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T61. Source-to-sink processes and genesis of resources in sedimentary deposits: advances in understanding of geologic and environmental dynamics through a multidisciplinary perspective


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Source to sink systems describe the response of the Earth's surface to tectonic and climatic signals over geological times. Understanding these dynamics is pivotal to significantly improve human's ability in predicting the characteristics of sedimentary accumulations hosting natural environments and geodiversity, as well as essential societal and industrial resources (geomaterials, energy, minerals, groundwater, waste). Tomorrow's successful exploration of Earth resources for future sustainable and responsible growth relies on training the next generation of researchers with a holistic approach to these issues.
We invite researchers working on all interdisciplinary aspects of source to sink systems, including standard and new approaches aimed to constrain the sediment production, emphasizing the role of sand(stone) in understanding Earth processes and dynamics of the sediment routing system. This session is also an opportunity to illustrate the advances in the study of weathering processes and landforms which are widely investigated at different scales and in several environments, showing relationships with rock susceptibility to in situ degradation, slope instability and erosion. Therefore, these processes are crucial in sedimentary geology and geomorphology to evaluate both the climatic setting and the natural hazards of mountain and coastal landscapes.
This session welcomes contributions on multidisciplinary research including experimental and modelling studies as well as geological, sedimentological, geomorphological, geotechnical, petrological, mineralogical, geochemical, paleogeographic, provenance, and marine geology investigations.
Case study of ancient clastic sequences and modern analogues in different climate and geotectonic settings are welcome in this session as well. We also hope for the contribution of professional geologists, especially those concerned with groundwater and economic geology.
CONVENERS: Francesca Micheletti (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), Anna Chiara Tangari (Università G.d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara), Sara Criniti (Università della Calabria), Emilia Le Pera (Università della Calabria), Fabio Matano (CNR Napoli), Massimo Moretti (Università di Bari Aldo Moro)
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