We propose this session as a public forum to promote a broad discussion on the merits, critical issues and perspectives of possible further updates of the investigation methods, reporting procedures and product requirements, as defined in the Italian Guidelines and Standards for Seismic Microzonation by the Technical Committee for the support and monitoring of Seismic Microzonation of the ICPD. .
We encourage contributions that illustrate practical experiences and challenges arising from regional- to local-scale case studies, with reference to the implementation of the different levels of seismic microzonation studies (level 1, level 2, level 3). In particular, we invite the presentation of the staged outcomes of the studies and the discussion of their possible improvements, including geothematic maps, geophysical and geotechnical investigations, as well numerical modelling of both local seismic response and expected co-seismic ground instabilities.
CONVENERS: Vincenzo Del Gaudio (Università di Bari), Salvatore Gallicchio (Università di Bari), Silvia Giallini (CNR), Floriana Pergalani (Politecnico di Milano), Janusz Wasowski (CNR).