Italy).


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

32-17 Pannello 105 Capella W. & Columbu A.*: Proposal to investigate potential AtlanticMediterranean connection through karst conduits during the Messinian Salinity Crisis.

32-18 Pannello 106 Sanna L.*: Environmental characterization of Sardinia show-caves: first approach for a LCA study.

32-19 Pannello 107 Sanna L., Cupertino R., Lovergine F.P., Romanazzi R., Tartarelli M., Visparelli De Girolamo R. & Parise M.*: Preliminary data on CO2 monitoring in the Murge (Apulia, S Italy).

32-20 Pannello 108 Sauro F., Cappelletti M., Ghezzi D., Columbu A.*, Hong P.-Y., Mamoon Zowawi H., Carbone C., Piccini L., Vergara F., Zannoni D. & De Waele J.: Biomediated SiO2 mobilization and deposition of amorphous silica speleothems in non-thermal subsurface environments.

S33. The contribute of Hydrogeology and Geochemistry in the study and
management of the water resources

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesco Fiorillo (Univ. Sannio), Sergio Rusi (Univ. G. d'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara), Maria Filippini (Univ. di Bologna)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Friday 14 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A5

33-1 08.30-08.45 Barberio M.D.*, Barbieri M., Billi A., Boschetti T., Doglioni C., Franchini S. & Petitta M.: Hydrogeochemical anomalies before the 2016 Mw 6.0 and 6.5 earthquakes in Italy: new data and possible relationship with deep CO2 influx.

33-2 08.45-09.00 De Giorgi F.*, Banzato F., Beddini G., Caliro S., Cambi C., Cardellini C., Fronzi D., Mastrorillo L., Mirabella F., Nanni T., Ottaviani L., Petitta M., Renghi D. Tazioli A. & Valigi D.: Hydrogeological effects of the 2016 earthquake on the groundwater circulation of the Norcia area.

33-3 09.00-09.15 Bonat M.*, Mastrorillo L., Mazza R. & Viaroli S.: Hydraulic connection between fractured and porous aquifers in glacial valleys.

33-4 09.15-09.30 Fiorillo F.*, Esposito L., Testa G., Ciarcia S. & Pagnozzi M.: Hydrogeological and Hydraulic Features of Upwelling Flux Feeding Karst Springs.

33-5 09.30-09.45 Pagnozzi M.* & Fiorillo F.: Similarities and differences on recharge phenomena between some karst systems of southern Apennines (Italy).

33-6 09.45-10.00 Di Curzio D.*, Castrignanò A., Rusi S. & Signanini P.: New insights on advanced redox zonation of aquifers using multivariate geostatistics: the San Pedro Sula case study.

33-7 10.00-10.15 Mastrorillo L.*, Mazza R. & Viaroli S.: Recharge process of a dune aquifer in the roman coast.

33-8 10.15-10.30 Oberto G.*, Colombo L., Alberti L. & Castelletti A.: Assessing long-term projected impacts of climate change and socio-economic factors on regional groundwater system: Adda-Ticino basin case study.

33-9 11.00-11.15 Stevenazzi S.*, Masetti M., Camera C., Tiepolo M. & Ferrari E.S.: Impacts of nitrogen depositions on groundwater systems in northern Italy.

33-10 11.15-11.30 Sellerino M., Forte G.* & Ducci D.: Assessment of natural background levels coupled with statistical analysis to identify homogeneous hydrochemical areas in a volcanic groundwater body.

33-26 11.30-11.45 Semeraro R.*, Di Curzio D. & Rusi S.: Multi-scenario groundwater numerical modeling of the Popoli Gorges complex aquifer (Central Italy).

33-12 11.45-12.00 Canora F.*, Panariello S. & Sdao F.: Hydrogeological setting and groundwater hydrochemical characteristics of the Lauria Mounts northern sector (southern Italy).

33-13 12.00-12.15 Biddau R.*, Cidu R. & Da Pelo S.: From acid-rock drainage to acid-mine drainage: extreme contamination in waters at the Furtei Au-mine (Sardinia, Italy).

33-14 12.15-12.30 Gozzi C.*, Filzmoser P., Vaselli O. & Buccianti A.: New statistical methods for the geochemical characterization of surface waters: the Tiber River basin case study.

33-15 12.30-12.45 Sauro Graziano R.*, Buccianti A. & Vaselli O.: Graphical-numerical methods to investigate geochemical variability in natural waters under CoDA (Compositional Data Analysis).

33-16 12.45-13.00 Sunkari E.D.*, Zango M.S. & Korboe H.M.: Geogenic sources of fluoride contamination in groundwaters of Northeastern Ghana: Bongo district in perspective.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

33-17 Pannello 72 Beddini G.*, Cardellini C., Frondini F., Valigi D., De Giorgi F., Cambi C., Mirabella F., Caliro S. & Chiodini G.: Geochemical groundwater modifications connect to central Italy earthquake of 2016: Torbidone case (Norcia plain, Italy).

33-18 Pannello 73 Corniello A.*, Del Gaudio E., Ducci D. & Stellato L.: Hydrogeochemical and isotopic studies of the middle Valley of Volturno River (Campania Region).

33-19 Pannello 74 Cuiuli E.*: Quantitative hydrogeology of the shallow aquifer of S. Eufemia Lamezia plain for the management and protection of water resources (central Calabria) - Preliminary results.

33-20 Pannello 75 Cuiuli E.*, Costabile A., Migliorino C. & Reillo O.: The integrated vulnerability map of S. E. Lamezia plain (Calabria) as a qualitative assessment tool to support territorial development.

