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Geology Without Borders

Trieste, September 14-16, 2021

Program Sessions

S1. Tectonics and sedimentation I

Giovanni Barreca (University of Catania), David Iacopini (University of Naples - Federico II), Stefano Zanchetta (University of Milano - Bicocca), Francesca Cifelli (University of Roma - Roma Tre)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Pialli Room

Evidence of syndepositional tectonics during the Early Permian in the Orobic Basin (central Southern Alps, N Italy).

Paleosurface mapping and Quaternary uplift evolution of the Aterno and Tirino Basins.

3D modeling and sequential back-restoration as tools for assessing faults deformation rate in offshore setting and estimation of their seismic potential.

The importance of Iberia for the kinematic reconstruction of the Mesozoic Alpine Tethys.

The Buntsandstein of Sardinia (Italy) as keypoint of the Western Tethys paleogeography.

Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of Jurassic Tethyan rift basins in the Early Cretaceous: a comparison between the Central Apennines and the Southern Alps.

The Strait of Messina: Seismotectonics and the source of the 1908 earthquake.

Structural setting of the Kvarner area (Northern Adriatic).

Thursday 16 September [11:00-13:00] - Pialli Room

Geometry and kinematics of offshore active faults revealed by an integrated multiscale method.

Structural inheritance in the Northeastern Mediterranean basin.

Segmented oblique rift structure in the West Somali Basin, offshore Tanzania as new insight of a Neogene rift tectonic activity.

The role of structural inheritance in the structuration of the External Rif fold and thrust belt (Rif belt; Northern Morocco) insights from tectono-thermal modeling.

Formation and persistence of extensional internally-drained basins: the case of the Fucino basin (Central Apennines, Italy).

Synthetic seismic forward modeling as a tool to assess the seismic signature of carbonate-bearing fault zones.

Paleostress analysis and history of the Voltri Unit in the Ligurian Alps (NW Italy) by comparing different stress inversion methods.

Spatial-temporal migration of the central-southern Apennine belt and foreland basin system (Italy) constrained by Sr-isotope stratigraphy.

S2. Evolution of sedimentary basins: an integrated approach

Valentina Rossi (CNR - IGG), Gianluca Frijia (University of Ferrara), Marcello Tropeano (University of Bari), Salvatore Critelli (University of Calabria)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Pialli Room

Using multi-proxy thermal maturity datasets to validate deformation styles from the Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt to the Greater Caucasus (Georgia)A.

A user-friendly 3D backtracking software to reconstruct paleo-bathymetries.

Reactivation or non-reactivation? Analogue models of multiphase rifting and applications to the Turkana depression, East Africa.

Architecture of fault-controlled Norian intraplatform basins (Southern Alps, Italy): geometry and possible mechanisms of a rift cluster.

Role of Early Jurassic rift architecture in the dispersal of calciturbidites, as revealed by geological mapping in Central and Northern Apennines.

KEYNOTE - Fault-controlled deposits: an overview.

Wednesday 15 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Pialli Room

Megaflood deposits in sedimentary basins evolution. The case of the Messinian-Zanclean seismic stratigraphic unit in the Ionian basin.

Bottom current-controlled Quaternary sedimentation at the foot of the Malta Escarpment (Ionian Basin, Mediterranean).

Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles as revealed by the interfluve architecture of the Arno palaeovalley (Northern Tuscany, Italy).

The Pescara incised valley system: Insights from an onshore sector of the S2S Po-Adriatic sediment routing.

Relative sea-level variations and basin evolution during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (Crotone and Rossano Basins - North Calabria).

Facies analysis and depositional environment of a late Cambrian mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp from the Arabian Plate (Zagros Basin, Southwestern Iran).

Trunk river and tributary interactions and implications for coarse vs fine-grained sediment storage in the Po alluvial basin (northern Italy).

Coarse-grained deltas approaching shallow-water canyon heads: A case study from the Lower Pleistocene Messina Strait, Southern Italy.

Wednesday 15 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Pialli Room

The Numidian sandstones of the Molise area (Southern Apennines) in a source-to-sink perspective.

Burial history and diagenesis: stable-isotope and fluid inclusion constraints on the timing of diagenetic events in the dolomitized Dolomia Principale Norian, (Southern Alps of Italy).

Mineralogy and geochemistry of Bengal Fan turbidites (IODP 354): Himalayan provenance and depositional history.

Nd isotopes support the role of subaerial LIP weathering and continental emergence for the rise of atmospheric O2 during the GOE.

Nd isotopes support the role of subaerial LIP weathering and continental emergence for the rise of atmospheric O2 during the GOE.

Petrology and distribution of the Miocene-Pliocene gravel size clasts from IODP_exp374 Site U1522 drillcore in the Ross Sea (Antarctica).

The Provenance of Modern Sands from Baja California Rivers (Mexico): Petrographic Constraints from Light and  Heavy Minerals.

The Upper Pennsylvanian to Middle Triassic continental succession in SW Sardinia: new key sections, stratigraphic-sedimentological refinements, and petro-sedimentary notes.

Sedimentological and biostratigraphic characterization of the Paludi Formation (Longobucco Basin, north-eastern Calabria): proto-Apenninic shortening of an Alpine foredeep?

S3. Oceanic lithosphere and subduction factory

Francesca Meneghini (University of Pisa), Martina Casalini (University of Firenze), Michele Zucali (University of Milano – Statale), Francesca Remitti (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Marco Ligi (CNR - ISMAR)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Funiciello Room

Oblique exhumation of HP rocks at the southern tip of the Western Alps: a review.

In situ boron isotopes in ophicarbonates: implications for the B and C cycles in subduction zones.

KEYNOTE - High velocity friction experiments on IODP materials: insights on earthquake propagation in the subduction zone.

Brittle-ductile deformation in high-pressure continental units and deep episodic tremors and slip events.

The Lar alkaline igneous complex: genesis and geochemical features of a subduction-related magmatic event in the Sistan belt (SE Iran).

The Bogota pyroxenites (New Caledonia): new insights on mantle heterogeneity in young subduction systems.

Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Rocca Canavese Thrust Sheet Unit (Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Alps, Italy).

S4. Exhumation processes

Roberto Visalli (University of Catania), Manuel Roda (University of Milano - Statale), Marco Malusa' (University of Milano - Bicocca), Nadia Malaspina (University of Milano - Bicocca)


Tuesday 14 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Funiciello Room

Kinematics and geochronology of the Simplon Shear Zone extensional detachment in the Western Alps.

Titanite from metacarbonates: a (unique) petrological and geochronological tool. An example from the Valle Strona di Omegna (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Alps, Italy).

Rift-related deformation in the lower continental crust: new insights form the multidisciplinary study of the Forno-Rosarolo shear zone (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Alps).

