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P60. Roots and future of Geosciences: a historical perspective


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Simone Fabbi (Sapienza Università di Roma), Anna Giamborino (Università di Bologna), Daniele Musumeci (Università di Catania), Ezio Vaccari (Università dell'Insubria)
This session explores the historical evolution of geological sciences, highlighting how the study of Earth's processes, composition, and lifeforms have long captivated inquisitive minds, fueling a deep curiosity about the natural world. The development of ideas and research across the core disciplines of geosciences is marked by pivotal studies and groundbreaking discoveries that have profoundly shaped our understanding of Earth and its ecosystems. Moreover, the study of geosciences has often fostered rich interdisciplinary dialogues, particularly with the humanities, including historical and philosophical perspectives.  In an era marked by climate change, resource management challenges, and energy transitions, revisiting the history of geosciences provides critical context for addressing contemporary issues. This session seeks to examine the intersections of tradition and innovation, exploring how interdisciplinary collaborations can inform and address contemporary issues.  We invite contributions that reflect on the historical trajectory of geosciences, explore innovative interdisciplinary approaches, or propose forward-thinking responses to today's environmental and societal challenges. We also encourage the use of unpublished historical materials, such us manuscripts, letters, diaries, fieldnotes, as well as products of visual languages (drawings, maps, photographs, paleoart), as tools for research, surveying and communication of scientific discoveries within the development of the geosciences.

Questa proposta di Sessione è stata elaborata da tutto il Gruppo di coordinamento della "Sezione di Storia delle Geoscienze" della SGI

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