33-21 Pannello 76 Fuoco I.*, Figoli A., Criscuoli A., De Rosa R., Gabriele B., Mancuso R., Vespasiano G. & Apollaro C.: Treatment of arsenic contaminated groundwater: a case study in the south of Sila Massif (Calabria, Italy).

33-22 Pannello 77 Grassa F.*: Stable isotopes (H, B, C and O) and chemical evidence of deep-seated fluids in the waters emitted from "Macalube di Aragona" mud volcanoes (Sicily, Italy).

33-23 Pannello 78 La Vigna F.*, Bonfà I., Martelli S. & Ticconi L.: The benefits coming from groundwater monitoring in urban areas, the case of Rome.

33-24 Pannello 79 Magi F.*, Capecchiacci F., Venturi S., Pandeli E., Tassi F. & Vaselli O.: The acidic waters in Italy: a brief overview.

33-25 Pannello 80 Pierozzi A.*, Huertas A.D., Granados Torres A., Nisi B. & Vaselli O.: Geochemical and isotopic survey of the surface waters from the Arno River Basin (central Italy): new insights on the sources of the N-bearing species by using nitrogen and oxygen isotopes.

33-11 Pannello 81 Coda S.*, Tessitore S., Calcaterra D., De Vita P., Di Martire D. & Allocca V.: Effects of groundwater rebound in the metropolitan area of Naples (southern Italy).

33-27 Pannello 82 Tamburini A.* & Menichetti M.: Groundwater Circulation in Karst Aquifers of the Umbria-Marche Apennines.

33-28 Pannello 83 Filippini M.*, Segadelli S., Monti A. & Gargini A.: Estimation of effective recharge in hard rock aquifers based on spring discharge monitoring during the low flow season.

S34. Monitoring of deformation of structures and ground surface displacements

Conveners and Chairpersons: Claudia Meisina (Univ. Pavia), Luigi Guerriero (Univ. Sannio), Diego Di Martire (Univ. Napoli Federico II), Giuseppe Centolanza (Dares Technology, Castelldefels, Spain), Chiara Calligaris (Univ. di Trieste)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [14.30-16.30] - Room A2

34-1 14.30-14.45 Ruzza G.*, Guerriero L., Guadagno F.M. & Revellino P.: Low-cost MEMS accelerometers for tilt measurement: thermal compensation and accuracy assessment.

34-2 14.45-15.00 Pappalardo G., Mineo S.*, Di Martire D. & Calcaterra D.: An innovative approach to study complex landslides through InfraRed Thermography and DInSAR.

34-3 15.00-15.15 Santo A., De Falco M. & Forte G.*: Monitoring slope deformations in the complex Senerchia earthflow by traditional and UAV surveys.

34-4 15.15-15.30 Roccheggiani M.*, Tamburini A., Tirincanti E. & Menichetti M.: Sentinel-1 InSAR data for semi-automatic detection of coseismic ruptures: the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence case study.

34-5 15.30-15.45 Santangelo N.*, De Falco M., Forte G. & Santo A.: A case study of flash flood magnitude evaluation in Southern Apennines.

34-6 15.45-16.00 Argento G.R.*, Argentieri A., Cecere V., Esposito G., Gabriele S., Mari A.M., Naso G., Orsini G., Perniola B., Piro M. & Spina D.: Risk prevision and prevention in Rome metropolitan area: the "IOPS project" for school buildings.

34-7 16.00-16.15 De Guidi G., Lupo M.*, Brighenti F., Carnemolla F. & Messina D.: Mud volcano in Santa Barbara village (Caltanissetta, Sicily) - an "open air" morphometry laboratory. Relationship between vertical deformations and evolution of the hydrographic network.

34-8 16.15-16.30 Sternai P.*: Present-day surface uplift of the European Alps: mechanisms, relative contributions and implications for hazards.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

34-9 Pannello 81 Argentieri A.*, Esposito C., Fabiani M., Marmoni G.M., Piro M., Rotella G., Scarascia Mugnozza G. & Vitali P.: The "Franarisk" project in Rome metropolitan area: a tool for land planning and management and for preliminary risk assessment of infrastructures and buildings.

34-10 Pannello 82 Bonì R.*, Meisina C., Teatini P., Herrera G., Zucca F., Zoccarato C., Franceschini A., Ezquerro P. & Béjar-Pizarro M.: Measures of ground deformation obtained using satellite sensors to characterize the aquifer-system properties of the Madrid Aquifer-system (Spain).

34-11 Pannello 83 Cianflone G.*, Vespasiano G., Apollaro C., Bloise A., Fuoco I., Cipriani M., Tolomei C., Brunori C.A. & Dominici R.: Ground deformation related to the old Lungro Salt Mine: a multidisciplinary approach.

34-12 Pannello 84 Giustini F., Ciotoli G.*, Ruggiero L., Voltaggio M., Sciarra A., Sirianni P. & Bigi S.: GISbased interpolation methods for spatial assessment of Geogenic Radon Potential.

34-13 Pannello 85 Mureddu A.*: Remapping of hydrogeological risk areas in regional planning: execution of direct and indirect geognostic surveys, monitoring and updating of maps - Locality of Ceramica - Iglesias - SW Sardinia - Italy.

34-14 Pannello 86 Schicchi D., Argentieri A.*, Brancaleoni F., Di Biagio C., Maggi T., Orsini G., Perniola B., Piro M., Rizzo M., Ruggeri A. & Santi L.: Risk mitigation plan for transportation civil infrastructures in Rome Metropolitan Area.

