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P23. Past oceanographic and environmental reconstructions from Polar archive: insights from geological perspective


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Fiorenza Torricella (ISP-CNR, Bologna), Tommaso Tesi (ISP-CNR, Bologna), Ester Colizza (Università di Trieste), Lucilla Capotondi (ISMAR-CNR, Bologna)

The study of climate change in the Polar regions receives large attention from the scientific community as high latitude regions contribute to regulate the Earth's climate. By examining geological records, we can obtain valuable information to place modern changes into a context of natural variability and reduce uncertainties of models dealing with future climate and sea level rise. The primary goal of this session is to shed light into the ocean response in different geological periods and past behavior of ice sheet and ice shelves including the use of different proxies and their pitfalls. Will also welcome modelling works focused on teleconnections between Polar regions.
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