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Il Mediterraneo un archivio geologico tra passato e presente

Cosenza, September 18-19-20, 2012

Panel discussion

Workshop 4 - The seismic sequence in the Po Valley and the seismic hazard of the national territory

Tuesday 18 September 2012 (Caldora Room; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Calabria - Arcavacata di Rende - CS)

Round Table: "Geology and seismic risk reduction after the Emilia earthquake"

Moderators: C. Doglioni (President SGI), D. di Bucci (Civil protection), L. Guerrieri (ISPRA), G. Valensise (INGV), G. Panza, S. Seno (President FIST), L. Martelli (Emilia Romagna Region), I. Guerra, A. Piccin (Lombardia Region), A. Argnani (CNR‐Project Director S1 DPC‐INGV).

Workshop 5 - Procedures and applications for the preparation of maps of the degree of alteration: uses and prospects

Thursday 20 September (Aula Magna; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Calabria - Arcavacata di Rende - CS)

Round Table: "Uses and prospects of maps of the degree of alteration: from the prevention of risk from hydrogeological instability events, to the valorisation and sustainable use of the geological environment"

Order of Geologists of Calabria, National Order of Geologists, Federation of the Order of Engineers of Calabria, National Order of Engineers, Calabria Region - DG LLPP Department, Calabria Region - DG Urban Planning Department, Calabria Region - DG Environment Department, Presidents of the National Parks of Calabria.