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P12. Earth surface - biosphere interactions: analysis of surface dynamics at different temporal scales


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Giovanni Leonelli (Università di Parma), Alessandro Chelli (Università di Parma), Luca Trombino (Università di Milano), Massimo Tiepolo (Università di Milano)

In the ongoing context of climate change, and of global and pervasive expansion of human activities in all environments, the set of interactions between surface processes and the biosphere is under severe stress, exposing different areas to new pressures and emergencies.
The interactions between the Earth's various systems are numerous and reciprocal. Due to human activities, these interactions are increasingly shifted from conditions of natural influence and evolution, leading to the need to address complex issues, such as the geomorphological risk assessment, biodiversity loss, air pollution and groundwater contaminations. To describe and model current environmental dynamics and to find effective solutions that promote the environmental sustainability, the most advanced approaches increasingly focus on multidisciplinarity.
The session aims to present and discuss the most recent and innovative research on biogeomorphology ("horizontal" interactions between geomorphic processes and the distribution of ecological communities), the critical zone ("vertical" interactions between rock weathering processes, pedogenesis and organisms) and bioindication (climatic-environmental variations or interactions between air and water pollution, and communities of sensitive organisms), focusing on dynamics that are ongoing on time scales from short to multi-decadal, secular and millennial.

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