The joint Congress of the Italian Geological Society and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology will be held in Milan from 10 to 12 September 2014.
The SGI-SIMP 2014 Congress aims to bring together different generations of Italian Geoscientists to present and discuss the progress of research in the various fields of Earth Sciences, and to think about the future scenarios of Geosciences in Italy. With oral and poster communications, plenary lectures, exhibition stands, pre- and post-congress activities and ample space for discussion, participants will be able to present and push the frontiers of knowledge, sharing research findings.
The Congress will also be an opportunity to:
In addition to strengthening the scientific synergy between the two organizing companies, the Congress also wants to strengthen exchanges with the industrial world (energy and resources), with professionals, operators in public administration and teachers, to transform research results into products, methodologies and services. The SGI-SIMP Congress will provide the opportunity to implement strategies for transferring researchers' scientific and technological knowledge to society.