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SIMP-SGI Joint Congress.

Padua, 16-18 September 2025

The world is changing and with it the challenges we face. In the last 100 years the world population has quadrupled from 2 billion to 8 billion and could grow to 11 billion by 2100. This means a greater need for water, food, energy and raw materials, but also a growing responsibility to live in harmony with our planet, for ourselves and for those who will come after us.

Climate change induced and amplified by human activities has already left an indelible mark: global warming, desertification, rising sea levels and increased frequency of extreme floods and landslides. These phenomena pose complex challenges, but at the same time they drive innovation. While we address Earth's challenges, we are also preparing to look beyond our planet. Space exploration, and initiatives for future colonization of other planets, opens new frontiers for the Geosciences which will play an essential role in understanding these environments.

Taking a Geoscientific approach to such challenges has worked in the past and is the key to making progress in the future. The Geosciences have always helped us answer the big questions (Why are there earthquakes? How do minerals form? Where do we come from?) and today they are at the center of the search for solutions to build a sustainable future. From building strategies for managing natural resources to developing technologies that make our communities more resilient, the Geosciences offer the tools and knowledge required to coexist harmoniously with the environment.

This congress aims to be a space for meeting, dialogue and discussion, to put a spotlight on the crucial role of Geosciences - Italian and international - in building our future, on Earth and beyond. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities.






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Latest News

Congressi SGI-SIMP

Explore the deep processes that shape our planet: from tectonics to surface-biosphere interactions, through an integrated geophysical, geological, and geochemical lens. ...

Congressi SGI-SIMP

Secure your spot at the Joint SIMP-SGI Congress and take advantage of the Early Bird rate starting today!

Congressi SGI-SIMP

This theme focuses on the formation and evolution of Earth's core, mantle and crust. Sessions focus also on geodynamic of other celestial bodies. ...

Organized by


Presidents of the Congress:

Davide Novella (SIMP), Giulio Di Toro (SGI)

Scientific Committee:

Stefano Poli

Elisabetta Rampone (Unige), Cecilia Viti (Unisi)
Anna Maria Marotta (Unimi), Cristiano Collettini (Uniroma1)
Eduardo Garzanti (Unimib), Luca Menegon (Oslo)
Annalisa Ferretti (Unimore), Mariano Parente (Unina)
Francesca Salvi (Eni), Andrea Brogi (Uniba), Diego Gatta (Unimi)
Marta Pappalardo (Unipi), Massimo Pomèpilio (INGV)
Francesca Bianco (INGV), Fausto Guzzetti (CNR)
Germana Barone (Unict), Gilberto Artioli (Unipd)

Organizing Committee:

SIMP: Donato Belmonte, Bernardo Carmina, Patrizia Fumagalli, Nadia Malaspina, Lorenza Fascio, Virginia Marchionni
: Fabio Massimo Petti, Alessandro Zuccari, Giulia Innamorati, Eugenio Carminati

Dip. Geoscienze, UNIPD:

SIMP: Matteo Ardit, Omar Bartoli, Chiara Dalconi, Lara Maritan, Fabrizio Nestola, Luca Valentini, Gabriella Salviulo;
SGI: Claudia Agnini, Paolo Fabbri, Massimiliano Ghinassi, Nereo Preto, Manuel Rigo, Lisa Santello, Telemaco Tesei