34-15 Pannello 87 Sulli A., Martorana R., Capizzi P.*, Gasparo Morticelli M., Carollo A. & Patanè D.: Multidisciplinary investigations to characterize a shallow fault zone in the Bellolampo landfill (Palermo, Italy).

S35. Landslides: monitoring, hazard and impact on society and cultural heritage

Conveners and Chairpersons: Domenico Calcaterra (Univ. Napoli Federico II), Giovanni Battista Crosta (Univ. Milano Bicocca), Francesco Maria Guadagno (Univ. Sannio), Giovanna Pappalardo (Univ. Catania), Micol Rossini (Univ. Milano Bicocca)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A2

35-1 17.00 - 17.15 Confuorto P.*, Di Martire D., Danzi M., Vicario E.I., Mazzoli S., Tavani S. & Calcaterra D.: Preliminary stability assessment of the rocky cliffs of the archaeological site of Crapolla (Amalfi coast, Southern Italy) through UAV photogrammetry.

35-2 17.15 - 17.30 Dei Cas L.*, Pastore M.L. & Rivolta C.: The geological monitoring of a rock wall and the activity for the safety and protection of human life and of cultural heritage.

35-3 17.30 - 17.45 Di Martire D.*, Confuorto P., Frezza A., Calcaterra D. & Ramondini M.: Satellitebased monitoring of ground deformations in the city of Cuenca (Ecuador).

35-4 17.45 - 18.00 Guerriero L.*, Bertello L., Cardozo N., Berti M., Grelle G. & Revellino P.: Insights into clay-landslide movement propagation and slide-to-flow transition from sediment discharge calculation and field observations, Mount Pizzuto, southern Italy.

35-5 18.00 - 18.15 Mineo S.* & Pappalardo G.: Qualitative and quantitative approaches to estimate rockfall hazard and risk.

35-6 18.15 - 18.30 Poueme Djueyep G.*, Esposito C., Schilirò L. & Bozzano F.: The potential of deterministic and probabilistic physically based approaches on the prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslide: an application from slope to catchment scale in the city of Rome.

35-7 18.30 - 18.45 Rossini M.*, Evdokimov A., Panigada C., Colombo R., Frattini P. & Crosta G.B.: Remotely-sensed optical indicators of vegetation dynamics for landslide monitoring.

35-8 18.45 - 19.00 Schilirò L.*, Poueme Djueyep G., Esposito C. & Scarascia Mugnozza G.: Insights on the role of initial soil conditions in shallow landslide triggering: a physically-based approach from laboratory to slope scale.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

35-9 Pannello 88 Bonasera M.*, Fubelli G., Lanteri L., Bresci V., Scomegna C. & Tiranti D.: Evaluation of triggering factors and thresholds of large landslides in alpine environment.

35-10 Pannello 89 Cafiso F. & Cappadonia C.*: Landslide inventory and rockfall risk assessment of the Monte Pellegrino Oriented Nature Reserve area (Sicily).

35-11 Pannello 90 Curcuruto E.*, Monaco C. & De Guidi G.: Slow ground instability in the Caltanissetta industrial area related to mud volcanism: insight from an integrated approach.

35-12 Pannello 91 Pappalardo G., Mineo S.*, Imposa S., Barbano M.S. & Grassi S.: Relict landslide detection at the cultural heritage site of Abakainon necropolis (NE Sicily).

35-13 Pannello 92 Sepe C., Di Martire D., Confuorto P.*, Di Napoli M., Pappalardo L. & Calcaterra D.: X-ray microtomographic investigation for the engineering-geological characterization of landslide-prone pyroclastic deposits in the peri-Vesuvian area (Campania region, Italy).

S36. Landscape and Landforms: geoheritage in urban and natural areas

Conveners and Chairpersons: Maurizio Del Monte (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), Pierluigi Brandolini (Univ. Genova), Laura Melelli (Univ. Perugia), Valeria Panizza (Univ. Sassari)


Friday 14 September 2018 [15.30-17.30] - Room A8

36-1 15.30-15.45 Catalano S.*, Pavano F., Romagnoli G. & Tortorici G.: Geological and morphological features of the landscape of Catania (eastern Sicily).

36-2 15.45-16.00 Faccini F.*, Paliaga G., Piana P. & Brandolini P.: Genoa 'the Superba' old city - Unesco World site - geomorphological heritage.

36-3 16.00-16.15 Stamatopoulos L.* & Alevizos G.: Morphological evolution of the urban landscape of the city of Patras and possible natural hazards.

36-4 16.15-16.30 Lugeri F.R.* & Farabollini P.: Landscape: a neglected ace in the hole.

36-5 16.30-16.45 Liucci L.*, Bianchini G., Fanò L., Melelli L., Nazzareni S., Perugini D. & Vercillo F.: HUSH (Hiking in Urban Scientific Heritage): Augmented Reality as a tool to explore the geological and naturalistic richness of urban areas. An example from Perugia.

36-6 16.45-17.00 Sabato L.*: Following Carlo Levi: a geological itinerary within the "Matera-Basilicata 2019, European Capital of Culture" Events.

36-7 17.00-17.15 Foresta Martin F.* & Furlani S.: Interplay between topography and geomorphology with prehistoric settlements: the case study of Ustica island.