Chloritoid-staurolite-andalusite-bearing assemblages in the Central Southalpine basement as markers of evolving thermal regime during Variscan convergence and exhumation.

X-ray quantitative image analyses of progressive symplectite formation during granulite/amphibolite facies retrogression.

Exhumation of the HP eclogites from the Acatlán Complex (south Mexico): new insights from retrogressive microstructures.

Local variations of metamorphic record from compositionally heterogeneous rocks: Inferences on exhumation processes of HP rocks from the Adula-Cima Lunga unit.

Metamorphic P-T conditions characteristic of subduction/collision systems: insights from 2D numerical models.

S5. Adria Plate

Vanja Kastelic (INGV), Enrico Serpelloni (INGV), Chiara Amadori (University of Pavia), Igor Vlahovic (University of Zagreb), Josip Stipcevic (University of Zagreb)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [9:00-11:00] - Funiciello Room

KEYNOTE - From Mesozoic extension to Cenozoic compression in Po Plain and Adriatic Sea.

The Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Adriatic Sea.

Understanding the European and the Adriatic plates from the top down.

Role of the long-lived Schio-Vicenza Fault System at the northern Adria plate margin.

Evidence of fault-valve behaviors at the northern edge of the Adria microplate.

New insights into the northeastern edge of Adria plate (Gulf of Trieste) by 3D velocity-depth models from reflection tomography and depth imaging of multichannel seismic data.

Thursday 16 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Funiciello Room

Harmonization of geological data in the Adriatic Sea.

Active shortening across the Northern Apennines-Adria fault boundary from continuous offshore GNSS stations.

Modeling of crustal and thermal structures from magnetic field data: the case of Adria Plate.

Deriving a new crustal model of Northern Adria: the Northern Adria Crust (NAC) model.

Mechanics of the Raša fault and earthquake hazard on the city of Trieste.

Records of paleoearthquakes in speleothems in the Northwestern Dinarides, Slovenia.

Cross-border challenges in active fault definitions across the Slovenia-Italy border.

New evidence of recent tectonic activity of the Susans-Tricesimo thrust-system (NE Italy).

S6. Coupling deep mantle structures with surface processes and magmatism along the Tethyian margin

Paolo Ballato (University of Roma - Roma Tre), Paola Molin (University of Roma - Roma Tre), Barbara Orecchio (University of Messina), Pietro Sternai (University of Milano - Bicocca)


Tuesday 14 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Pialli Room

Evolution of the Tibet-Indochina orogenic system since 60 Ma: from NE India corner indentation to collapse and eastward flow of Tibet crust.

New constraints on the Ivrea Geophysical Body at intra-crustal scales: a combination of gravimetry with passive seismology and rock's physical properties.

Flexural rigidity and isostatic residuals across the Zagros Orogen and the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic belt from cross-spectral analysis of topography, gravity, and crustal models.

Landscape evolution and plate boundary processes: the study case of the Central Anatolian Plateau margins.

A petrotectonic model for the Cenozoic porphyry/epithermal mineralizations along the Iranian tectono-magmatic belt.

Slab folding and surface deformation in the Iran mobile beltSlab folding and surface deformation in the Iran mobile belt.

A look at the deep structure and dynamic of the circum-Mediterranean orogens.

Ridge jumps and mantle exhumation in the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin.

S7. Dynamics of the Earth interior

Marco Cuffaro (CNR - IGAG), Magdala Tesauro (University of Trieste), Valentina Magni (University of Oslo)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Funiciello Room

Brittle-ductile damage and segmentation of subducting oceanic plates.

Back-arc spreading centers and superfast subductions: the case of the Northern Lau Basin (Pacific Ocean).

Crust-uppermost mantle structure and buoyancy driven flow model beneath the Tyrrhenian basin undermines regional extension and slab retreat.

Geodynamic modelling of lithospheric extension constrained the mechanism for deep crustal earthquakes in the Main Ethiopian Rift.

The traces of magmatic pulses in the crustal density structure of the Western African Rift System.

The role of the asthenospheric window and deglaciation on the present-day uplift of the southern Patagonian Andes.

Physics-Informed-Neural-Network in Geodynamics.

Wednesday 15 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Funiciello Room

The origin of the oldest terrestrial felsic terranes: how geodynamic and petrological forward modelling assists the discovery of the deep past.

Rocks' Rheology and Seismic Attenuation: What do we know?

Targeting iron prospective within the Kabul Block (eastern Afghanistan) via hydrothermal alteration mapping using remote sensing techniques.

Seismic Anisotropy and Its Geodynamic Implications in Iran.

Crustal structure and discontinuities beneath the Nepal Himalaya using seismic ambient noise and teleseismic P wave coda autocorrelation.

The Fe-Si-C system at extreme conditions: a combined mineralogical and petrological approach to the study of deep planetary interiors.

Polybaric crystallisation and equilibrium conditions of Mount Amiata volcanic rocks, and their significance in the frame of magma evolution: insight from igneous mineral chemistry and microtexture petrography.

Joint Geophysical-Petrological Modeling on the Ivrea Geophysical Body Beneath Valsesia, Italy: Constraints onthe Continental Lower Crust.

S8. Impact of Renewable and Geo-Energies

Letizia Anderlini (INGV), Mariangela Guidarelli (OGS), Eugenio Trumpy (CNR – IGG Pisa), Valentina Volpi (OGS)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [9:00-11:00] - Praturlon Room

Identification of sites potentially suitable for hydrogen storage in Italy.

Geomanifestations in the Pannonian basin as an indicator of deep structures and geothermal potencial.

Using digital pore-scale image analysis to assess subsurface carbon storage reservoir potentiality.

Energy transition and reuse of oil and gas wells as deep enhanced closed loop geothermal heat exchangers: the Padova area (Italy) case study.

KEYNOTE - Status and perspectives of monitoring induced seismicity in Italy.

Effect of material heterogeneity and environmental humidity on the stability of gypsum in underground quarries.

Using 222-Radon as tracer for areal and vertical distribution of hydrocarbon contaminations.

S9. Hydrogeological environments: challenges and advances

Luca Zini (University of Trieste), Manuela Lasagna (University of Torino), Franci Gabrovsek (Research Karst Institute Postojna)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Praturlon Room

Electrolytic enrichment method for the determination of tritium in aquifers: tritium as an indicator of anthropogenic pollution.

A multi-isotope (O, H, B, Sr) approach for identifying salinity contamination along the coastal sector of Murgia aquifer (Apulia, Southern Italy).

An adaptation plan for the salt water intrusion into the coastal aquifer of Fano (PU, IT): management of risk in sea level rise scenarios (EU Interreg Asteris Project).

Flash flood event recorded in caves: the case of Supramonte (Sardinia, Italy).

Tracing test in caves of Mt. Bernadia: in search of subterranean watershed.

Karst morphologies and related risks in gypsum of Monferrato area (NW Italy).

