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T64. The evolution of the Circum-Mediterranean Chains as recorded by stratigraphic, sedimentary, petrographic, and geochemical signals of ancient deep marine systems: new data and recent advances


Congressi SGI-SIMP

The sensitivity of deep marine clastic deposits to record the evolution of mountain belts, related foreland basin systems and paleogeography can be evaluated through high resolution stratigraphic reconstructions, detailed facies analysis, detrital modes of sandstone, detrital zircon contents and distribution of paleothermal indicators. The latter permits the modeling of burial and thermal history of the basin as well as the tracing of provenance and of the alteration processes affecting the chain belts, thereby giving useful insights about the general evolution of an orogenic chain. The integration of these diverse analytical methods has enabled the formulation of suitable paleogeographic and paleotectonic models trying to explain foreland basin systems evolution and has allowed the study of their associated source areas across various stages of orogen growth.
This session invites presentations of classic and novel research, with a specific focus on stratigraphic, sedimentary, petrographic, thermal, and geochemical studies of exposed deep marine clastic deposits. The primary objective is to discuss recent advancements in comprehending and improving existing depositional, paleogeographic, and paleotectonic models of Alpine Circum-Mediterranean Chains, as well as to propose brand-new ideas, and to draw comparisons with analogous geodynamic settings worldwide.
CONVENERS: Salvatore Gallicchio (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), Luca Aldega (Sapienza Università di Roma), Paola Cipollari (Università Roma Tre), Annamaria Fornelli (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), Andrea Civa (Eni S.p.A.)
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