36-8 17.15-17.30 Luberti G.M.* & Del Monte M.: Geological risk evaluation and anthropogenic deposits in Rome (Italy): potentialities from an interdisciplinary approach.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

36-9 Pannello 84 Agnesi V., Cappadonia C., Agate M., Di Maggio C.*: Geomorphological map of the urban area of Palermo (Italy).

36-10 Pannello 85 Bollati I., Coratza P., Panizza V. & Pelfini M.*: Mapping Geoheritage on the Official Italian Geomorphological Maps: a Proposal From the Italian Scientific Community.

36-11 Pannello 86 Burlando M., Faccini F.*, Paliaga G., Poggi E. & Poggi F.: Geosites and geological landscape map of Liguria (Italy).

36-12 Pannello 87 Console F.*, Fabiani M., Giovagnoli M.C., Mancinella D., Rotella G. & Testardi M.: Geological memory sites in the Latium region: a new pilot project.

36-13 Pannello 88 Diella V.*, Pezzotta F., Bocchio R., Marinoni N. & Langone A.: The gem-quality tourmaline occurring in the Adamello Park natural reservation, Central Southern Alps, Italy.

36-14 Pannello 89 Faccini F., Giardino M., Paliaga G., Perotti L. & Brandolini P.*: Urban geomorphology of Genoa old city (Italy).

36-15 Pannello 90 Melelli L.* & Nazzareni S.: The "Perugia Upside Down": an exhibition to promote the Urban Landscape.

36-16 Pannello 91 Stamatopoulos L.* & Alevizos G.: Peri-urban areas, morphological evolution and hazards: The case of Rio city, Northern Peloponnese, Greece.

36-17 Pannello 92 Vigliotti M.*, Autiero M., Dell'Aversana L. & Ruberti D.: Anthropogenic tuff cavites in the southern metropolitan area of Caserta (southern Italy): hazard evaluation vs. Enhancement of the territory.

S37. Geoparks and geosites: tools for knowledge and protection of geological heritage

Conveners and Chairpersons: Pietro Marescotti (Univ. Genova), Rosolino Cirrincione (Univ. Catania)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [14.30-16.30] - Room A3

37-1 14.30-14.45 [SPONSOR GLOBALMAP] Bonomo A.* & Persico A.: Il primo plastico geologico d'Italia (per geologi e non geologi).

37-2 14.45-15.00 Boscaino G.*, Patacca E., Agostini S., Garzarella A. & Liberatoscioli E.: Majella National Park international geosites: identification, list and challenges for conservation.

37-3 15.00-15.15 Carbone S.* & Pistorio A.: The world geosites of Sicily: the state of art.

37-4 15.15-15.30 Giammanco S.*, Carbone S. & Pistorio A.: The peculiar features of the "System of the Salinelle of Mt. Etna" Geosite (East Sicily, Italy).

37-5 15.30-15.45 Ortolano G., Palermiti A.S.*, Santagati S., Tralongo S. & Cirrincione R.: The contribution of the " Environmental Interpretation" to the communication and scientific divulgation of the Geological Heritage: the case of the Aspromonte Geopark Project.

37-6 15.45-16.00 Petti F.M.*, Petruzzelli M., Conti J., Spalluto L., Wagensommer A., Bernardi M., Tomasoni R., Antonelli M., Sacco E., Pignatti J., Sabato L. & Tropeano M.: The use of aerial and close-range photogrammetry to study dinosaur tracksites both at the meso- and macro-scale: the cases of the Lavini di Marco (Lower Jurassic, Hettangian – Trentino Alto-Adige) and Molfetta (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian-Albian - Apulia) tracksites.

37-7 16.00-16.15 Tropeano M.*: "Sassi", the old town of Matera in southern Italy: a potential urban geopark in the European Capital of Culture 2019.

37-8 16.15-16.30 Valente E.*, Guida D., Santangelo N. & Santo A.: Geo-itineraries in the Cilento-Vallo di Diano-Alburni Geopark (southern Apennines): a trip in the karst complex of Caselle in Pittari (Salerno).


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

37-9 Pannello 93 Amore E., Branca F., Cirrincione R., Costanzo S.*, Di Stefano A. & Sturiale G.: The relationships between Geosites and nature reserves: The case history of the Karsts systems managed by Cutgana (University of Catania).

37-10 Pannello 94 Caruso C., Dominici R.*, La Rosa S., Santagati S., Sonnino M. & Tralongo S.: The Aspromonte GeoPark (Calabria, Southern Italy). Enhancement and popularization of geosites by means of new digital technologies.

37-11 Pannello 95 Cirrincione R., Fiannacca P. & Tranchina A.*: The Triassic sill of "Contrada Vignale" (Rocca di Cerere Geopark, Enna, southern Italy).

37-12 Pannello 96 Costanzo S.*, Cirrincione R., Signorello G. & Sturiale G.: First results from Evaluation of the Carrying Capacity of the Monello cave.

37-13 Pannello 97 Grieco G., Lotti P., Milani D., Aldighieri A., Bussolesi M. & Marescotti P.*: The Cortabbio-Primaluna barite mine (Valsassina, Lc): emotion, experience and disability.

S38. History of geosciences and Geoethics: the right way for social responsibility

Conveners and Chairpersons: Marco Pantaloni (ISPRA-Roma), Silvia Peppoloni (INGV, Roma), Fabiana Console (ISPRA, Roma), Giuseppe Di Capua (INGV, Roma)


Thursday 13 September 2018 [18.00-20.00] - Room A13

38-1 18.00 - 18.15 Romano M.*: Inventor, Engineer and Earth Scientist in a single brushstroke: Leonardo da Vinci and the earliest conception of sustainable land management on a constantly changing Planet.