Geochemical characterization of the Timau Karst aquifer.

Monitoring karst aquifers hydrodynamics in metamorphic carbonates: the example of the Apuan Alps, Italy.

Thursday 16 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Praturlon Room

A multidisciplinary approach to outline natural and anthropogenic groundwater contamination (case studies in central and southern Italy).

Application of different statistical methods for analysis of groundwater levels in time: spatio-temporal analysis in Piedmont plain (NW Italy) and comparisons with rainfall time series.

Identifying areas suitable for Sustainable Drainage Systems and Aquifer Storage and Recovery to mitigate stormwater flooding phenomena in Rome (Italy).

Groundwater sustainability of the Isonzo aquifer.

Groundwater asbestos contamination in Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) rich areas: a study on fibres characteristics, concentration and their possible mobility in aquifers.

Hydrogeological setting of the multiplayer aquifer of S. Eufemia Lamezia Plain (Calabria).

The impact of climate change on groundwater temperature of the Piedmont Po plain (NW Italy): preliminary results.

Hydrogeological map of the Southern mountainous portion of Marche Region (Central Italy).

S10. Earthquakes and Tsunami

Fabrizio Romano (INGV), Luisa Valoroso (INGV), Barbara Lolli (INGV), Federica Ferrarini (University of Chieti-Pescara), Susi Pepe (CNR - IREA), Andrea Magrin (OGS)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Scandone Room

Historical tectonic activity of the Valdobbiadene-Vittorio Veneto thrust (NE Italy).

The role of inherited structures in the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence: lessons learned in the framework of the RETRACE-3D project.

Complex deformation pattern of the October 2016 central Italy earthquakes from DInSAR data.

High detail fault segmentation: deep insight into the anatomy of the 1983 Borah Peak earthquake rupture zone (Mw 6.9, Idaho, USA).

Friction during earthquakes: 25 years of experimental studies.

Historical impact and hazard assessment for tsunamis along the eastern Sicily coasts: a review.

Morphotectonic, geodetic and seismic analyses to define activity and kinematics of the bounding-faults of the Catanzaro Trough.

S11. Volcanic Hazard in the terrestrial and marine environment

Francesca Bianco (INGV), Giorgio Lacanna (University of Firenze), Marco Viccaro (University of Catania)


Tuesday 14 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Desio Room

Volcanic and non-volcanic fluid emissions: data from EMODnet Geology.

Volcanic hazard monitoring from space using MOUNTS.

Dehydration induced by magma ascent velocity and hazard implications for explosive eruptions at Mt. Etna volcano.

Mechanisms of ash production and recycling during low-energy, mid-intensity eruptions at Copahue volcano (Argentina).

Assessing long-term tephra fallout hazard from Neapolitan volcanoes on Southern Italy.

Design and implementation of the gas hazard early warning system at Vulcano - Aeolian Islands.

Eruptive activity and tsunamigenic landslides at Stromboli volcano (Italy): clues from deposits and future perspectives.

Morphological changes during the 2014 effusive eruption at Stromboli through the integration of subaerial and submarine data.

S12. Landslides in the terrestrial and marine environment

Chiara Calligaris (University of Trieste), Maria Teresa Brunetti (CNR - IRPI), Daniele Casalbore (University of Roma - La Sapienza), Mariacristina Prampolini (CNR - ISMAR)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Scandone Room

Conditions and behaviours influencing people vulnerability to landslides.

Rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning system in Sardinia.

Variability of submarine landslides along the Pontine Islands and intra-slope Palmarola ridge.

The Taranto Landslide (North Ionian Sea): further morphological and stratigraphical observations and timing of the event by indirect stratigraphic evidences.

Apulian landslides in the last decade.

Is it a landslide or a sinkhole?

Dating landslide movements at the Carobbio study site, Northern Apennines.

Submarine landslides in the Strait of Sicily: relation with tectonics and climate forcing, contourite deposits and high sedimentation rates, post-LGM sea-level fluctuations.

Wednesday 15 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Scandone Room

Development of a methodology for the characterization and monitoring of landslides using UAV (Unmanned Aerial Systems) techniques: A case study of a debris flow in Nejapa (El Salvador).

UAV photogrammetry-based remote sensing for assessing the short-time evolution of a large earthflow in southern Apennines of Italy.

Integration of geological surveys and remote sensing to assess the sea-cliff stability of a tuff headland in a pocket beach (Ventotene Island,Southern Italy).

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by comparing simple GIS-based bivariate methods: the importance of geomorphological dimension beyond the statistics.

The Iterative Pole Density Estimation, a new approach to assessing the stability of rock masses from 3D point clouds.

Small-scale instability processes affecting volcanic island shelves: the case study of the southern shelf of Porto Santo Island (Madeira Archipelago).

Assessment of Badland area variations for two study sites in the Northern Apennines (Italy).

Influences of vegetation characters on saturated hydraulic conductivity at catchment.

S13. Floods

Giacomo Pepe (University of Genova), Corrado Cencetti (University of Perugia), Nicola Surian (University of Padova)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Scandone Room

Historical floods in Benevento (southern Italy): a documentary approach.

(In)active channel and floodplain geomorphic response to the autumn 2019 high-magnitude floods in the Orba River (NW Italy).

Image processing to monitoring morphological changes in river systems: an application to River Paglia (River Tiber basin, central Italy).

Catchment response to different severity storm floods: channel variations and hillslope sediment coupling dynamics.

Estimation of the unconsolidated material-bedrock shallow interface depth by HVSR and MASW seismic survey for rainfall-runoff modelling.

Debris floods in mountain streams: Insights from the Vaia Storm (October 2018) in the Tegnas catchment (Dolomites, Italy).

Geomorphic effects of large floods: some examples from Italian rivers.

S14. Geo-pollutants

Barbara Nisi (CNR - IGG), Jacopo Cabassi (CNR - IGG), Alessandro Acquavita (ARPA FVG)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Scandone Room

Detecting Geochemical Regime Shifts in the compositional dynamics of the Tiber River waters (Italy).

The Geochemical Numerical Model of Liguria: a stochastic tool to evaluate the uncertainty of elemental concentration estimates.

Natural and anthropogenic contributions of heavy metals from surface waters and suspended solids from the Valdinievole sub-basin (Tuscany, Central Italy).

Geochemical characterization of water quality in karst systems of Greece.

Physical pollution of karst aquifers caused by marble quarrying: the case of the Apuan Alps, Italy.

Heavy metals contamination in road dust and tree barks in the urban area of Firenze (Italy).

Chemistry of atmospheric depositions over two polluted industrial areas of Sicily (Italy).

Using Radon as a natural tracer for NAPL (MTBE and total hydrocarbons) contamination: a case study in Roma (Italy).

