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P49. Urban geomorphological landscape evolution under the human activities pressure


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Alessia Pica (Sapienza Università di Roma), Francesco Faccini (Università di Genova)
The Earth surface is subject to humankind population growth and increasing human activities operating as geomorphic agents and shaping various anthropogenic erosion and accumulation landforms, both in natural and urban landscapes. The session aims to provide a comprehensive coverage of various aspects about Urban Geomorphological Landscape Evolution Under the Human Activities Pressure:
  • anthropogenic landforms in urban landscapes: survey and mapping methods, investigation techniques and interpretations;
  • landscape evolution due to the overlapping of natural and man-induced processes: constraints imposed by geomorphology on human activities development and impact of cities expansion on geomorphological processes;
  • anthropogenic morphogenesis creating new landscapes prone to geomorphological hazards and risk;
  • progressive urban expansion mapping, anthropization indexes and urban-rural gradient assessment
  • geomorphic impact of human activities on environmental resources: environmental management, landscape ecology,  landscape values conservation, geo-education and valorization.
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