Conveners: Carlo Doglioni (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Sarah Feil (University Goettingen), Guido Pastore (Università Milano-Bicocca), Valerio Olivetti (Università degli Studi di Padova)
Both modern and ancient sedimentary records represent a rich testimony to the erosional evolution of mountain belts in time and space. They represent a fundamental complement to structural, metamorphic, and magmatic histories, essential to gaining a thorough understanding of mountain-building processes. The main focus of the session will be on sedimentary basins associated with different types of mountain belts generated by eastward or westward continental or oceanic subduction. Anorogenic settings will also be considered.
Both modern and ancient sedimentary records represent a rich testimony to the erosional evolution of mountain belts in time and space. They represent a fundamental complement to structural, metamorphic, and magmatic histories, essential to gaining a thorough understanding of mountain-building processes. The main focus of the session will be on sedimentary basins associated with different types of mountain belts generated by eastward or westward continental or oceanic subduction. Anorogenic settings will also be considered.