Thursday 16 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Scandone Room

Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) associated with asbestos chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite in the southern Apennines (Italy).

A new protocol to evaluate asbestos content in contaminated groundwater samples from Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) rich areas.

Risk assessment to atmospheric mercury pollution in workplace indoor air: the case of Central Italian Herbarium (Museum of Natural History of Florence, Italy).

The potential wildfire effects on mercury remobilization from soil and biomass in the Mt. Amiata mining district.

Distribution of As, Hg and Sb in the mining waste dump of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, central Italy).

Gaseous mercury evasion from the water-air interface at freshwater environments impacted by different anthropogenic sources.

Arsenic and mercury mass loads released by the Fosso della Chiusa creek waters (Mt. Amiata, central Italy).

Mercury in the water column of the Gulf of Trieste is still an environmental issue: the legacy of the Idrija mine twentyfive years after its closure.

S15. Coastal erosion

Clara Armaroli (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS)), Renata Archetti (University of Bologna), Duccio Bertoni (University of Pisa), Simone Simeone (CNR - IAS)


Tuesday 14 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Scandone Room

Assessing the role of reed and seagrass wracks in coastal protection. An example with numerical modelling integrated with videomonitoring system data in a southern Sardinia beach.

The sequential flow of sand through tidal inlet, barrier island, and backbarrier reservoirs.

High resolution and automated monitoring methodology (UAV) for vegetation and morphological dynamics involved in restoration projects in coastal sand dunes environments.

A low-cost camera for coastal video monitoring.

Evidence of preservation of submerged sand banks: source-to-sink pathway enhanced by climate changes?

-LIVE- Reliable calculation of the anthropogenic sediment budget along the Northern Tuscany coast.

Revalue historical data to overcome the persistent lack of long-term datasets in coastal geomorphology: examples from Northern Ireland.

S16. Extreme environments

Giuliana Panieri (CAGE - Tromso), Patrizia Fumagalli (University of Milano - Statale), Marcello Natalicchio (University of Torino)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Praturlon Room

Anatomy of a sulfur-bearing carbonate concretion (Late Miocene, Northern Italy): evidence of pulsating methane flows associated with the formation and destabilization of gas hydrates.

Every cold seep tells a story: the case study of Leirdjupet Fault Complex, SW Barents Sea.

Paleoecological reconstruction and modern analogues from foraminiferal proxies in the Middle Branch of Bue Marino Cave (Sardinia, Italy). Work in progress.

Deeply-sourced springs microbial diversity: a window into the deep of the Earth.

Linking plate tectonic settings and microbial functions on a global scale.

Crypts in porous basanite: Extreme environments hosting fungal-bacterial micro-ecosystems in a deep-sea volcano, Vesteris Seamount, Greenland Sea.

Geosphere and Biosphere co-evolution through space and time.

S17. Carbonate rocks: from sedimentation to diagenesis

Alessandro Iannace (University of Napoli - Federico II), Giovanna Della Porta (University of Milano - Statale), Carlo Bertok (University of Torino)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Praturlon Room

Maximum and minimum depositional age models in lacustrine systems from jointly applied zircon and carbonate U-Pb geochronology (Yacoraite Fm., Maastrichtian-Danian, Argentina).

Using hydrothermal dolomite to constrain the age and genesis of Alpine-type Pb-Zn deposits. Insights from the Gorno district (Lombardy, Italy).

Climatic and sea-level changes control travertine deposition: the Lapis Tiburtinus case study (Tivoli, Central Italy).

The Messinian pre-salt carbonate/evaporite platform system of the Central Mediterranean (Calcare di Base Fm - North Calabria).

The continental bridge between Africa and Adria: new insights from the Lower Cretaceous of NW Sicily (Italy).

Palaeoecology of late Triassic bioconstructions in the Western Tethyan domain (M.te Cocuzzo - North Calabria).

Biological induced mineralization of early carbonate cements in an Anisian microbial buildup (Basilicata, Southern Italy).

Facies architecture and diagenesis in a Mississippian mud mound complex from Derbyshire (UK).

S18. Geology and ecosystems

Giuliana Villa (University of Parma), Alessandra Savini (University of Milano Bicocca), Stefano Covelli (University of Trieste)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Praturlon Room

Evolution of the forested landslide slope along the Parma Torrent: first results of an integrated approach.

Trace element availability at the interface between planetary evolution and life emergence.

A geomorphological study of graben structures offshore the Maltese Archipelago with characterisation of associated physical habitats.

Are foraminiferal tests selected or randomly picked by Sabellaria alveolata (Linnaeus) to form its arenaceous bioconstructions?

History of a foraminiferal invader: the Canal opening, the tsunami and the global warming.

Benthic microbial community structure across the Adriatic sea and the role of terrigenous inputs.

The dark layer at the Messinian Zanclean boundary: a glimpse on the refilling of the Mediterranean at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis.

Calcareous nannofossils and geochemistry as paleloclimatic tracers across Eocene-Oligocene transition (IODP Site U1509, Tasman Sea).

S19. Paleo-climatic transitions

Carlo Baroni (University of Pisa), Florence Colleoni (OGS), Fabio Florindo (INGV), Fabrizio Frontalini (University of Urbino)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Desio Room

Evidence of the Carnian Pluvial Episode from the sedimentary record of the Southern Alps and Outer Dinarides.

Temperature vs extinction events: the case of Rhaetian peritidal carbonate succession from westernmost Tethys (Sicily).

Alluvial megafans in Europe at the transition between LGM and Late Glacial.

The last deglaciation in Italy: timing and pattern from a precisely dated stalagmite.

Extensive episodic melting of the paleo Svalbard-Barents Sea Ice Sheet during last 60 ky.

IODP Exp. 374 provides clues into the dynamics of the Antarctic Ice Sheet during Cenozoic climate transitions.

KEYNOTE - The long-term relationship between sea-level change and sedimentation.

S20. Resilience of oceanic ecosystems preserved in the geological record

Giulia Faucher (University Statale di Milano), Mariano Parente (University Napoli Federico II), Marco Romano (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Sapienza University di Roma)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Desio Room

The impact of Early Eocene Climatic Optimum Change on coiling direction of planktic foraminifer Morozovella from the Atlantic Ocean: quantitative and stable isotope data.

Preliminary attempt to assess the resilience of shallow-water communities through biodiversity patterns of Neotethys Paleogene larger foraminifera and corals.

The record of the end-Triassic mass extinction in the Southern Apennines carbonate platform (Italy).

Brachiopods from Iran and their record of the end-Permian events.

How coccolith size changed in response to paleoenvironmental variations during the Early Aptian to Late Albian?

Living and Fossil Coccolithophores: a tool to understand past and future climate changes.

KEYNOTE - Learning from the present to inform the past and future of coccolithophore calcification.

