Cristiano Collettini (Sapienza Università di Roma), Simona Colombelli (Università di Napoli Federico II), Giacomo Pozzi (Università di Padova), Luisa Valoroso (INGV, Roma)
Earthquakes are one of the most powerful short-term manifestations of the Dynamic Earth. They are the result of an instability in faulting controlled by fault characteristics and rock physical properties. Therefore, the deep comprehension of earthquakes requires the synergic contribution of several disciplines, in particular: seismology, geology, and rock physics.
The aim of this session is to bring together scientists from these disciplines, looking at earthquake faulting processes from different perspectives. We welcome contributions on: the geometry and kinematics of active faults, the detection of fault and rock physical properties, the monitoring of earthquake slip via geodetic data, the analysis of natural earthquake waveforms, the reproduction and modeling of small slips at laboratory scales. Frontiers research questions addressed by the session include but are not limited to:
How complex is an active fault structure and fault slip behavior?
Which processes can be detected and modeled during the earthquake preparatory phase?
Which are the signals that accompany the start, propagation and arrest of earthquakes?
Can the early earthquake signals suggest its final size?
How can machine learning techniques capture the evolution of the fault physical properties during the seismic cycle?
Earthquakes are one of the most powerful short-term manifestations of the Dynamic Earth. They are the result of an instability in faulting controlled by fault characteristics and rock physical properties. Therefore, the deep comprehension of earthquakes requires the synergic contribution of several disciplines, in particular: seismology, geology, and rock physics.
The aim of this session is to bring together scientists from these disciplines, looking at earthquake faulting processes from different perspectives. We welcome contributions on: the geometry and kinematics of active faults, the detection of fault and rock physical properties, the monitoring of earthquake slip via geodetic data, the analysis of natural earthquake waveforms, the reproduction and modeling of small slips at laboratory scales. Frontiers research questions addressed by the session include but are not limited to:
How complex is an active fault structure and fault slip behavior?
Which processes can be detected and modeled during the earthquake preparatory phase?
Which are the signals that accompany the start, propagation and arrest of earthquakes?
Can the early earthquake signals suggest its final size?
How can machine learning techniques capture the evolution of the fault physical properties during the seismic cycle?