38-2 18.15 - 18.30 Macini P.*: Well construction and underground fluids in pre-industrial ages: Scientific observations, ethical speculation and medical contributions of Bernardino Ramazzini on the health and safety of Putearii (water well diggers).

38-3 18.30 - 18.45 Hamilton M.*: The research of the western Tauern window between 1894 and 1898 in the documents of the mineralogist and petrographer Friedrich Becke. A project of the "Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften".

38-4 18.45 - 19.00 Foresta Martin F.*: Marcello Carapezza (1925-1987), Scientist and Humanist.

38-5 19.00 - 19.15 Branca S.* & Abate T.: The hypotheses of Jean Hoüel (1735-1813) on the formation of Etna. The evolutionary model of the volcano in the representation of the CXIX planche.

38-6 19.15 - 19.30 Vaccari E.*: The role of the institutions for the birth of the professional geologist between the 18th and the 20th century.

38-7 19.30 - 19.45 Barale L., Fioraso G. & Mosca P.*: The role of geological studies in large infrastructural projects in the 19th century - some examples from NW Italy.

38-8 19.45 - 20.00 Boscaino G.* & Boscaino M.: The geology between past and present: cultural heritage and the current social value of geosciences. The tragedy of the Rigopiano Hotel.


Thursday 13 September 2018 - Poster Room

38-9 Pannello 109 Alimenti S. & Lupi R.*: Policy, economy and geosciences in the debate about Fucino and Trasimeno lakes (1780-1870 ca.).

38-10 Pannello 110 Cubellis E.*, Luongo G. & Obrizzo F.: Sciences of Laws and Sciences of Processes for Earth Science.

38-11 Pannello 111 De Caterini G.* & Radogna P.V.: Critique of Practical Geology.

38-12 Pannello 112 Di Cencio A.*, Mori G., Casati S. & Nardi M.: Paleontherapy - the new method in field of medical geology for the therapy of young disturbances.

38-13 Pannello 113 Pantaloni M.*, Console F. & Motti A.: The "rebirth" of the Torbidone River (Norcia Plain, Umbria): a historic and geoethic approach.

38-14 Pannello 114 Pinarelli L., Piccardi L. & Montanari D.*: The social value of geological knowledge in the supernatural narratives of the ancient world: some case studies.

38-15 Pannello 115 Sudiro P.*: The Expanding Earth: a disproved scientific hypothesis surviving its falsification.

S39. 1968-2018: Fifty years after the Belice's Earthquake. Considerations on geological, geophysical, geochemical, territorial and social aspects of this earthquake and its heritage in the connections between the Italian society and seismic catastrophes

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mario Mattia (INGV, Catania), Paolo Madonia (INGV, Palermo), Giulio Selvaggi (INGV, Roma), Giulia De Spuches (Univ. Palermo), Francesco Martinico (Univ. Catania)


Wednesday 12 September 2018 [17.00-19.00] - Room A3

39-1 17.00-17.15 Azzaro R.*, Barbano M.S., Camassi R., Pirrotta C. & Tertulliani A.: A reappraisal of the 1968 Belìce valley seismic sequence: a case study of intensity assessment with cumulated damage effects.

39-2 17.15-17.30 Hinzen K.-G.*, O'Neill R., Schwellenbach I., Burrato P., Ferranti L., Reamer S.-K. & Bottari C.: The 1968 Belice Earthquake Sequence, its virtual impact to the temples at Selinunte, SW Sicily.

39-3 17.30-17.45 Azzaro R.*, Camassi R., Cascone M. & Amantia A.: The 1968 earthquakes and the ghost towns in the Belìce valley (western Sicily): a stage of the virtual seismic itinerary through Italy.

39-4 17.45-18.00 Martinico F., Pappalardo V.* & Di Mauro F.: Gibellina, Montevago, Salaparuta and Poggioreale: about built heritage underutilization and possible urban future.

39-5 18.00-18.15 Ferranti L.*, Burrato P., Barreca G., Mattia M., Meccariello M., Monaco C. & Pepe F.: The active thrust front in south western Sicily: hints on the Belice and Selinunte seismogenic sources.

39-6 18.15-18.30 Caracausi A.*, Favara R., Italiano F., Nuccio P.M., Paonita A., Rizzo L.A. & Sulli A.: Active Geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean Sea: mantle-derived helium evidences in western Sicily.

39-7 18.30-18.45 Favara R.*, Cangemi M., Francofonte S. & Madonia P.: Chemical and isotopic signature of groundwater in the Santa Ninfa karst system: possible relationships with neotectonic activity.

39-8 18.45-19.00 Madonia P.*: The gypsum karst system of Santa Ninfa (Belice valley) in the framework of the neotectonic activity of south-western Sicily.


Wednesday 12 September 2018 - Poster Room

39-9 Pannello 102 Bellomo V., Di Maggio C., Fiammingo V., Madonia G.*, Monteleone S. & Vattano M.: Morphotectonic evolution of the area affected by the 1968 Belice earthquake sequence, Southern Italy.

39-10 Pannello 103 Bottari C.*, Ferranti L. & Burrato P.: Archaeoseismological evidence of earthquakes Atselinunte: a review.

39-11 Pannello 104 Bruno V., Dardanelli L., Guglielmino F., Mattia M.*, Pipitone C. & Rossi M.: A new dataset of geodetic and InSAR data for the detection of active faulting in southwestern Sicily.