S21. Holocene climate

Eleonora Regattieri (CNR IGG), Fabrizio Lirer (CNR ISMAR), Leonardo Tamborrino (MARUM)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Desio Room

A speleothem-based reconstruction of the Late Quaternary climate-environmental-human nexus in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Perito Moreno glacier: a multidisciplinary study on its Late-glacial and Holocene dynamics.

A Late Holocene pollen record from marine sediments in SE Sicily.

The planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia truncatulinoides in Central - Western Mediterranean Sea during the Little Ice Age.

Exploring climate and environmental changes in Sardinia around the end of the Nuragic Era.

Oxygen minimum zone formation in the Western Mediterranean sea associated to last deglacial melting and sea level rise.

Palaeo-Science and History, a bridge between palaeoenvironmental research and history in Late Holocene.

Deglacial and Holocene variations of the southern westerly wind belt and sea surface temperatures as recorded in Chilean margin sediments.

S22. Quaternary climate and sea level change

Matteo Vacchi (University of Pisa), Gaia Mattei (University of Naples - Parthenope), Vincenzo Pascucci (University of Sassari)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Desio Room

Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the Western Mediterranean: a contribution to the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines database.

The Late Quaternary composite marine terrace of Cala Mosca site, SW Sardinia (Italy): global sea-level change VS Tectonic activity.

Implementing a cartographic repository of the postglacial Antarctic paleo-shorelines.

Biological and geomorphological indicators of mid-Holocene raised sea levels along the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula (Sultanate of Oman).

Evolution of the Neretva river delta (Croatia) and its importance for reconstructing the holocene relative sea-levels.

When the Isonzo River flowed near Trieste, Koper and Piran: evolution of the fluvial systems in the Gulf of Trieste since the LGM.

Core MIR1 (Istria Peninsula, Croatia): an expanded paleo-environmental archive for the Eemian and Last Interglacial.

Holocene RSL evolution in the Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain) from stratigraphic sea-level markers.

S23. The cosmic challenge: from interplanetary dust to the bricks of life

Cristian Carli (INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali), Lidia Pittarello (Natural History Museum Vienna)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Desio Room

PRISMA: an italian network to recover freshly fallen meteorites.

Physical properties of the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's dust revealed by the combined Rosetta's GIADA-MIDAS data analysis.

Ab-initio modelling of Fe2NiP-H2O interaction: a phosphate factory for Early Earth.

Characterization of Cavezzo, the anomalous L5 chondrite recovered by PRISMA.

Two different parent bodies for mesosiderites and HED: planetesimals evolution in the Vesta source region.

Water in the inner Solar System: insights from achondrite meteorites.

The geological history of a Martian volcano.

S24. The contribution of geology to the knowledge of solar system bodies

Valentina Galluzzi (INAF-IAPS - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, Roma), Alice Lucchetti (INAF - OAPD, Astronomical Observatory of Padova)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Desio Room

Cratering Record and Age Dating of the Galilean Satellites.

Dome-sulcus interactions within Melkart crater on Ganymede.

Search for geologically young areas on asteroid surfaces using the phase-ratio method.

Aqueous alteration of layered deposits within Sera and Jiji, Mars.

Development of inflated lava tubes in analogous planetary environments: the case of La Corona system (Lanzarote, Canary Islands).

Geologic map of the Beethoven Quadrangle (H07), Mercury.

The Apollo Lunar Exploration Program: how Increasing Science Capabilities Resulted in a Revolutionary New View of the Moon.

S25. Urban Geology and Geomorphology

Laura Melelli (University of Perugia), Pierluigi Brandolini (University of Genova), Diego Di Martire (University of Napoli), Domenico Calcaterra (University of Napoli)


Thursday 16 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Castiglioni Room

A quantitative approach for the urban adaptation policy to climate change (SECAP): an application to some geological hazards.

Identification computation and mapping of anthropic landforms in urban areas: case studies in the historical centre of Genoa (Unesco World Heritage).

Landslides affecting buildings in rapidly growing areas of Cuenca (Ecuador).

The geology and geomorphology of the city of Venice and possible site effects related to the 1117 earthquake.

Study of periodic dependencies among ground deformation, rainfall and sea level in the city of Naples (Italy).

Geomorphological classification of the landscape in urban areas: anthropogenic landforms in Genoa, Rome and Perugia.

KEYNOTE - Urban geomorphology - The need to increase the links with urban planning.

Thursday 16 September 2021 - Castiglioni Room

SecureGeoStreet: a semi-automatic approach of risk assessment for road network.

The role of urban geology and geomorphology in the prevention and management of natural risks: the example of the town of Camerino.

Preliminary activities aimed to cluster EU cities by a geological point of view: The Urban Geo Footprint tool.

3D geological model of Bologna urban area: preliminary findings.

The key role of anthropic underground cavities in the urban geology: the Etruscan Well in Perugia's upper town (Umbria, central Italy).

Geological-geomorphological conditioning on the development of historical centers: the example of Gubbio (Umbria, central Italy).

The district of San Giacomo dei Militari: reconstruction of the subsoil of the most ancient area of the Palermo City (Italy).

The hidden rivers of Naples (southern Italy).

S26. Geo-heritage, geoparks, geo-itineraries

Piero Gianolla (University of Ferrara), Cristina Giovagnoli (ISPRA), Matevž Novak (Geological Survey of Slovenia), Alfio Vigano' (Servizio Geologico - Trento)


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [09:00-11:00] - Castiglioni Room

The use of paleogeographic reconstructions as a vector to increase the visibility of archaeological and geological heritage.

Geoarchaeology Role in the Urban Environmental Analysis: Rome's landscape anthropic transformations.

The Urban Park "Tevere alla Magliana" (Rome) as a natural laboratory for the teaching and dissemination of Natural Sciences in the context of the Agenda2030 for Sustainable Development.

The enhancement of the geological heritage of the Taburno-Camposauro Regional Park as an opportunity for sustainable development in Campania (Italy).

MurGEOpark (southern Italy): the last piece of Adria, the (almost) lost continent!

Sharing of the criteria and methodology for the management of the national geological heritage.

KEYNOTE - The UNESCO Aspromonte Geopark: the Migrant Lands Geopark, where the Footsteps of the Water and the Greeks of Calabria meet the Spirituality of Stones, between "Asper"-Mountain and "Asper"-Sea.

Wednesday 15 September 2021 [11:00-13:00] - Castiglioni Room

The Etna Park geotrails network: new digital tools to know and learn the geological peculiarities of the volcano through nature trails.

Multidisciplinary geoitinerary in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni Geopark (southern Italy).

Following a water drop: an immersive geotouristic itinerary in the "Sassi", the rupestrian old town of Matera (Basilicata - Southern Italy).

The Dolomites World Heritage Geotrail: travelling geological landscapes.

