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P7. From deep feeding systems to eruptive processes: petrologic tools for probing volcanoes


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Gabriele Lanzafame (Università di Catania), Pier Paolo Giacomoni (Università di Pisa), Simone Costa (INGV, Pisa), Nicolò Nardini (Università di Ferrara)
Magma rise and its emplacement, at depth or on the surface, is driven by complex processes that can be reconstructed by the analysis of natural samples and/or through petrologic experiments. During its journey from mantle to the surface, the pristine silicate liquid undergoes to multiple steps of migration and storage at different P-T-fO2 conditions with profound impact on the nucleation and growth of mineral phases and therefore on its main properties. These processes can be reconstructed by the geochemical and petrographic (2D and 3D) analysis of igneous products. Coupling data of natural samples with modelling protocols derived from experimental approach allows to refine the architectures of plumbing systems of ancient and active volcanoes and to model lava flows emplacement.
In this session, we welcome contributions that incorporate different and cutting-edge approaches to the knowledge of magma and lava dynamics by means of experimental, geochemical, petrographic, thermodynamic and computing modelling tools. We aim to shed light on questions such as: How does magma transfer between reservoirs to reach the surface? What regulates magma storage versus eruption dynamics? What is the timescale of crystal nucleation and growth during this journey?
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