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T57. Modern and ancient river deltas: processes, models and exceptions


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Modern and ancient river deltas have for long attracted the attention of researchers for a variety of reasons: they represent the direct connection from the emerged lands and the receiving basins; deltas record a variety of depositional processes and related environments; they support fervent human activities and need to be assessed from natural and anthropogenic risks.
Although the last decades have provided deep insight on both modern and ancient deltas, disentangling process-based subdivision, models and schemes, including dominance of fluvial, tidal and wave influences, river deltas continue revealing even new aspects that stimulate innovative geological researches. For instance, river deltas have been documented as: i) sediment archives of past extreme events; ii) hotspots of pollutants at the land-ocean continuum; as well as iii) ancient systems that incorporate significant georesources.
With this session, we aim at encouraging the presentation of works with interdisciplinary approaches on the studies of river deltas, with the goal of providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas dedicated to advancing our understanding of modern and ancient systems. In particular, works on the latest advancements in assessing geological and numerical models associated with modern river deltas, methodologies, case studies, and predictive models to enhance our understanding of deltaic vulnerabilities, will be welcome. The implications of climate change, human activities, risks, and natural processes on deltaic regions, along with the influence of biodiversity, hydrodynamics, and climate on deltaic ecosystem functioning, the quantification of sediment transport, flooding impact, and maintenance of deltaic areas are top-notch topics.
Studied and case histories on ancient deltas and their departures from conventional depositional models will be all welcome contributions.
CONVENERS: Sergio G. Longhitano (Università degli Studi della Basilicata), Claudio Pellegrini (CNR), Luisa Sabato (Università di Bari).
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