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P10. Cross-disciplinary investigations of extensional systems in continental and oceanic lithosphere


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Gianluca Frasca (IGG-CNR, Torino), Giovanni Camanni (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Kei Ogata (Università di Genova), Pietro Sternai (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
This session aims at investigating the multi-scale processes shaping extensional systems. Submissions drawing from diverse datasets such as outcrops (both physical and virtual), geological maps, 2D and 3D seismic reflection data, experimental data, and satellite imagery, are encouraged. Additionally, we welcome research employing coupling these datasets with analogue/numerical modeling and plate kinematic reconstruction techniques. The session will focus on flexure and stretching taking place during tectonic events such as mountain building, rifting, mantle exhumation, and seafloor spreading. We will discuss a broad array of extension-related topics that encompass various spatial and temporal scales, such as, among others: (i) modes of lower crust and upper mantle stretching, and associated serpentinisation/magmatic activity; (ii) structure and evolution of the fault systems controlling upper crustal stretching; (iii) sedimentary processes and infilling of basins associated with extension; (iv) link between plate kinematics, paleogeography, and paleo-oceanographic circulation. Submissions addressing the implications of an improved understanding of extensional systems for industrial applications and for the mitigation of natural hazards are highly encouraged.
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