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P48. Measurement issues and control factors of Radon concentrations in soil, groundwater and inside buildings


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Giulio Iovine (IRPI-CNR, Rende CS), Marina Muto (Università della Calabria), Vincenzo Tripodi (IRPI-CNR, Rende CS), Francesco Muto (Università della Calabria)

The session is an opportunity for experts to discuss issues related to Rn measurement procedures in different environmental matrices (soil, water, and air), to reflect on the need to define standard measurement and sampling criteria and protocols for proper spatio-temporal data analysis, for the purpose of spatial characterization and mitigation of Rn risk.  Starting from results obtained in particular study areas, it will be possible to investigate the role of factors influencing Rn concentration in soil, groundwater and inside buildings. The session will also allow discussion of the possible geological implications of the observed values, regulatory issues (highlighting the need for updating), and those inherent in the implementation of a national geo-referenced data bank for information analysis and mapping of the areas most exposed to the problem. Finally, the need for public awareness of the issue on Radon risk, as well as the enhancement of university educational offerings and professional updating, may be discussed.
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