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P37. Advanced waste valorization: transforming waste to geo-resources


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Paola Stabile (Università di Camerino), Luciana Mantovani (Università di Parma), Francesco Radica (Università G. d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara), Azzurra Zucchini (Università di Perugia)
The rapid expansion of the industrial sector has resulted in the production of significant quantities of toxic and hazardous wastes. In the last decades, waste landfilling has been the main solution to mitigate environmental pollution. However, concerns surrounding the long-term sustainability and environmental impacts of this practice have emphasized the need of waste stabilization and innovative management strategies. In addition, several classes of waste, if properly treated, could gain the status of end-of-waste, becoming second-generation raw materials and reused as geo-resources in a circular economy perspective. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of waste, mineralogical and chemical characterization is fundamental prior to treatment. The session will highlight enhancements in study methodologies and applications of waste-derived geomaterials and it welcomes multidisciplinary contributions, spanning from characterization of artificial and natural geomaterials, advanced techniques in chemistry, mineralogy and petrology, imaging, synchrotron and neutron- based observations, and geotechnics (but not limited to). Additional focus areas include the design and production of innovative materials from waste, such as their potential applications as inert aggregates, construction debris, geopolymers, ceramics, and more. Contributions of researchers at all career stages (particularly PhD students and early career researchers) are invited to share their findings and engage in meaningful discussions.
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