Geoheritage and geodiversity: an integrated path between Geoconservation, enhancement of natural assets, dissemination and geoturism.

"Il Cammino" of the Montefeltro's Duke: a cross-section of geological and human history in the heart of Umbria-Marche Apennines.

KEYNOTE - The Maiella UNESCO Global Geopark designation as source of new perspectives and policies for Geo-heritage and Sustainable Development in Italy.

Wednesday 15 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Castiglioni Room

Soapstone in the Alps. Usage in the exploitation areas.

Beached swords from the Marano lagoon (northern Adriatic) reveal ancient land-sea connections and recent coastal evolution.

Meteoritics as a source of well-being for people with dementia: an experience in the Planetary Sciences Museum of Prato (Italy).

Geoarchaeology of the Venice lagoon: strongholds, paradigms and a look forward.

A project for the protection and enhancement of surface faulting effects induced by the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence along the Monte Vettore - Monte Bove fault system.

Geoconservation in Sicily: the example of Isola delle Femmine (Palermo, Italy).

The overturned succession of "La Rocca" (Roccapalumba): an historical geosite for  the pelagic Jurassic of Sicily.

Geoclimbing & Geotrekking in Geoparks: a new UNESCO IGCP project for geoheritage communication and education.

S27. Geology, food and health

Giancarlo Ciotoli (CNR IGAG), Carlo Ferretti (Geo Identity Research (GIR)), Mariano Mercurio (University of Sannio)


Tuesday 14 September 2021 [15:30-17:30] - Castiglioni Room

Mapping the Geogenic Radon Hazard Index of Italy.

Temporal and spatial variation for radon concentrations in the Su Mannau cave (Fluminimaggiore, Italy).

Link between drought climatological indicators and asthma in the general population.

The Maiella UNESCO Global Geopark: from geodiversity to biodiversity, a journey through environmental and agricultural conservation.

Soil functional factors of Italian wines.

Vineyards and clay minerals: multi-technique analytical approach and correlations with soil properties.

Possible site-specific effects on wine quality based on various vineyard sites in a heterogeneous area like South Tyrol.

Geology and food quality: research and results on ecological indicators that shape terroir and wine quality.

Poster Sessions


Tuesday 14 September 2021 [13:00-14:15] - Poster Room

Tracing the provenance of Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil using Sr isotopes and Rare Earth Elements.

Geochemical characterization and granulometric analysis of agricultural soils as a tool for geographical origin identification: preliminary results from the case study of Massenzatica (Ferrara).

Sandy coasts facing climate change: accommodation space and availability of strategic sediment reservoirs dictates adaptation approaches.

Short-term effects of storm events on the coastline morphology of a Mediterranean microtidal wave-dominated beach (Piscinnì, SW Sardinia).

Performance of remote sensing algorithms for shoreline mapping under different beach morphodynamic conditions.

The changing geomorphology of the Volturno delta and coast (northern Campania, Italy): human influence and geological architecture.

Investigate the coastal environment evolution: climatic and morphological cause and a new method for shoreline identification.

Uncertainty of UAV-derived DEMs and significance of detected morphodynamics: the case study of a scraped dune in the Northern Adriatic.

Sedimentary evolution of a young tidal flat in the Northern Part of the Po Delta (Italy): a Strategy for Future Building-with-Nature Management.

Diachronic and environmental analysis in the Ragusa province, southern Sicily (Italy).

Shoreline and environmental changes detection in the gulf of Gela, southern Sicily (Italy).

The exceptional 2020-2021 paroxysmal activity at Mt. Etna: insights on the pre-eruptive magma dynamics by combining geochemical and geophysical data.

Seismic Tomography of Southern Tyrrhenian by means of teleseismic data.

Statistical and probabilistic GIS-based approach for the assessing of the hazard by lava flow invasion at Mount Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy).

State of knowledge about tsunami hazard due to volcanic sources in the Gulf of Naples.

Slipping on the faults of east flank of Mont Etna during December 2018 volcanic unrest. Results and numerical modelling of UNICT_NET GNSS Network monitoring and Sentinel-1 SAR interferometry.

A combined analysis of geodetic and geochemistry data during the period January 1994-December 2018.

Constraints on the Timing of Surface Uplift of the Iranian Plateau (Arabia-Eurasian Collision Zone) from Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Pedogenic Carbonates.

The uplift of a collisional plateau unraveled by river network analysis: the case of the Eastern Anatolian Plateau.

Rejuvenation of a tectonically inactive mountain belt: insights from the Anti-Atlas (Morocco).

Cenozoic subduction in the Central Alps and the intrusion of the Adamello batholith.

Characterization of 70 Ma-old minette dykes from the Julian Alps, NE Italy.

Granitoids and pyrite bodies exploited similar crustal traps in the Gavorrano Intrusive-Hydrothermal Complex (Tuscany).

Twenty million years of supra- to sub-solidus deformation during exhumation of middle crust from the South-European Variscan Belt (Peloritani Mountains, NE Sicily).

Structural, kinematic, and thermal constraints on shear deformation in the Barbagia Thrust (Nappe Zone, Sardinia, Italy).

New evidence of high-pressure metamorphism in an ophiolite sequence in the Upper Soana valley, Western Alps.

Microstructural and petrological characterization of a major extensional shear zone in the middle crust (Val d'Ossola, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Alps).


Wednesday 15 September 2021 [13:00-14:15] - Poster Room

The functional recovery of the Poggio la Vecchia Quarry: an Example of Geo-Heritage conservation.

The Atlas of Geosites of Sicily.

Coastal geosites and their valorization: a case study along the North-Eastern Italian Adriatic coast.

The Cavallone Caves geotrail project: explaining the Majella UNESCO Global Geopark.

The Pietra Pece: mining history and production cycle.

A geopark on Karst plateau – a transboundary project.

Fossils of Slovenia.

Origin of Tuscan architectural bricks a multidisciplinary analyses.

Tackling geohazard in populated geoheritage sites.

The UNESCO Dolomites geological heritage: present challenge and future opportunity.

Integrating airborne laser scanning and full 3-D Ground Penetrating Radar for the investigation of protohistoric structures in Croatian Istria.

Geo-heritage, geoparks, geo-itineraries are the normal/temporal evolution of the concept of "Geosites", Opened problems in Italy.

Three-dimensional geological cartography for geotourism: the Regional Reserve of Montalbano Jonico.

New geochemical data on ultrapotassic volcanic rocks from North Macedonia: revised within the GECCOSPARK know-how exchange programme (KEP) project funded by the Central European Initiative (CEI).

East Vardar Ophiolite from North Macedonia revised within the GECCOSPARK know-how exchange programme (KEP) project funded by the Central European Initiative (CEI).

3D geo-model of Uruk Sulcus structures (Ganymede): insights and implications.

Strike-slip and shortening in the dark terrain of Ganymede.

