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P13. Integrated seismotectonics, earthquake geology and modeling: geological and geophysical perspectives on the active tectonics of the Mediterranean region


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Simone Bello (Università G. d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara), Cristina Pauselli (Università di Perugia), Stefano Pucci (INGV, Roma), Paolo Capuano (Università di Salerno)
The key to enhancing our understanding of future seismic events is to unlock insights from past earthquakes and the morphologic expressions of faults. But how do major tectonic structures, with their geometrical and behavioral complexities, control Earth's surface deformation? This session focuses on the observation, characterization, and realistic modeling of deformation and rupture propagation along seismogenic faults in Italy and the Mediterranean region to answer such questions. By bridging structural geology, seismology, and morphotectonics, this session aims to foster a multidisciplinary understanding of earthquake processes across a wide range of scales, from detailed outcrop analysis to regional fault system dynamics. Key topics include fault segmentation, structural-lithological controls on rupture propagation, and the integration of geological field observations with geophysical data, analog experiments, and numerical modeling techniques. We encourage contributions that integrate a variety of methodologies, from conventional fieldwork to innovative approaches for seismotectonic analysis, such as 3D-fault reconstruction, high-resolution morphometry, seismic imaging, remote sensing, and geochemical analyses. This session seeks to provide a platform for discussion and collaboration among geoscientists, advancing the understanding of seismic processes and the structural framework governing active fault systems in the Mediterranean, with fresh perspectives and cutting-edge research in this dynamic and evolving field.

Sessione organizzata in ambito CRUST

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