SP1 - Paleomagnetism in Italy: contributions to tectonics, stratigraphy and timescale.
James E.T. Channell (University of Florida)
Main Hall.
SP2 - One hundred years of mineral crystal chemistry.
Stefano Merlino (University of Pisa, Italy)
SP3 - Deep drilling in the ocean crust: where are we and what's next.
Benoit Ildefonse (CNRS and Université Montpellier 2, France)
Aula Magna.
SP4 - Back to Exploration with geological drivers: New frontiers of the last decade.
Luca Bertelli, Salvatore Giammetti & Fabio Lottaroli (Eni E&P San Donato Milanese, MI)
Main Hall.
SP5 - Insights into the Geological Carbon Cycle from subduction to erosion.
Olivier Beyssac (Sorbonne Universités and CNRS-UPMC, Paris, France)
Main Hall.