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P.17 Stressing the Apennines: from pre-orogenic to post-orogenic events


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Gianluca Vignaroli (Università di Bologna), Luca Aldega (Sapienza Università di Roma), Francesca Remitti (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
The Apennines are a Cenozoic fold-and-thrust belt that experienced crustal accretion during progressive shortening followed by uplift and tectonic/erosional belt dismantling. The tectonic evolution of the Apennines is attributed to continental collision concomitant with migration of the trench-back arc system during slab rollback. Moreover, remnants of pre-existing subduction-related accretionary prisms, associated with the closure of various branches of the Tethys Ocean, are still preserved in certain sectors of the belt. Pre-orogenic, syn-orogenic and post-orogenic deformation events have occurred at varying rates and styles across the belt, resulting in distinct geological features in the northern, central, and southern segments. This variation suggests that different mechanisms control bulk shortening and/or extension in response to far-field and local-field stresses. This session welcomes contributions that investigate the polyphase tectonic evolution of any specific paleogeographic and structural domain within the Apennines. We encourage the application of multi-method approaches, including but not limited to, structural-stratigraphic, thermal, paleomagnetic and geochronological studies.
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