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T15. Recent advancements in the application of conventional and unconventional stable isotopes in environmental sciences and hydrogeological processes


Congressi SGI-SIMP

The increasing pressure on water systems at a global scale, under anthropogenic and natural forcing, including climate change, is leading to a depletion of water resources in terms of both quantity and quality. Correct and sustainable management of water resources is a pivotal challenge that humanity must face from now on, and they demand integrated multidisciplinary and multiparametric approaches. Stable isotopes are a handy tool in environmental sciences, from fluid geochemistry to hydrogeology, and their applications are countless. The inventory of stable isotopes, currently applied in water resource management, has continuously grown in the years, from traditional systematics (i.e., oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur) toward unconventional isotopes (i.e., transition metals). Stable isotopes can be used to unravel the origin of specific solutes (e.g., pollutants) in surface and groundwaters, in environmental geochemistry, or can be applied, in hydrology, to trace water evolution and origin as well as its circulation patterns and recharge areas in different geological contexts. This session welcomes multidisciplinary contributions focused on applying stable isotopes in different fields of geosciences and promoting innovative approaches and advancements in their use in water resource management.
CONVENERS: Lorenzo Chemeri (Università di Urbino), Marco Taussi (Università di Urbino), Giovanni Vespasiano (Università della Calabria), Davide Fronzi (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Daniele Tardani (Univesidad de O'Higghins)
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