Comparison of emissivity spectra from Mars surface and laboratory rock samples: preliminary results.

A Volcano-tectonic activity: possible scenario beyond the formation of the rift systems in Noctis Labyrinthus (Mars).

Tectonic styles of the Martian crust: insights from Cerberus Fossae and Thaumasia Highlands.

3D geo-model of Rembrandt basin on Mercury: structural framework and infilling.

Mapping the regional tectonic asset of the Discovery quadrangle of Mercury.

Geological sites of interest in Kuiper quadrangle (H06): an integrated analysis between morphological and spectral characteristics.

Geologic mapping and landing site characterization in Copernicus Crater (Moon).

Mappy: a python plugin to ease geological mapping with QGIS.

VNIR spectral properties of olivine bearing Ungrouped Achondrites.

Evolution of Mercury-like lavas through aubrite meteorites: looking for sample analogs for the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission.

Tell me who you are. The study of doubtful meteorites in meteoritics and its history. A case study

Minerochemical and textural data of Northwest Africa 12722, a new carbonaceous chondrite from Sahara.

Preliminary results on mineralogical and geochemical analysis on ungrouped achondrites.

Optical Tweezers: Evaluating their analytical potential for space sample-return missions.

VNIR bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy of natural impact glasses.

Bottom current control on sediment deposition between the Iselin Bank and the Hillary Canyon (Antarctica) since the late Miocene: an integrated seismic-oceanographic approach.

Environmental and Oceanographic Conditions at the Continental Margin of the Central Basin, Northwestern Ross Sea (Antarctica) since Last Glacial Maximum.

Ross Sea snapshots from the past – GLEVORS Project indirect and direct records.

Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate reconstruction of a Pleistocene (MIS 5.5) fossiliferous shallow-water deposit (Mar Piccolo, Taranto, Southern Italy).

Ostracods fauna from IODP_374 Site U1523: a comparison with modern ones from the Western Ross Sea Area.

The Ross Sea sector oceanography: glacial vs present day.

Rock-magnetism as indicator of the Norian-Rhaetian paleoclimate.

Isotope Stratigraphy (C and Sr isotopes), Facies analysis and Rudists distribution in the Upper Cretaceous shallow water carbonates of the Friuli Carbonate Platform.

Holocene sedimentary dynamics by multidisciplinary analysis of three box cores collected East to the Hillary Canyon (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica).

Sedimentary processes at the Isfjorden continental margin: preliminary results from lithological study of two long Calypso cores.

Late Miocene-early Pliocene Biogenic Bloom: a Tasman Sea perspective.

Calcareous nannofossils at IODP Site U1553, a reference paleoceanographic record for the Paleogene.

Sensitivity of benthic foraminifers in environmental biomonitoring of coastal areas in the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy).

Unveiling the secrets of the Northern Adriatic Sea: the TRETAMARA project for their management, valorization and conservation.

Chondrodonta (Bivalvia) proliferation in Cretaceous peri-Adriatic shallow-water carbonates: a comparative study.

Role of metazoan and bacteria in cryptic bioconstructions of confined marine settings ("Lu Lampiùne" Cave, Otranto, Apulia).

Facies analysis and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Norian-Jurassic sedimentary successions of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Stumpfmauer-Austria).

Palaeoecology of late Triassic bioconstructions in the Western Tethyan domain (M.te Cocuzzo - North Calabria).

Neogene seepage carbonate deposition in the Crotone Basin (South Italy), preliminary results.

Natural sinkhole hazard in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

Civil protection interventions - OCDPC n. 558 of 15.11.2018 - Restoration and functional recovery of Provincial Road No. 97 - Municipalities of Castiadas and Muravera.

Civil protection interventions - OCDPC n. 558 of 15.11.2018 - Functional recovery of the Provincial Road No. 20 - Municipality of Castiadas (Sardinia).

The Taranto Landslide (North Ionian Sea): further morphological and stratigraphical observations and timing of the event by indirect stratigraphic evidences.

New insights on the dynamics of the Sumatra and Mariana complexes inferred from the comparative analysis of gravity data and model predictions.

Propagating triangular rifts of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Geodynamic and seismological modelling of the recent dynamics of the Central Mediterranean region.

Teleseismic Anisotropic P-wave tomography of the Central Mediterranean.

High-Resolution Crustal S-wave Velocity Model, the Crystalline Basement Depth and Moho Geometry Beneath the Southeastern Alps, the Western Part of the External Dinarides, and the Friuli and Venetian Plains.

X-Min Learn: a supervised machine learning approach to perform automatic mineral classification from X-ray maps.

A comparative study between X-ray computed microtomography and thin sections observation of mantle xenoliths.

Towards an ab initio physically-consistent thermodynamic database for deep mantle phases: the case of Mg2SiO4 ringwoodite.

Hydrothermal alteration of ultramafic xenoliths from Miocene tuff breccias from Valle Guffari (southern Sicily, Italy): results from laboratory tests.

Impact of compositional variability of pelagic clay-rich sediments on the mechanical behavior of accretionary prism.

Granoblastic dikes in the lower oceanic crust exposed at Atlantis Bank (Southwest Indian Ridge).

The western Durkan Complex (Makran Accretionary Prism, SE Iran): A Late Cretaceous tectonically disrupted seamounts chain and its role in controlling deformation style.

Geochemistry and petrology of plagiogranites in the ophiolites from the Pollino Massif (Southern Italy): Origin and tectonic significance

Detrital modes of Permian sandstones in southern Italy.

Facies modelling of proximal environment in the upper Tortonian-lower Messinian carbonate ramp of Hyblean domain (Faro Santa Croce, Sicily, Central Mediterranean).

Sedimentological and petrographic evolution of the Oligo-Miocene succession in the Carrosio and Arquata Scrivia area (eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin, NW Italy).

Development of a unified geographic database from separated existing data through open-source softwares, Crotone Basin, Southern Italy.

Investigations on the emplacement mechanisms of the Eocene olistoliths of the Miramare Castle (Trieste, Italy).

Diagenetic destruction of porosity in Quartzofeldspathic sandstones, Miocene Cilento group, Southern Apennines foreland basin system.

Decoding seafloor and paleoclimate conditions from the paleo-Adriatic domain during early Messinian (Majella, Apennines, Italy).

Diverse detrital quartz supplies in SE Alps: an FTIR study.

High resolution rift sequence stratigraphy of Badenian sediments near Krčedin (Northern Serbia, Central Paratethys).

Formation, dissolution and fluvial incision of the top evaporite seismic unit (Nahr Menashe) recording the end of the  Messinian salinity Crisis , NE offshore Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean.


Thursday 16 September 2021 [13:00-14:15] - Poster Room

Late Albian ammonites from Kotraža (Topola area, Central Serbia) and their biostratigraphic implications.