39-12 Pannello 105 Camarda M., De Gregorio S.*, Di Martino R.M.R., Favara R. & Prano V.: Relationships between soil CO2 flux and tectonics structures in SW Sicily.

39-13 Pannello 106 De Lucia M.*, Musacchio G. & Pino N.A.: From Belice to nowadays: preliminary comparative analysis of multiple parameters describing seismic disasters.

39-14 Pannello 107 Grassa F.*, Capasso G. & Favara R.: Thermal springs in Western Sicily as sensitive sites for the 1968 Belice seismic sequence. A review.

S40. The role of abiotic and biotic soil components, environmental materials and factors, and physical evidence in criminal investigations, environmental crimes, and legal system

Conveners and Chairpersons: Roberta Somma (Univ. Messina), Eva Sacchi (Animal, Plant and Soil Traces Working Group of European Network Forensic Sciences Institutes - ENFSI), Fabio Tortorici (Fondazione Centro Studi, Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi), Luca Trombino (Univ. Milano)


Friday 14 September 2018 [15.30-17.30] - Room A13

40-1 15.30 - 15.45 Sacchi E.*: An European network for improving Forensic Science.

40-2 15.45 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Somma R.*: The Aldo Moro murder case forty years after: New investigative implication on Moro's last days.

40-3 16.00 - 16.15 Sacchi E.* & Somma R.: Forensic geoscience today: which future prospects.

40-4 16.15 - 16.30 Somma R.*, Silvestro M. & Cascio M.: A contribution to the search of illegal concealments: A GIS-based quantitative approach to define a prioritization system.

40-5 16.30 - 16.45 Zangarini S.*, Trombino L. & Cattaneo C.: Time-dependent evidences of decomposition and permanence in soil in experimental burials: a geopedological approach.

40-6 16.45 - 17.00 Laurelli A.*: A case study of environmental disaster.

40-7 17.00 - 17.15 Sansotta C.*, Acri G., Denaro L., Granata T., Ruello E., Somma R. & Testagrossa B.: Relevance of telethermography in waste dumps.

40-8 17.15 - 17.30 Fragale F.*, Lupiano V. & Tortorici F.: Unpredictability of the detachment of a clay block from the excavation front of a tunnel.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

40-9 Pannello 93 Caruso V., Berna F., Cattaneo C. & Trombino L.*: Characterization of bone taphonomy on archaeological and modern human remains by FT-IR and BSE-SEM.

40-10 Pannello 94 Fragale F.*, Somma R., Casabona R., Tortorici F., Gurgone S. & Granata T.: Crimes against the environment: how to deal with them.

40-11 Pannello 95 Laurelli A.*, Gurgone S., Somma R. Silvestro M., Cascio M. & Granata T.: Environmental crimes and advisors: the importance of binding legislation and technical knowledge.

40-12 Pannello 96 Poppa P., Cattaneo C. & Trombino L.*: The utility of ground-penetrating radar in the discovery of clandestine burials.

40-13 Pannello 97 Sansotta C.*, Ruello E., Acri G., Denaro L., Granata T., Somma R. & Testagrossa B.: Exposure to Radon and National Radon Plan in Italy by Directive 2013/59/Euratom.

40-14 Pannello 98 Zangarini S.*, Trombino L., Ern S.I.E., Rizzi A., Comolli R. & Cattaneo C.: Phosphatic impregnations on soil particles in experimental burials: ultramicroscopic characterization and environmental control on their persistence.

S41. Planetary evolution: insights from geological studies, meteorite analyses and terrestrial analogues

Conveners and Chairpersons: Lucia Marinangeli (Univ. G. D'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara), Valentina Galluzzi (INAF, Roma), Cristian Carli (INAF, Roma)


Friday 14 September 2018 [08.30-10.30] / Friday 14 September 2018 [11.00-13.00] - Room A13

41-1 08.30-08.45 [KEYNOTE] Pratesi G.*, Gardiol D., Cellino A., Pace E., Trifoni E., Martucci A., Purpura C., Savino L. & Di Martino M.: PRISMA and GHIBLI: from meteors monitoring to simulation of entering the atmosphere.

41-2 08.45-09.00 Nava J.*, Carli C., Palomba E., Maturilli A. & Massironi M.: Fine-grained Antarctic micrometeorites and weathered carbonaceous chondrites as possible analogues of Ceres surface.

41-3 09.00-09.15 Morana M.*, Murri M., Nestola F., Barbaro A., Fioretti A.M.,Alvaro M., Domeneghetti M.C., Goodrich C. & Shaddad M.H.: Diamond formation in ureilites: a shock origin inferred from diamond in Almahata Sitta ureilites.

41-4 09.15-09.30 Mari N.*, Hallis L.J., Lee M.R. & Riches A.J.V.: Martian meteorites as a probe for the evolution of Mars.

41-5 09.30-09.45 Stagno V.*, Greaux S., Du W., Kebukawa Y. & Irifune T.: Melting Temperature of Tagish Lake (CI2) meteorite from 5 to 30 GPa: implications for the fate of the Carbonaceous Matter during planetary accretion.

41-6 09.45-10.00 Barilaro F.*, Di Capua A. & Vasconcelos C.: Biotic to abiotic mineral precipitation in continental hydrothermal settings: a potential journey from early Earth to extraterrestrial planet.

41-7 10.00-10.15 De Angelis G.*, Filippone R., Di Iorio A., Ori G.G., Dell'arciprete I. & Pascucci V.: Lumino: a datation instrument for the surfaces of Mars and the Earth.

