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P6. A journey through planetary geology: Insights from remote sensing, petrographic and mineral studies


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Anna Barbaro (Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany), Gloria Tognon (Università di Padova), Francesca Mancini (International Research School of Planetary Sciences, Pescara), Xhonatan Shehaj (Università di Trento)
The study and exploration of extraterrestrial bodies through remote sensing techniques and laboratory analyses are fundamental to unraveling the origin and evolution of our solar system and the geological processes occurring on planetary bodies.  Looking towards future space exploration, the planetary geology community is deeply involved in the development of last-generation techniques and new methodological approaches to improve the investigation of celestial bodies through the direct study of extraterrestrial materials, impactites, and analogues and the indirect study of planetary surfaces through the elaboration and interpretation of remote sense data. In particular, we encourage contributions in: i) Developments of new technologies in remote sensing techniques: -Data calibration and integration for planetary studies; -GIS-based geological mapping and characterization of landing sites; -Photogrammetric and spectroscopic investigations of planetary surfaces; ii) Mineralogical-petrographic studies: -Examination of differentiated and undifferentiated extraterrestrial materials (e.g., meteorites, micrometeorites, interstellar grains, "sample return" materials); - Investigation of terrestrial impactites; - Analogue studies to investigate asteroidal and planetary body conditions. The session aims to bring together geologists from different backgrounds to enhance discussion and establish new collaborations between scientists working on laboratory findings and remote sensing data.
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