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P20. Geomorphometry for active tectonics


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Ettore Valente (Università di Napoli Federico II), Dario Gioia (ISPC-CNR, Potenza), Antonio Minervino Amodio (ISPC-CNR, Potenza), Gianluigi Di Paola (ISPRA)
The identification of active tectonics signals depends on several factors (e.g., lithology, climate), which may obliterate evidence of tectonic deformation. In such a scenario, the combination of different approaches (e.g., tectonic geomorphology, structural geology, absolute dating) is fundamental. The integrated analysis of field-derived geological-geomorphological data with remote sensing (e.g., InSAR) and GIS analysis is also crucial. The availability of high-resolution digital terrain models (5 meter or less of horizontal resolution) may contribute to this topic by providing detail scale datasets useful for modelling the topography and the river network through GIS software. The recent development of UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) investigation is also fundamental and provides higher-resolution 3D models of areas with evidence of active tectonics. These new techniques of analyses have been recently diffused in scientific literature because they allow detail scale analysis of large areas, and allow deriving morphometrical indexes (e.g., fault scarp geometry, knickpoints on river long profiles) useful in morphotectonic analyses.
This session aims to receive contributions dealing with:
  • GIS modelling of topography and river network;
  • Morphometrical analysis of mountain front;
  • Morphometrical analysis of tectonically controlled basins;
  • Chronological constraints to vertical motion;
  • UAS investigation in areas affected by active tectonics.
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