41-8 10.15-10.30 Ori G.G.*, Dell'Arciprete I., Pascucci V., De Angelis G., Filippone R. & Di Iorio A.: Insitu dating of recent sediments on the surfaces of Mars and the Earth.

41-9 11.00-11.15 Gasperini L.*, Albertazzi S., Bonatti E., Foschini L., Longo G., Polonia A., Serra R., Stanghellini C. & Stanghellini G.: The 1908 Tunguska Event.

41-10 11.15-11.30 Tiepolo M.*, Fiorentini M., Sessa G., Moroni M. & Langone A.: Secular variations in the Nb-Ta signature of the mantle: a window on Earth accretion.

41-11 11.30-11.45 Mazzarini F.*, Pozzobon R., De Toffoli B., Lucchetti A. & Massironi M.: Vents, faults and fractures spatial distribution: a planetary geology perspective.

41-12 11.45-12.00 Schmidt G., Pondrelli M.*, Salese F. & Rossi A.: Distribution, stratigraphy, and layer thicknesses of intra-crater deposits in Western Arabia Terra, Mars.

41-13 12.00-12.15 Cianfarra P.*, Rossi C. & Salvini F.: Unravelling the tectonic contribution to the internal architecture of the Mars Polar Layered deposit.

41-14 12.15-12.30 Roda M.*, Govers R. & Zegers T.E.: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the Chaotic Terrains on Mars.

41-15 12.30-12.45 Tangari A.C.*, Marinangeli L., Scarciglia F., Pompilio L. & Piluso E.: Investigation of clay minerals in Margaritifer Region on Mars: Implication for pedogenetic processes and the ages of soils using terrestrial analogues.

41-16 12.45-13.00 Guzzetta L.*, Giacomini L., Ferranti L. & Palumbo P.: Structural setting of the northeastern sector of the Caloris basin, Shakespeare Quadrangle (H03), Merc.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Poster Room

41-17 Pannello 99 Carli C.*, Serventi G., Sgavetti M. & Giacomini L.: Proclus Crater: Spectral variability within Lunar Highlands.

41-18 Pannello 100 Ferrari M.*, De Angelis S., De Sanctis M.C., Ammannito E., Stefani S. & Piccioni G.: Reflectance spectroscopy of ammoniated phyllosilicates.

41-19 Pannello 101 Galluzzi V.*, Giacomini L., Massironi M., Lucchetti A., Pajola M., Carli C., Ferranti L., Palumbo P. & Cremonese G.: Bedrock layering revealed by hollows on Mercury.

41-20 Pannello 102 Giacomini L.*, Galluzzi V., Carli C., Massironi M., Ferranti L. & Palumbo P.: Geological mapping of the Kuiper (H06) quadrangle of Mercury: Status update.

41-21 Pannello 103 Guzzetta L.*, Lewang A.M., Mosca A., Ferranti L., Hiesinger H., Palumbo P.: Preliminary geologic map of the Beethoven Quadrangle (H07), Mercury.

41-22 Pannello 104 Marinangeli L.*, Pompilio L., Baliva A., Alvaro M., Bonanno G., Domeneghetti M.C., Frau F., La Salvia V., Melis M.T., Menozzi O., Tangari A.C., Rapisarda M., Petrinca P. & Pirrotta S.: An X-Rays tomographer (Tomox) for in situ planetary exploration.

41-23 Pannello 105 Sabatino G., Italiano F., Barbieri R., Cavalazzi B., Ferretti A., Magazù S., Tripodo A., Leonetti F., Romano D., Messori F. & Di Bella M.*: From Earth to Mars: mineralogical and geochemical perspective from NASA's rovers and from a recent discovery in the Aeolian Arc, Sicily.

41-24 Pannello 106 Serventi G.*, Carli C., Maturilli A., Ferrari S., Sgavetti M., Secchiari A., Montanini A. & Helbert J.: Emissivity and reflectance spectra of sulfide-bearing samples: new constraints for the hermean surface composition.

S42. Geosciences at school 2018: geoscience and society

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesca Cifelli (Univ. Roma Tre), Rosolino Cirrincione (Univ. Catania), Eleonora Paris (Univ. Camerino), Manuela Pelfini (Univ. Milano), Angela Tosto (ANIS)


Friday 14 September 2018 [15.30-17.30] - Auditorium

42-1 15.30-15.45 Fanti R.*: Earth Sciences and STEM initiatives: the Geology Project in the framework of "Piano Lauree Scientifiche".

42-2 15.45-16.00 Venturini C.*, Pantaloni M., Persico A., Pederneschi M. & Polverari S.: Italy - Geology in 3D.

42-3 16.00-16.15 Lupi C.*, Camerlenghi A. & Cicconi A.: ECORD School of Rock 2018.

42-4 16.15-16.30 Musacchio G.*, Biondi R. & Nogherotto R.: Challenging young scientists with Science Communication.

42-5 16.30-16.45 Argentieri A.*, Fabbri M., Guida T., Sirna M. & Zacco F.: "Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity": seminars on natural risks in Rome metropolitan area.

42-6 16.45-17.00 Di Cencio A.*, Bruno H., Poggi S., Veggetti A., Girelli M.C. & Varchetta D.: A geologist at school: from an alternative mathematics to a geo-touristic travel forward Moon, passing by the synonymous list of Homo sapiens and the poetry of Giacomo Leopardi.

