To this purpose, the development of conceptual and numerical models based on the contributions of different geoscientific disciplines is mandatory. For example, the time-changes in the temperatures and fluid pressures of the different aquifers could be used (1) to calibrate the numerical models for simulating the coupled transport of fluids and heat in the porous and fractured media present at depth, and (2) to predict the rheological behavior of relevant rocks in the system of interest.
Nevertheless, the task of the scientific community does not end with the short-term management of emergencies, as in the current case. In fact, decision makers must understand that the time scale of the bradyseism requires to implement suitable long-term actions on buildings and human works in general to make it possible to live in the Campi Flegrei.
CONVENERS: Matteo Lelli (CNR), Stefano Caliro (INGV Napoli), Giovanni Chiodini (INGV Bologna), Luigi Marini (STEAM srl, Pisa), Claudia Principe (CNR Pisa - INGV Napoli).