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P36. Integrating the reference geological model in civil engineering projects: approaches and applications


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Alessandro Baietto (GDP-GEOMIN srl), Francesca Bozzano (Sapienza Università di Roma), Domenico Calcaterra (Università di Napoli Federico II), Benedetti Gianluca (Italferr SpA, SO Geologia)

The Reference Geological Model (RGM) is crucial for the design and construction of medium to large-scale civil engineering projects, such as tunnels, long bridges, dams, underground hydroelectric plants, and large subsurface laboratories. It integrates geological observations, investigation surveys, and laboratory data to provide a comprehensive understanding of subsurface conditions. Given the complexity of some geological contexts, such as intricate tectonic and seismic settings, areas with significant litho-stratigraphic heterogeneity, chaotic geological units (e.g., BIM rocks), and complex morphological settings like large landslides, it is essential to develop approaches that effectively assess and schematize these environments in the RGM. The definition of RGM for civil works involves a transfer of knowledge from the world of research and the applied sector to be effective. Besides, in some cases, outcomes derived from civil works have contributed to improving geological knowledge. RGM reliability directly influences the environmental impact, safety, stability, and cost-effectiveness of civil works. The accuracy of RGM is crucial in predicting and managing hazards such as weak/swelling rocks, fault zones, active faults, cavities, high hydraulic heads, and highly permeable zones, as well as geomorphological processes, which could compromise the stability of the construction site and existing infrastructures. This session welcomes contributions dealing with relevant field studies, methods, and approaches useful for civil engineering projects to accurately assess the RGM, reduce uncertainties, and manage construction risks and environmental impacts.
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