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P27. Advances in Phanerozoic research through chemostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Manuel Rigo (Università di Padova), Honami Sato (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan), Simona Todaro (Università di Palermo), Tetsuji Onoue (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
Chemostratigraphy is a long-known tool for stratigraphic correlations as well as to identify past climatic and paleoceanographic changes. The elemental and isotopic composition of sedimentary rocks and modern sediments can in fact provide information on the depositional environment, such as sediment sources and transports, ocean circulation, past climates, organic productivity, organic matter preservation, sea-floor and water column redox conditions, diagenesis and post-depositiona changes. Further, biological and physical processes during deposition along with post-depositional chemical reactions produce a component mixture that can provide noteworthy information about the palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic conditions during the sedimentation. The elemental and isotopic composition can thus complement, support, and increase the interpretations resulting from the sedimentary and paleontological investigations. This session will focus on cutting-edge research that integrates multiple disciplines, from chemostratigraphy to paleontology, sedimentology, and modeling research, and will discuss how these approaches can elucidate the complexity of global environmental changes and their biological consequences during the Phanerozoic. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, mass extinctions and diversification, ocean anoxia, global warming, meteorite impacts, and large-scale volcanism. Spanning from the Paleozoic to the Present, the session welcomes contributions addressing different time scales and stratigraphic resolutions, from centennial scales to millions of years.
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