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P24. Unraveling the interplay of climate and human pressure during the Holocene in alluvial and marine archives


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Monica Bini (Università di Pisa), Alessia Masi (Sapienza Università di Roma), Claudio Pellegrini (ISMAR-CNR, Bologna), Veronica Rossi (Università di Bologna)
This session focuses on the Holocene record of alluvial-coastal plains and shallow-marine areas as key data sources for understanding the complex environment-climate-human interplay. The high sensitivity to both autogenic and allogenic processes makes these environments exceptional archives, where critical information about both present and past changes are stored. Although disentangling the role of distinct forcing factors on landscape, sediment and ecosystem dynamics is a challenging issue, it represents a fundamental point that requires a multidisciplinary approach placed into a robust geological and chronological framework. Specifically, high-resolution analyses on historical sedimentary successions open the opportunity to track spatio-temporal trajectories of environmental change and extreme events, furnishing crucial data to support sustainability efforts. In this session, highly interdisciplinary studies, including stratigraphic, geomorphological, palaeobiological, geochemical, archaeological, historical and/or instrumental data are particularly welcome. Topics may cover a range of issues such as:
  • Paleoenvironmental reconstructions focused on key periods (e.g., 4.2 Ka; 2.8 Ka; RCO; LALIA; MWP; LIA)
  • Reconstruction of flood and/or storm records and related changes in the sediment and organic-matter fluxes/pathways
  • Distribution and accumulation patterns of contaminants and pollutants and trends in environmental perturbations/degradation
  • Identification of climate trends and effects on alluvial, transitional and/or shallow-marine environments
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