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T62. Burial/exhumation history of sedimentary basins: linking deep-seated and surface processes and applications for a sustainable future


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Sedimentary basins are natural archives for past tectonic and erosional events. Their evolution through time is linked to tectonics, climate and source-to-sink processes which govern some key processes in the geological cycle such as the transport dynamics of sediments, fluid flows, mineralisation and carbon mobility. Temperature through time is also one of the most critical parameters that monitor and/or control several of these processes. The reconstruction of basins' burial/exhumation and thermal histories can be thus used to infer the rates of regional and local processes acting in convergent/divergent margins or more complex intraplate tectonic settings. This has a relevant impact on socio-economic and anthropogenic activities.
This plays a crucial role in our society because it is linked to natural resources such as hydrocarbons, minerals for energy transition technologies, geothermal energy, CO2 storage, nuclear waste disposal, and water supply.
This session aims to bring together interdisciplinary contributions that present tectono-stratigraphic-morphologic evolution of sedimentary basins and their margins worldwide. We actively promote contributions from early career scientists and under-represented minorities within the scientific community. Additionally, we welcome the application of different methodological approaches and new techniques aimed at the exploration of resources for a more sustainable future.
CONVENERS: Andrea Schito (Università di Aberdeen/Università di Barcellona), Sveva Corrado (Università di Roma Tre), Lorenzo Gemignani (Università di Bologna), Marta Gasparrini (Università Statale di Milano), Francesca Stendardi (Università di Pavia)
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