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P51. Multiscale and multidisciplinary approaches for geomodelling in geohazard definition and geoengineering application


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Chiara Caselle (Università di Torino), Sabrina Bonetto (Università di Torino), Eugenio Fazio (Università di Catania), Pietro Mosca (IGG-CNR, Torino)
The characterization of structural features and mechanical behaviour of rocks and rock masses plays a pivotal role in the definition of geological models for assessment of geohazards, georesource management, territorial planning and geoengineering applications (tunneling, mining).  Relevant data on the rock and rock mass characterization may be collected at multiple observation scales: i) microscale, with microscopic imaging techniques; ii) mesoscale, with laboratory testing of mechanical properties; ii) macroscale, with traditional, non-contact and geophysical investigations at the field; iii) regional scale, with analysis and interpretation of satellite images, remote sensing techniques and geological databases. Multiscale and innovative multidisciplinary approaches allow for the reconstruction of geological and geotechnical models and possibly digital twins modeling of geological environment to define natural hazard in the prevention, mitigation and management of geological risk. This session welcomes original researches and case studies about laboratory, field or modeling concerning any aspects of the described topics.
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