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P46. Environmental resilience and sustainability in the face of geo-hydrological, seismic and volcanic hazards and related risks


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Conveners: Warner Marzocchi (Università Napoli Federico II), Paola Reichenbach (IRPI-CNR, Perugia)
The session invites oral and poster contributions on environmental resilience and sustainability in relation to geological, geophysical, geomorphological and hydrological hazards. These include, but are not limited to, earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis, landslides, debris flows, floods, droughts, and subsidence. The focus is on advancing disaster risk reduction, preparedness and resilience. Contributors are encouraged to present innovative research results across all temporal and geographical scales employing both established and novel modelling strategies – such as artificial intelligence – and enhanced data analysis and visualisation tools. These approaches should aim to strengthen resilience to natural hazards and promote resilience and sustainability through improved disaster management. The session welcomes studies on the comparison and validation of models, forecasts, predictions and projections, as well as multi-hazard and multi-risk methodologies and applications. Additionally, contributors are invited to present research on applying environmental resilience and sustainability principles to urban areas, large structures and infrastructures, and entire landscapes, incorporating socio-economic evaluations.
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