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Geology Without Borders

Trieste, September 14-16, 2021

The motto of the congress is "Geology Without Borders" and it is intended to be a wish for the exchange of knowledge between researchers at an international level, to promote and strengthen Earth Sciences as an increasingly necessary field and a future-oriented discipline.

Earth sciences should be understood not only as necessary for a better understanding of the interior of planet Earth, but also as a way to protect our society from dangerous geological events, for understanding climate change, for planning and use of georesources with an ethical approach in respect and protection of the environment.

Abstract Book

trieste abstract

Congress venue

sede trieste

The congress venue is in the Trieste Convention Center (TCC) located in Porto Vecchio of Trieste.


Total Participants

SGI Members

SIMP Members



Various institutions participating

Presidents of Congress:

Angelo Camerlenghi e Francesco Princivalle

Scientific Committee:

Miloš Bavec, Lorenzo Bonini, Marco Brandano, Martina Busetti, Domenico Calcaterra, Alessandro Caporali, Chiara D'Ambrogi, Daniela Di Bucci, Agata di Stefano, Elisabetta Erba, Guido Giordano, Michele Marroni, Silvana Martin , Maurizio Mazzuchelli, Carmelo Monaco, Alberto Montanari, Gian Andrea Pini, Claudia Piromallo, Alina Polonia, Giovanni Pratesi, Luisa Sabato, Mauro Soldati

Organizing Committee:

Erika Barison, Lorenzo Bonini, Martina Busetti, Andrea Caburlotto, Bernardo Carmina, Dario Civile, Florence Colleoni, Carlo Corradini, Federico Da Col, Michela Dal Cin, Laura De Santis, Federica Donda, Paolo Giurco, Giulia Innamorati, Renata Giulia Lucchi, Fabio Petti, Francesca Petrera, Giorgia Pinna, Michele Rebesco, Umberta Tinivella, Luca Zini, Alessandro Zuccari


dipartimento matematica geoscienze
universita trieste