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T58. Frontiers in the regional geology of the Apennines: a multidisciplinary perspective


Congressi SGI-SIMP

The Apennines are a segment of the Alpine orogenic system bounding the central-western Mediterranean Sea. They consist of fold-and-thrust belts formed by the tectonic superposition of Meso-Cenozoic oceanic and continental thrust sheets.
In the context of sustainability management, this session, which is dedicated to the regional geology of the Apennines, aims to spotlight the geologic evolution of different domains forming a unique and restless mountain belt. Documenting phases of pre-orogenic rifting, orogenic shortening, and post-orogenic extension provides insights into present-day and paleogeographic reconstructions, aligning with the renewed interest in regional studies catalyzed by national cartographic projects.
This session seeks to elucidate the Apennines' evolutionary story through stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeontology, and tectonics. We welcome abstracts on diverse research themes, including structural and stratigraphic analysis, thrust systems, subsurface seismic analysis, facies analysis, field geology, cartography, paleoenvironment, depositional systems, and paleogeographic evolution. Encouraging innovative interdisciplinary contributions spanning geophysics, geochemistry, petrology, and applied geology, we aim to pioneer advancements at the frontiers of regional geology. By exploring the regional geology of the Apennines, we aspire to deepen our understanding of the Mediterranean chains' history and contribute to the sustainable management of its resources.
CONVENERS: Sabatino Ciarcia (Università del Sannio), Giovanni Luca Cardello (Università di Sassari), Domenico Cosentino (Università RomaTre), Stefano Vitale (Università di Napoli Federico II), Andrea Artoni (Università di Parma).
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