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P52. Estimating earthquake site effects: an integrated perspective combining Geology and Geophysics


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Andrea De Martino (Università di Bologna), Giulia Sgattoni (INGV, Bologna), Enrico Paolucci (Università di Bologna), Dario Albarello (Università di Siena)
Estimating ground motion and earthquake site effects is crucial in seismology and geological engineering, for advancing research and mitigating earthquake-induced damages. Local site conditions highly influence seismic amplification, liquefaction, earthquake-induced landslides, and ground failures. Geological features, including sediment thickness, soil engineering and geophysical properties, sediment body geometries, and slope stability are critical for accurate seismic modeling. This session aims to gather multidisciplinary contributions that bridge geology, seismology, geotechnics, and engineering with the goal of optimizing outcomes in earthquake site effect studies. Particular focus will be placed on: 1) Seismic microzonation and site characterization, 2) Empirical estimation of stratigraphic and topographic amplification; 3) site response modeling in 1-2-3D conditions, 4) Soil-structure interaction, and 5) Earthquake-induced effects on the ground (e.g., liquefaction, landslides) We invite contributions utilizing different geophysical and geological techniques, such as earthquake data analysis, subsoil 3D modeling, ambient noise analysis, as well as surface wave and tomographic methods. Innovative methodologies, including the application of artificial intelligence to support earthquake site effects studies, are particularly welcome. We welcome contributions from geological, geophysical, and engineering studies; collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches and practical applications for mitigating earthquake hazards are highly encouraged.
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