42-7 17.00-17.15 Lustrino M.*: Seeing the invisible. The magical world of fluorescent minerals

42-8 17.15-17.30 Rosati F.*, Bogliolo E., Hysenaj A., Ridolfi N., Seraghiti G. & Moretti B.: "Microzoniamoci" student project at Science High School "Laurana-Baldi" in Urbino (PU) - Italy.


Friday 14 September 2018 - Auditorium

42-9 Pannello 107 Belviso C.*, Biancardino F., Carlucci I., Claps T., Cuccarese M., Garaguso F., Natiello G., Sabia C., Sarli R., Spaltro F., Teta L., Fanti L., Lettino A. & Cavalcante F.: "Researchers for 1 week". a project of 'Alternanza scuola lavoro' as an example of school at Geosciences.

42-10 Pannello 108 Bollati I.* & Pelfini M.: Dendrogeomorphogical reconstructions on polygenic debris fan as a tool for approaching geo-risks with students of different ages.

42-11 Pannello 109 Brugnone F.*, Li Vigni L., Milazzo S. & Calabrese S.: Sicily: a geological laboratory.

42-12 Pannello 110 Caironi V.*, Zucali M., Bollati I., Fumagalli P., Gomba T. & San Martino A.: Urban Geology: field trips in the city centre to discover lithological geodiversity.

42-13 Pannello 111 Cifelli F.*, Basile F., Carlucci G., Funiciello F. & Mattei M.: SISMO-LAB: an ASL project for the realization of an educational kit on earthquakes.

42-14 Pannello 112 Cirrincione R.*, Amore E., Branca F., Costanzo S., Sturiale G., Di Stefano A. & Signorello G.: The Hyblean Karst Museum: a tool for communicating scientific education in the territory.

42-15 Pannello 113 Distefano S.*, Abramo A., Amore E., Branca F., Catalano D., Costanzo S., Ientile R., Sturiale G., Bordonaro S., Cirrincione R., Di Stefano A. & Signorello G.: Geological features of the Cutgana nature reserves: new educational strategies and implementations in the museum areas.

42-16 Pannello 114 Gravina T.*, Iero A., Lopez Giraldo J.D., Sánchez E., Pereira J.A., Cossu C., Maratheftis C., Papanicolaou M. & Almeida M.R.: MALIA: a project to raise awareness on Marine Litter in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Area.

42-17 Pannello 115 Gravina T.*, Cattadori M. & Piccolo F.: How introduce cultural heritage in science lessons: the approach of Italian developer teachers in Europeana DSI-3 project.

42-18 Pannello 116 Lozar F.*, Magagna A., Perotti L., Palomba M., Selvaggio I. & Giardino M.: The virtuous integration of research and educational projects: examples from the Piemonte region.

42-19 Pannello 117 Magrì I.M.*, Rapisarda A., Sanfilippo R. & Rosso A.: Progetti ASL come esempio di sinergia tra scuola e università: la proposta del Liceo Boggio Lera di Catania sulle collezioni paleontologiche del Dipartimento BiGeA.

42-20 Pannello 118 Maraffi S.*, Paris E., Pennesi D., Sacerdoti F.M. & Scamardella A.: Remote Educational Gaming for Geosciences.

42-21 Pannello 119 Mobilia C.*, Longo C. & Foti F.: Esecuzione di una traversa sismica nei locali della scuola ed elaborazione dei dati ottenuti.

42-22 Pannello 120 Musacchio G.* & Piangiamore G.L.: Risk Detective: serious games for risk education.

42-23 Pannello 121 Musacchio G.*, Solarino S. & Eva E.: Earthquakes, Non-Structural Elements and games- Practical solutions to  educe risk.

42-24 Pannello 122 Pelfini M.* & Parravicini P.: New methodologies and technologies in Earth Sciences education: opportunities and criticisms for future teachers.

42-25 Pannello 123 Pieraccioni F.*, Gioncada A., Bonaccorsi E. & Bastiani L.: Geoscience knowledge at the end of high school: the tool IMES.

42-26 Pannello 124 Piangiamore G.L.* & Musacchio G.: Piovono idee! diventa progetto continuità.

42-27 Pannello 125 Porta M., Codetta A., Cambini R. & Grieco G.*: The convergence of the disciplines for stage in high schools.

42-28 Pannello 126 Porta M.*,Colli A., Grieco G., Paris E. & Pelfini M.: Periodic Smartphone.

42-29 Pannello 127 Realdon G.*, Candussio G., Fabris S., Invernizzi C. & Paris E.: Indagine sull'Ocean Literacy in un campione di studenti della scuola secondaria di I grado.

42-30 Pannello 128 Realdon G.*, Candussio G., Fabris S., Manià M., Invernizzi C. & Paris E.: Alla scoperta dell'Ocean Literacy con un percorso laboratoriale per la scuola primaria e secondaria di I grado.

42-31 Pannello 129 Sanfilippo R.* & Rosso A.: Le Geoscienze nella scuola: esperienze di didattica paleontologica.

42-32 Pannello 130 Scacchetti M.* & Chicchi S.: Dinamiche della crosta terrestre e rischio sismico.

42-33 Pannello 131 Stacchiotti L.*, Acqua A., Pennesi D., Paris E. & Beccaceci A.: WASTEBERG: un'attività didattica sul consumo consapevole delle Georisorse in prospettiva dell'Agenda EU 2030.

42-34 Pannello 132 Stroppa P.*, Pierantoni P.P. & Strappa M.: Il terremoto peer to peer.