Study of the origin, the evolution, and the distribution of Monte Amiata mafic enclaves.

Regional stratigraphic correlation, palaeogeography and age insights on the Anisian successions of Sardinia through new and revised palynological analysis.

New data from the Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform deposits of Dimitrovgrad section (Southeastern Serbia).

Looking for active faults in a low strain rate region through a multidisciplinary land-to-sea approach: clues from the North-Western Sicily (southern Italy).

Factors controlling the evolution of badlands in different northern apennine formations.

Living along a Pliocene Tuscan coast: terrestrial, freshwater and marine vertebrates from La Serra quarry (Tuscany).

Seismically-induced landslide estimation at regional scale in El Salvador volcanic territory.

Pre- vs. syn-folding fracturing: insights from field and virtual structural analyses along the Pietrasecca anticline (central Apennines).

Circulation of sulfate-rich fluids along extensional faults in the Apennines: an example from the Gubbio normal fault.

Analogue models of Rift-Rift-Rift triple junctions.

Modern interoperability concepts applied to the new Geological Structural map of the Serre Massif Upper crust.

Upper Jurassic coral assemblage from condensed pelagic deposits of the Umbria-Marche Apennines (central Italy).

Sclerobiont Bryozoans from the Maiolica of the Umbria-Marche Domain (Northern Apennines, Italy).

The role of post-orogenic normal faulting in hydrocarbon migration in fold-and-thrust belts: insights from the Latina Valley (central Apennines, Italy).

Use of alternative methodologies useful for identifying relict sands on the continental shelf, in order to nourish eroded beaches.

Compositional and geometrical features in ore deposits: A comparison between karst bauxite deposits.

Fibrous antigorite veins in Liguria and Calabria serpentinites: a preliminary assessment for NOA risk evaluation.

Geothematic map and ichnological review of dinosaur tracks from the Lavini di Marco ichnosite (Early Jurassic, Southern Alps, NE Italy).

The hadrosaur and nodosaur ichnoassemblage from the Altamura dinosaur tracksite (early Campanian; Apulia, southern Italy).

Urban areas and geological and geomorphological setting in Central Italy.

Geomorphological hazard and environmental impact along the urban coastal strip of Camogli city (Liguria, Italy).

Peri-urban geomorphology in Western Patraikos Gulf area associated with Peiros River evolution (NW Peloponnese, Hellas).

Urban geology and geomorphology of Potenza (Basilicata, southern Italy).

Urban geomorphology as a tool to evaluate coastal variations in historical times. An example from the Italian adriatic coastal cities.

Ancient waters in historical city centers: collectors of multidisciplinary knowledge.

Evaluation of anthropogenic sinkhole susceptibility in the city of Naples (Italy) through a presence-only algorithm.

Geophysical characterization of Ceppo Lombardo Formation (Po Plain NE of Milan, Italy): new data from passive seismic surveys.

On the variability of the postglacial sea-level changes along the western African coasts.

An expanded Holocene archive at the mouth of Mirna River (northern Istria, Croatia).

New insights into the RSL evolution in the Ross Sea area, Antarctica.

The Rock Surface luminescence Dating: a new technique to date Late Quaternary gravelly marine terraces.

Transgressive lagoons and paleo tidal inlets in the northern Adriatic Shelf: geomorphological indicators of the last RSL rise.

Morphological quaternary evolution of coastal plain in response to sea-level changes: example from South-East Sicily.

New insights into the stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the Policastro Gulf, southern Apennines, Italy.

Water-Masses exchange through the Straitof Sicily during the Last Deglacial and Early Holocene.

From the Early Pleistocene to the Recent: how is Xenophora crispa biomineralization varied?

Mg/Ca Paleotempertures changes at the demise of plankic foraminiferal genus Morozovella across the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum  (Site 1263, Southern Atlantic Ocean).

Evidence of Tethyan calcareous plankton dwarfism across the ETM2.

First evidence of the Oceanic Anoxic Event -2 in the shallow-water carbonates of the Friuli Carbonate Platform: geochemical and sedimentological data.

First continuous and real-time measurements of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from an UAV: the case study of Abbadia San Salvatore ex-mining area.

Dissolved nitrates in the lower Metauro River aquifer (Marche Region, central Italy): a long-lasting story.

Low resilience of a mercury mining area after reclamation: the case of the Siele mine (Mt. Amiata Mining District, Italy).

Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) associated with asbestos chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite in the southern Apennines (Italy).

Seismic hazard zonation and seismic design codes. A regional perspective.

Preliminary results from 1D simulation of the seismic response analyses at San Salvador Urban Center.

New paleoseismological constraints of late Holocene earthquakes along the Mt. Morrone fault (Sulmona basin, Abruzzi Apennines, Italy).

Seismotectonic analysis of the north-east sector of Calabrian Arc.

Morphostructural evidence of active tectonics in the Umbria-Marche Apennines, central Italy.

Morphotectonic evidences of elusive active faults in a low strain rate region: clues from the eastern Kachchh region (NW India).

The Timpe fault system (Mt. Etna, Sicily): a seismogenic releasing bend along the Alfeo-Etna shear zone.

Database of active faults in Friuli Venezia Giulia: a basic tool for seismic hazard assessment.

Methodological study of aquifers based on integrated use, of the hydrogeological survey, radiometric analysis and field-type parametric measurements.

Preliminary hydrogeological study of the Rosarno Plain in the sector between Nicotera and Gioia Tauro (Calabria - Southern Italy).

Hydrogeological setting of the multiplayer aquifer of S. Eufemia Lamezia Plain (Calabria).

A comparison of three recent drilling projects in unconventional geothermal resources in the Phlegraean Fields Caldera, the Cornubian Batholith, and the Williston Sedimentary Basin.

Defining the shallow geothermal potential by using the seismic microzonation data: a case study from the Southern Marche Region to encourage a sustainable post 2016-earthquake reconstruction.

Recycling of granite scraps in Sardinia by innovative and economically-viable extraction technology in a context of circular economy.

Interference between Apennines and Hellenides foreland basins around the Apulian swell (Italy and Greece).

Displacement rate measurement in Northeastern Italy by using PS-InSAR and GNSS data.

The Pedealpine Backthrust in the western sector of the Southern Alps.

Unveiling the structural architecture of the wedge-top Epiligurian Units in the Northern Apennines.

Tectonics and sedimentation interplay in the eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin (Arquata Scrivia, NW Italy): insights from new seismo-stratigraphic analysis.

Solving complex structural geometries using virtual outcrop models: a case study from the frontal sector of the Carso anticline (External Dinarides).

The response of the Apula plate to the advancing Calabrian and Hellenic wedges (Northern Ionian Sea): implications for subduction processes and tectono-stratigraphic evolution.

Geometry and kinematics of offshore active faults revealed by an integrated multiscale method.