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P5. Metamorphic petrology and petrochronology - reading and learning at the library of crustal rocks


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Salvatore Iaccarino (Università di Torino), Bernardo Cesare (Università di Padova), Antonio Langone (Università di Pavia), Roberto Braga (Università di Bologna)
Since the formation of the Earth, 4.56 billion years ago, our dynamic planet has experienced a long-lasting evolution linked to various geodynamic and tectono-metamorphic processes.  This complex, and often fragmented, history is mostly recorded within the crustal rocks, where a wealth of information is ""written-in"", in the form of bulk-rocks' and phase compositions, mineral assemblages and microstructures.  In order to unravel the tales told in such non-ordinary books - the metamorphic rocks - a forensic method characterized by a rigorous integration of metamorphic petrology, geochemistry and geochronology, i.e. petrochronology, is nowadays required.  This kind of approach, thanks to continuously improving cutting-edge techniques, permits the quantification of the different variables, including the pressure-temperature-fluid composition-deformation and time (P-T-x-D-t), that govern the formation of metamorphic rocks, and in turn to learn and understand crustal evolution, geodynamics and (critical) elements cycles.  In this session we welcome contributions dealing with the investigation of metamorphic processes, in different tectonic settings, from field-driven metamorphic petrology to laboratory (including experimental, theoretical and microstructural studies), computational petrology and petrochronology. Participation of young Earth scientists is particularly encouraged.
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